
Showing posts from August, 2015

terminal - how to enable the numeric keypad in xshell? -

The numeric keypad is not working in the X-Shell terminal application. Numeric keypad. In Google, I got to change the mode instead of Xterm. But some functionality was missing in the NC. Set the following settings in the x shell Go to terminal - & gt; VT mode - & gt; Initial NUMERIC KEYPAD MODE Select more options - & gt; Normally set Now your numeric keypad will work normally.

ipad - Lua not fitting the hash causes compiling errors? -

I am using a lua developer environment called Luah. I have this hash work and compile: imgs = {readImage (spriteexample1, pos.x, pos.y), readImage (spriteexample2, pos.x, pos.y), readImage (spriteexample3, pos.x, pos.y), readImage (Spriteexample4, pos.x, pos.y), readImage (spriteexample5, pos.x, pos.y), readImage (spriteexample6, pos.x, pos.y)} ( This is cut on the second line after spriteexample4 on my screen.) The problem is, when I go to the third line to add two more sprites as the value, then tell me Does that bother me on the first line that would help me stop? If I copy the code to you and run it (a fake readImage ( ) After defining) function and pos = {x = 0, y = 0} ), there is no problem, so there should be a strange character such as a UTF-8 The character that looks normal in your editor but try to open tools like Notepad ++ with the interpreter 'do not like the View tool. Simpo | Show all characters

Behavior of an array after sorting in Java -

I have to get some ideas on the behavior of the following programs: package head; Import java.util.Arrays; Public class stringgram {public static zero major (string agre []) {string a = "abba"; Four [] aArr = a.toCharArray (); Arrays.sort (aArr); // 1 Arrays.sort (a.toCharArray ()); // 2 System.out.println (aArr); // System.out.println (a.toCharArray ()); // unororted}} According to me there is a character array type referenced by aArr , but when it comes to statement 2, the character array is getting sorted But in some way the sorted array is not referred to by any variable, so the behavior is lost. Nobody can help me. Yes you are right. toCharArray () Each call actually creates a new array instance with characters in the string. In the case of > AARA , you actually refer to the new array instance, you use aArr to sort its array examples Specified by variable aAr that gets resolved. But when you pass a.toCharArray () to the Array.sort () me...

android - how to manipulate data in list view that is populated by custom cursor adapter -

I have drawn a list view using a custom cursor adapter, a checkbox And the button below. checkbox 1 button 1 checkbox2 button2. . . Now I want to navigate to any other activity when click on the button in the list view, now my problem is here when I click on button1 I want to see also the data in the checkbox 1 and similarly for other rows. Now how am I confused in the way to maintain a sync between the checkboxes and buttons and get click functionality, anyone can please tell me a path . Thank you Shiva You can do the following on button 's onClickListener if the button and checkbox share the same original boldButton.setOnClickListener (new OnClickListener) {@Override Public Zero Click on (View View) {View parent view = (see) view.getParent (); Checkbox = checkbox = (checkbox) parentView.findViewById (; }}); This will give you the checkbox related to the clicked button .

sql server 2008 - Update specific records based on some group -

I am using SQL Server 2008 R2 I Near Database Table contains some user data: id UserId Sys Dia ReadType DataId IsDeleted 1 10 98 65 Final 1390556024216 0 2 10 99 69 Average 1390556024216 0 3 10 102 96 Final 1390562788540 0 4 10 102 96 Average 1390562788540 0 5 11 130 98 Final 1390631241547 0 6 11 130 98 Average 1390631241547 0 7 2 285 199 First 1390770562374 0 8 2 250 180 Last 1390770562374 9 2 267 189 Average 1390770562374 0 10 1 258 180 First 13 9 1191009457 0 11 1 258 180 Final 1391191009457 0 12 1 258 180 Avg 1391191009457 13 137 285 199 Extras 1391191009457 0 14 22 110 78 Final 1391549 208338 15 15 22 123 83 Previous 1391549208349 0 In this table, there are records that are similar to same data ID , but separate readings type . I want to set IsDeleted = 1 for the record containing ReadingType = 'last' and ReadingType = 'average' With the same data id, sis, die and user id . Then the desired result may be shaken: ID UserId read the Sys D...

r - How to filter an table by a value in row -

I am doing a script in r which is the csv file then To load my data I have to make these functions user data & lt; - read.csv ("info.csv", colClasses = "character") and my data looks like this abcd ... 1 "A" 3 4 ... 5 "b" 7 8 ... 9 "c" 7 4 ... 9 "c" 2 5 ... 9 "a" 1 6 ... How can I filter only "C" or "A" or both or any other string? For only one, you can try: Data Lonely and lieutenant; - Using the data [data $ B == "A",] or subset () command: Data For the A or C, you can use the % in% operator, and the Lieutenant-Subset (Data, B == "A") Are:> lt; - Data [data is $ B% C ("A", "C"),] , or data.AC

How to modify a group to be non system group in Linux -

I have added a group as a system group. Using an order groupadd -r I have also added this group to users. Now I want to convert the Theeus group into a non-system group..the general group says. How can this be achieved? One easy way to remove group id and reconstruct it with non-system permissions, but its With the same GID group code as suroot , use the following command: id = `cat / etc / group | GRP Surat | Sed -r 's /: / \ / g' | | EDIT: This is considered a RedHat-like Linux distribution.

ios - Converting imageNamed to imageWithContentsOfFile: -

My code for my images is - (IBAction) start: (id) Sender (Animation. Animation Images [[NSARRARA with Objects: [UIImage Image Named: @ "Paddle 1.PGG"], [UIImage Image Named: @ "Paddle 2.PNG"], [UIImage Image Named: @ "Pedal 3 PGN "], [UIMAge ImageNamed: @" Paddle 4.PNG "], Blue]; [Animation Set Animation Recurrence Number: 0]; Animation Animation = 2.5; [Animation F Lu];} This is caching a lot of memory and I was asked to swap my code in the previous question [UIImage ImageWithContentsOfFile: GetImgWithoutCaching (@ "Paddle 1.jpg")] and UIImage * GetImgWithoutCaching (NSString * imgName) {NSString * imagePath = [[ NSBundle main bundle] pathForResource: imgName ofType: zero]; return [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile: imagePath];} What is the correct way to write code? Do I keep that code in my .m Am I First you should check to use retinal images: BOOL is the higher revolution = no; If ([[USScreen main screen]...

pug - what is this symbol != in node.js jade file? -

Do I know what code means in .jade file? Especially the signature "! ="? body section. Contaner! = Body thanks Templates in template ! = means that the content displayed will be displayed example: > P = 'This code' + '& lt; Saved & gt; returns & lt; P & gt; This code & amp; the lift; & Amp; Gt;! & Lt; / P & gt; And this example: p! = 'This code & lt; Strong & gt; No & lt; / Strong> escaped!' returns & lt; P & gt; This code & lt; Strong & gt; No & lt; / Strong> Survived and lt; / P & gt; You can see that only = was used in the first example, while the second example ! = . was used. I hope this will help.

ios - How to insert images in uicollectionview programmatically? -

I'm very new to Objective-C, so hopefully it all makes sense. It's working fine is. Now I want to add some pictures to the cell which can be expanded with mouse click. I was searching for many tutorials, but I'm using all Nib files or storyboard files. How can I complete this work program? Any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you in advanced. reads the initial tutorials and links below and Apple Doc Change your Blackphone color like this approach - See the (UICollectionViewCell *) collection: (UICollectionView *) collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath :( NSIndexPath *) IndexPath {UICollectionViewCell * Cell = [see archive dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier: @ "cell identifier" forInexPath: indexPath]; UIImageView * recipeImageView = (UIImageView *) [cell view details: 100]; RecipeImageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed: [recipe allowed autandex:]]; Cell.backgroundView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage: [UIImage imageNam...

android - How to Show Notification before read data from server? -

I am developing an application in which I have to send data and get data from the server. There is no problem communicating with the server for me. Here's a requirement, that is, I want to show a notification in my app before receiving data from the server. I've discovered many examples that use the Android Cloud to Device Messaging Concepts. I am unable to understand it, it is so difficult for me. Send an easy way to get notifications. Simple code usage: notification n = new notification. Builder (this) .setContentTitle ("New mail from") .setContentText ("subject"). SetSmallIcon (R.drawable.icon) .setContentIntent (pIntent) .setAutoCancel (true) .addAction (R. Drawable.icon, "call", pIntent) .addAction (R.drawable.icon, "more", pIntent) .addAction (R.drawable.icon, "and more", pIntent) .build (); can be found with a complete example. You need to separate those 2 topics, adding / modifying / remov...

How to iterate through dictionary in our preferred keys order in python 2.7? -

dct = {'first': 'pune', 'second': 'दिल्ली', 'तीसरा': 'चेन्नई', 'चौथा': 'बैंगलोर'} मैं इस शब्दकोश को फिर से शुरू करना चाहता हूं, लेकिन मेरे कुंजी के क्रम में, मुझे इसके बारे में एक विचार है लेकिन मुझे नहीं पता यह कैसे लागू किया जाए। मेरा विचार: my_key_order = ['दूसरा', 'तीसरा', 'प्रथम', 'आगे'] एक सूची में कुंजी के क्रम को निर्दिष्ट करें और शब्दकोश के माध्यम से पुनरावृत्त करने के लिए यह my_key_order सूची का उपयोग करें। यह कैसे कार्यान्वित करें, पता नहीं। क्या आपने कोशिश की? my_key_order में k के लिए: प्रिंट dct [k] केवल my_key_order [: 2]: प्रिंट dct [k] केवल दो दो कुंजी: div>

android - Res cannot be resolved with an ImageView -

I have a ImageView in my Android app I ImageView as a button of'm using when I pressed the button, then you should change the image in my code, it says Rhys can not be solved . My code is below: loginbtn.setOnClickListener (btnOnClickListener); Here, according to // convert images loginbtn.setOnTouchListener touch (New OnTouchListener () {@Override public boolean onTouch (see v, MotionEvent ARG1) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub // switch (arg1.getAction ()) {case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: break {v.setImageBitmap (res.getDrawable (R.drawable.compare_now_click)); // Race break;} case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: {v.setImageBitmap (. res.getDrawable (R.drawable));; }} Return true, return;}}); On the line: v.setImageBitmap (res.getDrawable (R.drawable.compare_now_click)); I'm getting the error res can not be resolved . Why this may be happening use instead :? ((imageView) v) .setImageResource (R.drawable.compare_now_click); Otherwise, you must firs...

android - Sending request oncreate vs onresume -

When I send a request to my onCreate () method, I get There is a NetworkManthreadException exception , but when I send a request to the onResume () method, it works well. What is the difference? Is there any independent thread for the onResume method or what? check link that contains the OnCreate () method & amp; Do not attempt to call or request to send OnResume () method always from the main thread to the network to the main thread or UI thread Do Always check the background service by checking the Async Task Check link for it also to help it.

excel - Is it Possible to Color a Column/Row of Cells based on another Column/Row of Cells? -

There are two columns; The first four colored cells are, while the other numbers are there is any way to color the second column so that it corresponds to the colors of the first column in the same order. Example A1 = Green, A2 = Red, A3 = Gray, A4 = Black (Color). B1 = 4, B2 = 3, B3 = 2, B4 = 1 (Blank). = A1 = Green, A2 = red, A3 = Gray, A4 = black (color) = B1 = 4 (green), B2 = 3 (red), B3 = 2 (gray), b4 = 1 (black) (color). Managing the column manually will not work here because I want to be able to match the cell next to a cell in the second column with the color that changes its color. For example, if a cell in column A changes from "black" to "red", then i want to change the same cell from column "black" to "red" in column B. Example A1 = Green, A2 = Red, A3 = Gray, A4 = Red (Color) B1 = 4 (green), b2 = 3 (red), b3 = 2 (gray), b4 = 1 (black) (color) A4 is now "red", while B4 is still "black". I want it so m...

html - Loading a link directly to div location -

I see a way to jump directly into one of the divs that once clicked. I would not want to load it by loading it in the div and clicking anything else Thanks in advance, Do you focus on this You can try the DIV, it may or may not work: Give the device a specific ID (in your case number)

mysql - Is it possible to have a textbox item equal another value -

Can not find anything on the internet I have an automated input textbox that will display the job selected in my combobox. . So if the customer ID selected from the combobox was 1st, it would demonstrate what the customer's job was. Then the text box can either appear: book keeping or accounting The cost of the book kept for each of these examples is £ 100 per hour. Then on your form you use the numerical above to select the hour to take this job to the person if 2 is chosen, then I have another text box which is worth 100 pounds = 2 £ 200 Is it possible to do this, I do not know. This is my code from some research, but I can not work it if txtservice1.Text = "Book" then txtservicepayment.Text = 100 * NumericUpDown1 Value End if You need to calculate the total value and by adding the calculation value Use the method  £ . This code should work and should have handler inside it, like something: Private Sub NumericUpDown1_ValueChanged (Sender as the...

mysql - Query to get all records until the sum of column less than or equal a value -

I want to get all records in a table, unless the sum of a particular column is less than or equal to 'N'. Ho . For example: Table: Data Price of slno items 1 item 1 1000 2 items 2 2000 3 items 3 3000 4 items 4 4000 5 items 5 5000 6 items 6 6000 I want to get all the records from the table above until the amount (value) is less than or equal to 10000 So, with the table above My result will be the first 4 records. you can Select, item, price (select, item, value, @t: = @t + value increase from total table 1 (selection @t: = 0) I below the order) q Where the total & lt; = 10000 or select slno, item, price from (select slno, item, price, ( SELECT SUM price) Table 1 from which slno & lt; = t.slno) total from table 1) q where total & lt; Slno by order = 10000 is demo

sql - How to make a update query in Oracle using "With" statement shorter? -

I am creating an update query. But it is very messy due to repeated use of "confession" statement. Do you consider any to reduce it? The sample query is below. Update Table 1 SET C1 = (select from W_VIEW (select from tab 1) Select C_VALUE to W_VIEW where 2 ROWNUM = 1) where in C2 (with W_VIEW as ( Select from * Tab 1) Select C2_VALUES from W_VIEW where STH & lt; 10); I just want to use W_VIEW once. For example, with as W_VIEW (select from * tab3) update tab 1 SET C1 = (select C_VALUE to W_VIEW where 2 ROWNUM = 1) Where C 2 IN (SELECT C2_VALUES WHERE STH I would be happy if this question is working :) Perhaps this one: with update as w_view (select from Table 1) (select * From the table 1 where in C2 (choose from c2_values ​​w_view where sth> 10)) SET c1 = (SELECT c_value w_view where rownum = 1)

javascript - Format number, don't show zeros in the decimal part -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मेरे पास एक दशमलव संख्या है निम्न के रूप में प्रदर्शित किया गया है: & lt; नेस्टेड: टेक्स्ट प्रॉपर्टी = "product.price" maxlength = "5" onclick = "javascript: मान्य करेंइस मूल्य (यह);" / & gt; संख्या | के रूप में प्रदर्शित _________ | _______________ 44 | 44.00 मैं जावास्क्रिप्ट डिस्प्ले का उपयोग करना चाहता हूँ केवल 44 और नहीं 44.00 मैं कैसे कर सकता / सकती हूं? हो सकता है कि आपके पास गोलाई समस्या हो। कोड और वास्तविक मूल्यों के बिना बताना असंभव है। आप इस समाधान को कोशिश कर सकते हैं जो बेशक बदसूरत है: // v मान है / / w एक छद्म है -एंड-डास्ट को एक इंट (जावास्क्रिप्ट में कोई इनट नहीं है) w = parseInt ("" + v, 10);

android - How to get a fullscreen Rectangle with Qt5.2 using qml? -

I am new to coding and Android apps with Qt5.2 while using qm5, Full screen app back ground rectangle with a full Android device: rectangle {id: fullscreenbackground height :? Width:? ......} It seems that the height or width should be clarified and can not be used to define the percentage. Change the size of the top-level item to see, use: view.setResizeMode (QQuickView:: SizeRootObjectToView); This overrides any width / height on top-level QML items anchor for non-top-level items. Fill: Parents On Android, setting size modification will be enough, on other platforms, you may have to clearly show the scene: view.showFullscreen ();

sshfs - How to prevent ._ (dot underscore) files? -

I am using TextMet2 to edit a rail project on remote Linux server. When I created another file (for example README.rdoc ) another file (i.e. ._ README.rdoc ): -r-RW-R-- 1 4096 Feb 17 17:19 ._README.rdoc -rw-rw-r-- 1 486 17 February 17:19 README.rdoc The systematic doctor mentioned: defaults com.macromates.textmate writes okada to use the featSamataData 1 but ._ files are still created after the above . Is there a way to disable creating ._ files while using sshfs + textmate 2? , use: enter default. Macromates.TextMate.preview volumeSettings' {"/ users / ohho / mount /" = {extended property = 0; }; } ' Where / user / oh / mount / all my sshfs is the original folder of the mounted folders. mvc - Error LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String ToString()' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: मैं MVC4 के साथ काम कर रहा हूँ, Entityframewor और Jqgrid, जब डेटाबेस से डेटा ला रहा है, मैं इस त्रुटि के साथ stucked। आप में से कई ने कहा कि आईडी क्षेत्र को anothe var करने के लिए आबाद, लेकिन ia नहीं है, जहां यह लिखने के लिए ठीक है, और डेटाबेस में मेरा आईडी फ़ील्ड पूर्णांक है तो कृपया मेरी मदद करो U.Id एक आईडी फ़ील्ड है जिसे मैं ईएफ से एक्सेस कर रहा हूं, यह यह त्रुटि दिखा रहा है वैकल्पिक तरीका क्या है, और नया कोड कहां लगाया गया है मेरा नियंत्रक जैसा दिखता है सार्वजनिक JsonResult GetUserDetails (स्ट्रिंग sidx = "Id", स्ट्रिंग सॉर्ड = "एस्क", इंट पेज = 1, इंट पंक्तियाँ = 5) {int pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32 ( पृष्ठ 1; Int पृष्ठसिझ = पंक्तियां; Int totalRecords = db.Users.Count (); Int totalPages = (int) Math.Ciling ((फ्लोट) कुल रिक्तियों / (फ्लोट) पेजआकार); Var userdata = db.Users.OrderBy (sidx + "+ sord) .छोड़ना (पेज इंडेक्स * पेजसिज़)। ले जाएं (पेज साइज़); Var jsonData = new {कुल = कुल पृष्ठों, पृष्ठ, रिकॉर्ड = कुल...

Google Glass - set of live cards on click of another live card -

I want to display a set of live cards on the click of another live card. Or maybe make a bundle of live cards Is it possible? I have read somewhere that cardseeviewview can not be used for live cards. A "live card" is only a card located on the left side of the glass clock's screen, which Can be displayed using an existing layout (using RemoteViews ) or with high-frequency direct rendering Therefore, it does not have to mean talking about live cards in other contexts outside that part of the timeline, such as answering a tap or inside the bundle. What you want to do is start an immersion (activity) when you tap your top-level live card. This immersion can host a CardScrollView which displays the cards you want in your bundle, these are not live cards, but they can be in the form of visuals / layouts that have any of your content Because you make them into your activity directly.

c# - How to define your own Windows 8 App Theme? -

I'm doing some basic research for a school assignment, how I followed the Windows 8 Store app development work. The main apps you can use for the app, light and dark (and if I'm right then one-third is high contrast or something else), they are defined by MS. My question is, how can I make my own topic? I would like an original app theme with two main colors defined by me, I think it would be possible, but I could not find any way to do this. Here the stack is seen overflow, but nothing is found useful (most files are mentioned and such simple Hello does not exist in the World app). In short: it is possible for you to make theme for Windows 8 app (mainly selecting foreground and background color), can be compared to standard and dark and light subjects? It's best to use resource dictionary to keep information on your custom styles. (This is a WPF example, I assume that this is similar to this app, if not, then let me know). In your App.xaml , add a merge...

excel vba - Find and replace multiple character in a string VBA -

I have a large amount of data that I want to replace with the help of macro. I am currently using the code below , But the problem is that it will only change the value which is the code below D. Change sub () what = "D" replc = "" Sheets ("Sheet1"). What to choose: = word, replacement: = thumb, lookout: = XlPart, _ search order: = XLBIRO, matchseed: = True, search format: = falls, _ replace parameter: = false and subsystem My sample data is below as you can see that some values ​​include alphabetical characters, symbols or at the end as a combination of character or cell value, which I want to replace or remove, and some values ​​are of other values. Will be installed I am creating macros to find all the necessary possibilities and change it. 0065D 2089 2797 3270 3315 0066D 20 9 57 27 99 3300 3334 0067D 2105 2802 3582 AX A A 2089 2812 3307 3383 2095 2111 1164D 3315 3385 2105 2112 1165D 3334 3400 2110 2114 2841 3336f 3507 0771...

java - QueryDsl - subquery in collection expression -

I am using spring-data-jpa and querydsl (3.2.3) - predictions based on user filler / input Construction of M. All of these come on BooleanExpression . My simplified model resembles the following: @interity public class invoices {@ManyToOne Personal Supplier Supplier; } @Entity Public Class Supplier {Private String Number; } @Entity Public Class Company {Private string number; Private Boolean Active} Now, the question I am struggling with is the question: Choose from the invoice, where the invoice Superplayer. In the number (SELECT company from the number where active = true) then basically I need the format in the archive expression , which is for all companies Will get the number and set it to () expression. Applies my spring-data treasure CustomQueryDslJpaRepository which in turn extends JpaRepository and QueryDslPredicateExecutor . It's straightforward, but I'm quite new to querydsl and have not found the solution yet. Here is a type of answer...

javascript - Set html text field value from java interface android -

I'm working on a project where I have to set values ​​in HTML form fields of your Java method. When the form loads in this app, I have to fill in the text field value on the user's speech. So how can I do this via the Javascript interface in Android? Thank you The main Gtividhikjawa WebView.loadUrl ("Your URL"); WebViewksetWebViewClient (new WebViewClient () {@Override public void onPageFinished (webview scene, String url) {webView.loadUrl ( "javascript: setTextField (" + value + ")"}} @ Override public boolean Chahiaovrraiduarelloding (Vebviv view, string URL) {view.loadUrl (url); right back;}}); HtmlFile.html & lt ; script & gt; function setTextField (value) value = value {document.getElementById ( "texta").;} & Lt; / script & gt;

java - remote debug without source code -

I'm connecting to remote jvm and debugging it. Some classes are generated in runtime and eclipse can not move through such classes. How do I debug such classes without source code? I want to take steps through at least such classes through byte codes. Thank you I would suggest, BTrace has been using a dynamic Java program dynamically Can be used to trace (similar to OpenSolaris applications and DTS for OS) Injects the target application's cells dynamically to inject the tracing code ("bytecode tracing"). In a world, write a betas script, specify the target method with annotation, then you can locate the data and behavior

c# - How to convert a pdf to a memory stream -

I am writing an application in MVC4. I have a physical PDF file on the server, I want to convert it to a memory stream and send it back to the user like this: Return file ( Stream, "app / pdf", "ipdf pdf"); But how do I convert a PDF file to the storage stream? Thank you! You do not need memorystream . The easiest way to overload the file name is to: return file (@ "c: \ mimefile pdf", "application / pdf"); Another solution is to use overload which accepts byte [] : returns file (System.IO .File.ReadAllBytes (@ "C: \ MyFile PDF"), "Application / PDF"); or if you want to use FileStream : Return file (new filestream (@ "C: \ MyFile PDF ", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)," Application / PDF "); mvc - Dropdown placeholder working in FF not in Chrome -

I am creating dropdown in MVC @ Html.dropdownlistFor (model = & gt; ; Model Model Name, New {Placeholder = "Please select one"}) Placeholder Works fine in Firefox. But Chrome did not work in . How to solve this? remove placeholder and thus use drop down, @ html.DropDownListFor (m = & gt; m.modelname, (list & lt; SelectListItem & gt;) ViewBag.modelname, "Please select one", new {@class = "select"} )

Codeigniter update function doesn't work corectly -

I have a problem with the update function. This code is updating all the rows in the database and I want to update only the line with the login username. "Password" is one I have logged in and I have to replace it with password 3. The problem is that the password replaces all the rows (the password) in my database. function edit_member () {$ new_member_update_data = array ('password' = & gt; md5 ($ this-> input- & gt; post ('password3')); $ This- & gt; Db- & gt; Where ('password', $ this-> input- & gt; post ('password')); $ Update = $ this- & gt; Db- & gt; Update ('subscription', $ new_member_update_data); Return $ update; Assume that you have logged in So you get the userId from Sessions ..? Then use it as the function edit_member () {$ new_member_update_data = array ('password' = & gt; MD5 ($ this-> Input-> Post (' Password3 '))); $ This- & gt; Db- ...

coldfusion - Railo websites can't connect during MySQL backup -

I have a weekly backup that runs for one of my websites (CCM) for a MySQL database. This backup is approximately 1.2 GB and takes approximately 30 minutes to run. When this database runs back up, all my other railway websites can not connect to "Down" for the time of backup. One of the errors I managed to achieve was: "[show] railo.runtime.exp.RequestTimeoutException: Request (: 119) in timeout Runs (1200 seconds) and closed. Open locks at this time (c: /railo/webapps/root/ccms/parsed/photo.view.cfm, c: / railo / webapps / root / ccms / parsed /profile.view.cfm, c: /railo/webapps/root/ccms/parsed/album.view.cfm, c: /railo/webapps/root/ccms/parsed/public.dologin.cfm). " I believe that the required tables for those pages ("CCMS" website) are being locked due to backup, But, that is the reason why the time is due to other railway websites? For example, the error I pasted above was actually taken from a different website, not the "CCMS...

Generate and insert date into MySQL database using php -

I used the following code to insert the date my_table in my_table of MySQL database. It worked fine in WAMP and MAMP. But it does not work in my host. What will be the reason please help ... $ dt = new date time (); $ D = date_add ($ dt, date_interval_create_from_date_string ("- 1 day")); $ Date = $ d-> Format ('Y-M-D'); $ Import = "my_table (date) values ​​('$ date') ''; mysql_query ($ import) or INSERT (mysql_error ()) to die; Your host may not support the date time () function ... Try date () and Stratom () functions: $ today = time (); $ yesterday = date () 'YMDHH: i: S', stratetime ('- 1 day', today $));

google apps script - Format Table in Email GAS -

The following code sends an email, along with the selected row data, I need help formatting the output table. function sendemail () {var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet (); Var Letter = ss.getSheetByName ("Visitor Log"); Var user = session .getActiveUser (); Var activecell = sheet.getActiveCell (). GetRow (); Var startdate = Utilities formatted ((Sheet.Tetase (ActiveCell, 2) .getValue ()), 'IST', 'DD / MMM / Yay'); Var Endadet = Utilities Formated ((Sheet.GetRenz (ActiveCell, 3) .getValue ()), 'IST', 'DD / MMM / YYA'); Var Visitors name = sheet.getRange (active cell, 4) .getValue (); Var designation = sheet.getRange (active cell, 5) .getValue (); Var body = "body" + = " tr style = 'padding: 5px' & gt;" + Start + "& lt; / tr & gt; & lt; tr style = 'padding: 5px' & gt;" + Ended + "& lt; / tr & gt; & lt; tr style = 'padding: 5px' & gt;...

accessibility - Nested Aria hidden -

क्या aria-hidden = "true" और aria के साथ घोंसले तत्वों को संभव है - hidden = "false" ? उदाहरण के लिए: & lt; div aria-hidden = "true" & gt; कुछ छिपी हुई सामग्री & lt; div aria-hidden = "false" & gt; कुछ दृश्य सामग्री & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; यह मेरे लिए काम नहीं कर रहा है मैंने इसे एनवीडीए और इसकी कार्यक्षमता के साथ पृष्ठ पर लिंक की पूरी सूची प्रदर्शित करने के लिए परीक्षण किया। अगर मैं शरीर पर एरिया को छिपे हुए सत्य सेट करता हूं तो मैं किसी भी लिंक प्राप्त करने के लिए तब भी प्रबंधित नहीं कर पाता जब मैंने कुछ बाल तत्वों पर झूठी छिपी एरिया सेट करना शुरू कर दिया। वर्तमान में ऐसा लगता है कि मैं बाल तत्व में अरिया छुपा राज्य को अधिलेखित नहीं कर सकता। मुझे पता है यह एक बहुत ही असामान्य दृष्टिकोण हो सकता है, लेकिन समस्या खुद भी असामान्य है। एक विशाल प्रकाश बॉक्स जिसमें पूरी साइट ही है (कोई साधारण मोडल संवाद छोटा नहीं है)। नहीं , यह संभव नहीं है। आप तत्व और उसके बच्चों को छुपाते हैं। एक उद...

c++ - Access values from CArray pointer -

I have a class in which there is a carreous object, I have to get the value of the second class from this serre, but so far Failure to do so. class CTempGridClass: Public CTableCtrl {Public: Sera , sera & lt; Float, float & gt; & Amp; & Gt; * M_row2; }; Category Sissor Passagers page: Public CDialog {DECLARE_DYNCREATE (CCRPG Pages) Public: enum {IDD = IDD_CORE_PASSAGE_AREA}; Career & lt; Carre & Lieutenant; Float, float & gt; carreter & lt; Float, float & gt; & Amp; & Gt; M_row; CTempGridClass grid; }; Bowl Seasier Paceyse Page: OnsetActive () {Grid.m_row2 = & amp; M_row; } How can I access the m_row2 values? I tried float x = m_row2 [0] [1]; But it gives an "initial": can not be converted to 'float' error from 'carat' error I can work on m_row without any errors. I know that I can avoid using a vector instead, but 'CCRAPSERAS page' is created by someone else and I do not want to change ...

Facebook login Plugin Integrated cakePHP -

I have created a registration page with the Facebook login facility in the cake, but after successfully login I will redirect the other page Want to do this page so how can I do this? Facebook Plugin: Webtechnic / KPPHP-Facebook-Plugin A Glitch Successfully logged After doing these, you can use the following method to redirect any of the custom pages: This document is already available in the plugin. afterfacebooklogin () / Logic after successful Facebook login. $ This- & gt; Redirect ('/ custom_facebook_redirect'); }

video - ffmpeg streaming incompatible with output codec id and incorect codec parameters -

Trying to stream with ffmpeg in a local RTMP server, my command is in this way ffmpeg -re -i -c Copy-F flv "rtmp: // live = 1" But this gives me some errors [flv @ 00000000003ac0c0] Tag [3] [0] [0] [0] / 0x00000003 Incompatible Output Codec ID '86016' ([0] [0] [0] [0]) and Can not write header for output file # 0 (wrong codec parameters?): Input Process at Ng had time available D data What I codec'm missing? ffmpeg build: ffmpeg-20140214 x64 window only a handful of FLV / RTMP Supports full codecs If your source does not support these formats, then you have to transcode it. Video: H.263 Screen Video Odi 2 VP6 AVC (H.264) Audio: PCM ADPCM MP3 Speaks

java - My Receiver for SCREEN_OFF doesn't get registered with a Service -

I am working on an app for a custom lockscreen and I think a very annoying speed is hit . The thing is, I have a receiver that checks whether the screen is off and launches any activity works with IntentFilter (Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF) and it can not be registered in the manifest. I need to keep this alive, even if the app is closed, and I researched and found that it can be done through my service setup and start through StartService (); This service is working in one of my main activities because I can see it running in Android emulator in Android settings, but the receiver has not been registered. This is my service (this is a separate class and not an internal class) and it has been started in the manifest: The public class extends the LockService service {Private Broadcast Receiver LockReceiver; Public IntentFilter Filter; @ Override Public Empty on Create () {Super. Connet (); Filter = new intent filter (intestine_aCANFF); Lockeresver = new lockboardist (); Register rec...

java - String matching operation -

I have two strings (they can be anything) like I'm a boy and I'm a man where I'm one is normal My job is to find common words with two stars. I set to store the data & lt; String & gt; , but it only stores unique values, so my question is, how can I get general words from two strings? The above two sentences, for example, should produce the result {"I", "am", "a"} , that is, the set of general words for both sentences. set a & lt; String & gt; Better use that stores the frequency number for each word.

ios - Loading another viewController programatically -

I have asked a question about this issue here, I have tried that with What was suggested: // Add the view to the current view UIViewController * sv = [[Promotionview Alok] init]; [Self.view addSubview: sv.view]; [Add Child Child Control Controller: SV]; [Sv didMoveToParentViewController: Self]; Where the next scene is another view controller class which is related to a view in the storyboard. What really happens is that View of the next view: deadload method controller is executed, but the current view is to be visible, and I do not see the next scene on the screen gives. Why is that so? To present the viewer you have edited the view controller to check the screen below Instead of presenting that view controller: Import the Promotion View Class: Promotional View * SV = [[Promotionview Alok] initWithNibName: @ "Promotion View" Bundle: zero];

java - How can I get last inserted id using Hibernate -

I want to get last entered value ID in hibernate after searching: long last id = ((long) session .createSQLQuery ("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID ()"). UniqueResult ()). LongValue (); But the following code gives me this error: java.lang.ClassCastException: do not insert java.math.BigInteger on java.lang.Long Solution long last id = ((BigIntega) session. CreateSQLQuery (" SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID () "). Exclusive Result ()). LongValue (); Do not forget to import: Import java.math.BigInteger; The error is very clear it is returning and not long You have to specify it to someone. And get from it.

batch to retrieve files within folders based on time interval taken from folder name -

I'm new to batch scripting. I am working on the following, There are many folders in my name 02_25-06_00 02_25-06_10 02_25-06_20 02_25- 06_30 02_25-06_40 02_25-06_50 02_25-07_00 Where is 2 months, 25 is date, 06 hours and 00 minutes In each of these files, there are two folders named A and B. Each of these folders has 5 text files. I need a batch script which displays the input and all text files in the form of 06: 00 to 06:20 in each of two sub folders, as follows 02_25-06_00-A1.txt 02_25-06_00-A2.txt 02_25-06_00-a 3.txt 02_25-06_00-A. 4.txt 02_25-06_00-A5 .txt 02_25-06_00-B1txt 02_25-06_00-B 2.txt 02_25-06_00-B 3.txt 02_25-06_00-B 4.txt 02_25 -06_00-B 5.txt 02_25-06_10-A1.txt 02_25-06_10-A2.txt 02_25-06_10-A 3.txt 02_25-06_10-A 4.txt 02_25-06_10-A5.txt 02_25-06_10-B1.txt 02_25-06_10-B2.txt 02_25-06_10-B 03.txt 02_25-06_10-B4. Txt 02_25-06_10-B5.txt Please Batch This Help me in the script ... Here is the batch file for creating te...

string - Remove filename from a URL/Path in java -

How do I remove a file name from a URL or string? string OS = System.getProperty ("") toLowerCase () .; String Natal Dier = Game.clas.ptProcessingDemon (). GetCodeSource () GetLocation (). GetFile () ToString (); // string to & lt; Name & gt; Remove If (nativeDir.endsWith (".jar")) nativeDir = nativeDir.substring (0, nativeDir.lastIndexOf ("/")); // Load the correct files for the file: (new file (original file + .file separator + "Lib" + file. Separator + "original")). List files ()) {if (f.isDirectory () & amp; Amp; os.contains (f.getName (). ToLowerCase ()) {System.setProperty ("org.lwjgl.librarypath", f.getAbsolutePath ( )); break; }} That is what I have, and it works. I know that because I use "/", it will only work for windows. I want to make it platform independent. You can remove the base path, file name, extension, etc. with any flavor of the file separator: string url =...

selection - How to fill a combobox with available filenames -

I have direcory with the variable amount of files when a C #-window-form is triggered, I want to read all the filenames and show them in the dropdown-blanket box. Pressing a button should give the selected filename how can I do it? Thanks for the help Resolve: System.IO DirectoryInfo myPath = New system Io Directory Info (MyPathini); System in Foreach (myPath.GetFiles (). IO.FileInfo f) {comboBox1.Items.Add (f.Name); }

c# - Set cookies to WebView Control -

I have cookies which are taken from the HTTP WebRive and I have to set these cookies on another page on the webview control . How do I transfer these cookies into WebIv controls in the Windows 8.1 Store app? I have found and it works well for me. try {uri baseURI = new Uri (textiItxt); Windows.Web.Http.Filters.HttpBaseProtocolFilterFilter = New Windows.Web.Http.Filters.HttpBaseProtocolFilter (); Windows.Web.Http.HttpCookie Cookie = New Windows.Web.Http.HttpCookie ("cookieName", baseUri.Host, "/"); Cookie Value = "cookie value"; Filter.CookieManager.SetCookie (cookie, incorrect); Windows.Web.Http.HttpRequestMessage httpRequestMessage = New Windows.Web.Http.HttpRequestMessage (Windows.Web.Http.HttpMethod.Get, baseUri); WvTest.NavigateWithHttpRequestMessage (httpRequestMessage); } Hold (exception oEx) {// handle exception}

php - How do I search a mysql database for entries that exceed a certain number of characters? -

I am in the process of organizing my website for search engine optimization. My website has a title tag of more than 100 pages that is too long. My page titles are stored in a MySQL database and I was hoping that I could run a search which would only list entries with more than 70 characters. I searched online and found in examples how to get an exact character number, but no one returns entries greater than any number Thank you in advance for your help. select from YourTable * where LENGTH (YourColumn) & gt; 70

recursion - next cannot be resolved to a value or field in java -

I have this question: Write a recursive Java function, which is the number of nodes in a circularly Calculates the linked list. Here is the method / function: public int countNodes (node ​​node) {if (node ​​== null) {return 0; } And {return 1 + count node (node ​​number}} I get an error in line return 1+ counttodes (node. Nxt); that says: Next Java Can not resolve a value or field in What should I do to fix this error? The node class should be like this: public class node {next private node; public node getNext (front); } // setter and other stuff} and you must call node.getNext () back to 1 + countNodes (node ​​.getNext ()) .; Do not forget that Java is an object-oriented language.

dynamic programming - confusion regarding the optimal solution in rod cutting -

I'm talking about the problem of famous rod cutting in CLRS two optimal equations given: 1: r [n] = maximum (p_n, r_1 + r_ {n-1}, ..., r_ {n-1} + r_1); 2: r [n] = maximum (p_i + r_ {n-1}, ..., p_ {n-1} + r_1); I have been confused for some time about why the second equation is correct. Suppose p_k + r_ {nk} is the maximum value, it is possible that a r_k exists: r_k + r_ {nk} & gt; P_k + r_ {nk}? In this case, the second equation above is not correct. Any help? I do not know how to respond properly. I was the same illusion, so I Searched for, finally found here I do not get any answers, so I think we are too dumb or have not understood any solution properly. How ever have I come in the link ... Here is another explanation for me to understand that whatever they say, for any possible solution, it will always be a matter of fact that in the max there are some things which are given in the array. So what we do, include directly in our solution, repetition 1: r...

php - Problems in specifying the correct path in zend 2 -

I am using zend 2 and I have AUTH in module.config.php The following is the module: Array ('invokables' => Array ('AUTH \ Controller') = & gt;'Aath 'Controller Index Controller', 'Oath Controller \ Registration' = & Gt; 'Ather' Controller \ SignController ',' Ather / Controller \ Themes' = & gt; Auth Controller \ Themes Controller, 'ATH' Controller Administrator '= & gt; AthController \ Administrator'), ), 'Router' = & gt; Array ('path' = & gt; array ('home' = & gt; array ('type' = & gt; 'literal', 'option' = & gt array ('path' => '/', 'Defaults' = & gt; Array ('Controller' = & gt;'Aath 'Controller Index', 'Action' =>, 'Index',)),), 'Auth' => '= & Gt; Segment', 'Option' => Array ('path' = & gt; '/ ...

How to extract text within HTML lists using beautifulsoup python -

I am trying to write a dragon program that can extract the text between the list between HTML. I want to remove information such as hardcover of books and number of pages. Does anyone know the command for this operation? & lt; H2 & gt; Product Details & lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; Div class = "content" & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Hardcover: & lt; / P & gt; 156 Page & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Publisher: & lt; / P & gt; Insight version; Har / PST version (June 18, 2013) & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Language: & lt; / P & gt; English & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; P & gt; ISBN-10: & lt; / P & gt; 1608871827 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; P & gt; ISBN-13: & lt; / P & gt; 978-1608871827 & lt; / Li & gt; For other inform...

java - the best option to build one menu, switch-case or if-if-if? -

I want to create a menu that will close the program only when the user chooses to exit option. I want to know your opinion about this option and why. Switch Statement: do {menu (); Switch (Option) {Case 1: Method 1 (); break; Case 2: Method 2 (); break; }} While (option! = 3); Println ("Bye!"); Return; or sequential if details in a recursive method: scanner input = new scanner (; Int option = input.nextInt (); Menu (); Public Zero Menu () {if (option == 1) {method1 (); } If (option == 2) {method2 (); } If (option == 3) {System.out.println ("bye!"); Return; } Menu (); } Your second method will not even compile. You can not declare a function within a method in Java. Besides, you can infinitely detect loops because you do not update the options inside the loop. Your first method is better than for various reasons. It is very easy to read. You should generally avoid using recycling (its slow, uses more memory, usually diffic...

python - PyBBM in Django static content -

I'm trying to work PyBBM 0.15.5 on Django 1.6.3. It sounds easy enough, but I go into a small problem, which I do not know where to look. When PEBBM is trying to load the static content, it does not use the correct URL. Uses: /forum/forum/2/topic/add/pybb/emoticons/shok.png ^ (failed ) ) Obviously generates a URL based on some variables, which are not set correctly, but I do not know where from To see the PEBBM app? General Settings? In my settings for my project, I have a static url setup, as follows: STATIC_URL = '/ static /' The actual stable content is in this directory: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pybb/static/pybb/ Any sign is appreciated and I am sorry for my ignorance because I am a newbie coder. Dennis I was missing from the following reference processor: 'django.core.context_processors.static', , it was correctly picked STATIC_URL in Although I also ran on another issue, where PEBBM had test...

python - List index changes multiple elements -

I did not match my problem, so hopefully it was mentioned somewhere earlier and I I'm also stupid to find it. thelist = [] a = [0] in the category (5): thelist.append (a) print (list) at this point , Program [0], [0], [0], [0], [0]] lists [0] .append (1) Print (list) After adding it I hope that it will return it, but with the first element modified, like: [[0, 1], [0] ], [0], [0], [0]] What really is, is that every element was modified in the same way and I get the following. / P> [[0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1]] I have come to know that if I replace a line 2 with the value of 2, then everything works fine but when I add a variable several times why do not I do this work? When creating a list, this is the saving of the context of the same object in each state (A) when you first Element, then it actually engages in all the "list" slots What you need to do is create a deep copy on the object during construction: thelist = [] a ...

php - Login screen in PhpMyAdmin -

I used the PHP application & amp; I'm going to install XAMPP on the client's Windows machine to run the application. Everything is working as expected but when a local host / phpmyadmin goes on, I need a login screen (my own MySQL database or Biltine MySQL functionality) I do not want client DB Reaches. The second is a good & amp; The easy way to hide / encrypt my PHP file etc. (like XE) is my PHP code etc. thanks for encryption usage disabled phpmyadmin Folder for the login page \ apache \ conf \ extra \ httpd-xampp.conf Anywhere this configuration file has a placemark node at the bottom Even if you think that the default The order is set to deny, Allow to deny all by default This configuration is set to allow for permission from 1982.168.0. Remove this IP category and you are set up. And change it & lt; Placemark "^ / (? I :(?: Xampp | security | license | phpmyadmin | webliser | server-state | server-info])" & gt; reject orde...

Steps to submitting an app into the Google Glass Glasswear Store -

What are the steps for submitting the app to Google Glass Glossware Store? Are there any other suggestions then this checklist? Some tips to discuss with fellow Glass developers at various developer conferences: 1- Keep it simple API will continue to develop and change. The applications in which there are many screens, complex interactions and many things, they are taking forever to get the review process, and even if they are approved, you will have a lot of maintenance. 2- Follow the templates temporarily provided by Google, with limited customization, are on the glass app crawl, the steps do not run or run in the case of user experience and expectations. The default template is going away too because the glass develops for you and will probably slow down the review process. 3- To capture a video of an Android screen cast or another device from your app's running and then to let it know. When you submit your glassware, a link is included for the video so that the...

Android JSONObject to ListView -

I have a problem here, I am totally new on this. What do I try to pass JSONObject to my adapter and make all the rows for that ListView inside my adapter This is my code: private static final string TAG_OS = "Android"; Protected void onPostExecute (JSONObject json) {try {JSONArray jArray = json.getJSONArray (TAG_OS); If (jArray! = Null) {for (int i = 0; i & lt; jArray.length (); i ++) {listdata.add (jArray.get (i) .toString ()); }} Menu_list = (list view) findViewById (; Menu Adapter Adapter = New Menu Adapter (Main Activity. This, New Array List [] {listdata}); Menu_list.setAdapter (adapter); } Hold (JasonX Express E) {e.printStackTrace (); }} My adapter is: Public class menu adapter ArrayAdapter and lt; ArrayList & gt; {Personal Final Reference Reference; Private Final Array List [] Price; Public Menu Adapter (Reference Reference, Arrayist [] Value) {Super (Reference, R.Let.Menu_man, Value); This.context = context; this. Value = value...

node.js - javascript callback closure undefined variable -

I just went something new today. I wanted to use fastenomes in the node and he was establishing the Phantom NPM module. The question is how do you get "document.title". Please take a look at the example code on the site. How did the document get injection in the callback function? Generally it would pass in the callback as a parameter, but in some way the document is available without passing it through callback parameters Can anyone explain how it is done? It is also an explanation why someone will do this and not only passes through the parameters? Various phantom; Phantom = Requirement ('Phantom'); Phantom.create (function (pH) {return ph.create page (function) (return page. Open ("", function (status) {console.log ("Google opened? Return). Return (); Return page. Evaluate ((function () {return document.title;}), function (result) {console.log ('page title' 'result); return ph.exit ();}) ;});});}); Probably...

php - Check if username exists PDO -

How can I examine several compounds instead of checking for each one? So basically I am using the PDO and I have to make sure the username and email are unique. So how will I do this? I have seen if ($ sthandler-> rowCount ()> gt; {// do something here} but there is one There is a better way to do this. Besides this, if someone can not explain how I work with it edit This is my query code which inputs in database & lt ;? Php try {$ handler = new PDO ('mysql: host = local host; dbname = s', 'root', '*'); $ Handler- & gt; Set Attribute (PDO: ATTRRAMOD, PDO :: ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); } Hold (PDOException $ e) {exit ($ e-> GetMessage ()); } $ Name = $ _POST ['name']; $ Username = $ _POST ['Username']; $ Email = $ _POST ['email']; $ Password = $ _POST ['password']; $ Password1 = $ _POST ['passwordconf']; $ Ip = $ _SERVER ['REMOTE_ADDR']; // Verifcation (empty (name name) || empty ($ user na...

java - addContentView within onSensorChanged genertes error -

मेरे पास MyCompassView वर्ग है जो दृश्य को बढ़ाता है और यह एक कंपास, SurfaceHolder गतिविधि सतह धारक पर कैमरे को खोलता है और है कि अंत में, MainActivity कि ऊपर उल्लिखित classes.The तरह से मैं SurfaceHolder पर गतिविधि मुख्य गतिविधि इस प्रकार है: myCameraSurfaceHolder = नई सतह HolderActivity (यह); SetContentView (myCameraSurfaceHolder); और यह खोजा काम किया और कैमरा सतह धारक पर ठीक काम करता है समस्या यह है कि जब मैं मैक कॉमपासदृश्य के दृश्य से मुख्य गतिविधि की सतह को ओवरले करने का प्रयास करता हूं मैं इसका इस्तेमाल करने के लिए: loiViewInflater = (लेआउटइनफ्लाटर) getSystemService (संदर्भ। LAOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); LoiViewInflater = लेआउटइनफ्लाटर। से (getApplicationContext ()); CompassOverLayView = loiViewInflater.inflate (R.layout.activity_viewactivity, नल); addContentView (compassOverLayView, नई LayoutParams (LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT)); लेकिन addContentView (....) क्योंकि संवेदक से प्रत्येक रीडिंग के कारण मैं एज़िमथ मान पर आधारित विभि...

javascript - jQuery Validation - validate email using AJAX call -

I have an invitation form, which should only accept email handled by Gmail. I am trying to plug in asynchronous verification, but it is not certain what should be returned to the server and whether the javascript handler should be used. I do not have a "Gmail address" I want to get the message "no Gmail address" from the backend. My attempt (not very good): Validate $ ('# invite') ({SubmitHandler: function (form, e) {$ .ajax ({type: 'POST', url: $ (form)) .attr ('Action'), data: {email: $ (form) .find ('# email'). Val ()}, Success: Function () {debugger;}, error: function () {warning ('failed');}}); Return Return;}, Invalid Handler: Function (Event, Vedicator) {Debugger;}, Rule: {Email: {Required: True, Email: True, Remote: {url: "/invite.php" Type: "Post", async : True, data: submitted emails}}}}); Thanks! The problem is resolved. Javascript code: $ ('# invited'). Validat...

assembly - In a loop, dest address cannot apart from current address more than -128~+127 bytes, why? -

I am reading Assembly language for the book Intel based Computers Fifth Edition The author said like TITLE, but they did not say it. Is this instruction relative to length? Think about this in the next way, making the loop necessary for you: mov cx, Repeat Labels:; Loop body dc cx; This instruction takes 1 byte jnz label; DC> Long JMP, 5 bytes Use as soon as there were mostly loops (are?) Very little-specific shortcut instructions were introduced to reduce the size (enough for 640kb): loop which only takes 2 bytes and works as a DC + small JMP , the loop is a special "edge" case that I think does not use anymore Done (update: it It can be considered disliked, and it makes sense that the loop forces you to use the CX as a loop variable, so you can not make double loop or use another register. Your question - What to do if your loop body is big: Try optimizing it, such as mov ax, 0 (3 bytes) With xor ax, ax (1 byte) and so on Reactivate your ...

c - Performance of System() -

After the function in C, for the system (), it affects the hardware counters, so how do you order that The example displayed for the example you are trying to view lets the IM use the display API (PAPI) and the program is a precompiled matrix multiplication application. PAPI_start_counters (); System ("./matmul"); PAPI_read_counters (); // Print the values ​​PAPI_stop_counters (); I'm clearly missing a bit, but I'm trying to figure out what it is possible to say, counter receiving a program im running Is through use. With my tests I will get wild numbers like below, they are clearly wrong, just want to find out why total bicycle =========== 140733358872510 instructions complete =========== 4203968 Floating Point Instructions =========== Floating Point Operations =========== 4,196,867 Weight ======= ==== 140733358872804 store ======= ==== 4204037 branches taken =========== 15774436 System () Normally it is a very slow function, on Linux, it is ...