javascript - Set html text field value from java interface android -

I'm working on a project where I have to set values ​​in HTML form fields of your Java method. When the form loads in this app, I have to fill in the text field value on the user's speech. So how can I do this via the Javascript interface in Android? Thank you

The main Gtividhikjawa

  WebView.loadUrl ("Your URL"); WebViewksetWebViewClient (new WebViewClient () {@Override public void onPageFinished (webview scene, String url) {webView.loadUrl ( "javascript: setTextField (" + value + ")"}} @ Override public boolean Chahiaovrraiduarelloding (Vebviv view, string URL) {view.loadUrl (url); right back;}});   


  & lt ; script & gt; function setTextField (value) value = value {document.getElementById ( "texta").;} & Lt; / script & gt;    


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