ios - Loading another viewController programatically -
I have asked a question about this issue here,
I have tried that with What was suggested:
// Add the view to the current view
UIViewController * sv = [[Promotionview Alok] init]; [Self.view addSubview: sv.view]; [Add Child Child Control Controller: SV]; [Sv didMoveToParentViewController: Self]; Where the next scene is another view controller class which is related to a view in the storyboard. What really happens is that View of the next view: deadload method controller is executed, but the current view is to be visible, and I do not see the next scene on the screen gives. Why is that so?
To present the viewer you have edited the view controller to check the screen below Instead of presenting that view controller:
Import the Promotion View Class:
Promotional View * SV = [[Promotionview Alok] initWithNibName: @ "Promotion View" Bundle: zero];
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