c++ - Access values from CArray pointer -

I have a class in which there is a carreous object, I have to get the value of the second class from this serre, but so far Failure to do so.

  class CTempGridClass: Public CTableCtrl {Public: Sera < Carre & lt; Float, float>, sera & lt; Float, float & gt; & Amp; & Gt; * M_row2; }; Category Sissor Passagers page: Public CDialog {DECLARE_DYNCREATE (CCRPG Pages) Public: enum {IDD = IDD_CORE_PASSAGE_AREA}; Career & lt; Carre & Lieutenant; Float, float & gt; carreter & lt; Float, float & gt; & Amp; & Gt; M_row; CTempGridClass grid; }; Bowl Seasier Paceyse Page: OnsetActive () {Grid.m_row2 = & amp; M_row; }   

How can I access the m_row2 values? I tried

  float x = m_row2 [0] [1];   

But it gives an "initial": can not be converted to 'float' error from 'carat' error I can work on m_row without any errors.

I know that I can avoid using a vector instead, but 'CCRAPSERAS page' is created by someone else and I do not want to change it.

M_Ooro is an indicator; Therefore, m_row2 [nRow] will reference the nRow of an array, if it will indicate an array as it (possibly) only an object Indicates, it reaches invalid memory.

You almost certainly do not want to be an indicator; Because you say that the class is "yes", it should be a member with some unnecessary indecision.

If you want an indicator for some reason, you will need to dereference it to use the array:

  float x = (* M_row2) [nRow] [j];    


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