
Showing posts from April, 2014

ruby on rails - Connect to remote database from Heroku with static IP (Since database server will only allow whitelisted IPs) -

I am running Ruby on Rail application on Heroku and my database is somewhere else where it only has some whitelisted IP but Since Heroko does not provide dynamic IP, so I have been thinking about using proximo. Please help connect to remote databases from Priokoc to connect to reconfirmers. IP / P> The problem is that they are hosting Dyno - which means that they are not actually a server server, there are many problems with this because IPs are all chopped; Change: Because the Horoko Dino grid is dynamic in nature, the IP address that will be handed over to a given dion over time will be both dynamic and unpredictable. It can be difficult to integrate outbound traffic with this dynamic outsourcing API or make connections through a firewall, for which an IP based whitelist is required By looking at what you need According to a static IP proximo you may be able to obtain it, you are able to install add-ons and android should be there. Get your outbou...

Working With 2D Arrays in Java -

यह प्रश्न एक सटीक डुप्लिकेट है: 3 जवाब मैं पोस्ट करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं यह सवाल लेकिन अधिक स्पष्टीकरण के साथ नीचे दिए गए मेरा कोड को देखते हुए, मैं प्रत्येक कॉलम और प्रत्येक पंक्ति की कुल संख्या का उत्पादन करना चाहता हूं। पंक्ति योग उस विशेष पंक्ति में अंतिम तत्व के दाहिनी ओर होना चाहिए और कॉलम कुल किसी दिए गए कॉलम में अंतिम तत्व के नीचे होना चाहिए। कृपया अपने कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत में टिप्पणी को समझने के लिए कृपया देखें कि मैं अपनी आउटपुट कैसे चाहता हूं। मैं यह करने के बारे में कैसे जा सकता हूं? इसके अलावा मैं किसी दिए गए उपयोगकर्ता-इनपुट किए गए सरणी के मुख्य विकर्ण को प्रिंट करना चाहता हूं। इसलिए मुख्य विकर्ण नीचे दिए गए कोड में {1,3,5} के रूप में आउटपुट किया जाएगा। धन्यवाद! / * 1 2 3 पंक्ति 0: 6 2 3 4 पंक्ति 1: 9 3 4 5 पंक्ति 2: 12 कॉलम 0: 6 कॉलम 1: 9 कॉलम 2: 12 * / आयात java.util.Scanner; आयात करें java.util.Arrays; सार्वजनिक कक्षा Test2Darray {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {स्कैनर स्कैन = नया स्कैनर (; // स्कैनर ऑब्जेक्ट बनाता है Syste...

How to add an action to a UIButton -

I am searching for this answer online, and leaves every post for that part where really Writing code is an action. I have a simple interactive UIButton and if I can only see a template of a code which is "written code for action", then it would be super helpful !!! (This iPad is for iOS 7) This is as far as I can get ... UIButton * button = [UIButton buttonWithType: UIButtonTypeRoundedRect]; [Button addTarget: auto-action: @sillector (one method :) control events: UIControlEventTeaDown]; [Button Settital: @ State for "Show View": UIC ControllantAnnoral]; Button.frame = CGRectMake (80.0, 210.0, 160.0, 40.0); [See adviewview: button]; I think that I understand how this is a potential action set, but where did I write the actual code for self action? I already responded to it, want to expand it, both responses are correct But I have to tell how all this works. [Button addTarget: Self-action: @ Selector (aMethod :) Control events: UIControllViewTouc...

css - Why padding is not made collapsible? -

उपरोक्त चित्र के रूप में जब हम दो divs के बीच मार्जिन लागू करते हैं तो अधिक से अधिक मार्जिन उदाहरण के लिए रखा जाएगा। यदि पहले डिव में 20px मार्जिन होता है और दूसरा डिविटी 10px मार्जिन होता है तो उसके बीच मार्जिन केवल 20px होगी। अगर मैं P> तो, क्यों पैडिंग मूल्यों को बंधने योग्य नहीं बनाया गया है? मेरे पास निम्न HTML मार्कअप है: & lt; main & gt; & Lt; लेख आईडी = "एक" & gt; & lt; / आलेख & gt; & Lt; लेख आईडी = "दो" & gt; & lt; / आलेख & gt; & Lt; / मुख्य & gt; इसलिए, अब मैं आलेख को पैडिंग मान लागू कर रहा हूं लेकिन इसे जोड़ दिया जाना चाहिए। तो, कैसे तत्व तत्व (पैडिंग) को तत्व के अंदर कहा जाता है? चूंकि paddings तत्वों के अंदर हैं , मुझे नहीं लगता कि यह समझ जाएगा मान लीजिए इंजन इंजनों को गिरने से शुरू करते हैं: आप अपने 2 डिवाइनों के बीच के परिणामस्वरूप 20px कैसे वितरित करेंगे?

SQL Server : round and add percent sign -

I have the following SQL query which is returning the result of 92.967013425802 and I need it 93% are added. I tried to change the goal in the amount but I got an error The function 'round' is not a valid window job, and it can not be used with the cloud. select - cast (round (nerve (5) + '%' CAST (*) * Calculate (*) * 100.0 / zodiac (calculation (*)), 0) 5)) as counting (*) * 100.0 / zodiac (count (*)), 0) as attribution (0) Db_table_MetaData from This should do the trick. In short, you take 08/15 round () after receiving your numeric value. After that you can call it in nvarchar (x) And add a string to your string. But I do not have any way to check syntax right now.

java - Take string and compare to multiple enum types all at once -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: यदि मेरे पास मेरा अलग वर्ग है, तो इसे फ़्लिकटाइप.जावा कहें, और यह इस तरह दिखता है: सार्वजनिक enum filetype {JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, अन्य } और फिर मैं उपयोगकर्ता से एक स्ट्रिंग लेता हूं, इसे इनपुट स्ट्रिंग कहते हैं, मैं सबसे अधिक न्यूनतम के साथ हर एक एन्यूम मान के लिए "इनपुट स्टिंग" कैसे तुलना कर सकता हूं? कोड की मात्रा? संपादित करें: यहां मैंने जो कोशिश की है वह है: System.out.print ("कृपया अपनी तस्वीर का फ़ाइल प्रकार दर्ज करें। यह होना चाहिए: JPG, जीआईएफ, पीएनजी, बीएमपी या अन्य "); TypeInput = kb.nextLine (); बूलियन इनपुटमैट्स = गलत; जबकि (इनपुटमैचें == गलत) {System.out.print ("अमान्य इनपुट। कृपया अपनी तस्वीर का फ़ाइल प्रकार दर्ज करें। यह होना चाहिए: JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, या अन्य"); अगर (typeInput.equalsIgnoreCase (FileType.values ​​())) {inputMatches = true; }} पी एस मैं अच्छी तरह जानता हूं कि मैं एकमात्र वैरिएबल सेट कर सकता हूं, जैसा कि एनाम वैल्यू के समान स्ट्रिंग्स के बराबर होता है। I; म...

php - How to make datadriven menu and submenu with different user login in yii framework? -

बनाएँ तालिका मेनमेन्यू (मेनूइंड इंट (10) नल, मेनमेनैम वर्चार (50) नल, यूआरएल varchar ( 100) शून्य, प्राथमिक कुंजी (मेन्यूड)) इंजन = InnoDB डिफॉल्ट चार्ज = latin1 यह मुख्य मेन्यू तालिका है बनाओ टेबल सबमेनू (सबमेन्यूइड इंट 10) नहीं, न्यूरिड इंट (10) नल नहीं, उपमेनंमेम वर्चार (50) नल, यूआरएल varchar (100) नल, प्राइमरी कुंजी (सबमेनुइड), कुंजी मेन्यूड (मेन्यूआईड), कॉन्ट्रैक्ट सबमेनू_इबैक_1 फ़ॉरेन कुंजी (मेन्यूड) संदर्भ मेन मेन्यू (Menuid)) इंजन = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = latin1 यह सबमेनू सारणी है बनाओ टेबल user_rights (user_id varchar (20) नल, उपमेनूयड इंट (3) नल नहीं, मेन्यूड इंट (3) नल, एक्सेसल व्हार्कर (20) डिफॉल्ट नल, प्राइमरी की (यूज़र_आईडी, सबमेनुइड, मेन्यूड), केम सबमेनुइड (सबमेनुइड), केई मेन्यूड (मेन्यूआईड), कॉन्ट्रैक्ट यूजर_स्ट्रॉइट_आईबीएफटीआई_1 विदेशी कुंजी (यूज़र_आईडी ) संदर्भ उपयोगकर्ता (user_id), CONSTRAINT user_rights_ibfk_2 विदेशी कुंजी (सबमेनू आईडी) संदर्भ सबमेनू (सबमेन्यूड), कॉन्ट्रैक्ट यूजर_रेट्स_आईबीएफएफ़एक्सएडीएस फ़ॉरेन कुंजी (मेन्यूड) संदर्भ मेनमेन्यू (म...

go - sql: scan row(s) with unknown number of columns (select * from ...) -

I have a table with many columns t , and my SQL is like this: Code> Select * to T Now I want to scan only one or two columns with a wide returned row set. However, sql.Scan accepts logic as the dest ... interface {} . Does this mean that I have to scan everything and only need to use columns? I know that I can convert the SQL from select * to my_favorite_rows However, in this case, I want to change the SQL Not the way. Thank you, ElGs You can use rows. Columns, such as package main imports ("database / sql" "fmt" "") type vehicle structure {ID int name string wheels int} // vehicle call one The vehicle gives a reference to the vehicle's vehicle column (column string, VHH * vehicle) interface {} {switch column {case "id": return and vh. ID case "name": Return & amp; Vh.Name Case "Wheels": Back & amp; Vh.Wheels default: panic ("unknown column" + colname)}} func p...

android - This code is when checkbox 1+2 of more of the checkbox is checked -

यदि (q1.ischecked ()) {int count = 0; के लिए (चेकबॉक्स सीबी: सीबीएलआईस्ट) {if (cb.isChecked ()) {count ++; }} यदि (गणना और लेफ्टिनेंट; = 2) {// यह टोस्ट दिखाएगा कि कब 1 या 2 चेकबॉक्स को चेक किया जाएगा टोस्ट। मेक टेक्स्ट (getApplicationContext (), getString (R.string.negative), टोस्ट। LNGTH_SHORT) .show ); } Else {if (count & gt; 2) {} // यह टोस्ट दिखाएगा कि 2 से अधिक चेकबॉक्स कब जाँच किए जाएंगे टोस्ट। मेक टेक्स्ट (getApplicationContext (), getString (R.string.positive), टोस्ट। LNGTH_SHORT) .show ); }} कोड के साथ क्या गलत है..मैं भी मानों को बदलता हूं..सभी सकारात्मक के बजाय 3 चेकबॉक्स में नकारात्मक दिखता है मैं आपको इस प्रश्न के आधार पर दे रहा हूं जो आपके प्रश्न से मुझे समझा जाता है ... हो सकता है कि आप इस प्रकार के समाधान की तलाश कर रहे हों ... यदि (q1.ischecked ()) {int count = 0; के लिए (चेकबॉक्स सीबी: सीबीएलआईस्ट) {if (cb.isChecked ()) {count ++; }} यदि (गणना और लेफ्टिनेंट; = 2) {// यह डायलॉग तब दिखाया जाएगा जब केवल 1 या 2 चेकबॉक्स को नए अलर्टडायलोग.बिल्डर (यह) क...

.net - Non Unique Values from a list of of items in C# -

I have a list list = {1,1,1,2, 3 , 3,3,4,4,5,6,6,6} Now I have to create a list of unique values ​​ In the last list {2,5 } Only How can I do this through LINQ or any other function. In a way, using the grouping method and only those who count 1 have to filter them . var nonUnique = list.GroupBy (l => G = & gt; G. () == 1). Select (g = & gt; g);

apex - application express web service - enable RESTFul Service -

I am working on applicatin Express. I would like to create a web service through the "Enable enabled access" field, but it will not be visible. Under "Set Workspace Preferences", "Enable laughable services" has been set to "Yes" and I started a new app (page is set to "page is public"). Do I have to set up an Apex listener to access that field? You are right that the listeners for APEX sluggish services (now called 'Oracle Rest Data Services') ) Necessary. You need to configure your installation of APEX to enable APEX_LISTENER and APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER users in your DB. These steps have also been described by Anand Beitri.

apache - Could not Start Service -"contact the service vendor, and refer to service-specific error code 1" -

I have created a service and system successfully installed and I can also see it in services.msc. Now when I try to start the service, I get an error that "Windows can not start service" X "in the local computer ... Contact the service vendor, and refer to the service-specific error code 1 . " Now my service "X" was installed using a .bat file and to start the service it refers to a type of .exe file type Commons Deamon service runner. This file is of the same type of file which is also used internally for Apache service during Tomcat. Now I have discovered the root cause and found that this port can be due to conflict in 80, due to which my service is not being started. Does anyone have any idea how to modify my service port from 80 to some other thanks for your help! Any information on error code 1 will also be useful! Some other programs such as Skype should listen on port 80; To resolve the error, close those programs and try starting the se...

checkbox - add header to CCheckBoxColumn in TbGridView -

I add the checkbox to the widget TbGridView but I want to add headers to CCheckBoxColumn in TbGridView, but when I add headers Why can not I see the header text? I search the internet and I think if I remove selectableRows from the header but I can not select all array ('class' => 'CCheckBoxColumn' , 'SelectableRows' = & gt; 2) For any gridview column you can add a header by using header property However, for one: In multiple checking mode, the header cell will display an additional checkbox on which the click Rke checkbox in the data box will be Czech or uncheck. Header cell to headerTemplate . {code> array can be customized by column ('class' =>' CCheckBoxColumn ',' headerTemplate '= & gt;' header ',' Selectable '= & gt; 2,)

c++ - Using a shared_ptr into an unordered_set -

I am trying to cut the string copy (which was measured in my application to generate a performance constraint Is) the strings are unordered_set & lt; String & gt; In and then shared_ptr unordered_set & lt; String & gt; String_pool; : Shared_ptr & lt; String & gt; A = & amp; (* String_pool.emplace ("foo"). Previously); // The first is an IETRATOR: shared_ptr & lt; String & gt; B = & amp; (* String_pool.emplace ("foo"). Previously); In the above, only one instance of the string "foo" should be in string_pool; Both A and B should point out; And at the time that both A and A have been destroyed, "foo" should be erased from string_pool suggests, but I am not clear that the indicator one pointer b . It also guarantees that the second transfer of "foo" will not be the reason for any refinance because it is already present in the set. Am I here on the right track? I need to keep string...

ios - Add custom Text to uibutton in iPhone sdk -

I want to use Ubuntan, which contains custom text shows displayed on the screen. In the screen shot I added 2 to the label "Module 1" and "Fungi and Fungal Infection" to read but the orange background is ubaton but when I press down it shows that it will only press the orange button and the text will not be what I I want to set it to label it on Uubutan text so that it can be shown that when the button is pressed, the text button should be the same as the headline . How is it possible to guide me on this, it would be great for me to thank you in advance Easy, create labels with only the attributes text, which you want and it is in the ui button Add as a subview, this way the button is set to the custom type in the storyboard. UILabel * label = [UILabel new]; Label.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor]; Label.text = @ "Custom Text"; [Label size tofitt]; Label.frame = _button.bounds; [_button addSubview: label];

java - Remove transfer encoding in Http Request -

मैं एक SOAP अनुरोध भेज रहा हूँ यह एन्कोडिंग प्रकार का उपयोग ट्रैशर-एन्कोडिंग चंक्ड के रूप में करता है। अनुरोध ठीक से नहीं भेजा गया है। मुझे सामग्री एन्कोडिंग के साथ कुछ समस्या है। रिक्त अनुरोध भेजा जाता है। मुझे सर्वर से 500 त्रुटि मिल रही है "सामग्री-प्रकार: पाठ / xml; वर्णसेट = यूटीएफ -8 [\ r] [\ n]" SOAPAction: "fir_auto_complete / fir_auto_completeListRequest" [\ r] [\ n] "उपयोगकर्ता-एजेंट: एक्सिस 2 [\ r] [\ N] "होस्ट: लोकलहोस्ट: 9090 [\ r] [\ n]" ट्रांसफर एन्कोडिंग: चुने गए [\ r] [\ n] " मैंने ऐसा करने की कोशिश की है यह काम करता है लेकिन ऐसा नहीं लगता मुझे सर्वर से 500 त्रुटि मिल रही है। सार्वजनिक प्रतिसाद getNumber (@Context final HttpServletRequest संदर्भ, @Queryपरम ("नाम") अंतिम स्ट्रिंग का नाम) असमर्थित एंटरिंग अपवाद {वापसी Response.ok (JSONHelper.withJSONCallback (संदर्भ, जेएसओएनएचएलपर। टू जेएसओएन (नाम))। हेडर ("वर्णसेट", "यूटीएफ -8")। हेडर ("सामग्री-एन्कोडिंग", "जीज़िप...

iphone - Global variables and objects in Objective C. What is the best way? -

After I want to use global variables and objects for iphone project. I have created NSObject class and defined as below: .h file: #import & lt ; Foundation / Foundation. H & gt; @ Interface Global Class: NSOBX Extension NSSSing * IISST; External NSMUttAbra * Armarta; @end Meter file: #import "GlobelClass.h" @implementation GlobelClass NSString * mystr; NSMutableArray * Arrdata; @end What is the best way or should I use the singleton pattern like the link answer below: Share the idea Text after " The way in which to use the global variable in the application is: You Application representative class can only be used> .h file: app delegate: uirponder & lt; UIApplicationDelegate & gt; {} @property (non-rigorous, strong) NSString * strUserID; .m file: @ synthesis strUserID; You can now use strUserID as a global variable in your UIViewController: ABCProjectAppDelegate * AppDelegate = (ABCProjectAppDelegate *) ...

pandas - What Series method replaced searchsorted? -

In your video, [data analysis in Python with pandas] (), Wes McKinney invented a series of names (Search) which is given value gives back the index in which the chain is crossing that value. It appears that this function is not available any more, is there anything else to change it? I believe this penda is due to refactoring in 0.13.0, where the Pandas series is now NDFrame class instead of sub-Ndarray: in [33]: PD imports In import pandals, np df = pd.DataFrame ({'a': arange (10)}) df out [33]: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 [10 rows x 1 column] [10 rows x 3 column]: # you get a `ndarray df.a.values. To return cumsum (), call `.values`. (11) Outsourced (11) Out [28]: 5 > Now compare that if we use a NMP array: in [2] 9]: temp = np.array (arange (10)) in [32]: Temp.cumsum () SearchSearched (11) Out [32]: 5

maven - IntelliJ Tomcat deployment with large resources -

I am developing a web application using IntelliJ 13 Ultimate and want to run it on Tomcat (7.0.50) . / P> All this works as much as what is needed, but now I need to include large amounts of images (500 km / 3,5 GB) and as I write this, my intuition is now Also copying files. I'm not sure that this season actually takes a long time or it just died and did not tell me. All this says: "Building artifacts: 'war blasts': copying files ..." Is there a way to link resources, so that they should not be copied to server startup? IntelliJ Do not create artwork before deployment already. "Running Server Run Configuration" has a configuration "Before launching" . Remove the construction work, and Mewen or whatever, create artwork before launching your application. Besides, is it really necessary to include so many images in your application? Are these images really a part of your app or are a part of the data created with your app if t...

installing e1071 in R on ubuntu interface -

I am unable to install e1071 on my ubuntu machine I try to use:. sudo apt-get install r cran-e1071 returns an error message: Warning message: 1 : In the open. Connection (Con, "R"): Unable to connect to '' on port 80. 2: e: Unable to locate package r-cran-e1071 and install.packages ("e1071", DEP = true, type = "Source") returns an error message: package "e1071" is not available (for R version 2.15.2) sessionInfo () returns: R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26) Platform: x86_64-PC-linux-GNU (64-bit) Location: [1] LC_CTYPE = en_in LC_NUMERIC = C LC_TIME = en_in [4] LC_COLLATE = en_in LC_MONETARY = en_in LC_MESSAGES = en_in [7] LC_PAPER = C LC_NAME = C LC_ADDRESS = C [10] LC_TELEPHONE = C LC_MEASUREMENT = en_in LC_IDENTIFICATION = C Enclosed support packages: [ 1] Stats Graphics grDevices utils Dataset methods base loaded through a namespace (and not attached): [1] tcltk_2.15.2 tools_2.15.2 p...

android - How to pass dynamically created RelativeLayout to the fragment -

I have created a class that spreads the piece which is relative layout I want to know how to pass a second piece of the dynamically created relative layout with the FrameLayout and RelativeLayout Set that to FrameLayout . Why is laying out a piece of layout? This is the reason that the crew and amp; In view of the curtains in their lifecycle, I suggest you to pass one piece to the state variable (int, string) using the bundle, and the state on the curve Get into making You can find simple examples of how to pass the bundle and use it inside a piece If you find that you have to pass a piece of a piece You can use the third category which will keep it. But this is not really the right way ...

sql server - Return the total rows affected by SQL Transaction -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड sql में है: SET XACT_ABORT पर लेनदेन INSERT में टैबले_ए मूल्यों (/ * कुछ मान * /) टैबवाई मूल्यों में INSERT (/ * कुछ मान * /) टैबलेका मूल्यों में INSERT (/ * कुछ मान * /) टेबल सेट वैल्यू अपडेट करें A = एक WHERE id = @id / * कुछ बात itemprop = "text"> आप इनवेस्टमेंट प्राप्त करने के लिए अपडेट के सभी प्रभावित पंक्तियों को एक वैरिएबल घोषित कर सकते हैं और उसमें पंक्ति-पंक्ति मान स्टोर कर सकते हैं। / P> घोषणा @totalRows INT SET @totalRows = 0 टैबले_ए मूल्यों में INSERT (/ * कुछ मान * /) SET @totalRows = @ totalRows + @@ ROWCOUNT INSERTTABLE_B मूल्यों में (/ * कुछ मान * /) SET @totalRows = @ कुल राव + @@ ROWCOUNT टैबलेका मूल्यों में डालें (/ * कुछ मान * /) SET @totalRows = @ totalRows + @@ ROWCOUNT अद्यतन Tabl ई सेट वैल्यू ए = ए WHERE id = @id / * कुछ चीज़ जैसे * / SET @totalRows = @ totalRows + @@ ROWCOUNT SELECT @totalRows TotalRows के रूप में प्रभावित

My rails app is auto redirecting to https from http in production mode -

Opening, but clicking on the signup link it automatically redirects to "https: // localhost / signup". In the output .bb file, I have marked config.force_ssl = false still Automatic redirection is from Http to http. Some links are working fine, where the URL is added to https in the other and no content is visible. There is no trace in log / terminal for this issue. I am using Rail 4. To find out if you are implementing HTTPS in your controller or routes. $ git grep force_ssl app / admin $ git grep https config / routes.rb

java - If statement not changing initialized value -

My enum type is not being replaced with its default "null" value when displayed by an original toString method. When the user inputs JPG, GIF, etc. then the event statement matches the entry. If the statement is not taking the input of the user and converts it to an aanan? public static zero process photo () {string value; String size; String name; String straight type; Double Dies; String photographer; Int iValue = 1; Scanner KB = new scanner (; While (iValue> 0) {System.out.print ("Enter the name of the photo"); Name = kb.nextLine (); System.out.print ("Enter the type of photo (JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, or others).); StrType = kb.nextLine (); StrType = strType.toUpperCase (); If (strType == "JPG") {type = Type.JPG;} If (strType == "GIF") {type = Type.GIF;} If (strType == "PNG") {type = Type.PNG;} If (straight typed == "BMP") {type = Type.BMP;} If (strType == "Other") {type = Type.OTHER;} System.o...

How to Highlight a specified route on Google Maps v2 Android? -

I am using the Google Directions API in my app to recover the path between two places which are completely Now I just need to list the roads and guidelines in the list view: How can I do this? Use this code Hope it can help you! Now on the map, a specified route on ABC is highlighted (screenshot below). Increases the public class polymorph activity (progressivity) pdialog; GoogleMap map, list of & lt; LatLng & gt; polyz; JSONArray array; static final Letlng Dublin = new Lie Long (53.344103999999990000, -6.2674 93699999932000); @SuppressLint ( "NewApi") saved preserved create null (Bundle Instansstet) {Suprknkret (saved Instensstet); setContentView (R.layout.map_layout); Map = ((MapFragment) getFragmentManager (). FindFragmentById ( .getMap (); Map .moveCamera (CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLongZoom (DUBLIN, 15)); Map.animateCamera (CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo (10), 2000, NULL); new GetDirection (). execute ();} class GetDirection AsyncTask a...

Install Samsung Smart TV app -

I have developed a Samsung Smart TV app in development mode. How can I install this app for client TV without user development? I did a lot of searching on Google but I did not find any suitable solutions. Open your exported application on USB drive give. Plug-in on USB drive Name of your app Example: resulting X: \ SampleApps \ config.xml Turn on the TV Turn on the TV and go to the smart hub USB drive "plug-in" plug-in when using the app Because the app is not installed on the TV, just read it from the USB

https - with apache for google app engine and python script is not working -

After I am running on Google App Engine and Python http: // local host , which Is working fine But to work reliably, I need to add https, not in Google App Engine. So I'm trying to do stunnel and apache to work https I tried the following, but its still not working Nominal example example. & nbsp; VirtualHost> SSLProxyEngine on SSLProxyEngine on SSLEZine #ProxyRequests SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 SSLCipherSuite All:! ADH:! Export:! SSLv2: RC4 + RSA: + High: + Medium: + Less SSLCertificateFile /etc/stunnel/a.crt SSLCertificateKeyFile / etc / stunnel / a.key SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/stunnel/ Server Name Local Host ProxyPass / http: // local host ProxyPassReverse / http: // local host #ProxyPassReverseCookiePath / mysite//CacheDisable * When a user travels: Go to basically go to your browser address https: // and he is able to use Google app engine and python instances . But I need to be https for Google App E...

ios - invalid operands to binary expression ('NSString *' and 'NSString *') -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: NSString * String = TextField1.text + TextField2। यह त्रुटि दे रही है: -बायरी अभिव्यक्ति ('NSString *' और 'NSString *') के लिए मान्य ऑपरेंसेस आप इसे ऐसा नहीं कर सकते, क्योंकि उद्देश्य- concatenation के लिए '+' ऑपरेटर का उपयोग नहीं करता इस तरह से काम करना चाहिए: NSString * concat = [NSString stringWithFormat @ "% @% @", TextField1.text, TextField2.text]; या NSString * concat = [TextField1.text stringByAppendingString: TextField2.text]; आशा है कि यह आपके लिए काम करता है;)

mysql - PHP upload to FTP from file contents -

When you can upload files to an FTP server with ftp_put , you get a file Would you like to upload if the contents of a file are within a MySQL field? I can upload a file that resides on an FTP server in a MySQL BLOB field (hence upload file from strings instead of file file to a file path)? I'm looking for a native solution, not an alternate solution, because writing files in the file, uploading a file, and removing the file will take a lot of time. To clarify the question of OP, edit: I have string variables I want to upload to an FTP server to create a physical temporary file from my string variable Quick and dirty, upload that file to an FTP server, and then delete the temporary file. But is there any way to upload strings variables directly from FTP server without making it a temporary file? OK, I got a solution. $ fileContent = 'The contents of my file here'; $ Contentstream = fopen ('Data: // text / plain,' $ FileContent, 'r'); Ftp_f...

PHP - How can i check that a file is in a specific directory? -

मेरे पास दिए गए पथ हैं directory1 / directory2 / directory3 / file.txt मैं यह जांचना चाहूंगा कि यह पथ निर्देशिका 2 में है या नहीं। लेकिन केवल स्ट्रॉप्स के साथ खोज करना पर्याप्त नहीं है क्योंकि पथ हो सकता है directory1 / directory2 /../ directory4 / file.txt मैं कैसे जांच सकता हूँ कि दिए गए पथ किसी दी गई निर्देशिका में स्थित है? फ़ाइल के लिए पूर्ण पथ का उपयोग करें। उदाहरण: $ filename = "/var/www/projecname/files/file.txt" अगर (file_exists ($ filename)) {....}

jquery - How to secure knockout template? -

I am using the next code to load the template dynamical: $ ("Templates.html")}} Can the template content be protected from public load in any way? I am using ASP.NET MVC etc. Instead of creating a physical file, create an action that templates in one of your views. You can use AuthorizeAttribute or you can use any other medium to secure your operation. Action replacing template.html with the url pointing to the url.

c# - Inconsistent behaviour of authorization -

मेरे पास ASP.NET MVC5 अनुप्रयोग है। मेरे पास AjaxController नामक एक नियंत्रक है एक विधि SaveComment है जो [Authorize] विशेषता से सजाया नहीं गया है इसके नियंत्रक को उपरोक्त वर्ग के साथ भी जिम्मेदार नहीं माना जाता है। मूलतः कोड निम्नानुसार है सार्वजनिक वर्ग AjaxController: BaseController {सार्वजनिक ActionResult SaveComment (CommentViewModelViewModel) {// stuff} // सामान} सार्वजनिक सार वर्ग BaseController: नियंत्रक {// कुछ टिप्पणी सामान } और यह Web.config सेटअप & lt; प्रमाणीकरण मोड = "फ़ॉर्म" & gt; & Lt; फ़ॉर्म लॉग इन यूआरएल = "/ लॉगिन" टाइमआउट = "20" स्लाइडिंग एस्पिरेशन = "सच्चा" / & gt; & Lt; / प्रमाणीकरण & gt; लेकिन जब मैं ब्राउज़र से इसकी मांग करता हूं, तो यह मुझे लॉगिन पृष्ठ पर रीडायरेक्ट करता है। इस तरह के व्यवहार का कारण क्या हो सकता है? संपादित करें मैं ओवरऑरेक्शन एक्सीड किया गया और संपादित करें कुछ और विवरण: मेरे पास दो और नियंत्रक हैं HomeController और लॉगिन नियंत्रक जो प्र...

c++ - Releasing resources from D3D hook -

I have a DLL that hooks the D3 call of another application. In particular, it makes some textures used for rendering. However, when the target application is closed before the hook is removed, sometimes the "zero-zero reference number" error message causes the error to appear. Obviously the reason for this is that the ownership of the hook was not released on time. I was getting rid of this error when I hooked the phone to reset call and was replaced again. Release of resources; However, I'm not sure what to do when the window is actually released, I can hook up the release method, but there is no clear way to tell me that the device is actually Is being destroyed in or its reference count only decreases. The return value of the original release call does not tell me a lot, because the texture of the hook is still in reference to the device, and the look of these references resembles a lot of work. When I am called release, I can always release all my textu...

c++ - LoadShader Identifier not Found -

This is my code so far (I write it with the book (OpenGL 2.0 2.0 Programming Guide): I have precompiled header names Used "pch.h" #included "PPH" typefiff structure {glument programdata; }user data; Presenting zero (escontex * escntex); Init Init (Escrontex * Escntex); Int main () {ESContext escontext; UserData userData; EsInitContext (& escontext); Escontext.userData = & amp; UserData; EsCreateWindow (& escontext, L "Hello World!", 800, 600, ES_WINDOW_RGB); EsRegisterDrawFunc (& escontext, render); EsMainLoop (& escontext); } Int init (ESContext * escontex) {UserData * userData; Const char vShaderStr [] = "attribute vec4 vPosition; \ n" "zero main () \ n" "{\ n" "gl_Position = vPosition; \ n" "} \ n"; Const char fShaderStr [] = "Precise menu float; \ n" "Zero main () \ n" "{\ n" "gl_FragColor (; \ n" "}; \ n"; Glum...

javascript - Combination of a letter using recursive -

Suppose, if I give 'ABC' as input then I want to 'ABC', 'ACB', 'CAB', 'CBA', 'BAC', 'BCA' . Each word has a combination of n! Where n is the length of the letter I think the recycling can make it easy. Here my code is written in javascript: function againArange (word) {console.log (word); If (word.length & lt; 0) {return (-1); } And if (word.length == 0) {return (''); } Else {for (var _i = 0; _i & lt; word.length; _i ++) {var temp = word [_i]; For (var _j = 0; _j & lt; word.length; _j ++) {if (_i! = _j) {return word [_i] + rearrangement (word salis (_i, word.length)); }}}}} Please use the detailed comment. function combination (current_string, real_string, seen) {var results = []; If (current_string.length === real_string.lamp) {return [current_string]; } Actual_string.forEach (function (current, index) {if (index.indexOf (index) === -1) {result = [] .concat.apply (result, combination (curr...

javascript - How to access cross-domain iframe content? (Upload file cross-domain) -

With IRM headers, is it possible to create content of iframe accessible cross-domain? I have tried that simple access-control-permission-origin: * header but this is not clearly enough. I can not control myself on submission of form, so maybe this is an issue (I can not set up any type of corrosion request). Note that my goal is to upload cross-domain to a file that results from the iframe approach, a common file upload, so I am trying. You can not get direct access to DOM Need to listen for code> messages events and other needs. addEventListener ('message', received message, incorrect); Get the Message Message (evt) {var message =; If (message === "success") {warning ("yay!"); }} and top.postMessage ("success", "*");

java - Android ListView with image and text using json -

I am searching and searching for answers and tutorials, but I can not find anyone. So here's my problem .. I am a newbie in Android and web development. I want to make an Android app for my website. I want to bring image and text from my website using Jasonson and see it as a list view in Android (see photo below). Now I know how to create an XML for Android. The problem is what I will do to retrieve images and texts in Java code and PHP code. I get some tutorials, but they do not really have the solution because they used to get all the image retrieved / obtained from drawables. I want to retrieve others like http // / example.php from my database server. One more thing that is clickable so that when I click it, then go to the second XML / Activity Hope to find good tutorials for You can create one to manage your json, and to read the display remote image Or, if you do something in JSS Inside the image format (base 64?) You have to handle it as a byteer ...

javascript - JS: output inconsistencies -

This code receives the user input and takes it to the location of "selected", e.g. 1 input User input: Apple process (what happens inside): "Img2 /" + + Apple + ".jpg"; Output: Apple.jpg (image) The problem once user inputs a query orange process (what happens inside) is not compatible image code, outputs to the previous one 2 input user input: Is): "img2 /" + + apple + ".jpg"; Output: Apple.jpg (image) // wrong false var q = document.getElementById ("code"); If (q.selectedIndex & gt; 0) {var selected = q.options [q.selectedIndex] .value; Var src = "img2" "+ selected +" .jpg "; var img = document.getElementById (" placeholderIMG "); Img.src = src; =" inline ";} & lt; select name = "Code" id = "code" size = "" disabled = "true" hidden = "true" & gt; option valu...

javascript - Jquery loop through each li for each ul -

There is currently a loop that goes through every Lee, and searches for some content in Lee and Adds a class. The problem is that there are many ULs in the layout, so I want to find it within each of UL. Okay, now it prevents me from the first moment of any Li that matches the criteria. var list = $ ('sampleAddress li span'); $ (List.get). Reverse ()). Each (function () {var currentLine = $ (this) .html (); var mismatch = unmatched line; if (currentLine.indexOf! == -1) {$ (This) .html ($ (this) Replace ("", "") .replace ("&", "and amp;"). Change (UnmatchedLine.toUpperCase), & lt; span class = "matchedclass" & gt; '+ Unchanged LAN.Uppercases () +' & lt; / span & gt; ')); Returned;}}); The layout of the HTML is as follows & lt; Ul class = "boxSlider" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; Ul class = "sampleAddress" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; P...

c++ - expected unqualified id before '{' token -

I have searched the whole place and instead can often get an answer to the redistribution error, it really starts to bother me Has been doing. Anyway, this is the error I am getting: 74: 1: error: expected unqualified id first ??? {a???? Token 81:21: Error: One? Chat chat ???? Has not been declared 81: 5: Warning: interchange int (int, int **) one another ???? One should be [-Wmain] 118: 10: Error: A ?? Clean_upa file In this scope was not announced I can leave the program completely to avoid confusion. Maybe I'm following a tutorial and I'm still getting these errors. Tutorial does not help! Include # "SDL / SDL HK #" # "SDL / SDL_Image H" # Include # String & gt; Const int SCREEN_WIDTH = 640; Const int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 480; Const int SCREEN_BBP = 32; SDL_Surface * image = NULL; SDL_Surface * screen = NULL; SDL_Event Event; SDL_Surface * load_image (std :: string filename) {SDL_Surface * loadedImage = NULL; SDL_Surface * optimizedImage = N...

python - How to tell scikit-learn vectorizer use specific features? -

I have a set of features - these are not all the same words above the hand; Some of them are elderly and some others are tragrams. I want to prepare my own texts - which are clearly made available in the form of raw texts based on these characteristics, how can I do this in scalin? In this way I have defined my vector so far. Import from sklearn.feature_extraction.text CountVectorizer vectorizer = CountVectorizer (ngram_range = (1, 3)) back vector size countvatiser and TfIdfVectorizer allows you to specify the terminology to use For them, give them as keyword logic in the form of glossary glossary : mapping or alternative, optional either Mapping (e.g., A Word) where the key words and values ​​are not given if a notch, according to the feature indices matrix, or conditions, is defined a vocabulary of input documents.

c# - MVC 4 - Razor - Pass a variable into a href url -

How can I pass a variable into a URL? What I try is this, but this is not working. The URL only shows: and not the full path @if (check1! = "D" ) {& Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; Div class = "a" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; Div class = "b" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "" + @ check1 + "/ go / 5 / true" & gt; & Lt; Div square = "c" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; } like this: & lt ; A Href = '@ string.format ("{0}/go/5/true", check1)' & gt; Rather than combining markup and code parts, the entire URL is included in the markup.

boot - Why app not launching on booting android device? -

I'm testing the following app on HTC with Android 2.3.5. For some reasons the app is not starting to restart or boot the phone. I should know that I am absolutely wrong? Import android.os.Bundle; Import android App Import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; Import android.content.Context; Import android.content.Intent; Import android.view.Menu; Import android.widget.Toast; Public class BootupReceiver Broadcast receiver spreads (referred to in public disorder (reference reference, intent to intent) {Toast. Make text (context, "app start", toast. LNNHT_LOG) Show (); / * Intent startActivityIntent = new intent ( Context, mainActivity.class); startActivityIntent.setFlags (Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); context.startActivity (startActivityIntent); * / // context.startActivity (new intent (reference, MainActivity.class));}} import android.os.bundle; import import android.content.Context; Import android.view.Me...

environment - What is the difference between with and within in R? -

I use "with" instead of "always" in the context of my research, but basically I thought That they were similar. Just now I am typing "wrong" to "inside" and returning results are quite different. I am wondering why? I am using baseball data in the plyr package, so I first need the library (plyr) Again, I want to select all the rows from an ID " ansonca01 " First of all, as I said, I have used " within ", and have run the function as follows: Within (baseball, Baseball [id == "ansonca01"] I found very strange results, which basically include everything: id year work Team LG G Now BH X2B X3B HR RBI SB CS Bbi Ebb Hbp sh sf gidp 4 ansonca01 1871 1 RC1 25 120 29 39 11 3 0 16 6 2 2 1 NA NA NA NA NA 44 Compulsory 0101 1871 1 WS3 32 162 45 45 9 4 0 29 8 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA 68 MA Thebo01 1871 1 FW1998 15 24 3 1 0 10 2 1 2 NA NA NA 99 Stellowsi 1871 1 NY 2 33 161 35 58 5 1 1 34 4 2 3 NA NA NA NA 102 SU...

ios - Load image into UICollectionVIewCell -

इमेज को छवि को सेट करने में समस्या UiCollectionViewCell यह मेरा कोड है: - (UICollectionViewCell *) collectionView: (UICollectionView *) collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath {NSURL * imageUrl = [NSURL URLWithString: @ " /firstrun/logo.png?2013-06 "]; एनएसडीटा * छविडेटा = [एनएसडीटा डेटाविथ कंटेंटऑफ ur: imageURL]; UIImage * image = [UIImage imageWithData: imageData]; UIImageView * myImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage: छवि]; myImageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "myimg"]; // सेट छवि GLCell * सेल = (GLCell *) [collectionView dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier: CELL_IDENTIFIER forIndexPath: indexPath]; Cell.displayString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% d उपयोगकर्ता संख्या", indexPath.row]; Cell.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage: [UIImage imageNamed: @ "myimg"]]; रिटर्न सेल; } स्ट्रिंग मान समस्या के बिना दिखाता है, लेकिन सेल कोई...

c# - Visual Studio 2012 - Wpf Designer Performance -

For testing purposes, I am creating a WPF form with 2000 elements: & Lt; TextBlock horizontally align = "left" Margin = "0,19,0,0" Tekstvॅping = "Wrap" width = "241" text = "static text" Vrtiklelinment = "top" Fontsijhm = "48" Fontveit = "bold" Tekstelinment = "Center" /> All the 2000 elements set the orientation property vertical inside the stack panel. Now, when I have a designer (Designer) so I drag a text box or lets resize WPF Designer deposit and hang a way to customize what design performance? Thank you. The only divide the ways to increase the performance control your code designer has slowed, and many The time I end up using the built-in Visual Studio XML editor.

python - error in os.makedirs for windows long path name handling -

I am writing a function where the folder was created according to the path that was provided by the user in Python 2.6. import os src = 'E: \\ abc' #abc does not exist src = u "\\\\? \\" + src osmakers (src) After the drive name, the name of the folder is straight and the "\\? \" Is added to the path to handle the long path: I 123] file name, directory name or volume label syntax Wrong: U '\\' If you have not been added to the "\\? \" Path then this error has not been seen; is there a way to fix the error? Thanks in advance. I 'with Python 2.5.4 first) and I've found that for the least path The root folder which is '\\\\? \\ ' with the prefix must be present for the OS to work. For example, if you have os.makedirs ('\\\\\' \\ '+ r'C: \ test \ Very \ long \ path \ ") , at least" C : \ Test "should be present Now, it is being said, this is not a problem in Python 2.7.9, s...

if statement - Integer only if-else condition in php -

I can not be an integer only for the contact number if ($ contactno = "") {$ Error ['contact'] = "contact is required."; } Else {if (! Preg_match ("/ ^ ([1] -)? [0- 9] {3} - [0- 9] {3} - [0- 9] {4} $ / i", $ Contactno)) $ valid_Contactno = $ contacts; } And {$ error ['contactno'] = "number only."; } Instead, use it to check the numbers. if (ctype_digit ($ contactno)) echo "This is a valid contact number!"; } Else {echo "You can not enter characters other than numbers"; }

email - Send mail through SMTP error in php -

मैं अपने कोड php के साथ मेल भेजना चाहता हूं; & lt; php शामिल करें 'class.phpmailer.php'; $ Mail = नया PHPMailer (); $ मेल & gt; IsSMTP (); $ मेल- & gt; SMTPAuth = true; $ मेल- & gt; होस्ट = ''; $ मेल- & gt; पोर्ट = 587; $ मेल- & gt; यूज़रनेम = 'मर्टकैंकरायेलान @ जीमेल डॉट कॉम'; $ मेल- & gt; पासवर्ड = '*******'; $ मेल- & gt; सेटफ़्रम ($ मेल- & gt; यूज़रनेम, 'पेगासस हवायोलार ±?'); $ मेल- & gt; AddAddress (मेर्टकैंकरायेलान @ होटेलमेल '', 'मार्टकंकरैलीन'); $ मेल- & gt; चार्सेट = 'यूटीएफ -8'; $ मेल- & gt; विषय = 'एकोमक'; $ Content = 'मेल डेब इज़ान'; $ मेल & gt; MsgHTML ($ सामग्री); अगर ($ मेल- & gt; भेजें ()) {echo "& lt; स्क्रिप्ट & gt; window.location.href = 'islem-basari.php # gosterb'; & lt; / script & gt;"; } Else {echo 'मेल gÃnderilirken बिर हता oluÅ ?? tu:'। $ मेल & gt; ErrorInfo; }?...

c - Counting the depth of loops -

I'm not sure whether this question is suitable for SO or not or not. I will not destroy it if it is not. I have to review the code of some code. As part of this, I have to check the depth and position of the loops. [Please see the example given below] If it is more than five, then I have to take care of it. My question is, "Is there a tool that can do this for me?" I did a Google search, but I could not find any answer. Ex 1: For // block depth 1 Ex 2: For {if () {}} // block depth of 2 pre 3: for {for () {if () {}}} // block depth 3 Program that only count // & gt; Prog file // & gt; Include Contract File Maximum_Direct # & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; #define DEPTH_MAX 5 // A counting top level int main (int argc, char * argv []) {FILE * fp; Int depth_max = DEPTH_MAX; If (argc> 1) {if (NULL == (fp = fopen (argv [1], "r"))) {false ("fopen"); Exit (EXIT_FAILURE); }} Else {fp = ...

javascript - Foundation 5 reveal won't open (Appended to BODY with jQuery) -

I'm searching SO SO for a reply to my issue, but nothing could be found. I have added a manifest model to the body with Jack. Now when I click on the button which opens the modal, only the overlay is shown. I can not understand what the problem is. I made an example on Codepane. "Open Model 1" programmaticly attached models should be opened. Opens the "Open Model 2" modal, which is placed directly in the body. (It just shows that it usually works) Maybe one of you guys can help me with it. Thank you very much. EDIT: This error has been displayed in firebug: Type error: settings are not defined. Show (modal,; You have to call the foundation by adding model material divas $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ("body") .append ('& lt; div class = "reveal-manifest small foo1" data-reveal »gt; & lt; p & gt; test & Lt; / p & gt; & lt; / div & gt; '); $ (document). Found...

Does RethinkDb support request pipelining? -

क्या RethinkDb समर्थन अनुरोध pipelining, एक कनेक्शन में एकाधिक अनुरोधों को समूहबद्ध करता है? यदि हां, तो क्या यह निचले स्तर के दृश्यों के पीछे स्वचालित रूप से किया जाता है? धन्यवाद! RethinkDB वर्तमान समय में प्रति कनेक्शन एक से अधिक क्वेरी की प्रक्रिया नहीं करता है। सम्मिलित संचालन के विशेष मामले में, बैच आवेषण का एक समान प्रभाव प्राप्त करने के लिए उपयोग किया जा सकता है। संपादित करें: यह उत्तर पुराना है RethinkDB 2.0 के बाद से, एक ही समय में एक ही कनेक्शन पर एकाधिक क्वेरीज़ निष्पादित किए जा सकते हैं, जब तक कि ड्राइवर पिछले एक को खत्म करने के लिए प्रतीक्षा किए बिना कई क्वेरी जारी करने का समर्थन करता है।

c - Weird scanf behaviour when reading number and newline -

I think this bug of scanned now with C after 8 years. The scanf code below will skip the leading white space characters from the second row of the input. int x; Four in [100]; Scanf ("% d \ n", & amp; x); please come inside); Input: 1s x will contain 1 , but in will not be "s" "s" whether it's standard C or just GCC behavior? The format string will cause a white space character Scanf to consume any (and all) white space until a non-whitepress variable. This standard appears as scanf and not limited to GCC.

c# - email verification with activation link -

Has anyone explained to me that to send a verification email without using the usercreation wizard, I want that when an email is sent, there will be a URL link to activate an account in Actually What you have to do, when the user generates a hash to the registers which is specific to the user (ideally, something that is bad Can not be predicted by industries is) - & gt; If you get a request with url / hash it means that he has verified his account. This basic idea is anyway. P>

Lotus notes: Invalid Internet address specified after mail send -

I have problems sending mail using 6.5.6 notes I have 2 users (user1 and user2): When I try to send an email form user 1, all work and email are sent correctly When I send an email form user 2 lotus notes, then I leave behind: "Error transferring server IP; Invalid internet address specified. Invalid internet address specified . " It compared the two location files of those users, but I could not find any difference; I compare the two. IID is fine but there is no difference, so I do not understand what the problem is. In frustration, I try to copy and copy the copy of the user's location and change it in the past and mail and. Users 2 comments but retrive the same error message. Can anyone help me out there? Thanks I have solved! I changed the "Domino Mail Domains" and "Home Mail Server" with the location's iPhone and now all users can send emails! It seems that the name of the server can not be resolved.

javascript - Jquery change checkbox checked / uncheked -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 36 जवाब मुझे अनचेक / चेक की आवश्यकता है & lt; input name = "op1" type = "चेकबॉक्स का उपयोग करके कृपया नीचे दिए गए चेक बॉक्स को jquery का उपयोग करके चेक करें। "चेक आईडी =" chkEmailNotification "/ & gt; का प्रयोग करें $ ("# chkEmailNotification" ) .prop ( 'जाँच', true); // $ चेक करने के लिए ("# chkEmailNotification")। Prop ('checked', false); // अनचेक करने के लिए

ubuntu - Mount remote FTP folder to local directory -

I am running Lubuntu 12.04 and need a GUI or command line to create a folder on my desktop that is actually In a remote FTP folder, I have slipped the web for tutorials but any Ubuntu tutorials rely on the GUI tool I do not have. Is it from any command line or Lubuntu U for device version Can I offer them? Thanks! This should not be difficult: Some decryption folders sshfs Login @ Your RemoteSite: ~ / Some Localfolder Thanks to @TeTTT for the Wikipedia tip, which led me (indirectly) for syntax. Wow! It was not difficult, but without finding the right keywords or already knowing that the device was the device I was looking for, the correct answer was really hard for Google. Anyway ... this is what I was looking for!

Half Life Formula ~ Objective-C -

एनटी = N0e-Î »t N0 प्रारंभिक मात्रा है एनटी मात्रा है जो अभी भी एक समय टी के बाद बनी हुई है, टी 1/2 आधा जीवन है ?? मतलब जीवनकाल है Î »क्षय निरंतर है मैं इसे उद्देश्य-सी के लिए एक फार्मूले में कैसे बना सकता हूं और मुझे इसकी आवश्यकता है। double sourceStart = [TextField.text डबल वैल्यू]; डबल स्रोत अब = 0; दोहरे दिन = 8; यदि (textField.text.length & gt; 0) {// खोजें कि कितने आधे जीवन को दोहरे कुल संख्या में जमा किया गया है NumberOfHalfLives = daysBetween / sourceHalfLife; // दोहरे कारक को दोहरे फिक्स करें = फॉक्टर = पॉव (0.5, कुल संख्याऑफ़फल्फालिव्स); // स्रोत ताकत अब दोहरी स्रोत ढूँढें = स्रोत = स्रोत = कमी * फैक्टर; } मैं मान रहा हूँ मुझे इस की एक लंबी लाइन की आवश्यकता है? या पूरी तरह से गलत है। तब, मुझे यह भी पता होना चाहिए कि किसी निश्चित अवधि के दिनों में कितने दिन बीत चुके हैं, उदाहरण के लिए। आरंभ दिनांक = अप्रैल 15 तारीख अब दिनांक = अप्रैल 25, 10 दिन के बीच .. मैं उद्देश्य सी में कैसे काम करूं? साथ ही मेरा मूल प्रश्न। यह ऐसा करेगा (सीधे सी में, लेकिन यह का...

ruby on rails - HTTP Basic Authentication not working for resque-web on Heroku -

RESQUE_WEB_HTTP_BASIC_AUTH_USER And RESQUE_WEB_HTTP_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD to turn it on. If you are using Rescue with Heroku, set Heroku Config: Set RESQUE_WEB_HTTP_BASIC_AUTH_USER = User RESQUE_WEB_HTTP_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD = Secret to ResqueWeb secure. " I did this. RESQUE_WEB_HTTP_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD: mypassword RESQUE_WEB_HTTP_BASIC_AUTH_USER: resque But when I visit Heroku config run I get > / Resque this works just fine; Am I doing something wrong? P.S. The only reason I am using basic HTTP authentication is because I am using Authlogic and the resque-Web-Authlogic combo does not seem very well supported. This is like a last resort. Just wondering in anyone else, HTTP resque- web without installing authentication gem resque_admin.rb file (or any other name) and put the following code is the by: Resque :: Server.use (Rack :: Ath :: Basic) User | Password | User = "EnterUsername Here" password == "EnterPasswordHere" en...

pcre - Match or remove string that occurs multiple times within two strings with regex -

I have a large CSV export where the columns do not align because some values ​​are accidentally inserted into multiple cells instead of one Fortunately, the price is between two unique stars, I am hoping to use regex to merge these values ​​into one cell. Sample data is as follows: "apple", "tap", "0", "0", "0", ",", "1", ",", "fruit" , "0", "0", "0", ",", "1", ",", ",", ",", "," "red", "sweet", "d $", " Object "" horse "," tap "," 0 "" 1 "," 0 "," 0 "," 0 "," 0 "," 0 "," 0 "," 0 "," "Zero", "0", "0", "0", ",", "1", ",", " And the end of unearned values ​​ ",...

eclipse - "New Web Application Project" vs. "Dynamic Web Project" -

ईलेप्से के लिए Google प्लगइन से "नया वेब अनुप्रयोग प्रोजेक्ट" विकल्प कैसे "गतिशील वेब प्रोजेक्ट" विकल्प से भिन्न होता है वेब उपकरण प्लेटफार्म से ()? क्या एक्लिप्स के लिए Google प्लगइन का उपयोग "डायनामिक वेब प्रोजेक्ट" और / या "एंटरप्राइज़ एप्लीकेशन (ईएआर)" परियोजना के रूप में वर्णित है? एक डायनामिक वेब प्रोजेक्ट ने ईलिपस प्लगइन (वेब ​​उपकरण प्लेटफ़ॉर्म) का उपयोग करने के लिए उपयोग किया है जेपीईई प्रोजेक्ट और एंटरप्राइज़ एप्लीकेशन (ईएआर) की तैनाती जहां नई वेब एप्लीकेशन प्रोजेक्ट के रूप में एक्लिप्स के लिए एपीईएनजीइन प्लगइन का उपयोग कर एक प्रोजेक्ट तैयार करता है। दिन के अंत में परिणाम अधिक या कम समान होता है, ऐपइन्जिइन में तैनात एक वेब संग्रह।

java - JAXB - how to extract attribute value using MOXy XPath? -

This is my XML snippet. I used the Moxie JASAB extension to use XPath for direct access to those values. I am interested, about whom I am interested. & lt; GSP & gt; & Lt; RS & gt; & Lt; R = "1" & gt; & Lt; PageMap & gt; & Lt; DataObject Type = "Group" & gt; & Lt; Attribute name = "name" value = "some name" /> & Lt; Attribute name = "location" value = "miami, fl" /> & Lt; / DataObject & gt; & Lt; DataObject Type = "Organization" & gt; & Lt; Attribute name = "name" value = "ABC corp" /> & Lt; / DataObject & gt; & Lt; / PageMap & gt; & Lt; / R & gt; & Lt; R = "2" & gt; & Lt; PageMap & gt; & Lt; DataObject Type = "Group" & gt; & Lt; Attribute name = "name" value = "new name" /> & Lt; Attribute name = "location"...