How to add an action to a UIButton -

I am searching for this answer online, and leaves every post for that part where really Writing code is an action. I have a simple interactive UIButton and if I can only see a template of a code which is "written code for action", then it would be super helpful !!! (This iPad is for iOS 7)

This is as far as I can get ...

  UIButton * button = [UIButton buttonWithType: UIButtonTypeRoundedRect]; [Button addTarget: auto-action: @sillector (one method :) control events: UIControlEventTeaDown]; [Button Settital: @ State for "Show View": UIC ControllantAnnoral]; Button.frame = CGRectMake (80.0, 210.0, 160.0, 40.0); [See adviewview: button];   

I think that I understand how this is a potential action set, but where did I write the actual code for self action?

I already responded to it, want to expand it, both responses are correct But I have to tell how all this works. [Button addTarget: Self-action: @ Selector (aMethod :) Control events: UIControllViewTouchdown];

First to see; targets .

The goal is a square, an example of any class. The only requirement for this class is that it has to implement the verb .

Actions is the method you can invite when pressing the button.

@selector (aMethod :) Actually think of it as a method signature. Since the objective is a dynamic language, aMethod: does not require existence, but if your program is not, then it will crash.

So if we keep all this together, whenever I want to press this button:

System verb will call for example.

And the method itself for this, it can look like this

  - (zero) aMethod: (ID) sender {}   < / Div> 


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