c++ - expected unqualified id before '{' token -
I have searched the whole place and instead can often get an answer to the redistribution error, it really starts to bother me Has been doing.
Anyway, this is the error I am getting:
74: 1: error: expected unqualified id first ??? {a???? Token 81:21: Error: One? Chat chat ???? Has not been declared 81: 5: Warning: interchange int (int, int **) one another ???? One should be [-Wmain] 118: 10: Error: A ?? Clean_upa file In this scope was not announced I can leave the program completely to avoid confusion. Maybe I'm following a tutorial and I'm still getting these errors. Tutorial does not help!
Include # "SDL / SDL HK #" # "SDL / SDL_Image H" # Include # String & gt; Const int SCREEN_WIDTH = 640; Const int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 480; Const int SCREEN_BBP = 32; SDL_Surface * image = NULL; SDL_Surface * screen = NULL; SDL_Event Event; SDL_Surface * load_image (std :: string filename) {SDL_Surface * loadedImage = NULL; SDL_Surface * optimizedImage = NULL; LoadedImage = IMG_Load (filename.c_str ()); If (weighted image! = Tap) {optimizedImage = SDL_DisplayFormat (loaded image); Sdl_freesface (weighted image); } Return optimized image; } Zero apply_surface (int x, int y, SDL_Surface * source, SDL_Surface * destination) {SDL_ reference offset; Offset.x = x; Offset.y - y; SDL_BlitSurface (source, faucet, destination, and offset); } Bool init () {if (SDL_Init (SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) == -1) {return false; } Screen = SDL_SetVideoMode (SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SCREEN_BBP, SDL_SWSURFACE); If (screen == faucet) {return false; } SDL_WM_SetCaption ("Event Testing", NULL); Back true; } Bool load_files () {image = load_image ("x.png"); If (image == faucet) {return false; } Back true; } {SDL_FreeSurface (image); SDL_Quit (); } Int main (int argc, chat * args []) {bool quit = false; If (init () == incorrect) {return1; } If (load_files () == incorrect) {return1; } Apply_surface (0, 0, image, screen); If (sdl_flip (screen) == -1) {return1; } While (left == wrong) {while (SDL_PollEvent (and event)) {if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) {quit = true; } } } cleanliness(); Return 0; } Any help?
I feel like accidentally inserting a semicolon in line 42:
bool init (); {// This line is 43 in which the compiler is pointing Try it like this:
bool init () {// This line 43 In which the compiler is pointing.
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