pandas - What Series method replaced searchsorted? -
In your video, [data analysis in Python with pandas] (), Wes McKinney invented a series of names (Search) which is given value gives back the index in which the chain is crossing that value. It appears that this function is not available any more, is there anything else to change it? I believe this penda is due to refactoring in 0.13.0, where the Pandas series is now NDFrame class instead of sub-Ndarray:
in [33]: PD imports In import pandals, np df = pd.DataFrame ({'a': arange (10)}) df out [33]: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 < [2] in [10]: [code] [10 rows x 1 column]
[10 rows x 3 column]: # you get a `ndarray df.a.values. To return cumsum (), call `.values`. (11) Outsourced (11) Out [28]: 5 > Now compare that if we use a NMP array:
in [2] 9]: temp = np.array (arange (10)) in [32]: Temp.cumsum () SearchSearched (11) Out [32]: 5
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