
Showing posts from June, 2013

python - "Float object is not iterable"? -

I have written a function to find the standard deviation of a list: def Average (L): Return amount (L) / Lane (L) DEF STDDev (L): For category (Lane (L) -1): Return sqrt ((zodiac (l [i] - AGG (L)) ) ** 2) / lane (l) If I run it and input the shell [20,10,30] it says, "float object is not variable ". Where is the problem, and can I resolve the integer results of any of these tasks without settling the results? sum (l [i] -avg (L)) - here You have the amount of a float. You also have the return statement for each pass of the loop, which is clearly wrong. The formula for standard deviation is also not correct, because you have lost the braces I believe that you want: better than the elements in their index: for L in X: s + = (x - avg (L)) ** 2 or def stdDev (L): ave = avg (l) s = sum ((x - avay) ** in l ) Return sqrt (s / len (L))

Android Places API parse all JSON categories -

मेरे पास पहले से ही GetPlaces वर्ग है, जो Google Places API URL नया ग्रहण ()। निष्पादित करें (",-117.955759&sensor=false&key= MyKey "); को क्रिएट () पर मेरी मुख्य गतिविधि में बुलाया जाता है और आउटपुट पार्स करता है प्राइवेट क्लास ग्रेटप्लेस एसिंक टास्क विस्तृत करता है & lt; स्ट्रिंग, वाइड, स्ट्रिंग & gt; {सुरक्षित स्ट्रिंग doInBackground (स्ट्रिंग ... यूआरएल) {StringBuilder placesBuilder = new StringBuilder (); // प्रोसेस सर्च पैरामीटर स्ट्रिंग (स्ट्रिंग placeSearchURL: urls) के लिए {// एक्सट्रैक्शन सर्च HttpClient placesClient = new DefaultHttpClient (); कोशिश करें // // एचटीटीपी गेट के स्थानों को प्राप्त करने का प्रयास करेंगेट = नया एचटीटीपीएगेट (प्लेस सर्च यूआरएल); एचटीटीपीआरपीएसपॉइंट स्थानोंरेस्पोंस = placesClient.execute (स्थानोंगेट); स्टेटसलाइन स्थान SearchStatus = placesResponse.getStatusLine (); यदि (placeSearchStatus.getStatusCode () =...

ios - Trying to create UILocalNotification repeating every weekday -

I am trying to create a replicated local notification using Xamarin.IOS. I have to give a different warning body message every day, for example "it is Monday", "this is a Tuesday day" and so on. My problem is that only the first information is working, I have read the documentation, and the correct method of making the repetition of some tutorials is to loop through each day and make a total of seven notifications That the repeater interval property is set to NSCalendarUnit.Weekday. My code is slightly confusing at this time ... for (int i = 0; i & lt; = 6; i ++) {NSDAT Component Component = Greg Calendars.Companies (NSCAllaryRent.DE | NSCLandERUnit.Sy | NSCALendarUnit.Month, DateTime.AdWords (i) .Onsdate ()); Components.DAY = date time.NEW Add Day (i). day; Components Death = date time.Now Add Day (i). Death; Component. Year = date time.Now Add Day (i). year; NSDT ReferenceData = Greg Calendars Data Components (Component); NSDateComponents components...

c# - disable third column of data grid view if first two column having data -

I am working on the form of windows .. I have the data grid view (3 columns). I want if the first data does not have two columns, then disable the third column. If I have data in the first two columns then the third column should be enabled. My data grid view like this If there are some data in the first two columns, I will have to enter some ID in the third column. Secondly, I do not want permission to enter an ID in the third column - How can I do this? Any help is very commendable? string cell 1 = datagrid view 1. Ro [0]. [[0]. [0]. Value ToString (); String Cell 2 = Data Grid View 1. RO [0]. Game [1]. Value ToString (); If (string. ISOLORO Whitespace (cell 1) and string. ISO off of WhiteSite (cell 2)) {dataGridView1.Rows [0] .cel [2] .ReadOnly = true; }

Javascript - array connect to another -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 9 उत्तर 1 उत्तर मेरे पास वास्तव में अजीब स्थिति है: जब मैं यह कोड करता हूँ: Var मूल_अरे = [1,2,3]; Var एम = मूल_अरे; m.pop (); चेतावनी (origin_array); मूल_अरे का मान 1,2 हो जाएगा, लेकिन मैंने इसे बदल नहीं किया लेकिन अगर मैं उस कोड को बनाऊँगा: var X = 5; Var y = x; y--; चेतावनी (x); x अभी भी 5 हो, यह "एक्स" से नहीं जोड़ा जाएगा जैसा कि आप 1 उदाहरण से देख सकते हैं। तो मेरा सवाल है कि मैं कैसे कर सकता हूं "एम" सरणी अद्वितीय है, जो मूल सरणी को बदल नहीं सकता? आपको स्पष्ट रूप से एक ( उथले) प्रतिलिपि या मूल_अरे का क्लोन: var m = origin_array.slice (0); आदिम मानों के लिए आवश्यक नहीं है, जैसे स्ट्रिंग्स और नंबर। यह समझना जरूरी है कि उपरोक्त समस्या जो आप अनुभव कर रहे थे, उसे रोकने होंगे फिर से गहरा हो सकता है अगर आप अधिक जटिल संरचनाओं से निपटते हैं, और कुछ मामलों में "गहरा क्लोन" आवश्यक है।

VXWorks WatchDog timers versus Posix timers -

What kind of timer users need for normal-purpose application timer requirements when using timer rotation? I think the watchdog timer is executed in ISR so that handler functions can greatly reduce system responses in CPU intensive etc. I am writing some new work, which requires some general purpose timer, so what time should I contact (Timer Lib or WDLB)? Have you seen the timer lib code? I would not be surprised if it used native wdLib under cover, I do not have access to vxworks source anymore, so I can not see myself. In addition, wdLib is quite light weight, unless you do not go and make a WD handler routine, which takes 10 minutes to run all the allocation, then you should be ok with local calls. I usually sample my WD operators or send messages to unblock a job that works real.

how to delete a line in a text file in ruby on rails -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 उत्तर मेरी फ़ाइल text.txt है सामग्री के साथ संसाधन: ऐल्बम, को छोड़कर: [: नया,: संपादित करें, नष्ट करो] संसाधन: conversation_replies, को छोड़कर: [: नया: संपादित करें, नष्ट करें] संसाधन: लेखकों, को छोड़कर: [: नया,: संपादित करें, नष्ट करो] ......... अब, मैं इस फ़ाइल में एक पंक्ति को हटाना चाहता हूं। उदाहरण के लिए, मैं चाहता हूं कि वर्ण के साथ सामग्री के साथ लाइन हटाएं जैसे: conversation_replies कृपया मेरी मदद करें बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद सिस्टम ("बिल्ली youfile | grep -v conversation_replies & gt; yourfile बाक) सिस्टम ("mv youfile.bak yourfile")

xslt 1.0 - Can we declare global variable and add/Remove/Check value from it? -

I want to receive Announce the global value of No value & lt; Xsl: variable name = "isEqual" /> Check changes to variable values ​​and status & lt; Xsl: select & gt; ** // check value equals or not ** & lt; Xsl: when test = "name = $ name" & gt; & Lt; XSL: Select & gt; ** // Variable Value Checking ** & lt; Xsl: When testing = "$ eSeal! = 'Unequal' '& gt; ** // Setting variable value ** & lt; xsl: variable name =" isEqual "=" Similar "/> & lt; / XSL: otherwise> gt; / XSL: select & gt; & lt; xsl: select value = "$ IsEqual" / & Gt; Expected output value of variable $ ISEqual .. If this is not possible, then what is the other way to get it? What do I do instead of variables "This is not a bug, it's a feature": xslt variables are designed to not be variable. in fact, can be labeled constant name is difficult to work ar...

angularjs - How to inject an service into controller by angular.js? -

I am learning angular.js from the website below, I try to run the snippet in my 'S local server but it failed. I thought it was an issue that the controller did not know the 'informed' factory. html & lt; Body ng-app = "myApp" & gt; Can anyone help? & Lt; Div id = "simple" ng-controller = "myController" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Let's try this simple notification service, injector in the controller ... & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Input ng-init = "message = 'test'" ng-model = "message" & gt; & Lt; Button ng-click = "call note (message);" & Gt; Notified & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; P & gt; (You have to click 3 times to see a warning) & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; JS & lt; Script & gt; // MyServiceModule service module angular.module ('MyServiceModule', []). Factory ('notify', ['$ window...

Confused about calling objects fields in Ruby -

Why do I get this error message? I am trying to make it so that the account name of each video is visible. Users and accounts are working perfectly on their own if I have not been included in it. Account_name, I just get an ugly collection code like: # I think I am confused about how to use an object's field within an object. NoMethodError undefined method `account_name 'for video zero: NilClass & lt;% @ Video. Video |% & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt;% = video.file% & gt; & Lt; / Td> ** & lt; Td> & Lt;% = video.user.account_name% & gt; & Lt; / Td> ** & lt; TD & gt; & Lt;% = & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; apparently not with a video Users . Change this: & lt; Td> & Lt;% = video.user.account_name% & gt; & Lt; / Td> To do this: & lt; Td> & Lt;% = video.user.try (: account_name)%> ...

html - CSS right aligned next to text -

I need an H2 which has a heavier stroke on its right. Like: I am struggling to fulfill it in the best, responsive way. Not to mention that this is in a custom WP theme, so I do not want to create a ton on the page markup that the client will be immediately broken.) What you need is a single element and a proxy PS is responsive. Explanation: Here, the main part is overflow: hidden element, and a virtual element is creating content Using the property with a : after , and setting the absolute in the original element which is set to relative & lt; H2 & gt; Hello World & lt; / H2 & gt; H2 {font-size: 20px; Font-family: aerial; Status: Relative; Hidden flurry; } H2: After {display: inline-block; material: ""; Height: 4px; Background: # f00; Status: Completed; Width: 100%; Top: 50%; Margin-top: -2px; Margin-left: 10px; }

sql - Perl - From Database to data structure -

I ask a table with a SQL in a database like this: select col1 For reference, col2 will be an integer value, and the col1 will be the name of an element, for example, col2 by column_name to col2 . Eg foo, 3 times, 10 I need a data structure where values ​​are vars-> gt; {Valueofcol1} should return the value of col2 . Then $ vars-> FOO 3 Actually I do not know how to return SQL results to a data structure, I can figure out like this. You need to bring the access line and create that key. My $ vars; # My $ sth = $ dbh- & gt; Declare the variable for the hash ref outside the loop (select q {col1, select col2 from column 2}); $ Sth- & gt; Execution; Whereas (my $ res = $ sth-> fetchrow_hashref) {# line $ vars- & gt; {$ Res-> {Col1}} = $ res-> {Col2}; # Build the data structure} Print $ vars- & gt; {FOO}; __END__ 3 You want especially.

Wordpress archive pages url change -

After I can show my blog collection months and I can use them by going to Http:// Now, I like these links something like http: // www / blog / date / 2014/02 Permalinks admin panel without changing the setting. Is it possible to achieve this goal by coding it? After "text" itemprop = "text"> An idea of ​​what you want can be found and Install, and finally you will have something like this: add_action ('wp_router_generate_routes', 'bl_add_routes', 20); Function bl_add_routes ($ router) {$ route_args = array ('path' = & gt; '^ blog', 'query_vars' => array (),' page_callback '= & gt; bl_new_demo_route_callback', 'page_arguments' = & Gt; array (), 'access_callback' = & gt; true, 'title' = & gt; __ ('blog / date'), 'template' = & gt; array ('page.php', dirname (__FILE__) '/pa...

dom - javascript why "document.documentElement.childNodes" output different result? -

I think "document.documentElement.cildNodes" are already all children in the tag, but today I have my code extrovert I'm looking for a special case: Why would I get "document.documentElement.childNodes" in tags and function tags, different results? I hope someone can give me more examples about this. Thanks a lot! The issue is, do this in a head script tag when it is executed, to the whole DOM The page is not loaded, however, and when you call the function in the console, the DOM is fully loaded, to make sure that all your code is window .onload to the event, like this: window.addEventListener ("load", function () {var o = document.createElement ( 'Script'); o.text = 'alert ("111")'; Var Ohtml = document.documentElement; Warning (ohtml.nodeName); // Output HTML Warning (ohtml.childNodes.length); // nodes are not length 1 alert (ohtml.childNodes.length); // just head is not hobbled hair Node [0] .appendChi...

connection between php scripts and html input -

& lt; form id = "submit-form" method = "post" क्रिया = "" enctype = "multipart / प्रपत्र-डेटा "& gt; & LT; लेबल & gt; dateField1 & lt; / लेबल & gt; & Lt;? Php प्रिंट "& lt; b & gt; कैलेंडर: & lt; / b & gt; & lt; br / & gt;"; $ DateField1 = नया डेटफिल्ड ($ प्रारूप, "दिनांक 1", $ img); $ DateField1- & gt; setTitles ($ arr_daysOfTheWeek, $ arr_months, $ format_title); $ DateField1- & gt; setCssClasses ($ arr_cssClasses); प्रिंट "मान:" $ DateField1- & gt; makeDateField (); ? & Gt; & Lt; input type = "text" class = "span3" name = "dateField1" tabindex = "2" मान = "" / & gt; & Lt; / प्रपत्र & gt; मैं उस मूल्य को php स्क्रिप्ट में मान से संबंधित होना चाहता हूं इनपुट फ़ॉर्म html मैंने कई तरह से कोशिश की, लेकिन लागू नहीं की, कृपया HTML में PHP: & lt; input type = ...

bash - Write multiple lines with cat using a loop in shell -

मेरे पास यह स्क्रिप्ट है के लिए ((i = 0; $ i & lt; = $ C; i ++)) बिल्ली & lt; & lt; "EOF" & gt; my_file.html लाइन 1 लाइन 2 ... EOF यह प्रत्येक पाश में कुछ विशिष्ट पंक्तियाँ लिखना माना जाता है लेकिन मेरी फाइल रिक्त है और मुझे हमेशा यह त्रुटि मिलती है वाक्यविन्यास त्रुटि: फ़ाइल का अनपेक्षित अंत इस पाश से पहले मुझे बिल्ली का एक और प्रयोग बिल्कुल ठीक है यह बिल्ली & lt; & lt; "EOF" & gt; my_file.html line1 ... लाइन n ईओएफ स्क्रिप्ट चलाने के बाद my_file.html में ये एन लाइनें लेकिन लूप लाइनों में से कोई भी नहीं। आपका वाक्यविन्यास गलत है। आपके पास यहां सीमांकक के अंत का संकेत दे रहा है- डॉक्टर का अंत। बिल्ली & lt; & lt; "EOF" & gt; my_file.html लाइन 1 लाइन 2 ... EOF # इस लाइन से प्रमुख स्थान निकालें इसके अतिरिक्त, यदि आप एक पाश के भीतर रीडायरेक्ट करना चाहते हैं, तो संभवत: पुनःप्रदेश के बजाय अनुलग्न करें & gt; & gt; & gt; ।

TCL grabbing words within special boundaries -

आक्षेप: "{" "}" सीमा के भीतर सभी शब्द प्राप्त करें। input_file.txt : set_false_path -from [get_ports {a / b [1] ab / cd_1 abcd_1_ad_}] के माध्यम से [get_pins {th / th1 th2 / th2 [2]}] सेट_डरेट -जो भी हो [get_ports {Xxx / xx1 xxx xxxx_1}] set_false_path 3-से [get_pins {aaa / d aaa / b}] से [get_abc {abc / ac / dd nnn_2 / 2}] अपेक्षित Output_file.txt: a / b [1] ab / cd_1 abcd_1_ad_ th / th1 th2 / th2 [2] aaa / d aaa / b abc / एसी / dd nnn_2 / 2 NB: "{" "}" की दो या दो से अधिक जोड़ी हो सकती है, और मैं "{" और "}" के भीतर उन सभी शब्दों को पकड़ना चाहता हूं, चाहे कितने भी हो। यहाँ मेरा कोड है: इनपुट इनपुट फ़ाइल [खोलें "इनपुट_फाइल। Txt"] सेट आउटपुटफ़ाइल [खुले "आउटपुट_फ़ाइल। Txt" w] जबकि [{$ INFOFFILE लाइन ]! = -1} {first set_word [lindex [split $ line "" 0] अगर {regexp "set_false_path" $ first_word} {# कैसे "{" और "}" के बीच सभी शब्दों को पकड़ने के लिए; उन...

insert - Loading CSV files relative to changelog file -

I have the following problem with Liquibase 3.1.1: I would like to apply Liquibase to the following project structure: database - v1 - data - example.csv - changelog 01.xml - changelog 02.xml - v2 - changelog 01.xml - changelog 02.xml - changelog.axml project - module a - modulab - palm. XML I try to use the Liquibase plugin in module B, so I added it in pom.xml. Among others I specified the path for the changelog file in the plugin configuration. The changelog file is located in the directory database. For different versions, there are several subfiles that are included by the main changelog file. All files (such as ChangeLog 01.xm) load data from CSV files I want to specify the path of the CSV file relative to the channel file, but the following does not work because the CSV file is not found: This is resolved in the latest version of Liquibase. See also: Correction [Core-54 9] One ???? To update your XML schema location in version 3.3: & lt; Xsi: sch...

unity3d - FB.Init fails when there's no internet connection in Unity Facebook SDK -

Due to the nature of my app, I will have to call FB.Init as soon as possible. FB.Init (onInDDLEGATE); It works well all the time when there is no internet connection. In this case, on-individalegate will not be called and I will be left with the app with the hanging I can end one time init, but I have an error callback or an alternative option. Any ideas? Add FB init to a coronetine and wait a little bit in it, / P> As an example: using UnityGen; Using System.Collections; Public class example: monobahavier {attempting to personalize the connection = false; Private bool socailly connected = false; Try personal floatSocialColanEgain = 0.0F; IEnumerator WaitAndInit () {Attempting connection = true; // Make sure the level is fully loaded while i (application.isLoadingLevel ()) {} // just give it a second yield yields New WaitForSeconds (1); Try {FB.Init (onInDelegate); Socially connected = true; } Hold {debug.log ("unable to join Facebook"); TrySocialCallA...

perl - HTML::TokeParser - finding text between and after tags -

I am trying to remove the following page from the HTML page using the following code, but my code fails .. Budget - $ 25,000,00 Gross (worldwide) - $ 58,500,00 #! Use / usr / bin / perl HTML :: TokeParser; My $ content = & lt; & Lt; HTML; & Lt; H5 & gt; Budget & lt; / H5> $ 25 million (estimated) & lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; H5 & gt; Opening weekend & lt; / H5> $ 727,327 (USA) (& lt; a href = "/ date / 09-25 /" & gt; 25 September & lt; / a & gt; & lt; a href = "/ year / 1994 /" & gt; 1994 & lt; / a & gt;) (33 screens) & lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; H5 & gt; Gross & lt; / H5> $ 28,341,469 (USA) ( ESP 63729185 (Spain) $ / /> $ 58,500,000 (Worldwide) 163,594 (France) ( 410,811 (Germany) ( 1,245,604 (Spain) Filming Dates get_tag ("h5")) {my $ text = $ parser-> gt; Get_text (); Last if $ ...

ruby on rails - Webmock JSON response for geocoding -

I try to stub a geocoding HTTP request with webmock but always do it Error: NoMethodError: Undefined method `[] 'for zero: before NilClass context" Geocoding ": each Do # User = Fabricate: User stub_request (: get, /.**/).to_return(:body = & gt; (file.) ("Spec", "fixtures", "geoder "," YahooHaps_Data .Jesen "))) If this coordinate is done 'GOCOD', then 'without direction' = location. New (name: "test", street: "rainierstrash 1", pincode: "5020", country: "AT", user: @ user, affiliate: @ user) result = without coordinates.jocode-coordinate.Cordinate "47.8029", "Longitude": "13.0472", "OffsetLat": "/" and "End". [47.8029, 13.0472] End End JSON FILE " "47.802898", "Offsetlon": "13.04185", "Radius": "8600", "Bounding...

javascript - Bootstrap is not working properly in different screens -

After text "itemprop =" text "> I am using bootsrap3 in my app. In the 2 divs see and div div in 2 divs with each div Col-md-6 and another 2 divs col-md-3 has 2 images in 2 divisions (one image in each div When Bella is in full width and height, there is no space between the images, but when Bella turns a little bit, then the blank space appears between the images and the second d V also comes true. My requirement - In the computer pc, I want the left side (div containing logo) towards 1 division and 2 div (containing the right side side images), but in the mobile i want all divs ( 1 and 2 are not visible to each other after working. Herewith I am also attached both screenshots) but it is doing this. In the above screenshot, the logo divide The image is right on the left and according to my image the image is correct. Now the screenshot above In, I have just changed the width of some of the buses and both the lights are coming to the left side, a...

android - SharedPreferences not saving values properly -

I'm trying to save a string to share preferences. The way I tried to do it is : EyeshireFranspace_prefs = PreferenceManager.GetDefaultSharedPreferences (this); ISAprotection Editor _Editor = _prefs.Edit (); _editor.PutString ("myString", "123"); _editor.Commit (); Next I try to print my string: _txtView.Text = _prefs.GetString ("mystring", "string can not be found is" ); When I run the application, my textview correctly prints "123" then everything is working as a purpose; The issue of shared preferences is that it is consistent so if I now try to comment on the following two rows: _editor.PutString ("mystring", "123"); _editor.Commit (); Then again, my text view "String can not be found" displays. So the string is not being saved for any reason? Does anyone see why this is? However, the shared preferences are That it is constantly : it is consistent between app spans wh... mvc - .NET URL with categories -

There are some problems managing URLs that look good for my site. I have 3 models : city , restaurants , food . TownController is using Town service and index shows all cities (other methods are Edit , create , delete ) using the Restaurants and Index and then / Code> shows restaurants similarly with town ) FoodController - FoodService Using the index to show all foods code> is selected Restaurant url: / city - all cities P> ID = 1 shows all with city in the code> / restaurant / index / 1 - restaurant ID = 1 with / food / index / 1 - all foods in restaurants > Only / town is the correct URL, the rest is not good, should be like second / town / 1 , but ever since the restaurant controller has all races National in city is visible, it / restaurants / index / 1. Is there any way to change that construct? Also keep in mind that the customer insists on not using custom routes / specialty routing. ...

loops - Python2.7 looping through custom sequence -

Rookie Question Season Continues :) I have found a function that is numerical Example (which works): [0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 15, 31, 32] Code> To: RowTDE (i) Question I would like to avoid typing in all required values, I would like to use something: for i [: 2] + [7:10]] [15:]: rotate (i) I have tried and tried to do it: Syntax error: invalid syntax Do I need to first make a list of integers to use it? Like intList = [1, 2, 3, 4, ... 33]. Besides, as each data source is mentioned before, this limit will be different, but the maximum numeric value is 40 (each column represents one column index) less. Will be done. As usual, I highly appreciate your help with this and tell me that you need more information. Happy Monday morning :) You can enter category S: gt; & Gt; & Gt; For category (3) + Category (7, 9) + Category (15, 16) + Category (31, 33): Print I 0 1 2 7 8 15 31 32 Or Category Build piece it: & gt; & Gt; ...

c# - Send large string from silverlight(OB) to without query string -

I'm working in Silverlight (outside of browser mode) project. I sent data from Silverlight to server end using WebBrowser (query string). But the ability of the query sting is the problem. You know that the query string has a maximum length of 2048 (IE) but I need to send huge data to the server from the client. Now I send huge data (over 2048) from Silverlight to host What do i do for I do not want. I want to use .aspx. Thank you Example is here You will include: system; Using System.Collections.Specialized; Using System.Net;

c# - How to create a [Tag] with specific method call? -

I want to make "[tag]" a new custom with a special custom meaning. In the image you have a list of the methods in the service and you want to enter some of some information: I'm actually doing something like this Public Zero Method (Parameter) {LogMethodCall (); // method body} Actually I want prefere to create something like this: [LogEnabled] Public Zero Method (Parameter) Method of method} And something like this has been stored: If (Mathri log is enabled) LogMethodCall () Is it possible? Does this possibility exist in C #? How is it called? Use: With it you can create something like a Public class log enabled: OnMethodBoundaryAccpect {public override zero OnEntry (MethodExecutionArgs args) {Logger.LogMethodCall (); >

java - One thread dependent on the other -

If there are 4 threads running, and want if the t1 thread completes its instruction, and ends, and It is necessary that T2 should be terminated even after the T1 is over, its instructions have not been completed, while T3 and T4 are still running, it is only dependent on T2, nor on T3 Neither on T4 Someone has suggested to make me a T2 daemon, but it will depend on T3 as well as T2 on T4. Can anyone help me do that? You can apply using. This is a synchronization support that waits for one or more threads until another thread completes a set of operations. A versatile synchronization on the device and can be used for many purposes A countdown launch started with a countdown number, which acts as a simple / close link, or gate: all the threads that wait at the gate Do not wait until it opens with a thread countdownown (). A calculation dotlach introduced for N can be used to wait for a thread until N. Threads has not completed some work, or some work has been completed N ti...

Typed Function and Currying in Scala -

In Scala, I have such a function: def foo [R] ] (X: string, y: () => R): then I can: val something: int = foo ("Bar", {() => 13}) Is there any way to use function curry without "losing" the type of second argument? ; nothing) Some Val: int = bar ((=) 13) case class foo (x: string) AnyVal {def apply [r] (y: (=);): r = y ()} val bar = foo ("bar") Val some: int = Bar ((=) = 13) // int = 13

linux - Receiving binary data over socket in c++ -

I have an MCU unit connected to the local network. This device is sending data of 100 times per second to the TCP socket. I can also issue commands and data on the same socket. I am trying to write a simple TCP client which can connect to the device, take the data and if the request is sent then command I can send commands without problems (command string And it works). My problem is the reception of data from the device. I know from the device manual that the data must first be 32-bit integer, then an array of approximately 30 pairs) I am installing a new thread that I will insert data I want to stop and process it: void * com :: setListenerSocket (zero * thread socketdata) {struct socketData * sockData; SockData = (socketdata *) threadSocketData; Com :: tcp_client cListener; Structure Timeless Timeout; Timeout.tv_sec = 0; Timeout.tv_usec = 12500; // SetOpP (sealister, IPPROTOPCP, SO_RCVTEMO, (four *) timeout, size (timeout)); // an effect cListener.connect (sockData->...

javascript - Radio button onclick does not change value -

I am trying to execute JS below. I have a radio button that, after clicking on the click, the child should set the property of variable refreshmapping. However, it does not seem to work. I have set the template the default value of refreshmapping, every time I select the radio button, the value should be changed in the child, which is not any help would be appreciated. & lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Span Abrap & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Table cellpadding = '0' field = '0' width = '' & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td class = '{DataValueWrite}' outlook = 'aboopep' width = '' align = "top" & gt; & Lt; Input & lt; Paya: Include name = "client validity" /> Type = "radio" class = "radio" name = "& lt; pague: reference name =" $ this-name "/> onclick =" document.getElementById ('RefreshMapping') value = 'ch...

c# - Can i use ApiControllers from a library project in my solution? -

I have two solutions in one project, one with a full API and one another (one library) of my API controllers with . Is there any easy way to use API controllers from my library in my Web API project? Yes, in web API you can create a custom IAssembliesRolver . The public class can use the controllers of external assemblies by providing custom reseller roles: the default asymmetrical reseller {public override iscollchen & lt; Assembly & gt; GetAssemblies () {var assemblies = base.getsassemilease (); Variable Controller Assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom (@ "C: \ PATH_TO_MY_CONTROLLERS_ASSEMBLY"); Assemblies.Add (controllersAssembly); Return legislatures; }} Or if you do not want to load DLL by hand public class customsabangersolver: default asymbly reseller {public override icon selection & lt; Assembly & gt; GetAssemblies () {var assemblies = base.getsassemilease (); Var Controller Aspaid Folder = Typef (SomeTypeFromControllersLibrary) Assembly; As...

coldfusion - What version of Hibernate does CFML use? -

Occasionally refers to the difference between different versions. What version of Hibernate is to use coldfusion 10? Is it only in ColdFusion 9? Does the railroad use different versions of the stationary / bleeding side? All current engine versions use 3.5 , but between CF and Railo Different points are released with the latest CF beta version 4.1 . ColdFusion 11 beta 4.1.10-end use Cold Fusion 10 3.5.2- The last uses (verified at u11) Cold Fusion 9 3.5.2 - Final (verified at 9,0,1,274733) Railo uses 4 x 3.5.5-last (verified,,, Rail3 X 3.5.5-Ultimate uses (verified,, Note: This is the hubernate's worst All are older than the latest version, which are related documents for the 4.3.1 Hibernate version of CF and Railo and include. Previous versions of Hibernate docs are available here:

How to reuse (extend) bootstrap css classes in rails/sass -

In the core SCSS file I import "Boostrop" which also imports other SCSS files (Example: _modals.css) . In modals.css, I want to expand some Bootstrap sections: .modal-container {@extend .row; } and the extension does not work as expected: on line 42 ...... / _ modals.css.scss Warning: "Line" "extension". The selector ".row" was not found. If this should be an error in Sass's future release, if the extension should be able to fail, then use "@extend .row! Optional". The only way I can do this is to import "bootstrap" again in _modals.scss but it actually includes full bootstrap inside this file ... All other problems that define CSS in the core CSS file - in this case - CSS is very less structured ... How should I do this properly? The problem was because I imported the files through the sass / require_tree command. The problem was because I imported the files through the sass / require_tree com...

php - Encoding json from database -

I know that it has been asked thousands of times, but I still can not wrap my head around it. Here comes it: I want to convert my database data to Jason in sign language. I was working under the old version of phs using MSQL_connect, etc. in place of mysqli instead of mysqli I have updated the server yesterday and I can not work with mysqli This is my code, nothing is returning, not zero, no empty bracket, nothing. & lt ;? Php $ mysqli = new mysqli ("$ host", "$ username", "$ password", "$ db_name"); $ MyQuery = "SELECT * myTable ORDER to date DESC LIMIT 4"; $ Result = $ mysqli- & gt; Query ($ myQuery); $ Data = array (); While ($ line = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($ result)) {$ data ['nameOfArray'] [] = $ line; } Echo json_encode ($ data); $ Mysqli- & gt; near (); ? & Gt; I should look something like "nameOfArray": [{object}, {object}, {object}] The strange thing is, ik was working properly...

mysql - Query with Rails -

An ideal employee with the properties of my holidays I want to create a query that does not return the employee to the holidays. For example: employee = employee. Where ("sickness =? And (the date passes vacations.ed_at)", false) .dr ("Engagement ASC"). All Employee Model: Classroom staff & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base has has_many: Holidays: Dependent = & gt; : Delete after_initialize do self.acceso || = True ending The holiday model has : start_at,: ends_at ,: employee_id properties You may be able to do something like current_holidays = holiday.where (("start_at" And_date = =: now ", {: now => time.nuh}]) employee_onlinehold = present_holy.You (& employee_id) employees_not_on_holiday = employee.where ((" id not? ") / P> >

c# - SqlCeCommand throwing exception -

This command is throwing an exception on my C # program, though SQL query builder works well. using (SqlCeCommand cf = new SqlCeCommand ("Select from the data where name is (score = (max MAX from figures) (score))", cn)) token line number = 1, token line offset = 41, in error token = SELECT I do not think SqlCeCommand supports this type of query. Are you running against compact edition runtime, and a server version when testing with the management studio? As many work is available in the server version, but only one subset is available in the compact version.

ios - After creating a project on Xcode, i deleted the viewController that comes by default and created a new one. But the project does not run -

I have created a project in Xcode and removed the Viewer file that comes by default on it. I've added a new file (Object-C class) and added some controls to its visualdial load and run the project but it does not seem to work, that this view is empty, any settings should be prepared Having been? When you say that has deleted the view controller file, default in it. , that means that you have chosen other application type other than blank application . This means that you might have chosen the Single Vis App , because the default vequirerother file will be provided to the Single Weave app (the default on the XBOX 5+ by the Storeboard by means of it). Even if you have deleted the application, you can add Add a NewViewController (subclassed by UIViewController ), Name it ( MyViewController ) Save it Import it in app delegate file ( #import " MyViewController.h " ) Make an example of this. ( myViewController * vc = [myViewController alloc] ) Pus...

curl - osCommerce module gets response code as blank -

मेरे पास osCommerce साइट है और व्यवस्थापक में एकीकृत मॉड्यूल अनुभाग। भुगतान मॉड्यूल पहले ठीक काम कर रहा था और भुगतान सफलतापूर्वक किया गया था लेकिन अब अचानक मैंने देखा है कि ग्राहकों को समस्या का सामना करना पड़ता है क्योंकि वे आदेश की पुष्टि करने के लिए पुष्टि बटन पर क्लिक करते समय त्रुटि प्राप्त करते हैं: "सर्वर प्राधिकृत करने से कनेक्ट नहीं हो सकता। कृपया अपने कर्ल और सर्वर सेटिंग्स की जांच करें। " मैंने उस प्रतिक्रिया में जांचने की कोशिश की जो मुझे authorize.php फ़ाइल में प्रतिक्रिया में मिलती है, पहले_प्रक्रिया () फ़ंक्शन मुझे जो प्रतिक्रिया मिलती है वह रिक्त है पता नहीं क्या समस्या है सर्वर पर मेरे पास cURL सक्षम और व्यवस्थापक अनुभाग में सही पथ है। के UserID भी व्यवस्थापक अनुभाग में ठीक से सेट है। कृपया मदद करें। अग्रिम धन्यवाद। यह सर्वर परिवर्तनों से हो सकता है कनेक्शन के रूप में अच्छी तरह से निष्पादित कैसे होता है पर प्रभाव। यदि आपका सर्वर एक सुरक्षित कनेक्शन नहीं बना सकता है, तो एथनेट इसे मना कर देगा।

.net - Ignoring GC while profiling (sampling) an application -

I have a VS In 2012, I am outlining an application using sampling (although profiler does not make much difference). I have a good edge over where there is a lack of performance, however, I am interrupted by the fact that lots of memory allocation is going on, and the garbage collector is important for my profiling (I see some GC effect to some extent I am in CLR Profiler and Concurrency Visualizer). Is there a way to get rid of the sample obtained in any way? I can use any of these: One GC is running, while ignoring collected samples (filter by function pointer)? Giving different time and actually working time Increase the boundaries of GC to effectively "stop it" for profiling. Actually turn off GC The problem is that I do not know much about what I need to adapt, in the efforts to optimize GC by reducing allocation etc. There was very little effect on release versions without engaging the debugger, so I I really want to know how many profiling results are...

c# - Show image in Full screen -

I am working on the Windows Phone 8 app and there is an image view in XAML : & lt; Image Name = "Image" Grid. Line = "0" visibility = "collapsed" width = "auto" height = "auto" = "image_tap" horizontal alignment = "center" vertical alignment = "center" margin = "1,1,1,1" This event is called tap = "Image_tap" now, when I tap on the image, then I can use the same picture without any time Want to show in the screen up and down, how to get it? Below is the ApplicationBar and the top bar is SystemTray . If you create a new page without the ApplicationBar and you are false from SystemTray.IsVisible , then you have a full screen page now, on the root grid , just place one image and you can use that page as a full screen viewer. & lt; Phone: Phone Application Page: Class = "SimpleApp.FullScreenPage" xmlns = "

3d - Screen space bounding box computation in OpenGL -

I am trying to apply the deferred rendering method of the tile and now I'm stuck. I am computing the minimum / maximum depth for each tile (32x32) and I am storing it in texture. Then I want to represent the boundary bounding box of the screen to the left bottom and the top right corner for every point (region) (see the picture from my app) in my scene. With minimum / maximum depth, it will be used to check whether the light affects the actual tile. The problem is not how to do it, any ideas, source code or exact mathematics? Update The screen space is basically a 2D unit, so think of a boundary rectangle instead of a bound box. Here's an easy way to calculate: Project 8 corner points in your World-Space Bounding Box on the screen using your model-visual projection matrix Find a border rectangle of these points (which is the minimum / maximum X and Y coordinate points) Use a more streamlined method for a point light source To calculate a screen-s...

.htaccess - mod_rewrite change extensions .gif/.jpg to .png -

The rule that I'm doing without meaning is not working, I try to load all the images in 1 directory Images in PNG Directory. PNG is a mixture of .jpg and .gif I want to be able to load the file tree by going to the tree. (No file is named). I'm sure my mistake is clear or my whole effort is wrong, I can not work it The HTCS file is with images in the same folder, which is called thumb / RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^ ([^.] *). Gif $ / thumbs / $ 1.png [R, L, NC] I also tried this, but it only gives a broken link for both .gif and .png versions RewriteRule ^ (. +) \. Gif $$ 1.png I also tried to do this, but it adds URL to its server path for some reason RewriteRule ^ ([^.] *) \. Gif $ [RewriteEngine], L, NC] at $ 1.png Rules can be used: RewriteRule ^ Rev. ^ [[^.] +) \. PNG $ / $ 1 gif [L, NC, R]

python - How to determine whether a memory page is mmaped in C -

I would like to know one way to determine whether an indicator is from an MMAPD memory page. To use msync () on an indicator on StackOverflow it determines whether it passes or not but what I found msync () will be as long as the indicator page size There is a multi, no matter the page or mmaped. I know the beginning of the page by the macro: #define align_to_page (addr, pagesize) (& addresses amp; ~ (pagesize - 1)) Please help me, I'm working on it blocking here for a long time and here. Thanks in advance :) Background: I am developing an extension for Python and Namchi. In some tasks, it is a general numpy.ndarray and a numpy.memmap that is created by mmap to distinguish a subclass of numpy.ndaraay with its data buffer () supported by a file on the disk. All non-blank process address space mmap ed is either Mmap syscall or indirectly using brk / sbrk through syscalls You might be able to separate another numpy arrays to find the path. The d...

sublimetext2 - Sublime Text 2 - .txt files no longer triggering Markdown Editing -

As of this morning, Sublime Text 2 now when I open. it still. Works fine with MD files. Is anyone else having this problem? Is there any problem to troubleshoot any problem? Go to: View / Syntax / Open With All as Current Extension asâ ???? | / Markdown No more, Markdown is default for not .txt files, so if you want you have it set up by default to do.

shell exec - get PID of PHP file executed with shell_exec with continuous output -

I have a PHP script, which has a constant output (written on tmp file for logging). So far, I have started the correct script from Shell, but now, I would like to start it with shell_exec: shell_exec ("file.php"> But Shell_XAC always gives space instead of PID. Instead, see proc_open and proc_get_status .

javascript - Nodejs - Simple Echo Server not working -

I do not understand why I can not write in the socket. I do not know whether my event is made properly or not, I am trying to learn Nodes and I'm new to JavaScript. var events = need ('events'); Var Net = Requirement ('Net'); Var channel = new events Enter Emiter (); Channel.on ('included', function (socket) {this.on ('broadcast', function (data) {socket.write (data);})}}); Var server = net.createServer (function (socket) {socket.on ('connect', function) {channel.emit ('join', socket);}); Socket.on ('data', function (data) {data = data.toString (); channel.emit ('broadcast', data);});}); Server.listen (8888); The event connect for a socket is only emitted My understanding, when you connect as a client; You're doing a server here, however, when callback is inside the net.createServer , you're already connected to the socket, even if the connect event is emitted Even if you have gone, you will s...

pointers - How to get content of an address in MASM32? -

निम्नलिखित प्रक्रिया शून्य समाप्त स्ट्रिंग का पता देती है: GetExecutablePath proc local hInstance : HMODULE स्थानीय szFileName [MAX_PATH]: BYTE GetModuleHandle खोलें, नल mov hInstance, eax .if hInstance == नल एक्सएक्स, eax ret .endif GetModuleFileName, hInstance, addr szFileName, sizeof szFileName .if ईएक्स == 000h xor eax, eax रिटा .endif lea eax, szFileName GetExecutablePath endp मेरी मुख्य प्रक्रिया में, मैं इस पते की सामग्री को अन्य स्थानीय चर में कॉपी करना चाहूंगा: स्थानीय szpath [MAX_PATH]: BYTE GetExecutablePath; के लिए ईएक्स की सामग्री को एक स्थानीय चर में ईएक्स के पते की प्रतिलिपि बनाने के लिए मुझे केवल एक रास्ता मिल गया है, लेकिन मैं संदर्भित की प्रतिलिपि बनाने का एक तरीका तलाश रहा हूं आप पहले से ही एक स्थानीय चर तक पहुंचने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं गुंजाइश से बाहर चला गया यह विचार अच्छा नहीं है। इसके बजाय, आपको अपने GetExecutablePath फ़ंक्शन को फिर से लिखना चाहिए, जैसे कि वह बफर में एक सूचक को स्वीकार करता है। वैसे भी प्रश्न का उत्तर देने के लिए: तकनीक...

html - Changing CSS via Javascript does NOT work in IE8 for me -

I think that I'm going to switch on some eventual and eventual switch to some div tags on the code There is a small snippet on the page. This code is as follows: function toggleBack () {var list = document.getElementsByClassName ('innerContentForEmailCapture'); Var list2 = document.getElementsByClassName ('mpRight'); Var list3 = document.getElementsByClassName ('mpBtns'); Try {for (var i = 0; i & lt; list.length; i ++) {list.item (i) .style.display = 'none'; } (Var ii = 0; ii & lt; list2.length; ii ++) {list.item (ii) .style.display = 'block'; } (Var iii = 0; iii & lt; list3.length; iii ++) {list.item (iii) .style.display = 'block'; }} Catch (mistake) {warning (mistake); }} Note that this code does the exact same way, when it is called, except when working with I88 . I get an error message when using this code which states: Type error: object does not support this property or method I'm not sure wha...

jsp - How to use form:radiobuttons with out model/command object -

I would like to use the form: the spring form tag BBB to get the input form user, but I do not want to Use the model / command object because it is the only value that I get in the form of input. So I tried it below. JSP: & lt; Form action = "submitform" method = "post" & gt; & Lt; Form: radiobuttons path = "lang" item = "$ {languages}" /> & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "save" /> & Lt; / Form & gt; Administrator's method: @RequestMapping ("submitform") Public ModelAndView submitForm (@RequestParam ("lang") list & lt; string & gt; ; Lang) {system .out.println ("test:" + lang); Return a new model and view ("Exam", "Lang", Lang); } When I submit the form, the application throws it under error HTTP status 400 - The required list parameter 'Lang' does not exist. Can someone tell me the correct way to do this,...

c# - How to implement long-running tasks in -

I am implementing an ASP.NET 4.0 application in which the rules of 1000 clicks on the button will be evaluated. It's taking 10 minutes to evaluate all the rules. How does the web page show progress? Let the user do other tasks like canceling etc. Once all the rules are evaluated then the data should be updated in the page and a message should be shown. How can I apply it to ASP.NET? You can apply this by using MS Signeller Framework. We do for example in our product installation process. Also a long running process. Since the product is open source, you can check the implementation on: Hope it helps.

Can Android WebView HTML influence keyboard or keyboard features? -

मेरे पास एक क्रेडिट कार्ड प्रविष्टि फ़ॉर्म (मानक & lt; input type = "text" / & gt के साथ एक वेबदृश्य है ; फ़ील्ड) एंड्रॉइड के विभिन्न संस्करणों में मुझे अलग कीबोर्ड मिलता है किट-कैट प्रपत्र के अंदर जब पिछला / अगला कुंजी नहीं दिखता है वेब साइड पर, क्या मेरे इस पर कोई प्रभाव है? यदि नहीं, तो मुझे एंड्रॉइड की तरफ डेवलपर को क्या सलाह देनी चाहिए? बिना उदाहरण / अगला : / अगला : Https:// "alt =" यहां छवि विवरण दर्ज करें "> आप वेबव्यू से कीबोर्ड को नियंत्रित कर सकते हैं, लेकिन जैसा कि अन्य उत्तरों का सुझाव है कि यह कभी भी किए गए प्रत्येक कीबोर्ड के साथ काम नहीं करेगा इसके बावजूद, मुझे आम तौर पर सबसे अधिक मुख्य धारा के कीबोर्ड ने मेरे व्यवहार को लागू किया है। वेबव्यू में onCreateInputConnection नामक एक विधि है आप इस विधि में रूक कर सकते हैं और inputType और / या imeOptions में (और / या निकालें) झंडे जोड़ सकते हैं। आपके लिए कई झंडे उपलब्ध हैं विकल्पों को देखें, विशेष रूप से और निम्न उपयोग ...

php - Include GET variables in .htaccess redirect -

यहाँ मेरी .htaccess कोड है: #Rewrite सेटिंग्स विकल्प + FollowSymlinks # RewriteEngine पर यूआरएल RewriteCond% से index.php निकालें {THE_REQUEST} ^ [AZ] {3,9} \ /(.*) सूचकांक \ .php ($ | \ |? \) RewriteRule ^ /% 1 [आर = 301, एल] #Add स्लैश RewriteBase / RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f RewriteCond% {REQUEST_URI}! (। *) / $ RewriteRule ^ (। *) $ / $ 1 / [एल, आर = 301] #Make पूरे यूआरएल चर RewriteRule ^ (। * /) $ /index.php?path=$1 [आर = 301] मैं उप में से किसी में फ़ाइलों का नाम "index.php" के लिए सभी अनुरोधों पुनर्निर्देशित करने के लिए चाहते हैं रूट के लिए निर्देशिका "index.php" पथ के साथ एक get चर के रूप में तो: हो जाता है: / The / path / यह वर्तमान में काम करता है हालांकि, समस्या यह है कि यदि मूल यूआरएल में उसमें चर चर है, तो उन्हें हटा दिया जाता है और पथ में शामिल नहीं किया जाता है। इसलिए: बन...

suggestion for a isometric javascript framework/engine -

I will create a small iMetric game with JS. Please help me to find the right for my needs: The world in my game will not be in vain - hence land and its boundaries have already been given in the beginning and It can not be changed. Any object can be placed on a floor from a library and can also be removed. Anyone can zoom in / out and drag entire map (if it is zoomed in) it's basically I have seen these engines (but I'm sure there is more ): ,,,,, Please help me find the right one. I know this is a late night reply, but I had applied a library some time ago . It gives you basic isometric figures and provides some ways to help you start something. It may not really be what you are looking for, but it allows you to do basic things very well. See for more information.

PowerShell PSWorkflowJob Maximum Running Instances -

I'm looking for some input, confirmation, and hopefully to get a solution for the following. I am trying to run more than 100 + PowerShell workflow within a single console, however, it seems that I can not run more than 30 jobs at the same time. This code does not seem to have anything to do with executing a simple workflow, but the start-sleep will not run more than 30. The rest of the work will be in a not-so-touted state as soon as you are preventing or going on as one of the jobs suspended, due to the employment opportunities, more than 30 will start to run. I have been told any type of limitation about any documentation that this can not do to find out. Is this a configuration problem or limit? Any input? Thank you! PowerShell will suppress the number of shells created to control the workflow. I think there are two relevant values: Get-item wsman: \ Local Host \ Shell \ MaxShellsPerUser-get-item wsman: \ Local Host \ plugin \ microsoft.powershell.workflow \...

Deserializing Json file to be added to a list of ints c# -

I am able to write a text file in a list of objects with the JSON serializer, but my purpose is to get the Jason text file On the list on demand I'm a bit upset about how to do it. I have not had experience with JSON and it is only playing with the first time today. Here is the code that I use to write a list of intents in my Janet. Class Locktime {Public Ent Start {get; Set; } Public int end {get; Set; } Public locktime (int start, int end) {start = start; End = end; }} This is the class where I am writing in the JSON file (or the part where I am doing this) Private list & lt; LockTime & gt; Times; Int Timestream = PickRightstart. Value HOR + PicRightstart Value Minute; Int time end = peaktime and.value HOR + Videoinind.value Minute; Locktime bla = new locktime (timestream, timeout); Times.Add (thetime); String Meh = Jason Convert. Serialize object (bar, formatting.indent); File. Write all text (@philpath, Meh); There are two things that I want to be able...