Wordpress archive pages url change -
I can show my blog collection months and I can use them by going to <
Http://www.mysite.com/date/2014/02 Now, I like these links something like
http: // www .mysite.com / blog / date / 2014/02 Permalinks admin panel without changing the setting.
Is it possible to achieve this goal by coding it?
After "text" itemprop = "text">
An idea of what you want can be found and
Install, and finally you will have something like this:
add_action ('wp_router_generate_routes', 'bl_add_routes', 20); Function bl_add_routes ($ router) {$ route_args = array ('path' = & gt; '^ blog', 'query_vars' => array (),' page_callback '= & gt; bl_new_demo_route_callback', 'page_arguments' = & Gt; array (), 'access_callback' = & gt; true, 'title' = & gt; __ ('blog / date'), 'template' = & gt; array ('page.php', dirname (__FILE__) '/page.php')); $ Router- & gt; Add_out ('demo-root-id', $ route_aragh); } Function bl_new_demo_route_callback () {return "Congratulations!"; } There is another reading which is more straight forward.
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