c# - Show image in Full screen -
I am working on the Below is the In the main page where you can tap the image: In the fullscreenpage: Windows Phone 8 app and there is an image view in XAML :
& lt; Image Name = "Image" Grid. Line = "0" visibility = "collapsed" width = "auto" height = "auto" = "image_tap" horizontal alignment = "center" vertical alignment = "center" margin = "1,1,1,1" This event is called
tap = "Image_tap" now, when I tap on the image, then I can use the same picture without any time Want to show in the screen up and down, how to get it?
ApplicationBar and the top bar is
SystemTray . If you create a new page without the
ApplicationBar and you are false from
SystemTray.IsVisible , then you have a full screen page now, on the root
grid , just place one
image and you can use that page as a full screen viewer.
& lt; Phone: Phone Application Page: Class = "SimpleApp.FullScreenPage" xmlns = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns: x = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ Winfx / 2006 / xaml "xmlns: phone =" clr-namespace: microsoft.phone control, assembly = microsoft.phone "xmlns: shell =" clr- namespace: microsoft.phone shell; assembly = microsoft.phone "xmlns: D = "Http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008" xmlns: mc = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006" fontfamily = "{static resorsphonefontsfamily normal}" fontsis = "{StaticResource PhoneFontSizeNormal}" Foreground Mi = "{StaticResource PhoneForegroundBrush}" Supported orientation = "portrait" orientation = "Portrait" MC: Ignorable = "d" shell: SystemTray.IsVisible = "False" & gt; & Lt; Image name = "myImage" horizontal alignment = "statch" vertical alignment = "statch" stretch = "uniform" /> & Lt; / Phone: PhoneApplicationPage & gt;
Private zero myIgg_Tap (Object Sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e) {string context = (Bitmap image as source) .UriSource.ToString ();) as source. Navigation service Navigate (New Uri (string.conquet ("/ Page1.xaml? Context =", reference), Uricund.relative orsolute); }
Safe Override was navigated to zero (Navigation EventVerses E) {string context = this.NavigationContext.QueryString ["context"] ; MyImage.Source = New Bitmap Image (new Uri (reference, UriKind.relative orsolute)); Base.OnNavigatedTo (e); }
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