
Showing posts from March, 2013

Reverse and repeat String words in java -

So I have three times behind sentences, repeating my text, there is a problem in counting letters in the word Will the person help me out? I have tried googling and looking for a method and none of them can not get to work. It would be greatly appreciated At the end of your IF-statement you have a semi-colon at the wrong place The subsequent statement will always be executed. if (text.charAt (i) == 'e'); // Remove the last character here {System.out.println ("e:" + text.charAt (i) + i); Count ++; } For your reverse layer function, I do not know whether the back text; can be reached outside of your loop, but you are overwriting the value of reverse on each walk, I think you would see the value of reverse instead Try to add the value of text.charAt (j) to: string reverse = ""; // should be initial for an empty string (int j = text.length () - 1; j & gt; = 0; j--) {reverse + = text.chart (j); / * The remaining contents of your l...

Matlab's curl function and its limitation? -

Iam starting from matlab still learning it. Recently I have been asked to calculate the curls of three velocity components and give details of its contour w.r.t peripheral angle with the x-x and radius with the y-axis. The figure of U, V and W is already counted by me: u = V * cos (beta) * cos (alpha); V = V * Cos (beta) * Sin (alpha); Similarly P> w = V * sin (alpha) Someone has commented recently that the matte To enable Lab's curl functionality, mine, V and W data must be in the Cartesian coordination. I assure by assuring that although my initial data is in the spherical coordinates (V, alpha, beta), but using the coordinate conversion on U, V and W, and converting my data into cartesian coordination. He further said, "Not only should you be U, V, W should be Cartesian but its relative data should be X, Y, Z, Cartesian coordinates" I do not get it Anybody can say that what he was trying to say or if I can use the curl functionality in matlab I a...

github - Have two different images that are both shown the same -

I am trying to write a document that code would I have put on a little bucket documentation includes math formula and as far as I know, some latex-to-image converter is no way to make these images inline formula in the bit bucket without written in the document written by Markdaun use online. I have this website is to be used as my latex-to-Image Converter: I have two separate two different formulas with different links and I do them yourself would include Markdaun code: 1) 2) If you edit my question, you will see the actual link and you will see that They are different, you can easily see that one of them includes $ $ lambda, while the other includes $ \ beta $ But for some unknown reasons, in my document and even in my question, these formulas have been shown to be identical. I spent a lot of time on this and still do not know why they are similar. I appreciate your help. The problem that has been returned by two images, while individual URL, the same The request...

combining javascript variables into an array -

I know this is a simple question, but I am new and I can not understand it. I am trying to combine two variables into one array. I want to add var word1 and var word2 to create var new 1. What is the proper way to do this? var word1 = 'hello' var word 2 = 'good' var newArray = ['hello', 'good'] You can use, do: var word1 = 'hello'; Var word2 = 'good'; Var arr = []; Arr.push (word1, word2); Console.log (arrive); // ["Hello", "Good"]

python - generate a coordinate system with 2 numbers -

The user gives me 2 numbers and I want to get 2 numbers and generate a grid with coordinates. For example, the user gives me 4 for the first number and 3 for the second, now I have 4 by 3 grids. I will generate a coordinate system, so that if I want, I take coordinate (2,2) I can compare it with another coordinate (1,1). If I'm just starting, I'm learning the statement, so I do not want to use any strange or high level programming. Thanks! Do you mean something like this: def cum (n , M): AMM (Range (N)) in Print (Spider) X for 'Matrix:% s X% s'% (N, M) IND: print zip ([Ind * * N, ALM] [(4,5), (5,4), (5,5)]: co (i [0], i [1]) Output: Matrix: 4x5 [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3)] [(1, 0), (1, 1), (1 , 2), (1, 3)] [(2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3)] [(3, 0), (3, 1), (3 , (2,), (3, 3)] [(4, 0), (4, 1), (4, 2), (4, 3)] matrix: 5 x 4 [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 4)] [(1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4 )] [(2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4)] [(3, ...

sql - Display row values as column header -

मेरे पास एक चुनें कथन SELECT * FROM TABLENAME WHERE WORKERNAME = 'ए' और दिनांक = '12 / 17/2014 ' आउटपुट होगा: मुफ़्त | USED ​​| DATE | WORKERNAME ------------------------------------ 1 | 0 | 12/17/2014 | ए 1 | 0 | 12/17/2014 | ए 1 | 0 | 12/17/2014 | एक मुझे एक ऐसा आउटपुट होना चाहिए जहां DATE और WORKERNAME के लिए आउटपुट कॉलम हेडर होंगे, जो इस तरह दिखेंगे: ए ---------- 12/17/2014 ---------- मुफ़्त | USED ​​---------- 1 | 0 1 | 0 1 | 0 क्या कोई सुझाव देता है कि यह कैसे एक ऑरेकल एसक्यूएल या पीएल / एसक्यूएल का उपयोग करके प्राप्त किया जा सकता है? यह शुद्ध एसक्यूएल या पीएल / एसक्यूएल का उपयोग करने के बाद आपके आउटपुट का उत्पादन करने के लिए शानदार नहीं होगा। यदि आप एक ग्राहक को काम करते हैं तो यह बेहतर होगा। आप अपने अंतिम आउटपुट को अंतिम उपयोगकर्ता को कैसे प्रस्तुत करना चाहते हैं इस पर निर्भर करते हुए कि आपकी पसंद सरल एसक्यूएल * PLUS से अधिक परिष्कृत रिपोर्टिंग टूल्स तक हैं। यहां एक सरल उदाहरण है कि आप एसक्यूएल * PLUS का उपयोग करके उस आउटपुट को क...

javascript - configure node express to serve static bower_components? -

मेरे पास निर्देशिका संरचना है projectName | - bower_components / | - सार्वजनिक / | - सीएसएस | - जेएस | - index.html | - ग्रन्टफाइल.जेएस | - पैकेज.जेसन | - बोवर। जेसन | - app.js मैं अपने ऐप को प्रारंभ करना चाहूंगा और नोड के साथ index.html सेवा करूँगा। इसलिए ऐप। जेएस में मेरे पास है: var express = require ('express'); Var port = process.env.PORT || 3000; Var ऐप = एक्सप्रेस (); App.configure (function () {// सार्वजनिक डायरेक्टरी एप से उपयोग की जाती है। उपयोग (एक्सप्रेस.स्टीटिक (__ डायनाम्न + '/ पब्लिक')); ऐप.उसे (ऐप.क्रॉटर); ऐप.उसेन (एक्सप्रेस.लॉगर ( ));}); App.listen (पोर्ट, फ़ंक्शन () {console.log ('पोर्ट पर एक्सप्रेस सर्वर सुनना' + पोर्ट);}); index.html के तल में मेरे पास है: & lt; script src = "../ bower_components / jquery /jquery.js"></script> & Lt; script src = "../ bower_components / d3 / d3.js" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; script src = "../ bower_components / bootstra...

javascript - extjs triggerfield doesn't fire blur -

अपडेट : मैंने @newmount द्वारा एक सुझाव का प्रयास किया, हालांकि, अगर मैं fireEvent को कॉल करता हूं 'धुंधला') तब ट्रिगर का फोकस किसी भी कीबोर्ड कार्रवाई से नहीं निकाल दिया जाता है एक निश्चित स्थिति में ईमानदारी से आग लगती नहीं है। फ़ोकस ईवेंट के भीतर से अगर मेरा कोई संदर्भ है किसी अन्य क्षेत्र में और field.focus () करते हैं, वर्तमान फ़ील्ड के धुंधला आग नहीं है इससे भी बदतर यह आग लग जाता है कि अगर मैं कहीं और भी क्लिक करता हूं। नीचे कोड और पुन: उत्पन्न करने के लिए कदम हैं: Ext.onReady (function () {Ext.define (' Ext.ux.CustomTrigger ', विस्तार:' Ext.form.field.Trigger ', उपनाम:' widget.customtrigger ', लेबल शैली:' white-space: nowrap ', initComponent: function () {this.on ("फोकस ", समारोह () {console.log (" ट्रिगर केंद्रित "); // समस्या बिंदु। // मैं कुछ प्रोसेसिंग यहां करता हूं और फिर // कुछ मामले में मैं निम्नलिखित करता हूं: Ext.getCmp ('some_field')। फोकस (); // जब इसे इस ट्रिगर फ़ील्ड के BLUR कहा ज...

php - Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() despite everything looking fine -

I have an array that is being sent to a forecaster and even if I used foreach hundreds of times ago , switch (search by $) {case 0: // name print_r ($ data); Forex currency ($ data as $ key => $ i) {if ($ key% 2 == 0 & amp; $ i == $ search) {$ success = TRUE; $ Matches [] = array ('name' = & gt; $ i, 'value' = & gt; $ data [$ key + 1]); } } break; For example (a real example) print_r prints a common array: Array ([0] = & Gt; Username [1] = & gt; 4567 [2] = & gt; Password [3] => 4567 [4] => Name [5] => 4567 [6] = > Age [7] = & gt; 4567 [8] => Country [9] => 4567 [10] => Type [11] => Register) ---- Since apparently this works, here the entire callstack is & lt; ------ : ---- /// Managed with the stack marked with /// $ ("Form # Register") Submit Please. (Function () {event.preventDefault (); $ .post ("php / proc.php", {'command': 'registerUser', 'data...

html - How to display block on hover a tag -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब कैसे खोलें टैग टैग टैग टैग # सेवा है id का a टैग # सर्विसेस है id div टैग टैग और मेरी हालत एक टैग है ul , li टैग और टैग टैग टैग के बाहर "& gt; सेवाएं & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & lt; / ul & gt; & Lt; div id = "सेवाएँ" & gt; & Lt; h1 & gt; हैलो & lt; / h1 & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; सीएसएस # सर्विसेज {डिस्प्ले: कोई नहीं; } # सेवा: हॉवर + # सर्विसेज {प्रदर्शन: ब्लॉक; } + सीएसएस चयनकर्ता के लिए काम करने के लिए, आप को # सेवाएं का प्रत्यक्ष भाई होने के लिए # सेवाएं की आवश्यकता होगी चूंकि यह मामला नहीं है, इसलिए आपको यह करना होगा: या आवश्यकता को पूरा करने के लिए या तो अपना HTML मार्कअप बदलें या वांछित व्यवहार पाने के लिए जावास्क्रिप्ट का उपयोग करें

ios - Repository management and pod files:cocoapods -

I am using the Coccopodes dependency manager in the iOS project. The question is what is the proper way to manage the full project in the repository [Mercurial] Do I need to add all the coprocated files to the repo? Or is there any way to avoid adding repositories to all these files? What is the correct way to manage files? If I correctly understand your question, No, The pods / folder should not be. Source: The CocoaPods Project .gitignore I'm not sure how things can be overlooked in Mercury, but it is that . Gitignore is a safe guide on what should be overlooked in the example.

matlab - How to remove a particular set of cells from a cell array? -

Suppose I have an array with 10 cells: C {1}, C {2}, ..., , and b = [1 2 8] , then I C {1} , C {2} I want to evacuate and C {8} , so I tried c {b} = [] , but it does not work to do this Any easy way? c (b) = [] In the form it is a {} notation to address the contents of a cell rather than a cell. If you get more than one cell from the {} signaling, it returns a comma separated list that you can not use for the index. () Notation will give you an index for the actual cells and is the correct way to do this.

html - Effect of border-collapse: collapse; on the box shadow in IE browsers -

I created the table with the empty span tag with padding so that a box was shipped to them. Its simple HTML structure follows & lt; Table & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; Span class = "tokenHolder" data-an = "5" style = "padding: 2px 53.5px;" & Gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> & Lt; Span class = "tokenHolder" data-an = "5" style = "padding: 2px 53.5px;" & Gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; Span class = "tokenHolder" data-an = "5" style = "padding: 2px 53.5px;" & Gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; Span class = "tokenHolder" data-an = "5" style = "padding: 2px 53.5px;" & Gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; &...

php - Sent mail to multiple address using Laravel 4 queue -

I'm using 4 times, typing to send mail to multiple users using QEE Mail, My code looks like this - $ mailuserlist = DB :: table ('table') - & gt; Join ('some_table') - & gt; Select ('Something') - & gt; Where ('some condition')) - & gt; get(); Mail :: qi ('mail_tipplet', $ data, function ($ message) usage ($ mailslists) {$ message- & gt; from (' ',' Mail Notification '); Forex Currency $ Mailslists) $ {as value} {$ message-> ($ value ['email'], $ value ['firstname']. $. ['Lastname']);} $ message- & gt; Subject ('test mail');}); .. This is not working at all. How can I send AIL to many addresses? This is possible in two ways, as we can see in the source code: Using the array Channing: - & gt; From ($ Address1, $ name1) - & gt; From ($ address2, $ name2) - & gt; From ($ address3, $ name3) ... Using the address arr...

performance - Estimate parallel efficiency using unicore processor -

We know that parallel efficiency of a program running on a multicore system can be calculated as speed / N Where N is the number is definitely So to use this formula first we need to execute the code on a multicore system and need to know the speed I would like to know that I do not have a multicore system, so what is possible Can the speed of code given on a multicore system be estimated by executing it on a Unicorn processor? I have access to the functionality counter (instructions per cycle, number of caches, number of instructions, etc.) and I only have the binaries of code. [Note: I guessed P>, especially about the bit. To determine how much you can speed up your program, you need to know how some parts of the program can be benefited by parallel and which part should be executed sequentially To If you know that, and if you know that when you take serial and parallel parts (personally) on a processor, you can guess how fast the program will be on many processor...

networking - IP-Configuration from Batch file -

@echo off set / p विकल्प = (1) आईपी संपादित करें (2) DHCP सक्षम करें: यदि% विकल्प% == 1 (सेट / पी आईपी = नया आईपी-पता: सेट / पी एमएएसके = नया नेटवर्क मुखौटा: सेट / पी गेट = नया गेटवे पता: नेटस इंटरफ़ेस आईपी सेट पता नाम = "लैन" स्थिर% आईपी%% एमएएसके%% गेट% 1) यदि% विकल्प% == 2 (नेटस इंटरफ़ेस आईपी सेट पता नाम = "लैन" स्रोत = डीएचसीपी) विराम प्रोग्राम का डीएचसीपी हिस्सा सिर्फ ठीक काम करता है। एनआईसी का नाम "लैन" है मैंने सेट आईपी पर 1 पैरामीटर के बिना और बिना कोशिश की है। मैंने विभिन्न वैरिएबल नामों के साथ भी प्रयास किया है। एक वैध आईपीवी 4 पता दर्ज करने के बाद मुझे एक त्रुटि मिलती है, एक सबनेटमास्क और गेटवे एड्रेस है: अमान्य पता पैरामीटर एक वैध आईपीवी 4 पता होना चाहिए आपकी समस्या विस्तार में देरी हो रही है सभी चर को ब्लॉक के अंदर पढ़ता है (कोड कोष्ठक के अंदर में) ब्लॉक को निष्पादित करने से पहले चर में मान के साथ बदल दिया जाता है। यदि ब्लॉक के अंदर एक चर परिवर्तित हो जाता है, तो उस नए मान को पुनः प्राप्त नहीं किया जा सकता, क्योंकि सभी चर के...

performance - Android scroll up hide view and scroll down show view effect like twitter -

जब स्क्रॉल अप करें दृश्यपेज टैब छुपाएं (होम, डिस्कवर, गतिविधि) तो ट्विटर की तरह स्क्रॉलिंग प्रभाव कैसे करें। या स्क्रॉल डाउन शो विकल्प दृश्य में फेसबुक स्क्रॉलिंग की तरह प्रभाव, जबकि ऊपर स्क्रॉल ऑप्शन विकल्प दृश्य (स्थिति, फोटो, चेकइन)। कोई भी उदाहरण लिंक कृपया मदद करेगा। आसान समाधान: सार्वजनिक सार कक्षा ऑनसक्रोलऑब्सर्वर का निष्पादन AbsListView.OnScrollListener {onScrollUp पर सार्वजनिक सार शून्य;); स्कॉटलैंडडाउन पर सार्वजनिक सार शून्य; @ScrollStateChanged (AbsListView दृश्य, इंट स्क्रोलस्टेट) पर सार्वजनिक शून्य को ओवरराइड करें {} int last = 0; बुलियन नियंत्रण = सच; @Scroll पर सार्वजनिक शून्य को ओवरराइड करें (AbsListView दृश्य, इंट चालू, इंट विज़िब्स, पूर्णांक कुल) {यदि (वर्तमान & lt; अंतिम & amp;! नियंत्रण) {onScrollUp (); नियंत्रण = सच; } और अगर (वर्तमान & gt; अंतिम & amp; amp; नियंत्रण) {onScrollDown (); नियंत्रण = गलत; } अंतिम = वर्तमान; } उपयोग: listView.setOnScrollListener (नया ऑनसक्रोलओब्सर्वर () {@Override सार्वजनिक शून्य सेस्क्रोलअप () {} @ ओवर...

ios - How to get key/value pair from NSDictionary? -

I need some help with NSDictionary How can I get 1 pair, if I have a word then "id" The value of NSDictionary * allCourses = [NSJSunification JSONObjectWithData: allCoursesData options: NSJSONReadingMutableContainers error: & amp; Error]; And it looks like: Thank you for your help. shortest path: NSNumber * number = all courses [ @ "Semaka"] [@ "id"];

php - get() returns empty rows in Codeigniter -

I am using the function below but it did not return any rows. Tried num_rows () but it has null values ​​to me $ this-> Db- & gt; Last query was obtained using the last_query () , it was used in the database and the results are given here Is I losing a setup in Code Igniter? Waiting for your answer. function search ($ position = zero, $ tablename = "", $ orderby = 'id', $ order = 'dESC', $ border = 1000000, $ offset = 0) { If ($ Tablename == "") {$ tablename = $ this-> Table; } If ($ terms! = Null) $ this- & gt; Db- & gt; Where ($ statuses); If ($ orderby == "" and $ order ==! ""!) $ This-> Db- & gt; Order_by ($ orderby, $ order); $ Query = $ this- & gt; Db- & gt; Obtain ($ tablename, $ range, offset = 0); Return $ query- & gt; Result_are (); } after "text" itemprop = "text"> $ Position! = NULL) $ this- & gt; Db- & gt; Where ($ statuses); If (...

wxpython - RIDE(Robot Framework) -

For automatic testing on the rode (robot framework), I have already installed PYTHON 2.6 and wxPython 3.0 version, PATH has already been updated in the Environment variable, and when I install the last step through Windows Installer Jumped into Raid (version - "Robot Framework-Ride-1.3.Winvin .exe"), then when I try "Run as administrator" then install this application Defense is unable to open the IDE was I how to solve this problem? I had installed the ride a few days ago, there is no problem. First you have to install Python as you did (run the command: " Python --version " to confirm the installation). After that, you will need to install (run the command to verify the installation: " pybot --version ") If the robot framework If it was successfully installed, it's time to install (select the correct installation based on the Python version) The Finish Y You just need to install and it should work

ruby - Rails project that is actively updated as a base -

I am currently researching that I have a standard rail project with some custom functionality as the basis of my next projects How can i make I know that templates () are some tools for a project, but I do not know they will suffice enough because I want to keep the template project up to date with new content. What are the ways to achieve this? Can the git be resolved (new functionality can be made again), or is there anything that is easy to manage? What are you trying to achieve, can you give more information about this? You're a bit unclear to be honest. I do not know why templating will not work You can combine it with a generator, which is defined in a Gemfile remove_file 'Gemfile' copy_file '/ path / to / Gemfile', run 'Gemfile' run "bundle install" ("your_generator: install")

PHP Memcached issue -

How to set up two separate memcache for two different PHP applications in two servers (Windows and Linux) I know how to set up for a single application. But I'm not able to configure for two different PHP applications. So please let me know which is good in the memcatch, please direct me. You can use different ports, for example: $ memcache = New lime; $ Memcache- & gt; Connect ('memcache_host', 11211); $ Memcache = new memcache; $ Memcache- & gt; Connect ('memcache_host', 11212); and to run memcached using various ports, such as (for Linux): memcached -p 11211 -d memcached -p 11212 -d Hope it helps.

sql server 2008 - removing duplicate in a column with same value? -

url लिंक 2.365 | उपरोक्त तालिका में पहले पंक्ति और दूसरी पंक्ति लिंक कॉलम ने दोहराए मूल्यों को, लेकिन परिणाम की आवश्यकता url लिंक प्रयुक्त DISTINCT कॉल करने के समय कॉलम यहां नमूना है चयन करें स्तंभ_नाम, table_name से table_name;

sql - Working with to_char in where clause oracle -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 4 जवाब मेरे पास कमरे की एक सूची है और उन लोगों का विवरण निकालना चाहते हैं, जिन्हें जनवरी के महीने में भर्ती कराया गया था। तो मैंने निम्नलिखित प्रश्न का इस्तेमाल किया है: '; इसके लिए आउटपुट है: कोई डेटा नहीं मिला लेकिन जब मैं इसे इसे देता हूं: रूम_ऑलोकेशन से to_char (adm_date, 'month') का चयन करें; मुझे इस रूप में आउटपुट मिलता है: TO_CHAR (ADM_DATE, 'MONTH') अक्टूबर नवंबर दिसंबर जनवरी तो कृपया मुझे बताएं कि वह पहले मामले में क्यों काम नहीं कर रहा है। धन्यवाद। प्रारूप संशोधक एफएम का उपयोग करें। इससे पीछे की जगह को निकाल दिया जाएगा। सेव करें- कक्ष_संदेश से WHERE to_char (adm_date, 'FMMonth') = 'जनवरी';

axapta - Determine button state, Clicked(Active) or not MS Dynamics AX -

How is it possible to set the button state in AX? Click or Not? Thanks This is a clicked method which you overwrite on your button can do. On the button control, expand the node and click on the Method node. From the list of available methods, select the clicked method. A method will be added where you can add your code: zero clicked () {super (); } This method starts when the button is pressed. You can also call the code to execute this method. Normally when you click a button, the gotFocus method is executed. When you call the event code is clicked, it is not so in your case you can call manually Setfocus method before executing the method clicked. If you override the gotFocus method, then you can set the boolean to store that value. Override lostFocus method to reset your values ​​you will one button focus, so you may want to re setFocus by calling the method to set the focus on the first button . I do not know that you can do this. But you reall...

compiler construction - In C,the strings that have indentical content are always stored in identical memory? -

मुझे यह कोड मिला: clock_t रिकॉर्ड [2] [15] ; Char * blockName [15]; Int count = 0; #define BEGIN (block_name) \ do {\ blockName [count] = #block_name; \ record [0] [count ++] = clock (); \} जबकि (0) \ #define अंत (block_name) \ करना {\ के लिए (आई इंट = 0; मैं & LT; गिनती; i ++) \ अगर (#block_name == blockName [i]) {\ रिकॉर्ड [1] [ आई] = घड़ी (); \ टूटना; \} \} जबकि (0) \ #define परिणाम \ करना {\ (i = 0 int i; मैं & LT; गिनती; i ++) \ printf ( "ब्लॉक% s लागत% च सेकंड \ n", blockName [i], \ (डबल) (रिकॉर्ड [1] [i] -रेकॉर्ड [0] [i]) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); \} जबकि (0) \ जब हम कोड को -वॉल पर संकलित करते हैं, तो मुझे चेतावनी मिली: चेतावनी: तुलना करें अनिर्दिष्ट व्यवहार में स्ट्रिंग का शाब्दिक परिणाम [-डैडर] मुझे पता है कि समान सामग्री वाले स्ट्रिंग को समान स्मृति में संग्रहित किया जाता है। तो मैं लाइन लिख रहा हूं (#block_name = = ब्लॉकनाम [i]) दो स्ट्रिंग्स की तुलना करने के लिए लेकिन मुझे नहीं पता कि यह हमेशा मामला है। क्या चेतावनी का मतलब है कि यह चाल सभी प्...

sql server - SSIS package not inserting records when run as Job -

Hello I want to run my SSIS package as a job. I have successfully created a job and package, it runs without any errors, but it is not including the records of the database. But when I DTEXECUI If I run the same package using EXE, then it is going to put records in the database. help please. In the discussion, it was found that the package environment variables connection manager As part of the SQL Server / Agent / SSIS service, these new variables are necessary to restart.

html5 - How can I make my radio buttons required -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मेरे पास दो रेडियो बटन हैं एक ही रेडियो समूह में एक प्रपत्र: ; इनपुट & lt; इनपुट नाम = "लिंग" प्रकार = "रेडियो" मान = "पुरुष" / & gt; & lt; लेबल वर्ग = "लेबल_ लिंग "आवश्यक & gt; नर & lt; / लेबल & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; इनपुट नाम = "लिंग" प्रकार = "रेडियो" मान = "महिला" / & gt; & lt; लेबल वर्ग = "लेबल_ लिंग" आवश्यक & gt; महिला & lt; / लेबल & gt; & lt; / li & gt; मैं इस रेडियो समूह को आवश्यक बनाना चाहता हूं, जैसा कि मैंने देखा है कि मैंने दोनों के लिए आवश्यक विशेषता का उपयोग किया है, लेकिन यह काम नहीं करता है। पाठ या ईमेल के रूप में अन्य निविष्टियों के लिए, आवश्यक विशेषता ठीक काम करती है। मैं अपने रेडियो बटनों को कैसे जरूरी कर सकता हूं? इनपुट तत्व में आवश्यक विशेषता को जोड़ा जाना चाहिए, नहीं & lt; li & gt; & lt; इनपुट नाम = ...

css - How generate width html element to fill rest of width window -

I will ask how to set the width of the element to fill the full width window screen without using the unit of measurement I can set CSS for (Px, pt, et). For example, I have two div some css # div1 {width: 200px; Height: 40px; Swim left; Limit: 1px solid black; } # Div2 {width: // Even I should set 100% to get the remaining screen of the window, // depending on the resolution. When I try to set the Ultimate Auto to the absolute / set which changes the size of my div when I put something, but except for the rest of the rest, the rest of the window width before // start. Is it possible to set javascript to // just without using it in CSS ?? Height: 40px; Swim left; Limit: 1px solid black; } You can display display: table and : Table-cell , but for this approach you need a cover

android - installing APK via ADB hangs the emulator -

I'm trying to install FBAndroid-3.9.apk in the emulator via command ADB FBDride-3.9.Ep install but it takes forever and then the emulator hangs out. I do not know what I have done for the following reasons Start the emulator with a larger ancestral size emulator @ test-no-boot-anim -partition-size 256 (same problem) One Similar results set in the new emulator Please help me in advance thanks. Just increase the internal storage of your emulator and try again. After working with the emulator properly try to install APK I had the same problem last week but I increased it to 512 and the problem was resolved. Hope this will help you.

JSlint on TypeScript code - can it still teach me to write better code? -

The Taipskripted using JSL int the generated code can still be taught me to write better code? If so, can you please give one or two examples? Thanks No Since the generated javascript is consistent with bad typecript / good typewriter (like missing semicolon). A (recommended for typescript) TS-Lint: Also a Grunt plugin:

c# - Send a signal from child to parent application in -

How can a parent give an indication of the application, by saying that the child application can be used in one and 3 party applications Has been taken, Once I've found to use a cookie? There is no other way. ** There should be some client-side technology look at the signals, this is your The best bet would be!

ios - How to reference the current Viewcontroller from a Sprite Kit Scene -

I have difficulty finding the answer to this question, I think it is not difficult. How can I define methods and properties defined on a visual controller from SKScene? And build on it: How can you refer to the ViewController reference from SKScene that was loaded inside of another SKScene? Avoid SKScene context from UIViewController Should, because it breaks MVC pattern. Optionally you use NSNotificationCenter for UIViewController about high scores: in ViewController : - (zero) awakeFromNib {[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector (reportScore) Name: @ "ReportScore" object: zero]; } - (Zero) Report: Type: (NSNotification *) Information {NSDictionary * userInfo = [Information user information]; NSNumber * score = (NSNumber *) [userInfo objectForKey: @ "scores"]; // Do your stuff with GameCenter ....} - (Zero) dealloc {// If you do not remove yourself as a supervisor, try the notification object // Disc...

knockout.js - Compare 2 arrays/lists and print differences -

मेरे पास कुल 4 सूचियां हैं I संग्रहीतप्राइजेशंस INDB1 , संग्रहीतप्राइजेशंस IND22 , missingStoredProcedureInDB1 और missingStoredProcedureInDB2 । मैं संचित प्रोसेसर्स INDB1 और संग्रहित प्रसंस्करण INDB2 की तुलना करना चाहता हूं। संग्रहीत प्रोसेसर्स INDB1 में निहित आइटम लेकिन संग्रहीत प्रोक्रैक्शन INDB2 में नहीं> मैं में लापता स्ट्राइकप्रोसीडियर INDB2 जोड़ना चाहते हैं और इसके विपरीत क्योंकि मैं केवल में आइटम मुद्रित करना चाहता हूं और अनुपस्थित स्टोयरप्रोसीडियर INDB2 और जोड़ा नहीं गया, हटाया गया आदि। जैसा कि अब है, यह सभी कोड को संग्रहित प्रसंस्करण INDB1 और से जोड़ देता है को.प्रिल कोडपेरेअरेज़ के साथ यह संभव है या लापता स्ट्राइकप्रोकेयर इनडीबी 1 और लापता स्ट्रेस्डप्रोसेड इनडीबी 2 । धन्यवाद: बेहतर स्पष्टीकरण और अद्यतन jsfiddle। JSFiddle: "post-text" itemprop = "text"> से एक dependantObservable का उपयोग करके दो सरणियों की तुलना करने का एक उदाहरण लेना, मैंने आपके बेला को अपडेट किया है: संहिता: फ़ंक्शन की तुलना केवल...

java - customize organize import in eclipse -

I am using import in eclipse and it is one of the best features of eclipse But can I import the import of the way I want it? East @ override protected void form (bundle saved instainstate) {super.naught (savedinstenstate); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); } But I should have something like this. @ Override Protected Zero (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {super.onCreate (SavedInstanceState); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); } It organizes the opening brace in the same line as the function. But I want it to be on the next line. Can I customize this opening bracket to the next line? So whenever I adjust the import, it automatically turns the bracket open in the next line. Thank you in advance You can call it source & gt; Format command ( Ctrl + Shift + F , on Mac, it is CMD + Shift + F ). How the code is formatted Preferences> is set to Java & gt; Code style & gt; Formatter . Edit an existing profile or create a new...

code not working when jquery version is changed -

Using an example code given on jsfiddle, clicking on one of the other checkboxes unchecked checkboxes works fine But when I do Jquery version 1.10.1, this does not work, a solution $ (". Chb"). Every (function () {$ (this) .change (function () {$ (". Chb"). Attr ('checked', false); $ (this) .attr ('checked', true);}) ;}); Here is the link Since you are not changing the attribute, use of the property will work with this version 1.10 + $ (".chb") instead of the jQuery prop method. Each (function () {$ (this) .change (function () {$ (". Chb") prop ('check', false), $ (this) .prop ('check', correct);}); }); The difference between the attribute and the property The attributes are usually defined by HTML, while properties are defined by dom for certain elements and The attributes represent the same (such as the ID of an element). The following is a good way to show DOM interaction: & lt;...

SQL/MySQL - How to implement AND clause in one-to-many relationship? -

I'm sure this is a common problem, but I am unable to think about an answer. If I have a table with one-to-one relationship, how can I apply a query where to return the record, all the specified items from the "many" sides of the relationship To complete? For example person person Feature Feature Person Identity Name Personality Feature ID Feature ID Description 1 Dave 1 1 1 Long 2 Bill 1 2 2 Black 1 3 3 Male 2 1 4 White 2 4 2 3 If I was allowing the user to choose from the features in the Feature table, how would I write a query that can only return to the person whose facility is All was selected, though some or many of them are Awareness is? Then will not return Dave back in search of a tall, black, man, but the search for both of the tall men will return. This should do one thing: SELECT P.Name person From Person P JOIN Person_F APFCID PF P. Pscdid = pf Percondid Feature F on PF. Factor ID = F. Fitteroid Where F. Description in ('Long', ...

osx - Mac Terminal Process Complete Exit -

I am using SSH in the default terminal on a Mac in a remote Linux server. When I disable a lot of time, I get the following message (see screenshot). By the time I open the window I can not go back to the typing command. How do I exit the 'full process' screen without closing the current window? I tried the 'Reset Reset' command and it was not working. Thanks! You can not! It's just waiting to get out and it's not going to do something else. Maybe your MSSS SSP by adding serverlivinternval 60 to your SSH session It is possible to keep alioles in the config file. I should say that you get the [Persso complete] message, the way you have made the "SSH" connection for the first time - possibly by going to the Terminal "Shell" menu and selecting "New Remote Connection" To change the preferences of the terminal in the "Shell" menu tab by selecting or running SSH from there. If you start a plain terminal, an...

javascript - Set Error Div positioning on left side of textfield - Jquery Validation Engine -

मैं Jquery Validation Engine का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। यह त्रुटि संदेश प्रत्येक टेक्स्टफ़ील्ड की दाईं ओर। मैं इसे एक विशिष्ट टेक्स्टफील्ड के लिए बाईं तरफ कैसे सेट कर सकता हूं? मेरे पास 4 फ़ील्ड हैं जैसे नाम, ईमेल, फोन, पासवर्ड। मैं ईमेल पाठफ़ील्ड के लिए बाईं ओर त्रुटि div को दिखाना चाहता हूं। यह कैसे करें? आप तत्व में सीधे स्थिति सेट कर सकते हैं या आप डेटा-संकेत-स्थिति को सेट करके स्थिति को भी कस्टमाइज़ कर सकते हैं। देखें। आप निम्न की तरह स्थिति भी सेट कर सकते हैं। इसका उनके दस्तावेज़ में उल्लेख किया गया है: & lt; input value = "http: //" class = "मान्य [आवश्यक, कस्टम [url]] टेक्स्ट इनपुट" प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" नाम = "Url" id = "url" डेटा-संकेत-स्थिति = "टॉप लेफ्ट: 70" / & gt; & Lt; इनपुट वैल्यू = "वर्ग =" वैध [आवश्यक] पाठ इनपुट "प्रकार =" टेक्स्ट "नाम =" रीक "आईडी =" रीक "डेटा-प्रॉम्प्ट-स्थिति =" नीचे लिफ़्ट: 20,5 "/ & gt; & Lt; inp...

objective c - How does one programmatically access email account settings of mail app in Mavericks? -

I would like to use e-mail account settings such as usernames, passwords, ports, SSL settings, etc. Goes away. OSX mail app, how are these settings stored from my app, and how they are read? The password is usually stored in a keychain, if the user enables the storage of passwords. The parameters are in preference file. Before the user is sure that this user is okay.

iw wireless tool not showing survey data for all channels -

iwlan2 survey dump This is to show survey information for all available channels. But it fails to do this and does not show noise level information for most channels every The driver will not support the feature. I just tried with two cards I have: Qualcomm Atheros AR5212 / AR5213 wireless network adapter supports a survey dump And here are the results Survey data from Wlan1 frequency: 2412 MHz Noise: -98DBM channel Active Time: 51514 MS Channel Busy Time: 6096 MS Channel Time: 5688 MS Channel Transmit Time: 0 MS Broadcom Corporation BCM 4313 802.11 seeding wireless network The adapter does not return anything. iw Survey Dump - will register the handler system with NL; Although this survey is dependent on the underlying driver support for the dump.

formatting - R: Not all categorical variable levels are shown in the summary output of my GLM model -

I have experience with a variable name that was coded as numeric and contains 3 values ​​(1,5, 10) are included. I received the df $ experience & lt; The factor has changed by using the -factor (df $ experience) and it has changed for the factor. Next reg . But when I get the summary , the table shows only one level of the experience variables (i.e. experience10 ). There is another obvious variable, experience5 not even after using My sub-samples of data, other levels were being shown. I think this was just a matter of multicolority, where the other level was not being calculated in some way! Thanks!

opendj - how can i call a dsmlServlet for any operation using java code? -

I need to take basic ldap action by using the dsml.war file available with opendj. I deployed war file But do not know how to call the servlet to do the operation. Thanks DSMLv2 uses SOAP You can find a quick example here Otherwise, OpenAid 2.6 2.6 is an RSS for LDAP interface that makes data much easier to access and update. Regards, Ludovic

java - Http request using sockets -

I have some requests using HTTP requests that are embedded in the HTTP server. I've been using sockets so far, I did this, but I'm losing a bit: URI Yuri = URI Make (raw data); Try {String host = uri.getHost (); String path = uri.getRawPath (); If (path == null || path.length () == 0) {path = "/"; } String protocol = uri.getScheme (); Int port = uri.getPort (); If (port == -1) {if (protocol.equals ("http")) {port = 80; // http port} and if (protocol.equals ("https")) {port = 443; // https port}} socket socket = new socket (host, port); PrintWriter Request = New Print Witter (socket.getOutputStream ()); Request.print ("GET" + Path + "HTTP / 1.1 \ r \ n" + "Host:" + Host + "\ r \ n" + "Connection: Closed \ r \ n \ r \ n"); Request.flush (); Do I need to do this? An example of RawData is "http: // somemessage" . Is the protocol written correctly? Thanks Do I need to do this? ...

c - why include standard header files? -

What is the reason for including standard header files in C such as stdio.h Stdlib.h and more. The GCC compiler only shows a warning and it clearly declares, such as the pseudo declaration of the function 'printf' and the program is successfully executing Is ... Instead of removing the warning, is there a reason to include header files? Okay, of course there is no reason. The reason for this is that with the header, you get appropriate announcements, otherwise you get the vested announcement where to return every function int Because there are many functions (for example) that do not return int , assuming they can be very harmful. With the declaration function, the compiler can actually examine the logic that returns the value of the return according to the use, which is very good. In addition, in such cases, the headers declare the data type, enumeration and so on, which in the headers is more than the function. - Find Internal Hosting Server from Website IP -

There is a website hosted on one server on our network, and I'm trying to figure out that it Where is the established. Is it anyway to use IP that I can solve it on my network with a machine name? I have tried to pin IP but some useful does not get back. This machine will return / computer name: Ping - One xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx

How to move a button from an array of buttons by mouse? C# -

I'm really new to c # coding I got an array of buttons and I left clicking the mouse I want to move the button. any advice? Private Zero CreateTable (Button [Tabla]) {int horizotal = 45; Int vertical = 45; For (int i = 0; i & lt; tab; album; i ++) {tab [i] = new button (); Tabla [i]. Back Collar = Color Ezur; Tabla [ii] Size = new size (45, 45); Tabla [i]. Place = new point (horizontal, vertical); If ((i == 14) || (i == 29) || (I == 44) || (I == 59) || (I == 74) || (I == 89) || (I == 104) || (I == 119) || I == 134 || I == 14 9 || I == 164 || I == 17 9 || I ==194 || I == 20 9) {vertical = 45; Horizon = horizon + 45; } And vertical = vertical + 45; This.Controls.Add (Tabla [i]); }} This is the code that creates my buttons. First of all, if you add your button to mouseeventhandler, then you declare mouseeventshandler in this way. Private Zero CreateTable (Button [Tabla]) {int horizotal = 45; Int vertical = 45; For (int i = 0; i & lt; tab; album; i ++) {tab [i] ...

c# - object reference not set to an instance of object sending empty value to sql table -

I get this error Object is not set to an instance of reference object When a SQL Server database tries to send an empty value, the column NULL assumes that this is the code of my table [Code] [id] [int] identification (1,1) no tap, [numeric] [varchar] (100) tap, [dais] [novework] (10) tap, [lagg] [nervous] (max) tap , [Worker] [int] tap, [inotohor] [nerve] (30) tap, [overtime] [IN T], [urmentia] [nerve] (50) NULL, [viaje] [Navvaker] (50) Faucet, [Almerovers] [decimal] (12, 2) faucet, [PAGE] [decimal] (12, 2) (SqlCOMM = New SqlCommand ("" InsertarDatosReporte ", SqlCON); SqlCOMM.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlCOMM.Parameters.Add ("@ numeroreporte", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); SqlCOMM.Parameters.Add ("@sp_dias", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); SqlCOMM.Parameters.Add ("@sp_lugar", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); SqlCOMM.Parameters.Add ("@ sp_workorder", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar); Sq...

c - ARM Deliberately Bloating Compiled Code? -

While working on this issue, I have written the following C function as to how it will compile: uint64_t lmul (uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {uint32_t hia = a & gt; & Gt; 16, Hib = B & gt; & Gt; 16, loa = (uint32_t) (uint16_t) one, function = (uint32_t) (uint16_t) b, less = loa * function, mid1 = hia * function, mid2 = loa * hib, mid = mid1 + mid2, high = hia * Hib; If (mid-> mid1) high = = 0x10000; Return ((uint64_t) high After compiling it with CodeWarrior with the ARM GCC compiler 4.7.3 (with the size optimization I'm using Freescale with dev board), this Changed to: 00000eac What compiler do I not know is doing the last 40% of the function. It seems that it is playing music register for any other purpose than raising the size of the ceremony. Is there something like ARM, or is there some strange reason why I lack the ARM assembly expertise to understand? If I do not make a mistake in the replacement, then the last half of the work ecc: 0c19 LSR...

haskell - Function evaluation result -

Manually FC [F1, F2] (\ x -> 2) 3 / > But I do not know how to match the three parameters: [F1, F2], (\ x -> 2) and 3 function definition, any help? Function Definition: fc xss = \ f - & gt; Let's open x y = x Y foldl1 ope xss f1, f2 :: int - & gt; Bull F1X = (X`Mode`3) == 0 f2x = (x` mod`5) == 0 Thanks, Sebastien OK, do something first Î · -expension FC :: [A-> B] - & gt; (B-> A) - & gt; A-> B. FC XSS F = Let's open x y = x f In the Y \ q - & gt; Foldr1 ope xss q fc xss f q = let's ope x y = x f Then folders xss q You can type (== 0) as [f1, f2] (`Mod`3) : (== 0). (`Mod`5): [] . Now it should be quite easy, to remember that a right point simply changes all the : with fold function.

winforms - How to make a picture appear after 5 seconds in Microsoft Visual C#? -

I want to show this image timer after 5 seconds, but how to do it, it does not know. So far, I have made an image bounce around this form but I want to show the image after 5 seconds after ranting. using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.ComponentModel; Using System.Data; Using System.Drawing; Using System.Linq; Using System.Text; Using System.Windows.Forms; Namespace bounce {public partial class form 1: form {int horizon, verte, step; Public Form 1 () {Initialization (); } Private zero timer 1_Tick_1 (object sender, eventArgse E) {// Image timer is taken at every interval of Gublin. Lift = Gabbin. Left + (horizontal * step); Goblin Top = goblin Top + (vert * step); // If the ghost has captured the RHS edge, then if the direction is changed ((ghost + gobin wide)> = (form 1. activiform width-step) horiz = -1; // If the ghost has invaded the LHS edge, then if the direction changes, then correct (if ghost; left; lt; = step) horizon = 1; // If the ghost h...

vpn - Azure Site to Site Behind a NAT -

We are looking for site installation between our internal data center and blue site for VPN connection. We use a Cisco ASA firewall but unfortunately it is behind a NAT. One of the requirements of Azure is that the public identity IP address is not behind a NAT. To change our network topology, we do not feel interested in our side and wondering if anyone has creative solutions to make it work? Could not find any creative solutions on Google or SO The VPN connection appears in the Azure portal but the connection does not work between between Prim and Azure VM. I am posting an image of the Azure Portal, which is making the connection, but apparently I do not have enough humiliation to post the images ... Creative Thoughts? Your only option would be to use a point-to-site VPN where a device behind your NAT Ends According to what you can do with this VPN, you will be banned as it is designed primarily as a server-to-azure VPN solution. Some post VPNs are working through ...

php - Repeating Form Fields In Laravel -

I have a form that is collecting data on 2 different models. Model Sale comes under ITM Sales There are many sales sales in a sale I know I need to bring the repeating areas to the array, but I Not sure how I should go about doing this. Although I had the right idea, but my controller is not holding the array as a variable which I was trying to install it. You can see the relevant code here: All help is appreciated! / *** Sales Model *** / Category Sale is Expanded User_id = $ userID; } $ Sale- & gt; Invoice_enumber = input :: receive ('invoice_number'); $ Sale-> Name_of_purchaser = input :: get ('name_of_purchaser'); $ Sale-> Date_of_sale = input :: get ('date_of_sale'); // For every sale that is present in the foreign currency ($ item as $ item) {// new sales sale $ sales item = new selistimes (); // Save Features $ Sale Item- & gt; Product_id = $ item ['Tools']; $ Laitime-> Sales_price = $ item ['sales_pres']; ...

python 2.7 - How to build a map from two lists using zip? -

ये मेरी सूची है: projects = ["A", "B", "सी"] घंटे = [1,2,3] मुझे मेरा अंतिम उत्तर होना चाहिए: {ए: 1, बी: 2, सी: 3} क्या कोई सुझाव है? कोड टुकड़ा कोड (ज़िप) (प्रोजेक्ट्स, घंटो) ट्यूपल्स (कुंजी, मान) की एक सूची तैयार करेगा, जिसका उपयोग मैप फ़ीड करने के लिए किया जाएगा (आमतौर पर अजगर में शब्दकोश कहा जाता है) निर्माता: Dict

jquery - Displaying JSon Data Into a List -

I am using the workings and trying to get data from a database and load it into a list I am here. I managed to get data using SQLAdapter, but I could not load this data into a list. I get this from the database. True, "ResultSet": [{"question": "asdasdasd", "vote how can i include this data in user interface (preferably a list) thanks {" isSuccessful " "" "," ":" 0 "}," 0 "}," 0 "}," 0 "}," 0 "}," 0 "}, The first thing you need to do is to parser the data into a JavaScript object: result on = > JSON.parse (results); You can then add list items to the list already available. It uses jQuery var $ list = $ ('ul # mylist' ); (Result.resultSet in Result I) {var item = result.resultSet [i]; $ List.append (' Question:' + item.question + 'vote:' + ' '); }

shell - bash 4.x assoc array loses keys in receiving function -

I am trying to pass an associative array from one function to another, and losing the nominated index keys ( E.g., file path, search in the example below) Although the correct use of the elements in the array can be indexed using 0, 1. I have to do something wrong with Bash syntax, but it is not known at all about any help appreciated. Using GNU bash, version 4.3.8 from Ubuntu 14.04 is just a bash code example below, and the output is below #! / Bin / bash function test_function {func_data = ("$ {@}") # above func_data without brackets [1] # local $ {! Func_data} # can not access the above mentioned local statement in EcoK "$ {func_data [@]}" by any means; Do $ K; Echo "done" echo "func_data: $ {func_data}" echo "func_data [filepath]: $ {func_data [filepath]}" echo "func_data [search]: $ {func_data [search]}" # three production up Echo first array The element of which is the "style" during the first loop, {0...

macro's rewrite to follow the c++ convention -

I have so how can the following macro rewrite that they really ++ C followed conference? (In C ++, we prefer to use the typedef , const and inline function). on macro #define UBYTE unsigned char #define ULONG unsigned long #define FALSE 0 #define COMPRESS_MAX_COM 0x70000000 #define COMPRESS_MAX_ORG (1024-COMPRESS_OVERRUN) #define MAX_RAW_GROUP (16 * MAX_RAW_ITEM) #define u (x) ((ULONG) x) How can I change the above macro in C ++ conference? Use typedef or using (C ++ 11) instead of code> #define for the const use functions constexpr C + Can be defined in + 11. typedef unsigned four UBYTE; // UBYTE = Using unsigned char; // C ++ 11 typed without long typed; Const unsigned int FALSE = 0; // constexpr intigned int FALSE = 0; // C ++ 11 Constellation COMPRESS_MAX_COM = 0x70000000; Kont Ulong COMPRESS_MAX_ORG = (1024-COMPRESS_OVERRUN); // if COMPRESS_OVERRUN const const is ULONG MAX_RAW_GROUP = (16 * MAX_RAW_ITEM); // if MAX_RAW_ITEM as a pre-defined co...

java - Restarting a method with ActionListener -

I'm making a timer for a game vs., but IM has hard times in my timer method's restart Have given. It stops the timer for one second, then the counting continues, Example: If the timer is on 4, if the reset button is killed, the timer will pause 4 for the second, then again for 5, 6, etc. Will start. Still to fix it? import javax.swing. *; Import java.awt. *; Import java.awt.event. *; The expansion of public class MyTimer panel (private Jeelab time display; private Jebtn Risetbtn; private Jebtn Startbtn; private Jebtn Stopbutn; Timer; public MyTimer () {MyTimer timer; Startbutton = new Jebtn ( "Start Timer"); Stopbtn = new Jebtn ( "stop timer"); Taimdisple = new Jeelabel ( "... waiting ..."); Risetbtn = new Jebtn ( "reset timer"); this.add (resetButton); this.add (StartButton); this.add (stopButton); this.add (timeDisplay); Event E = new event (); StartButton.addActionListener (e); Event 1C = new Event 1 (); stopButton.addActionList...

python - Attribute error in nested method -

मेरे पास निम्न श्रेणी है: class कनेक्शन (ऑब्जेक्ट): defaults = {' application_key ': कोई नहीं,} डीईएफ़ __init __ (स्वयं, application_key = "कोई नहीं"): self.application_key = application_key या Connection.defaults.get (' application_key ') डीईएफ़ make_request (आत्म, परम = कोई नहीं, विधि = कोई नहीं): url = URL_FORMAT% { 'परम': पैरामीटर,} हेडर = { 'प्राधिकरण': 'टोकन टोकन =' + self.application_key, 'सामग्री प्रकार': 'आवेदन / json',} अगर विधि == "प्राप्त": अनुरोध = requests.get (यूआरएल, हेडर = हेडर) यदि request.status_code == वापसी request.json () और: apiError बढ़ा ( "% s का दर्जा प्राप्त नहीं है (200)"% request.status_code) elif विधि == "पोस्ट": अनुरोध = (यूआरएल, हेडर = हेडर) request.status_code == अगर request.status_code == वापसी request.json () और: बढ़ा apiError ("% S स्थिति प्राप्त (200 नहीं)"% request.sta...

Copying an array to the Stack Frame in Assembly Language -

Assume that I have a copy and an array, call it x on stack frame. And then display that stack frame on the screen before leaving the process. How do I copy that array to a stack frame? I came with this but it is not working .data x sdword 10, -10, 20, -20. Code start: mov esi, [ebp + 8] mov edi, [ebp + 12] mov ecx, [ebp + 20] mov edx, [ebp + 16] How to add array x to the stack frame using I'm not using Irwin or anything just .386 .MODEL flat, stdcall .. STACK 4096 I am using Microsoft Visual C ++ It is not clear whether you need to copy the content (i.e. 4 words), or just copy from ADDRESS. Either way, you make room for that frame, whatever you have to put in there, and then copy it the same way you copy memory-to-memory.