jquery - Displaying JSon Data Into a List -

I am using the workings and trying to get data from a database and load it into a list I am here. I managed to get data using SQLAdapter, but I could not load this data into a list. I get this from the database. True, "ResultSet": [{"question": "asdasdasd", "vote how can i include this data in user interface (preferably a list) thanks

  {" isSuccessful " "" "," ":" 0 "}," 0 "}," 0 "}," 0 "}," 0 "}," 0 "}, The first thing you need to do is to parser the data into a JavaScript object: result  on  = >   

JSON.parse (results);

You can then add list items to the list already available. It uses jQuery

  var $ list = $ ('ul # mylist' ); (Result.resultSet in Result I) {var item = result.resultSet [i]; $ List.append ('
  • Question:' + item.question + 'vote:' + item.vote ''); }

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