php - get() returns empty rows in Codeigniter -
I am using the function below but it did not return any rows. Tried num_rows () but it has $ Position! = NULL) $ this- & gt; Db- & gt; Where ($ statuses); If ($ orderby == "" and $ order ==! ""!) $ This-> Db- & gt; Order_by ($ orderby, $ order); $ This- & gt; Db- & gt; Limit ($ border, $ offset); $ Query = $ this- & gt; Db- & gt; Get ($ tablename); null values to me
$ this-> Db- & gt; Last query was obtained using the last_query () , it was used in the database and the results are given here Is I losing a setup in Code Igniter? Waiting for your answer.
function search ($ position = zero, $ tablename = "", $ orderby = 'id', $ order = 'dESC', $ border = 1000000, $ offset = 0) { If ($ Tablename == "") {$ tablename = $ this-> Table; } If ($ terms! = Null) $ this- & gt; Db- & gt; Where ($ statuses); If ($ orderby == "" and $ order ==! ""!) $ This-> Db- & gt; Order_by ($ orderby, $ order); $ Query = $ this- & gt; Db- & gt; Obtain ($ tablename, $ range, offset = 0); Return $ query- & gt; Result_are (); }
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