
Showing posts from September, 2012

Returning a string from a Ruby function -

इस उदाहरण में: def हैलो कहते हैं "हाय" अंत def हैलो "नमस्ते" अंत पहले और दूसरे फ़ंक्शंस के बीच क्या अंतर है? रूबी फ़ंक्शंस में, जब कोई रिटर्न वैल्यू नहीं स्पष्ट रूप से परिभाषित होती है, एक फ़ंक्शन अंतिम बयान इसे मूल्यांकन करता है । यदि केवल एक प्रिंट कथन का मूल्यांकन किया जाता है, फ़ंक्शन शून्य लौटाएगा। इस प्रकार, निम्न प्रिंट नमस्ते और रिटर्न शून्य : डालता है "नमस्ते" इसके विपरीत, निम्नलिखित रिटर्न स्ट्रिंग hi : "hi" निम्नलिखित पर विचार करें: def print_string प्रिंट "bar" end def return_string "qux" # जैसा कि `वापसी 'qux"' end foo = print_string foo # = & gt; शून्य बज़ = रिटर्न_स्ट्रिंग बाज़ # = & gt; "क्वॉक्स" नोट, हालांकि, आप प्रिंट और रिटर्न एक ही फ़ंक्शन के बाहर कुछ कर सकते हैं: def return_and_print प्रिंट "मुद्रण" "लौट रहा है" # वापसी के रूप में `वापसी 'के समान" `एंड ऊपर प्रिंट स्ट्रिंग मुद्र...

bash - String Manipulation in UNIX -

After running I have a script which will show: square 1 area 10 Square is made with Square box 2 with name box with field 20. Circle name is not made with Spiny Area 22, area with area has been rectangle with tri-three-area 30. How can I get all the numbers between the fields and create and store it in an array? The stored array will be: 10 20 30 The hard part is that, I can not find just the first number, just like That square (1) will be read, I can not even take the number between "field", and "is" because it can take in sizes that have not been created. Any idea how to do this? use of grep : $ Cat testfile Square 10 is named Square with area area named Square 2 with Area 20, Square 2 is created with name box. Circle's name is not created with spin area 22 with rectangle area with name Tri 30 has been built. $ Grep -Eo 'area [0-9] + has been created' testfile | Grep -Eo '[0-9] +' 10 20 30 Note POSIX does not sup...


I can filter rows from a database table ..., but how can anyone calculate that specific line Is shown when filtered ... The sample SQL table is such a strucure ID | PARTSNAME | PRICE Thank you .., Use total tasks .... SUM will solve your needs ... .filter () for short after jquery. All filtered elements And then use the .each () function to access each element and add values ​​to a local variable.

list - how to make linked data/edgelist in R -

The list data is "lt" below "[[1]]" f24j "" mirror "" heliostat "" reflect "" photo "" solar "" sun "[2]]" imag "" radiation "" Sens "" Detecting "[[3]" "mesur" "chas" "Captur" .. I want to create result-data from "lt". var1 var2 1 f24j mirror 2 f24j heliostat 3 f24j mirrored 4 f24j Picture 5 f24j solar 6 f24j sun 7 mirror heliostat mirror 8 mirror mirror picture 10 mirror solar 11 mirror sun reflected 12 heliostat 13 heliostat picture 14 heliostat solar 15 heliostat reflects sun 16 reflect picture 17 reflected solar 18 sun 19 picture solar 20 Picture sun 21 solar sun 22 img radiation 23 img sens 24 img detection 25 radiation sens 26 Detecting radiation 27 Sens 28 mesur chas detection 29 mesur Captur 30 chas Captur ... I do not know how I get R in this result Try this: ll = list (letters [1: 5], lett...

python - regex match last occurence -

I'm trying to find ways other than these two: # this In case \ d +, match the last 24242 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Test = "123_4242_24242lj.:" & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; Obj = (r "\ d + (?!. * \ D)", test) & gt; & Gt; & Gt; () '24242' & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Re.findall (r "\ d +", test) [- 1] '24242' Any ideas? This lookahead based regex matches the previous issue in a single digit: \ D + (? = \ D * $)

mod rewrite - redirect to https folder in .htaccess -

I was trying to get the complete directory / section of my website so that I could redirect https safely Can I Htaccess file, so I found a solution here. It has been learned that except for the homepage, it redirects my entire site to HTTPS again. I just have to redirect / php / folder and anything inside it. Thanks in advance for any help! Here my code is .htaccess: rewrite %% {SERVER_PORT} 80 rewrite angle% {REQUEST_URI} PHP rewritable ^ (. *) $$ Https: // beanstalkwebsolutions .com / $ 1 [R, L] You use this rule to rule your first As can: rewrite% {HTTPS} of revised rule ^ PHP (/ | $) https: // {REQUEST_URI} [NC, R, L]

Satellite MenuItem set on rounded way in android -

यहां मेरा सैटेलाइट मेन्यू एक्सएमएल कोड & lt; android.view.ext.SatelliteMenu एंड्रॉइड: Id = "@ + id / menu" एंड्रॉइड: layout_width = "wrap_content" एंड्रॉइड: layout_height = "wrap_content" एंड्रॉइड: एंड्रॉइड: लेआउट_लाइनपरीरट्राइट = "सच" शनि: क्लोज़ करेंक्लिक करें = "सच" बीट: विस्तार की अवधि = "500" शनि: मुख्य इमेज = "@ ड्रॉएबल / आईसी_लांचर "शनि: सैटेलाइट डिस्टेंस =" 170dp "शनि: कुल स्पेसिंग डीग्री =" 90 "& gt; & LT; /android.view.ext.SatelliteMenu> यहां मेरा जावा कोड सैटेलाइटमेनू मेनू = (सैटेलाइटमेनू) findViewById (; / / एक्सएमएल से सेट करें, संभवतः प्रोगामेटिक फ्लोट दूरी सेट करें = टाइप किए गए वेल्यू.आपली डिमेंशन (टाइप किया गया वेल्यू। कॉमप्लेक्स_यूएनईडीडीआईपी, 200, रिसेसरस ()। GetDisplayMetrics ()); SatelliteMenuItem a1 = नया सैटेलाइटमेन्यूइटम (4, R.drawable.ic_4); सूची के & lt; SatelliteMenuItem & gt; आइटम = नया अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; सैटेलाइटमेनुइटम ...

java - Download content from url store in a text area -

I am trying to download content from a URL and put it in my database. I have already downloaded it, but this text is displayed in a row in the field. I want to show the paragraph (if wrapped if necessary) in the text area. Here I have tried: string x = ""; Try {conn = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc: mysql: // localhost / mirroreddatabase", "root", ""); String data = cmbgeneNames.getSelectedItem (). ToString (); String sql = "omimmirrored to select * where symbol GeneSymbol '%" + data + "%'"; // change table is created pst = conn.prepareStatement (sql); Results set rs = pst.executeQuery (); // checkboxes are checked when (( ()) {x = rs.getString ("link"); } Conn.close (); } Hold (exception e) {JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, e); } Url; InputStream = Faucet; DataInputStream dis; String s; Try {conn = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc: mysql: // localhost / mirroreddatabase", ...

java - gradle idea plugin: libraries marked as "unresolved dependencies" -

When trying to run the idea plugin for my gradle project, in my many internal libraries Library: 'shield: unresolved No - Dependence_bl_bla 'has broken the square path . Library has been marked as "unbalanced dependency" I Gredre project multi-module, I consider plugin is applied to the All projects . Update: This is an example of a dependency to me: plugin: 'groovy' dependence {compile 'org.eclipse.jgit: org.eclipse.jgit: R' compile 'org.codehaus.groovy: groovy: 2.2.1' testcompile 'org.junit: junit: 4.11'} There are errors in all three resolve ... The issue was that I did not declare any repository. (Thanks peter) Add the following to my original project went resolved correctly dependency: All Project {repositories {mavenCentral ()}}

javascript - Trying to Perform Live AJAX Search in sidebar -

I am new to AJAX searches and am quite new to the rail. I'm trying to create a search form in my app's sidebar so that it is included on every page. I need search results, when a search is currently entered. I have 'movies' tables and I am just starting my search for the 'title' column. Here is what I have so far. Search is not returning to search results just in the div, nor is it returning any results on the current page. Use of Rail 4.0.0. _sidebar.html. ARB & lt; One side ID = "sidebar" & gt; & Lt; NAV & gt; & Lt;% = form_tag movies_path ,: method = & gt; 'Go',: id = & gt; "Movies_search"% & gt; & Lt; Center & gt; & Lt; P & gt; & Lt;% = text_field_tag: search, parameter [: search]%> & Lt;% = submit_tag "Search",: name = & gt; Zero% & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Center & gt; & Lt; Div id = "cresults_div" style = ...

r - Can't add legend to density plot with multiple groups -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 उत्तर vec1 & lt; - data.frame (x = rnorm (30)) vec2 & lt; - data.frame (x = rnorm (100)) vec3 & lt; - डेटा.फ्रेम (x = rnorm (180)) ggplot () + geom_density (एईएस X = x), लिनटाइप = "ठोस", डेटा = वीसी 1) + जीओएम_डेंटीटी (एईएस (एक्स = एक्स), लिनटाइप = "डैशड", डेटा = वीसी 2) + जीओएम_डेंसिटी (एईएस (एक्स = एक्स), लिनटाइप = "डॉट्स" , डेटा = वीसी 3) + scale_linetype_manual (name = "groups", values ​​= c (vec1 = "solid", vec2 = "dashed", vec3 = "dotted")) लीजेंड doesn साजिश में दिखाई नहीं देता और कोई त्रुटि संदेश नहीं है किंवदंती पाने के लिए मुझे क्या करना चाहिए? जैसा कि पिछले प्रश्नों में पहले से ही समझाया गया (और) के किंवदंतियों के बारे में Ggplot2, यदि आप को geom _... के कई कॉलों का उपयोग करने वाले साजिश के लिए किंवदंती करने की आवश्यकता है, तो सौंदर्यशास्त्र (लिनटाइप) को एईएस () के अंदर रखा जाना चाहिए (एईएस (एक्स = एक्स, लिनटाइपे = "वीसी 1... - Visual basic - beginning program code -

My output is always 14.95 for package A. Everything else works well. I need this for the program: An Internet service, Proskar offers 3 membership packages for its customers, as well as discounts for non-profit organizations Packa A: 10 hours of access to $ 9.95 per month. The extra is $ 2.00 per hour. Package B: 20 ​​hours of use for $ 14.95 per month. Additional $ 1.00 per package Package C: Unlimited access to $ 19.95 per month Nonprofit organization: User Nonprofit Checkbox 20% discount cut from final fee Choices should go. Input validation ": The number used in one month can not be more than 744. The value should be numeric btnCalc_Click public class form1 personal sub btnCalc_Click (as the object, in the form of e EventArgs) handle btnCalc.Click 'variable and consecutive dec decotal declare decimal decimal intHours as integer const decNonProfit decimal = 0.8 Try D intHours = CInt (txtHoursUsed.Text) then CInt (txtHoursUsed.Text)> 744 Then Mess...

Fine-Uploader Salesforce support -

We bought a license and today we were working on implementing the Improved Uploader Plugin on Cellforce and with the AJAX request Accessed on the technical issue, it should be executed from JavaScript to Salesforce. Even we follow the steps that we did to remove: We have created the test visual page, we must provide the end point to the correct uploader, which will be implemented by the uploader code properly. Request Salesforce allows us to write REST API to handle post requests, for that we have created Apex Class 'S3_fin_uploader size', SFDC is the end point, Chu Since the domains are different, we can solve this integration without any tricks or work. Our vision is that we have two options, both are dependent on the uploader code and it requires a change Javascript code both options will work for us a) Ask the right uploader team to allow for uploading the request. It can allow us to convert it to 'GET' and then we will manage the request as a visual page + ...

php - How to render ZF2 form in view in ZF1 project -

I am trying to use ZF2 classes in the ZF2 project. I am following this link: I am an abstractionable I can use ZF2 classes to model models, table models from gateway to make table models. I am getting an object on the controller. But when I try to render those form objects on the view (PHP), throwing this error, such as: Fatal error: call the undefined method in / var / www / myproject / application / modules / tools / views in Zend \ Form \ Form :: openTag () / / script at /scripts/tablesample/add.phtml Here is the scene file: & lt ;? Use Php Zend \ Form \ form form form; $ BaseUrl = $ this- & gt; Base url (); $ FormObject = new form (); // This form element is $$ form = $ this- & gt; Demo's print block is; $ Form- & gt; Set Attribute ('Action', $ / tablesample / add '); $ Form & gt; ready (); Counterfoil $ formObject- & gt; OpenTag ($ form); Echo $ the-> FormRow ($ form- & gt; get ('name')); Echo $ th...

java - locate the source files for android emulator -

I'm an intern and I'm new to automation I'm going to familiarize myself with the mobile app automation tool 'epium' I'm trying to run a Windows machine. I get some samples of Junit using epi tests. There are built-in devices built for Android / iOS for these tests, for now I am only concerned with Android people. I realize that these apps are written on Mac machines and I have changed it to my Windows machine. My point, APP's ELLESEA emulator so that I can use it in my testing. I hope that I have provided enough information any help would be appreciated. Try looking at this place on the Mac: / User / & lt; Username & gt; / Android / avd / You must have 2 files for each emulator you created, * .avd and * .ini You always work on the terminal by the manager Manager can run: / & lt; Path_to_android_sdk & gt; / Android avd This should list all the emulators you have created if you can not do it through the terminal, then...

c# - Sharepoint List Items Query -

How can I query the sharepoint list item using soap in C #? Code should be queried which will be placed on a host (SharePoint 2007, .NET 2.0). The list is located on the second host (SharePoint 2010) as far as I know, I can not use this purpose for the SPS ite, SPWeb .. using it (sps ite site = new sps ite Can use "http: // hostname / ...")) (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb ()) ... Can anyone tell me that How can this be done? Tnx! You need to use SharePoint web services to integrate between two separate SharePoint instances . Create a web context for the following URLs in your project: http: //sharepointserver/_vti_bin/lists.asmx Create a connection to the web service: var client = new SharePointWebServices.Lists {credentials = new network credentials ("user name", "password")}; Var xmlDoc = New XmlDocument (); Var Viewfield = xmlDoc.CreateElement ("Viewfield"); ViewFields.InnerXml = "& Field; FieldRef Name = \...

How to find control in visual studio 2010 -

Is there a window in Visual Studio 2010 that can be used to find the controls? I want to see a list of all the controls used in my project. There is a dropdown menu at the top of the property window where all the controls in the open file are listed and you will see them there. You can choose. This can be useful if you do not have hidden controls on your form.

Java - How to detect PCI modem on window 7 (64bit) -

I want to create a Java application like callerID application. When this is an incoming call, this app will show the phone number in the textbox. I search the internet, someone has said using this site like the Java Communications API, just like this site. Check it - I have taken the same step on that site but I get NoSuchPortException when the port "COM3" is found. CommPortIdentifier portId1 = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier ("COM3"); When I'm testing by other callerID applicaiton, then my PCI modem was running fine. Everyone detects PCI modem. Calculate the ports available on your system as follows:. Then connect to the modem and try one by one to get the port. / P>

Access Windows Print button from IE WebDriver selenium -

Am I using 32bit IE Webdriver and Selenium 2.0 and IE9 (VS2010 test project) to accept it It is possible that the Word document print screen that is brought by Javascript is surprising that it is not a warning nor a model so I can use WindowsHandle nor the alert. I am a novice for this that anybody can help? Thank you, Gauls I think you can use the AutoIt tool I was searching and found - it can help you:

Could not load type error while publishing Site -

I recently encountered an error for a fixed web page that can not "type loads" I was solving it for the past week or for no avail, it was working properly on my local PC but when I try to move it through the Turtle SVN on the server, it gives this error Any help will be appreciated People advance money Thanks. Check that the project output path (project properties / build) bin and bin \ release or bin \ debug For some reasons, IIS (VS Development Server or Local IIS) always accesses the library from the bin directory (and subdirectory ) Hope it helps.

jquery - Use ajax to call ActionResult with value from text box. -

User update Given quantity is only a field, click on the Accept button to update the user Does the number entered in the textbox and Ajax via ShoeOrderItem @for (int i = 0; i Model; ShoeorderItemList.Count (); i ++) {& lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; Td class = "text-center" & gt; @ Html.HiddenFor (model = & gt; model.share item list [i] .shawyer idam id) @html. DisplayFor (Model = & Model; Shower Eatmail [i]. Shawyer Eatam Id) & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td class = "text-center" & gt; @html DisplayFlier (model = & gt; model. Show eartem list [i] .linite total) & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td class = "text-center" & gt; @html DisplayFlier (model = & gt; model. Show etymic list [i]. Souce size) & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td class = "text-center" & gt; @html DisplayFor (Model = & Model; Shows Eatam List [i] .su ManningCost) & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td class = "text-center" & gt; @html...

Android scrollview inside another scrollview doesn't scroll -

I am trying to put a ScrollView inside another ScrollView and I tried the answers given on this site, But it still does not seem to work completely Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" Android: focusableInTouchMode = "false": Android: Android: Android: & gt; & Lt; LinearLayout Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "match_parent" android: orientation = "vertical" & gt; Android: Android: Android: Android: ADR = "@color / red" /> & Lt; Android: Layout = "center_vertical | center_horizontal" Android: background = "@ drawable / general_image" Android: Gravity = "Android: layout =" " Center "Android: orientation =" vertical "& gt; & Lt; / LinearLayout & gt; & Lt; ScrollView Android: id = "@ + id / scrollView2" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "100dp" Androi...

printing - Format Print Document in C# -

I am quite new to c # and need some help in creating a document for printing. I have already been able to talk to the printer through this code: Private Zero Print (String Printer) {PrintDocument PrintDoc = new PrintDocument (); PrintDoc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = Printer; PrintDoc.PrintPage + = New PrintPage event handler (printpage); PrintDoc.Print (); } Zero printpase (Object Sender, PrintPage Event Eg) e.Graphics.DrawLine (New Pen (Color. Black), New Point (0, 0), New Point (100, 100)); E.Graphics.DrawString ("Hello World", New Font ("Times New Roman", 12), New Solidbrush (Color Black), New Point (45, 45)); } Who print my string "Hello World" is obviously the print code of the code which I found on the net. Sadly, I could not find any way for a) Set the size of the paper format that is printed on (this is the 138 mm x 99 mm landscape format) b) Tell the printer where to print my texts properly. This paper is a PRINTMENT form and I ...

Implementing JavaScript Web API Interfaces -

(and its descendants, such as etc.) is defined according to the interface. If I want to implement these interfaces with TypeScript, I can do the following. class applies CustomElement HTMLElement {// execution} However implementing the interface in type-scripts does not generate any code, so pure JavaScript How to get the interface implementation difficult is easy. How should these interfaces be implemented with pure JavaScript? You will use the prototype of HTMLElement var customization = function {} {}; CustomElement.prototype = HTMLElement.prototype; and now you can create them by using new keyword var myElement = new CustomElement (); // myElement will now use HTMLElement prototype

symfony - how does psr-0 and composer work? -

I will ask questions with an example. Say I have a project directory. Project Vendor Sample Vendor src composer.json First of all I want to know that I have kept the musician. To install libraries in Jason "Directory", do the correct file in the project directory? Second, say I have the following lines: Composer. Jason "autoload": {"psr-0": {"Samplevendor \\ package": "lib /"}} Then the composer project Will the class in relation to root configure the samplevendor \ package \ sampleclass to configure autoloading? I would like to ask after looking at the following lines in the symfony2 composer. Locked file: "autoload": {"psr-0": {"theory \\ general \\ annotation \\ Update: I found the namespace map in autoload_namespaces.php which does not look as per psr-0: 'Principle \ Common \ Annotation \ '= & gt; Array ($ seller vendor. / Theory / comment / lib ') Jason is the best...

Sony Action Camera API -

We have to develop a tool using Sony Action Cam and Camera Remote AP. Our application As far as we see that there is no such command, files were recorded and recorded from camera to smart phone or using Wi-Fi Need to transfer video files. Is documented, but it should be possible because you have an application that can transfer the file to a smartphone. Is it possible to complete more complete documentation? Thanks Giuliano C The documentation has been completed, unfortunately you have to ask about API functionality personal and only this time the PlayMemories app Is available for If you have any changes to it then you will be updated.

html - Show search feature of our website in address bar while entering name of site -

If on the address bar, you type the browser (at least Google Chrome does) displays the following message Press tab to search stack overflows How can I do this in my site? Any help is greatly appreciated ... Use "tabindex" for input fields You can also set tab orders For example: & lt; Input name = "name1" type = "text" tabindex = "1" /> & Lt; Input name = "name2" type = "text" tabindex = "3" /> & Lt; Input name = "name3" type = "text" tabindex = "2" /> So if you press the tab button, the order will be - & gt; Name 1 - & gt; Name 3 - & gt; Name 2

java left pad zeros in a string with spaces in the middle -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 20 उत्तरों मैं एक के लिए देख रहा हूँ इस समस्या के लिए जेएसई में मल्टी थ्रेडिंग प्रक्रिया में प्रदर्शन समाधान: मेरे पास एक स्ट्रिंग है उदाहरण के लिए: "12697 26" मुझे स्ट्रिंग के लिए "00012697 26" " इसका अर्थ है कि मैं स्ट्रिंग.फोर्मर विधि का प्रयोग नहीं कर सकता जैसा कि: स्ट्रिंग c =" 12697 26 "; & lt; br / & gt; स्ट्रिंग.फोर्मेट ("% 1 $ 15s", c); & lt; br / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; क्योंकि परिणाम इनपुट के समान होगा। 15s रिक्त स्थान के साथ बाईं तरफ स्ट्रिंग भरें लेकिन मुझे शून्य से भरने की जरूरत है .... कुछ प्रदर्शन समाधान जावा के नए संस्करण में मौजूद है? तरह का संबंध स्ट्रिंग इनपुट = "12697 26"; स्ट्रिंगबिल्डर एस = नया स्ट्रिंगबिल्डर (इनपुट); के लिए (इंट I = 0; i & lt; s.length () और amp; s.ScharAt (i) == ''; i ++) {एस .setCharAt (i, '0'); } System.out.printf ("'% s'", s.toString ()); '000...

tfs2013 - Where is the source xml of TFS build notification mail template? -

TFS Build Mail Template is located at% PROGRAMFILES% \ Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010 \ Application Level \ TFSJobAgent \ Transforms, example: But can someone tell me where is the source XML, which is used to generate notification mail? Templates are really a folder in the 1033 folder below to create notification emails. Your final path will look like this: % PROGRAMFILES% \ Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010 \ Application Level \ TFSJobAgent \ Transforms \ 1033 . Adding a hyperlink to WorkItemChangedEvent.xsl template: is a blog post.

c# - Difference in code execution when extension method present but not called -

TL; DR, question: What effect code can be .net (for example, JIT / optimization) in the presence of an extension method of the effect code? Background I am facing a test failure MSTE depends on whether it appears that the unrelated assemblies are also examined . I saw the failure of the test and saw from accident that the failure occurred only when another test assembly was filled. Both will start to perform integration tests running on united and unity test assemblies and will fail on the 21st integration test under 4.5 CLR, while it will not be under 4.0 CLR (otherwise otherwise). I removed all the tests, but the integration test failed from the assembly. Performance now looks like both the test assemblies have been loaded, MSEST loads both assemblies then execute a test in the Integration Testing Assembly, which is unsuccessful. & gt; Mstest.exe /testcontainer:Unittests.dll /testcontainer:IntegrationTests.dll Loading C: \ Proj \ Test \ bin \ x86 \ Release \ Un...

mysql - Check var is NULL in stored procedure -

मेरे पास एक स्क्रिप्ट है जो सभी तालिकाओं को हटाती है। SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; SET @tables = NULL; SELECT GROUP_CONCAT (table_schema, '।', Table_name) INTO @tables से info_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'mydb'; SET @tables = CONCAT ('ड्रॉप तालिका', @ टीबल्स); @tables से STMT तैयार करें; EXTUTE STMT; DEALLOCATE STMT; सेट FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1; यह केवल एक बार काम करता है - जब कम से कम एक मेज मौजूद है दूसरा रन मुझे एक त्रुटि देता है: आपके SQL वाक्यविन्यास में एक त्रुटि है; लाइन 1 एसक्यूएल एसक्यूएल 9 1 पर पास नल का उपयोग करने के लिए सही सिंटैक्स के लिए आपके MySQL सर्वर संस्करण से संबंधित मैनुअल की जांच करें IF कथन का उपयोग करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, लेकिन यह अभी भी काम नहीं करता है: यदि @ tables सेट नहीं है तो टीटी सेट = CONCAT ('ड्रॉप टेबल', @ टीबल्स); @tables से STMT तैयार करें; EXTUTE STMT; DEALLOCATE STMT; अगर अंत; आपके SQL सिंटैक्स में एक त्रुटि है; मैनुअल जो अपने वाक्यविन्यास के निकट के उपयोग के लिए आपके MySQL सर्वर संस्करण स...

sql - Java class file format limit(s) exceeded: -

I am using derby in-memory db in java. And I want to run a SQL my SQL string length is 61671 bytes but I got more than Java class file format limit (O): method: e1 code_length (72447> 65535) error . I know that the limit on the Derby should be less than 65535 bytes, just like the code boundary. It's OK () But now my string length is 61671. Why am I getting the code_length error (72447> 65535)? How can I fix this? thx My string length is just 61671. Why am I getting code_length (72447> 65535) error? Because the length of the code and length of the string are two different things, your code is too long, divide it.

java - how to started new project for spring mvc -

My project name is colormanagment, this project has been developed for Spring MVC. So, I create the project and new controller configuration and see the JSP file management location. Whether a sample example or example can give a link, this is very useful for me. Spring provides a project as an example. It has also been mentioned in their documentation. So I recommend you to look at this project:

Jquery Validation, open accordion -

We are using jQuery Accordion & Validation on the same page ... There are 3 accordions within the form. Verification works perfectly but what do I want to do if 1 field is valid I want to open the accordion in the in-valid field I'm trying to do this on an invalid handler but can not get it to open, I have tried to use the following: InvalidHandler: function ( Event, verifier, element) {$ ('# form1'). ('Error. Panic message'). Parents ('Field'). next (). Show (); }, Is there any success in doing this? Thank you. This is managed to get people working. I have just removed one of the .parents () code, so it looks like this now: $ ('# Form1') ('error .error-message. ') To find parents () show () ... Thanks.

C# How to check Remote IP Address from the Local Network -

Currently, I am working on a Windows based system that uses mySQL as a database. The database can be on a remote computer connected to the same network. My problem is, how can I check whether this remote address is going to be my database source or is currently accessible. bool CheckConnectionStatus () {string strokeconction = "/ * your connection string is / / ; SqlConnection con = New SqlConnection; If (con.state == ConnectionState.Closed) {try {con.Open ()} con.Close ();} hold (exception e) {return false;}} and { Back true;}}

c++ - difference b/w **ptr and *ptr -

I have basic knowledge about pointers that they point to memory and to change and remove them The values ​​stored on that address can be used for example int a = 5; Int * b; B = & amp; One; Now point to the memory spot of B here. cout & lt; & Lt; * B; // output 5 cot and lt; & Lt; B; // Address of the output In fact for the purpose and in the tasks and the structure of data such as linked lists and passing the values ​​of trees. Main () {node * head = NULL; // Add a pointer major of type node structure (and head, 2); // link for linked value added} Add zero (node ​​** head, int data) {// add value to node} Can someone tell me why & Amp; Head is added (in the form of head) (**) in the function. Besides, what did it do, it was received as head *? When I print the value of the head ** I have a compiler error Type of node *, when you get the address of the node (and the head), the type is node in ** The difference between node ** and node...

datetime - Python: Decimal into time format -

I want to convert decimal formats (HH, HHH) to a one time format HH: MM: SS 16, 16.00000572, 16.00000572, 16.00000954, 16.00001144, 16.0000247, 16.00002098, 16.0000248, 16.00002861, 16.00003052, 16.00003433, 16.00003624, 16.00003815, 16.00004196, 16.00004387, 16.00004768, 16.00004959, 16.00005341 / Pre> Is there a way to do this in Python? Thanks Believing the values: [86]: DT [87] Import Detataim: data = [16], 16.00000381, 16.00000572, 16.00000 9 4, 16.00001144, 16.00001335, 16.00001717, 16.00001907, 16.000020 9 8, 16.0000248, 16.00002861, 16.00003052, 16.00003433, 16.00003624 , 16.00003815, 16.00004196, 16.00004387, 16.00004768, 16.00004959, 16.00005341] .... .... .... .... ...: ....: [88]: Map for data in X (str, [dt.Temoldata (second = x * 60 * 60.0)] [88]: ['16: 00: 00', '16: 00: 00.013716 ', '16: 00: 00.020592', '16: 00: 00.034344', ... '16: 00: 00.157932', '16: 00: 00.171648 ', '16: 00: 00.178524' , ...

Read and Write Values from Jquery Datatable -

I am dynamically generating an HTML table and after that, to increase the attributes of my html table, DataBable 1.9 4 am using the plugin. My table looks like below "X" checkboxes, I'm trying to select the checkbox in relation to a particular line and column combination. I have values ​​in values ​​like pair (VALUE1, col3), then I have to select that particular cell, I read the checkbox text from the header row and tried to select the same checkbox but no luck. How should I proceed with this? I know that there are some ways of datatable, but not very well aware of them. You have to tell how exactly you generate those checkboxes, the following is the fact that How do I do this? The checkbox is in any data or there is actually no difference between anything (var row = 1; row & lt; = 10; line ++) {dataTable.fnAddData (['& lt; input type =' Checkbox "id =" check _ '+ row +' _ 1 "& gt; ',' &...

google dfp - How to configure In-App Rich Media ad creative in DFP? -

I created an HTML for in-app rich media ad for expandable banners. It includes 2 image files and .js and .css file How to configure and upload files and make a creative in DFP This will show me apps Let me configure your custom MRAID creative in DFP Some links are required for You must create separate servers on which you have related .js and .css files You can upload. P> For creative you have to write a sampleCreative.js file, in which you can add your HTML content using the document. Write () function Upload the code below as a creative in DPP which will call your creative Creative.js. & lt; Script type = \ "text / javascript \" src = \ "http: //localserver/sampleCreative.js \" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt;

c++ - How to find correct rotation from one vector to another? -

I have two objects, and each object has two vectors: Normal vector Vector up Like this image: The vector is vertical above normal vector. Now I have to find one rotation from one object to another, how to do it? I have one way of finding rotation between another vector, and it works. The problem is that I need to take care of two vectors: normal vector and vector top. If I can move this vector from object to object from one object to another in general, the up vector may point out incorrectly, and they should be parallel to them. Here is the code to find at least rotation: Ge :: Quat GE :: Quat :: fromTo (Const Vector 3 and V1, Const Vector 3 And V2) {Vector 3A = Vector 3 :: Cross (V1, V2); Quat q; Float dot = vector 3 :: dot (v1, v2); If (dot> = 1) {q = quat (0,0,0,1); } And if (dot To find the correct rotation, what should I add / add to this code? Before we start, I assume that both the UP vector and the normal vector Generalized and orthogonal (...

Bound Input gets unfocused in angularjs -

मैं यह सरल कोड angularjs के साथ चला रहा हूँ: HTML: & lt; div ng-app ng-controller = "AController" & gt; & Lt; code & gt; {{आइटम इनअरे}} & lt; / code & gt; & Lt; div ng-repeat = "वस्तुओं में मद" अर्रे "& gt; & Lt; इनपुट एनजी-मॉडल = "आइटम इनअरे [$ इंडेक्स]" / & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; जावास्क्रिप्ट: फ़ंक्शन AController ($ गुंजाइश) {$ scope.itemsInArray = ["stra", "strb" , "Strc"]; } सरणी में अनुक्रमण करते समय बाध्यकारी सही ढंग से काम करता है, लेकिन एक अक्षर दर्ज करने के बाद इनपुट फोकस खो देता है। आप इस बेवकूफ पर यहां काम कर रहे कोड पा सकते हैं: मुझे लगता है कि यह हो रहा है क्योंकि आप एक ही मद को जोड़ रहे हैं जो एनजी-दोहराने पर चलने वाला है। तो एनजी-दोहराता आइटम में बदलाव देखता है और `एनजी-दोहराता है जो वस्तुओं को पुनर्जन्म करता है फिर से चलाता है। यदि आप अपने बेला एचएलएम को देखते हैं, तो आप इस आशय को देख सकते हैं। $ s...

linux - Qt-based Face Recognition Application -

I'm trying to compile the QT project. I managed to compile without errors, but there are errors during execution. I am getting these errors in the popup window: - Open / dev / dsp error -Failed unsuccessful - The initial capture failed -get frames failed In addition, displays the output: sh: Line 0:. Setqt4env: File Not Found Attempted File Open Could not open file! Error code: 5 / home / QFaceRec / QTFaceRecForPC code exited to 0 SIGSEGV error when debugging with Qt Creator. I have googled, due to application the answer tries to use the memory illegally. Therefore, I try to execute in su - / root, but runtime error remains unset. I am trying to compile and run code in Fedora with the Qt constructor without GPIO and serial port setting. Has anyone got any ideas for my problem? Or it knows how to compile the QT code in the above link Because the answer tries to access memory illegally, therefore, I try to execute in su - / root Do not do that! Ille...

ef code first - Asp.Net MVC Codefirst Model Relation to the Same Model -

I have a model and I want to put the same model to an additional area which can be filled with the form For Ireland:. Categories and sub categories In my example, visitors can add a file type but the file type can be selected if another file type is being done, but I can not work on it. Below you can see my model Public class HR file type {{Key} Public Ent ID {Receive; Set; } [Display (name = "Dojo Edu")] Public at name {get; Set; } Public int? HrFileTypeId {Receive; Set; } Public Virtual HrFileType HrFileType2 {get; Set; }} You just need to add a to foreignKeyAttribute As follows: public class HrFileType {[Key] public int id {get; Set; } [Display (name = "Dojo Edu")] Public at name {get; Set; } Public int? HrFileTypeId {Receive; Set; } [Foreign key ("HR filetype ID")] Public virtual HR file type HR file type 2 {Received; Set; }} You can also use the fluent API to achieve this goal: public class HrFileType {[Key] Public Integer ID...

javascript - Return dates from previous weekend -

I'm trying to return dates from javascript Monday to Monday. Now if the present day is between Friday and Monday, then I want to return from today to Friday. Even so far like I have, but I'm missing something. function getPrevFriday () {var Friday = 5; Var current time = new date (); Var Month = Current Time.Getmonth () + 1; Var day = currentTime.getDay (); Var date = currentTime.getDate (); Var Year = Current TimeGetFullear (); Var Last Friday = Date - (Friday + (7 days))% 7 + 1; Return month + "/" + Last Friday + "/" + year; }; Function getPrevMonday () {var Friday = 5; Var current time = new date (); Var Month = Current Time.Getmonth () + 1; Var day = currentTime.getDay (); Var date = currentTime.getDate (); Var Year = Current TimeGetFullear (); Var Last Friday = Date - (Friday + (7 days))% 7 + 4; Return month + "/" + Last Friday + "/" + year; }; Function Returns Preview () {var currentTime = New Date (); Var Month = Current Tim...

java - BUILD FAILED ...while creating War file in jenkin using ant script -

मैंने svn में सफलतापूर्वक जावा प्रोजेक्ट की जांच की रूट निर्देशिका में build.xml जोड़ लिया है। अब, जेनकिन बिल्ड का कंसोल आउटपुट निम्नलिखित है /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/FinalWar/WebContent/WEB-INF/web.xml को कॉपी करने के लिए /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/FinalWar/build/WebContent/WEB-INF/web.xml फ़ाइल प्रतिलिपि पूर्ण। युद्ध: युद्ध फ़ाइल बना रहा है ... तब बिल्ड फ़ाइलेड /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/FinalWar/build.xml:39: परिनियोजन Descriptor: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/FinalWar/build/WEB-INF/web.xml मौजूद नहीं है। * मेरा प्रश्न यह है कि कॉपी करते समय [ चरण 1] web.xml इसे build / WebContent / WEB-INF / web.xml पर प्रतिलिपि किया जा रहा है, लेकिन युद्ध बनाते समय यह [चरण 4] के लिए क्यों खोज रहा है /build/WEB-INF/web.xml पथ की जांच करें .. आप इसे / WebContent / WEB-INF का निर्माण करने के लिए प्रतिलिपि बना रहे हैं और बिल्ड / वेब-आईएनएफ से पढ़ने की कोशिश की ... वेबकंन्टेंट को शामिल करके पढ़ने के रास्ते को सही करें

performance - optimizing particular query mysql -

So I'm searching to read a solution and books, and it has been able to understand, the question is I have 2 tables on a table, I have 2 fields: table_1: Both "chromosome" and "position" are integers table_2: "chromosome" Start "and" end ", all being integers as well I want a query that gives me all the rows back from table_1, which will come from Table 2 Nb and finally appeared between I query this way is: SELECT table_1 * from Talika_l, Talika_2 WHERE table_1.chromosome = table_2.chromosome and table_1.position & gt; Table_2. Start and Table_1. Status & lt; Table_1.end; So this query works fine, but my table has many millions of rows (7092713) and (21599) respected I have indexed chromosome, position and chromosome, start and end. The weird part is that if I query one after another (Pearl DBI, make a statement for every line of table 2), it runs very fast It is not certain where I am skidding appreciated any help Wi...

Does Google Cloud have an Eclipse plugin? -

I use eclipses and for some time I'm happy to use Google Plugin for Eclipse (). Is Google Eclipse plugin in the cloud or is there a Google Plugin for Eclipse with both App Engine and Google Cloud? Jordan Fish responded to me with Google Cloud Platform support: Currently only the APENGEN Eclipse plugin.

node.js - Mongo collection.update not removing element even though it returns 1 as the number of objects updated -

I am trying to remove the second segment from the object below. I have the section_id address section object that I want to remove and returns the code given below 1 such as 1 record was deleted, but any section Objects are actually removed. What am I doing and how can I fix it? Example object {_id: 'asdfjklsfo' name: 'My name', section: [{section_id: 'ADLFSDF', & lt; - This is a real Mongo object title: 'my title'}, {section_id: 'asdflnmasdf', & lt; - This is a real Mongo object title: 'second title'}]} update snippet var archive = db.get ('notes') ; (Error) if there was a problem deleting that note (mistake) {res.send ("" "" "" from the database. ");} And {console.log (num_modified); (section_id) P> like this: collection .update ({_id: id}, {$ pull: {sections: {section_id : (section_id)}}}, function (mistake, num_modified) {...

excel - Error on Union when looping through multiple worksheets -

I'm trying to remove the matching criteria rows from the rows in a sheet away from the worksheet. I need to cycle through all the other worksheets in your workbook, and every time I get some, I would like to remove the entire row in the first sheet I am getting 1004 error at the Union, I thought it might cause Because you can not use the union on sheets, so I did not set anything after each sheet. I'm still getting the same error code here:. sub findRemaining () Dim rngToDel as range dim fRng as customs 'fund range wCell retarded range as "work sheet sales dim wRng as customs' Working Sheet Range dim FRng = worksheet ("all") range ("B2: B1495"), set the integer dim as WS_Count. WS_Count = to ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count I to = 2 WS_Count set rngToDel = Nothing Set wRng = worksheet (I) .Range ( "B-2: B200") each wCell in wRng if the wCell fund range could then line delete "loop not 'if through all the work cells ISE...

php - Insert new class into banner module [OpenCart 1.5.6] -

I need some help with OpenCart banner module. I need to add a new div with a class between class = "content-top" and class = "banner 0". I need this new divan to add a banner group. I try to add this div to banner.tpl, but OpenCart has put each div class = "bannerX" into that new device. Where should I add this device? Thank you Unfortunately, this is not possible. Not least in normal way. A brief description: OpenCart requires to provide a banner at banner.tpl each time. So if you insert some code into this template, then it will be shown how many banners are displayed. foreach around the normal / content_top.tpl this new & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; It may be possible to add , but lead to this problem when different modules are being provided on this situation (like you provide three banners and a slideshow module here). In this case all of them will be attached to such a device. But if you know that whatever yo...

R functions that output datasets -

I'm a new one for R and trying to use a function to output dataframe. I have several dataframes that require deduplication. In each data frame in the data frame, there is an index variable and a patient ID (PattID) in each record. If patients have been listed several times in the dataframe, then I want to select the largest record of the record. I want to be able to change this data frame: Patid RecID 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 3 5 6 6 In this dataframe, you can use the following code to successfully deploy the dataframe: PatID RecID 1 2 3 3 5 6 6 I am df I have created a function with this code, so I can easily apply my deduplication plan to multiple data frames. dedupit & lt; - Function (x) {x & lt; -x [order (x $ Patid, -x $ RecID),] x & lt; - x [! Duplicate (x $ PatID),]} However, when I keep using the code dedupit (df) , then it is a new one with a duplicated record DF does not create dataframe. None of the final dataframe or intermediate datafram...

c# - MessageBoxIcon.Questionn to play sound? -

I want to play a sound while displaying a message box question type. Here is my code: If (MessageBox.Show ("Are you sure to delete this item?", "Confirm", message box button. Yes No, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) This is the system setting based on the user in the control panel. If the user does not have any sound from the question event, then nothing will run.

the entries of vector x is not sequential in Chebyshev polynomial in matlab -

यहाँ प्रश्न है: डिग्री-एन चेबेसशे polynomial को परिभाषित किया जाता है Tn (x) = cos [n * arcos (x) )] X -1 के बीच है 1 इन बहुपदों को टी 0 (एक्स) = 1, टी 1 (x) = x, और पुनरावृत्ति संबंध टी (एन + 1) (एक्स) = 2 * x * टीएन (एक्स) -टी को संतुष्ट करना (एन -1) (एक्स), एन बड़ा और 1 के बराबर है। वेक्टर एक्स में सभी बिंदुओं से कम या बराबर की डिग्री के सभी चेबिशेव बहुपदों का मूल्यांकन करने वाला एक फ़ंक्शन लिखें। यहाँ मैंने जो किया है: सी = लंबाई (x); X = x '; टी = वाले (सी, एन); टी (:, 1) = 1; टी (:, 2) = x; एन = 2 के लिए: एन टी (:, एन + 1) = 2 * x। * टी (:, एन) -टी (:, एन -1); अंत मैं एक्स की प्रविष्टियों के साथ समस्या में चला जाता है -1 से 1 के बीच अनुक्रमिक नहीं हैं। जैसे एक्स = [-1 0.5 0.2 0.3 1]। उस का ग्राफ अजीब है मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि मैंने यह अधिकार किया है। इसे कोड की अपनी पहली पंक्ति के रूप में आज़माएं: x = सॉर्ट (x); यह आपके लिए आरोही क्रम में एक्स के तत्वों को डाल देगा।

Rails 4/ERB if/else loop gives unexpected ;, expected : error, if I add html or text -

I am trying to create a mobile app in Rail 4 / ERB where people can post and comment on others' posts Are there. I want to be able to toggle the visibility of comments using jQuery, but whenever I try to wrap each loop in a div tag or add the number of comments, I get an error ('comment / The comment is partial with a template for the original comment) This works, but shows all the comments (not what I want): 0? & Gt%; & Lt;% post.comments.order (: created_at) .reverse.each | Comment | & Gt%; & Lt;% = Render 'Comment / Comment', Comment: Comment% & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; & Lt;%:% & gt; No comments yet. & Lt;% end% & gt; This gives me an unexpected semicolon error: & lt;% if post.comments.count> 0? & Gt%; & Lt;% = post.comments.count% & gt; notes. & Lt;% post.comments.order (: created_at) .reverse.each | Comment | & Gt%; & Lt;% = Render 'Comment / Comment', Comment: Comment%...

git - GitHub Client on OS X Commit Fail ("Failed to add file ...) -

I try to make changes to my code (normally) from my GITHB client on my Mac OS X Mavericks Doing the machine I added a new package to my project (this is a Laravel project, and I added Package Rocketier. I also made some configuration changes). I'm getting the error: failed to add file larwel-master / vendor / nonexistent I uncheck it in the commit list, then it goes to another file showing this error. Any idea what is going on? File Laravel-Master / Vendor / Erguine I have never run on these issues thanks. EDIT: I have reduced it down to two files which are not allowed to commit (this is for a Laravel project): Here are the two errors when trying to do these two folders / files: in the file larval-master / vendor / brightness / remote / bright / remote / index Failed to add Failure to add file larval-master / vendor / non-resident / rocketer / index to In my case, there was already a .git directory from an imported third-party. GIT repositories remo...

How to assert that execution path is not executed more than once in Java? -

I am making a assumption that code path is executed only once inside JVM. However, while typing complex, multi-threaded systems sometimes the assumption may be wrong. Is there a liner claim that I can use it to claim. Some but assertAtMostTimes (1, "must not be executed more than once") like guava's preconditions.checkState (expr) . This is similar to how it can be written, but I'm looking for something in the output code. See the jako code coverage tool. It has the ability to see code paths and it calculates how many times they are executed. It is not easy to install, but what you should do for it.

How the quotas of google drive sdk works? -

I'm starting to develop a Google-client client like Google Drive client for Linux. I have something that I have been solving problems yet, but no technical questions are worrying me. Drive SDK has a request limit, I want to open my app like other options (eg gdrive), but the request limit will be avoided for general availability. I have to enter a private ID, but I do not think there is no way to publish the app. How do other options solve this problem? I can not imagine per day in Google Drive app There are "courtesy limits" of 10 million requests. In the near future, there is a situation where you will go into problems. If so, it is often known as a "good problem" in the world of software development. Google suspension allows you to scale if your app offers users and bandwidth is required.

html - How can I make a position:fixed image its own line/block? -

I have a menu button image below the logo div, and the status: my body text fixed on the right side of the viewport, However, the logo begins directly from the Div, so if it is a large paragraph of the text, then it moves behind the image. How can I work in my own form of fixed position image line / work with a line break / display: block / otherwise push the text down so that the text starts under the image? I have tried to use the display: block or image with divi, but I may be wrong style. Besides, I have no clue what I am doing, sorry about the mess! & lt; Head & gt; & Lt; Style & gt; Img.logo {Height: 3em; Max-width: 80%; Width: Auto; Padding: .5 AM; Display area; Margin-left: auto; Margin-right: auto;} {width: 100%; Display: block;}. Menu img {status: fixed; Correct: .5 AM; Padding: .5em;} & lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Img class = "logo" src = "

c - dynamic library function cast -

A newbie question about the shared library: In C, when loading a dynamic library, we use dellopne and then dlsym Symbol or a function now assume that the work we see is written in DLL: int add (int a, int b); But if we put it in some other way, then say, typedef int (* sum) (int a, int b, int C); What will happen? Will the Runtime complain about it? Thank you! short story short; this is the undefined behavior ; the wrong number of parameters in C. Calling the function (which you can do by casting function pointers without dlopen / dlfree ) generates undetermined behavior. A stack imbalance will be generated for cali-clean calling conventions, such as stdcall , the wrong number of arguments or type (Cali wrong place But will adjust the stack). For caller-clean calling conventions, the effect is calling a lot like like calling. A stack will kill the imbalance program quickly (if you are lucky) by corrupting the caller's return address and local variabl...

c# - Draw Rectangle in MonoGame -

How do you draw shapes in mono games, such as rectangular and circles, save a preceding shape in the content folder? DrawRectangle () and DrawEllipse () are for Windows Forms and do not work in OpenGL, which is what I am using. "text"> Using 3D primitives and 2D projection is a simple example with explanation I have a 10x10 I define the rectangle and set the world matrix to make it look like a 2D projection: Note: BasicEffect that draws your primitive su Protected Override Zero Load Contents () {_vertexPositionColors = new [] {New Vertxposition Collar (New Vector 3 (0, 0, 1), Color. White), New VertixPopiapolar (New Vector 3 (10, 0, 1), Color. White), New VertexPaPaPolar (new vector 3 (0, 10, 1), color. White), new vortexation collar (new vector 3 (0, 10, 1), color. White)}; _basicEffect = new basic incomplete ( Graphics device); _basicEffect.World = Matrix.CreateOrthographicOffCenter (0, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Hei...