linux - Qt-based Face Recognition Application -
I'm trying to compile the QT project.
I managed to compile without errors, but there are errors during execution. I am getting these errors in the popup window:
- Open / dev / dsp error < / P>
-Failed unsuccessful
- The initial capture failed
-get frames failed
In addition, displays the output:
sh: Line 0:. Setqt4env: File Not Found Attempted File Open Could not open file! Error code: 5 / home / QFaceRec / QTFaceRecForPC code exited to 0
SIGSEGV error when debugging with Qt Creator.
I have googled, due to application the answer tries to use the memory illegally. Therefore, I try to execute in su - / root, but runtime error remains unset.
I am trying to compile and run code in Fedora with the Qt constructor without GPIO and serial port setting.
Has anyone got any ideas for my problem? Or it knows how to compile the QT code in the above link
Because the answer tries to access memory illegally, therefore, I try to execute in su - / root
Do not do that! Illegal memory is not a matter of access permissions, it's a matter of software that has bugs. By running it as a root, it is a possibility that these bugs will destroy your system.
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