java - locate the source files for android emulator -

I'm an intern and I'm new to automation I'm going to familiarize myself with the mobile app automation tool 'epium' I'm trying to run a Windows machine. I get some samples of Junit using epi tests. There are built-in devices built for Android / iOS for these tests, for now I am only concerned with Android people. I realize that these apps are written on Mac machines and I have changed it to my Windows machine.

My point, APP's ELLESEA emulator so that I can use it in my testing.

I hope that I have provided enough information any help would be appreciated.

Try looking at this place on the Mac:

  / User / & lt; Username & gt; / Android / avd /   

You must have 2 files for each emulator you created, * .avd and * .ini

You always work on the terminal by the manager Manager can run:

  / & lt; Path_to_android_sdk & gt; / Android avd   

This should list all the emulators you have created if you can not do it through the terminal, then look for the Android XE and see if you have AVD Manager Can open Not sure about windows but my guess would be a hidden folder with the same type of files. See global search or some local user directory I had to manually delete an emulator when it started working and those files did the trick.


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