google dfp - How to configure In-App Rich Media ad creative in DFP? -
I created an HTML for in-app rich media ad for expandable banners. It includes 2 image files and .js and .css file How to configure and upload files and make a creative in DFP This will show me apps
Let me configure your custom MRAID creative in DFP Some links are required for
You must create separate servers on which you have related .js and .css files You can upload. P>
For creative you have to write a sampleCreative.js file, in which you can add your HTML content using the document. Write () function
Upload the code below as a creative in DPP which will call your creative Creative.js.
& lt; Script type = \ "text / javascript \" src = \ "http: //localserver/sampleCreative.js \" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt;
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