
Showing posts from April, 2010

awk ''attempt to use scalar `SUM' as array'' -

मैं बस awk सीख रहा हूं, यह मेरी समस्या है: test.awk जब मैं चलाता हूं: awk -f test.awk हैलो मुझे यह त्रुटि मिलती है: awk: cmd रेखा: 2: (FILENAME = हैलो एफएनआर = 1) घातक: स्केलर `SUM 'को सरणी के रूप में उपयोग करने का प्रयास कृपया मुझे बताएं कि क्या हो रहा है और मुझे इसे कैसे सही करना चाहिए। एसएम = 0 यह awk को बताता है कि एसएएम एक स्केलर है, इस मामले में संख्या शून्य है। SUM [NR] = ... यह awk बताता है कि आप एक सरणी के रूप में SUM का उपयोग करना चाहते हैं लेकिन आपने पहले ही यह बताया है कि SUM है 0 , आप 0 [NR] का उपयोग नहीं कर सकते।

java - how can I exit an ijnterior loop of a nested loop -

I have this program, and I wonder how I can eliminate the internal loop of the nested loop. In particular, how can I return the interior loop (selection "T") and return it to the outside loop if the user does not choose to continue throwing the coin? I've snatched a small part of my code, but I do not know how I can return to the main loop. * {scanner other scanner = new scanner (; Boolean user selection = false; String C; While (selection of users) {System.out.println ("" + "selection:"); If (the second scanner hasNext ("q | q")) {c = (); UsersSelection = True; System.out.println ("You have chosen to leave. If you want to resume, reboot the program."); break; } If (the second scanner hasNext ("t | T")) {c = (); UsersSelection = True; Scanners received = new scanner (; System.out.println ("Please enter the number of coin flip"); Int numero = get.n...

Changing the default database for Rails to MySQL -

I am trying to use MySQL as a database for a database for which I have the default database. IML File development: adapter: mysql encoding: utf8 reconnect: wrong database: *** _ development pool: 5 username: Root password: ***** * Host: Localhost Exam: Adapter: mysql encoding: UTF 8 again Connect to: Incorrect database: *** _ test pool: 5 sub Yogener Name: Root Password: ****** Host: Localhost Production: Adapter: mysql Encoding: Utf8 reconnect: Incorrect Database: *** _ Production Pool: 5 Username: Root Password: ****** Host: Localhost ` But I After trying to create tables from the console, any .sql file is being created, Ruby on Ruby will not be appreciated any help of any knot mixtures. Thank you. This will not be in your rail directory. You must have MySQL installed on your computer and you have to create a database in mysql. Install mysql: To use mysql through the command line: $ mysql Or if you have a mysql root user: $ mysql -u r...

Youtube Earning Reports and Youtube CMS Account -

I am trying to get earnings reports for my channel. I registered myself as a YouTube partner I have linked my AdSense account to my channel. Now, when I try to bring the report for income, it shows me insufficient permissions, I read somewhere, that I should use the content owner's report, That's why I The content owner was trying to remove ID, I think YouTube is available on CMS account, I think, if I am wrong then correct me. So when I tried to open the page, I got an error Your Google Account is not linked to YouTube Content Manager. Please try a different account or your technical account for assistance Contact the manager. How to contact the Technical Account Manager? I only need that API for my channel. To receive revenue reports, you must be a content owner, type of network content management If you have a system then in reality you can not get any such report.

java - how to set jcheckbox inside jtable dynamically -

Return table head value in this photo appears in the checkbox. Here, the value from the database I tried to do this but there was a classcastx for the string of boolean values ​​because I do not know why this error happened This is my code static object [] [] information; String [] colName = {"Book", "Member", "Issue Issue", "Date of Return", "Comment", "Return"}; & Lt; Issue & gt; Issues = ServiceFactory.getIssueServiceImpl () findAllIssue () .; Data = new object [issues.size ()] [6]; (Issue Issue: Issues) {Data [i] [0] = Issue .getMemberId (). GetName (); Data [i] [1] = issue.getBookId () getName () .; Data [i] [2] = issue.getIssueDate (); Data [i] [3] = issue.getReturnDate (); Data [i] [4] = issue.getRemark (); Data [i] [5] = issue.getStatus (); I ++; } {Public class getColumnClass (int c) {switch (c) {/ code> default table model DTM = new defaulttel model (data, case 0: Return boolean clas...

c# - Linq to CSV : Convert data to .CSV file and return file from an action without saving file on the server -

I am converting my data to a downloadable CSV file. What I have done: I did the same thing shown below: public fileResult GetReportCsvData (MyFilterModel model) {var data = _myService.GetMyData (ideal); Var fileName = String.Format ("{0} _ {1} _ {2: yyyy_MMM_d}", helpers.GetLogidInUser Name (), "Advertisement Report", Date Time Today) + ".csv"; Var outputFileDescription = new CsvFileDescription {separator = ',', firstline hous columnname = true}; Var cc = new csvContext (); Cc.write (data, "c: /" + filename, output file description); Return file ("c: /" + filename, System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, fileName); } and I can get my CSV file using the following jquery: exportCsv: function () {var data = this.getFilters ( ); Var url = '/ MyController / GetReportCsvData'; Var form = document.createElement ('form'); Form.action = url; Form.method = 'POST'; = ...

makefile - A make file for exporting all inkscape svg to pdf -

I am trying to write a make file which will make PDF from each inkscape SVG in a directory. By creating manuals and various tutorials, it seems that a pattern goes the way of the rule, so I have % Pdf:% .svg inkscape -A $ *. Pdf $ *. Svg I know that when I invoke, I get it when I manually do it while inkscape command works $ Make make: *** No targets stop Since PDF files are not yet present, I can not win creating * .pdf and * .svg any target Along with that, I can not find a way to put a all target, which depends on the pattern. One last problem; This is part of a big project, and I want to make it recursive in this directory, but if create does not work alone, then what goal should I recycle and how do I do it? SVGFILES: $$ (wildcard *) If you want to find all the SVG files and want to change them, you can use the wildcard function: .svg) All: $ (SVGILEE:%. SVG =%. PDF)% .pdf:% .svg inkscape -A $ *. Pdf $ *. Svg I do not understand your second ques...

java - how to write (or) update in MongoDB Update Query -

When I update a relation database using Hibernate, I issue a statement like this: query query = getSession ( ). CreateQuery ("Update User Set isLocked = 0 where userId =: userID"); Query.setParameter ("userID", userID); How do I do the same thing with the collection in MongoDB? This is an example with the original mongodb-java-driver: DBcine Coal coll = db.getCollection ("user"); // DB Connection Example DBObject Search = New BasicDBObject ("userId", userId); DBObject Data = New BasicDBObject ("$ Set", New BasicDBObject ("isLocked", 0)); Coll.update (search, data);

ruby - Meet "uninitialized constant #::Chef::Resource::CookbookFile" when running chef-client -

I am using chef 11.10.0. I apply a new resource named MicroBox that receives the Chef:: Resource :: Cookbook. And, I'm not going to change the provider at this moment (then Chef :: Provider :: CookbookFile will be used). 'Chef / Resources / cookbook_file' is required 'Chef / Mixin / Secure' Category Chef Class Resource Category MyCookbookFile & lt; Chef :: Resources :: Cookbook File: Chef :: Mixin :: Secure provides: my_cookbook_file ,: on_platforms = & gt; : All # more codes here ... end end I got the following error: ============ ================================================== ================== Recipe /var/chef/cache/cookbooks/my-cookbook/resources/my_cookbook_file.rb ======== Compilation Error ================================================= ====================== NameError --------- Initialized continuous # & lt; Class: 0x8d78f18 & gt; :: Chef :: Resources :: CookbookFile Cookbook Trace: --------------- /var/chef/cache/cookb...

How to dynamically load the data from customers to a table in javascript within html -

I have to load the data name, customer ID, hire customers in a table, but I'm not sure what I Use code to insert it into rows in the table Really appreciate your help here is the code & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; Script & gt; Vera Customer = [{Name: "Bill Seister", Customer ID: "122", Rental Cast: "$ 550",}, {Name: "Sarah Hill", Customer ID: "160", Rental Cart: "$ 600",}]; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Table & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Name & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td> Customer ID & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; Rent & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; I will do this with Jquery: (Var i = 0; i & lt; customers.length; i ++) $ ("table") for ...

javascript - How to simulate 'dragstart' and 'dragend' event in Google Map Rectangle Element? -

I search Google Map API - rectangle 's dragstart But I know that Google Maps does not have drag in API v3, and drag > drivestart , dragend for the event rectangle , how can I simulate those events? It looks like Google Maps is not rectangular. Dome, I can not easily do it like a dome. If you have mousedown and mouseup Synchronize X and Y can simulate drag.

jquery - How to use Chain Pattern with Self Revealing Module Pattern in JavaScript? -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: filterManager = (फ़ंक्शन ($) {var = यह; फ़ंक्शन कॉन्फ़िगर () {// कुछ कार्य वापसी;}; फ़ंक्शन प्रक्रिया () {// कुछ कार्य वापसी;} वापसी {// सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शंस कॉन्फ़िगर करें: कॉन्फ़िगर करें, प्रक्रिया: प्रक्रिया};} (jQuery)) ; लेकिन जब इसे नीचे का उपयोग कर कहा जाता है, तो इसका असफल हो जाता है: filtersManager.configure ()। प्रक्रिया (); त्रुटि: ऑब्जेक्ट संपत्ति या विधि 'प्रक्रिया' का समर्थन नहीं करता है जबकि निम्न कार्य: filtersManager.configure (); filtersManager.process (); आप गलत बात लौट रहे हैं ( यह सादे समारोह आवेश वैश्विक वस्तु है)। आप जिस ऑब्जेक्ट को मूल रूप से बनाते हैं उसे वापस करना चाहते हैं, जिसे मैं इंटरफ़ेस को कॉल करूंगा। filterManager = (function ($) {var interface = {// public फ़ंक्शन कॉन्फ़िगर करें: विन्यास, प्रक्रिया: प्रक्रिया}; फ़ंक्शन कॉन्फ़िगर करें () {// कुछ कार्य वापसी इंटरफ़ेस;}; फ़ंक्शन प्रक्रिया () {// कुछ कार्य रिटर्न इंटरफ़ेस;} वापसी इंटरफ़ेस;} (jQuery)); यदि आप सोच रहे हैं कि मैं नीचे परिभाषित फ़...

For loop with value manipulation in batch file -

के लिए / एफ "टोकन = 1-7 delims =," %% G IN (सी: \ उपयोगकर्ता \ एशियाई \ डेस्कटॉप \ FOR_LOOP \ 1sv1.csV) गूंज %% जी, %% एच, %% I & gt; 1.csv आउटपुट: 20030701,1001,456.000000 20030701,1002,45 9.000000 20030701,1003,450.000000 20030701,1004,456.000000 20030701,1005, 459.000000 मेरी क्वेरी यह है कि मैं %% I चर (456.000000) आउटपुट के लिए मूल्य को विभाजित करना चाहूंगा: 20030701,1001,228.000000 20030701,1002,229.5.000000 20030701,1003,225.000000 20030701,1004,228.000000 20030701,1005,229.5.000000 सेटलोकल सक्षम किए गए एक्सपेंशन (FOR / F "टोकन = 1-7 डेलीज =," %% G IN (सी: \ उपयोगकर्ता \ एशियाई \ डेस्कटॉप \ FOR_LOOP \ 1sv1 .सीसीवी) करो (सेट / एक "आई = %% I * 5" गूंज %% जी, %% एच,! I: ~ 0, -1!! I: ~ -1! 00000)) & gt; 1. सीसीएस एडलोकल बैच अंकगणित में कोई दशमलव नहीं है। इसलिए, इसे संभालने के लिए, मूल्य 10 से गुणा किया जाता है (एक एडिशनल स्थिति हासिल करने के लिए) और 2 से (ओपी से) विभाजित। फिर, मान को विभाजित किया जाता है क्योंकि अंति...

Ajax true doesn't check validation of the input -

If I put ajax = "false" but it does not, then my command button Checks the required input and do not start incomplete. However, when I put ajax = "true" , everything works fine, if validity is success, but if I have not entered a valid input, then nothing is removed is. & lt; P: Command Button Value = "Extract" style = "width: 12%; height: 100%" update = "tablemales, confirm: confirmed testest: mainform" id = "extractbutton" widgetVar = "ButtonExtract" actionoff = "# { MailMB.searchEmails ()} "ajax =" false "icon =" ui-icon-disk "style class =" ui-priority primary "onstart =" (); "incomplete =" blockUIVIDT 1.hide (); Freemail (); " / & Gt; How can I fix this for checking my button and starting a fire and doing a completely incomplete check? defining a button as AJAX = "false" will not give you some spec...

c# - Generate PDF from aspx page using -

I have a web page URL and I want to convert it to PDF. I have in my webpage and its work is fine in the local host but is not working on the server. I have installed the 6.1 version and added abcpdf.dll to my bin folder. My server is Windows Server 2008 R2. If there is a version problem, please give me a suggestion. Here's my code: string projectid = partnerid; String versionid = DDLVersion.SelectedItem.Text.ToString (). Trim (); String serverurl = "http: //serverurl/Design/Pro/Previewtopdf.aspx?PID =" + projectid + "& versionID =" + versionid + ""; Doctor theDoc = new doctor (); TheDoc.Rect.Inset (10, 30); TheDoc.Page = theDoc.AddPage (); Int theID; TheID = thedoc.AddImageUrl (serverurl); While (true) {theDoc.FrameRect (); // Add a black border if (! The.Doc.Chainable (theID) break); TheDoc.Page = theDoc.AddPage (); TheID = thedoc.AddImageToChain (theID); } (Int i = 1; i & lt; = thedoc.PageCount; i ++) {theDoc.Pa...

python - Iterate over rows of astropy.table Table object -

What is the fastest way to repeat the rows of table objects from Astropy.table? For the row in the table: ? Works as expected on manipulating table rows: & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; Astropy.table import from table & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Table = table ([[1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b', 'c']])> gt; & Gt; & Gt; For the row in the table: ... print line ['col0'], row ['col1'] ... 1A2b3c

Cognos - How to send report embedded in email? -

I am trying to embed a Cognos report in an email message body without any luck. I have tried IBM's official solution and in the email options to "Include a link to the report" and to ignore "Attach the report" and this is not working, I am using HTML tags. Efforts have also been attempted to embed using, but the mail client (Outlook) does not support iframe. Google searches did not show anything useful, is there any other idea without using external equipment here? If you attach an HTML output to the report an email in the event studio, in this email body Is displayed.

iphone - NTLM authentication from ios Client -

I have a web service in the net, for which NTLM (Windows based on IIS server) Authentication may be accessed. How can I NTLM-authenticate from the iOS client? you can create this representative (NSURLConnection *) connection willSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge: (NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *) challenge Challenge [challenge.protectionspace.authenticationmethodEqualToString: NSURLAuthenticationMethodNTLM] If it is from NTLM, send credentials NSURLCredential * credentail = [NSURL Credential Credential with User: & lt; Your username & gt; Password: & lt; Your password & gt; Persistence: NSURLCredentialPersistenceForSession]; [[Challenge Sender] User Central: credentail forAuthenticationChallenge: _challenge];

vba - How to call a function passing only one optional argument? -

If my function looks function (optional byval string1, optional as string Byval string2 as string, alternate byval string3 as string; and I enter "= function (string3)" by simply entering string3 I want to call function by entering in the cell, how can I do this? It is possible in one of two ways .. Routine Call and identify which type of optional parameter is being used to "skip" unusual params: function MyFunc (optional, an integer, _ optional integer As B, alternate as integer C) double MyFunc = c * 3.14159 end function = MyFunc (, 12) & lt; == Call your function in a worksheet or VBA module called function MyFunc (Args) Variation in the form of a double digit number as the double dim number of the formar rgr variant of the eye, such as the integer de i in the form of double number oophagues = ebongs (args) i = 1 in Argus debug for each RG. Print "Arg (" & amp; I & amp; ") =" & Amp; Arg Reply = In...

maven - Programming enterprise Java without an IDE -

I work in the company, we use Maven, and eclipse too. After the last week, I hate Eclipse because it started deploying tokkat for every 3 planned effort. So I want learns what depth I Meven ask, 'What can I continue to grow without SOA, Spring, before applications for Java and JavaScript have I do not think it's about the IDE that you use this tool , Knowing their limitations and behavior is eclipse is a monster, neo also the app on the application server Damage to both can be a nightmare, unless you can not know what it is and what is not. One reason is that a refinance does not work, it is not "sometimes". By the way, no one can imagine an IDE to work Some links about this: Think about Rifactoring , Type hierarchy, merging modification, style check and so on.

angularjs - How to create a list of recent items from cache? -

I am making a mobile SPA application, using Angrajags and Breeze. Users of this application are going to be able to see some items and I have to remember this application to see how many items the user viewed and how often. With this information, I want to be able to create a list of "Favorite Items" or "Recent Items" I am not thinking of saving this information back-end. I want to save this information in the browser cache - as long as the browser cache is not cleared in a while. How do I do this? Cookies? Is there anything to help me achieve this in angular or bridge? In general, you can use memory cache or local storage in really very good angular plugins , Which makes them very easy to use: The API in the angle cache is like the methods: .get (key) .put (key, value). ClearAll () Read more here Similar to local storage .get (key) .add (key, value ) .clearAll () Read more here Apart from this, this blog post has a good ov...

javascript - Tracking events (or virtual pageviews) in Analytics won't work -

Hi, I'm trying to set GA to track events (pageviews will also work) Open some PDF files near my page. This is the code I have included in every page & lt; Script & gt; (Function (I, S, O, G, R, A, M) {i ['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = R; I [R] = I [R] || function () {(I [R]. C = I [r] .q || []). Push (argument)}, I [R] .L = 1 * New date (); a = s.create element (O), M = S. ElementElementBitagname (O) [0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore (a, m)}) (window, document, 'script', '// Js', 'ga'); GA ('Make', 'UA-15438479-1', ''); Ga ('Send', 'Pageview'); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; $ ("A [href = = 'pdf']") Click (function () {_gaq.push (['_ trackEvent', $ (this) .attr ('href')]);}); & Lt; / Script & gt; Now, when I look at real-time event tracking, or even last event tracki...

objective c - How to add a bar on top of a UISplitViewController? -

I want to do a separate bar above the UISplitViewController on the iPad. I will use this time to show a logo. I had some goggles and readings, but I can not find such a solution that I am trying to create my subclasses completely to attract my screen as if I want to. I would like to avoid it if possible ... To create your own ViewController Control should be read about your container controller. article:

sql - Is it possible to return part of a field from the last row entered into a table -

I am proposing a table (so far the design has not been settled and depending on the ideas expressed in it Answer this question) which will have the primary key of type int (auto-irrigating) and a field (return period type type), which will include data as '06 2013 '(this example represented in June 2013). I would just like to go back 06 or that is in the final record recorded in the table. This table will not increase by more than 4 records per year (hence it will never grow bigger) It also has a column that shows the date of the last entry. This column is considered as the most suitable candidate for getting my brain at least the previous record, so I want to know if there is an inbuilt function to compare the date of SQL, then the query Runs in the closest match in the column, and to return the first two letters of a field. So far I have: choose Return from Return (Return Period, 1,2) where date @ return = & lt; And this is where I got stuck & gt; What...

java - Example of xml config taking precedence over annotation config in Spring -

I've read that in a book, that XML configuration is a higher priority than annotation configuration. But there is no example of it. Can you show an example of this? Here is a simple example showing a mixture of XML-based spring config and Java based spring config. There are 5 files in the example: Main.Java applicationContext.xml HelloWorld.Java Try it already running Hello Bean Sam commented on an application contact file and you will see that Hello bean has been institute from Bean App Config Config Class. Then it is explained in the applicationContext.xml file with helobine beans and you will see that XML defined bean has taken priority over the bean defined in the AppConfig class. Main. Java package my.test; Import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; Import org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext; Public Sector Main {Public Stable Zero Main (String [] Args) {Applicatio...

css - changing background colors of grid rows dynamically in extjs 4.2.2 -

I have a grid that loads a list of data, and some data is replaced by a specific date value should change . If date is small then today's date, it should use the 'now' CSS class, otherwise 'later' It works fine, but my problem is that only one line background color is changing, so it does not go into the complete list. Here's my grid: grid = Ext.create ('Ext.grid.Panel', {shop}, xtype: 'gridpanel', column: [ {Text: 'name', dataIndex: 'name', tdCls: 'x-grid cell'}], stripeRows: false, viewConfig: {getRowClass: function (record, index) {var date = Ext.Date.parse (record .get ('reminderDate'), "c") valueOf (); today var =. 'Now'}}, renderTo: Ext.Date.parse (Ext.Date.format (new date), 'YM-P '), "C") valueOf ();' later 'date; returned to today's: ext.getBody ()}); Edit: Backdrop colors change only on the top row in the grid, the rest remains unchanged. However,...

scala - Configuring IntelliJ IDEA with background compilation for Specs2 tests? -

, the scala compilation is in external process. But whenever I run the Specs2 test, it makes the project that takes 1 to 3 minutes. How to configure the Spex 2 test to run properly in the Intelleze IDEA, will it reuse the result from the background thread? I have spent a lot of time watching this and the basic problem is that IntelliJ is for every compilation Spin the SBT. It was quite easy to run sbt "~ testQuick" in a terminal window, to take advantage of mounting compilation and intelligent testing, SBT runs only tests affected by code changes.

Disable JSF page for few seconds on commandButton click -

I need to disable all the components of a JSF page on the button and say 10 seconds before the page, a countdown Show If you are ready to use any 3rdparty component library. Use which can be helpful in blocking UI components.

c# - Search Object with it's member and delete it in a list -

I have a combo box that shows the name of the object. The objects are added to the list. Private list & lt; Tools & gt; Toollist = New List & lt; Tools & gt; (); Private Zero Button Ad_COCAL (Object Sender, Routing Avenger, ARGS E) {InputIdOg = InputDialog; Input.ShowDialog (); InputNewTool = input.enteredTxt; If (inputNewTool! = Null) {System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show ("Tools directory selected"); Dlg.DefaultExt = ".exe"; Dlg.Filter = "Application (.exe) | * .exe"; If (dlg.ShowDialog () == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) {Tools Tools = New Tools (); ToolName = inputNewTool; Tool.pat = dlg.FileName; ToolList.Add (tool); ComboBoxTools.Items.Add (tool.Name); }}} Now I want to with a remove button which has not only removed the name of the object from the combo box. It is necessary that the object with this name must be removed from the list. Private Zero Button RemovalClick (Object Sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {int positi...

c# - Aggregate root and Entity Framework -

I am overall struggling with the net implementation of the root, in which the unit framework code is the first one. Suppose we have a standard problem of order and order item, which is the origin of the former. We keep a stored archive of order-item items in the order class so that we can control (by combining) the total route (i.e. order orbit) in order to add, remove or update order items (by design). How do we implement this list of OrderItem (S)? This list needs to be read-only so that other developers do not try to add order item (s) to the list by hand, instead of using the methods used. How do we mark that collection before EF code? Private assets are unavailable. How do we order it ) Apply this list? This list needs to be read-only so that other developers do not try to add order eggs (S) within the list in order, instead, avoid those methods which should be used instead. A reading list will not prevent other developers from adding and removing objects ...

Create A background service in Windows phone 8 to update location -

I have to create a backdrop that should run after every 1 minute and call a rest service to update the mobile longitude. Let's do the latitude location for this purpose the rest of the service is written, whatever I have to do is write a task in my current application which should be completed by this update. Can you tell people what is the easiest way to implement this functionality. Thank you, There is no service concept in the Windows desktop application running Or not on the phone. An application on the phone, the tracking location, can run in the background while other applications run. If your application is in the foreground, you will call web services directly with the updated location. You can use periodically to update the location, but it is likely that it will not always update enough for your needs. How to create an application about MSDN, which actively tracks in the background, is subject to some important limitations, and reasons can be disabled: ...

Scaling a ModelInstance in libgdx 3D and Bullet engine -

Every time I try to add models of one model model (made in 3ds max) to the bullet world, I With the same model, no modified scale This is my current code: objeto objmat = mapaactu.nameAndPutObjetos (obj.getMaterias (). Get (0) .nombreasoci, (en) obj .getMaterias () get (0) .cantidad). World.addConstructor (objmat.nombreinterno, objmat.constructor); Vector 3 ozamatong = new vector 3 (obj.entidadbody.getWorldTransform (). GetTranslation (vector; Vector3 scala = new vector3 (obj.getMaterias (). Get (0) .Contidad / 100F, Ozjet.Matius (.) Get (0) .Cantidad / 100F, Ozjet.Matius (.) Get (0) .Kantidad / 100f); Quaternion rotation = new quaternion (); Objmat.instancia.transform.getRotation (rotacion); Objmat.instancia.transform.set (objmatpos, rotacion, scala); Objmat.setEntidad (world.add (objmat.nombreinterno, objmat.instancia.transform)); However, the status component of the change I get is always correct (this is where "obj" is)! I have debuged it and what shoul...

android - Capturing Preview Frame in Portrait -

Is there a way to get the preview frame directly into the image on the project frame? I have tried: camera.SetDisplayOrmentation (90); But it only seems to work for the display. Doctor's report: Set the clockwise rotation of the preview display in the degree This preview affects the image displayed after the frame and snapshot. This method is useful for portrait mode applications . Before the previewframe (byte [], the camera) does not affect the sequence of byte arrays given. JPEG pictures, or recorded videos. This method is not allowed to call during preview. I type the API level> = 8, and I have a Portrait Lock app. I want to manually avoid the byte array of data passing as a frame. Many thanks in advance. Try it out This will work public Void takeSnapPhoto () { Camera.setOneShotPreviewCallback (new camera previewcrollback) {Public record at the prevProame (byte [], camera camera) {camera parameter parameter = camera.getParameters (int); int forma...

String parsing [Turbo Prolog] -

Make a list of users Need to enter a character and find all the users whose names begin with this character. !!! The following embedded works do not use conversion symbols and lines. You can: After converting the character code on the background, each matching name should be returned until there is no one else. char_code / 2 and atom_codes / 2 predicts the ISO, but I do not know how Turbo Prolol supports them.

flash - as2 calculate turn rate between xy and xy -

My first question is very compassionate here ... I write an airport simulator in as2 I need to calculate the rate of one turn between 2 digits so that the plane is well cured. I have tried some things but on such topics, the math platform uses complex calculations and I struggle to understand them. I need an answer in another variable specific format. I have XY of both tile and target, the speed of the tile and the distance of the target from the tile. I want to move the tile to frame With time calculations, I use vector mathematics. I already have a good calculation for at least turn ie left to right. I need to rotate a good point to move from point in point and calculate the rate necessary to turn a good tile / plane Just use 'twin' Class to enliven the turn of the plane You can read the specs here:

vim - need to write a script to change file format from dos to unix -

I have to create a script using VIM which opens the file, set the file format = Unix, and then save the file And exit. Could you please help? Thank you First of all, check whether you have dos2unix or Dos2ux command; It does this for you already. The name of the file should be done with P> This is an in-line file format with : w command; Of course, you can call it -c "set ff = unix" . Notes can also be done separately. Different types of devices, such as sed , pearl , ...; Vim is quite a huge option. It still starts a complete, interactive Vime Instance. See that additional command-line arguments can turn Vim into batch mode.

excel - Call a single cell from a .CSV using PHP -

I have a problem importing a single cell in CSV, I have a CSV file containing 7 columns and ~ 1420 lines, I need to read only 4 column numbers in the row of 1420, how can I do this? & lt ;? Php $ url = "wp-admin / ftp / test.csv"; $ CsvData = file_get_contents ($ url); $ Rows = explosion ("\ n", $ csvData); $ Array = array (); Forex currency ($ line as line $) {$ array [] = str_getcsv ($ line); } Acres $ array [1]; ? & Gt; With this I have output with all the cells in a row, but I have to take the third number in that line, and not all of it. I believe the $ array is multidimensional What you should print the following: echo $ array [1419] [3]; Otherwise you can print it to print how it is structured: print_r ($ array); update: only foreach ($ lines as line $) {$ array [] = str_getcsv ($ line) [3]; // PHP 5.4} Acres $ array [1419];

java - how to remove space between key-value in SqlConfiguration.ini file using int4j api. -

वर्तमान आउटपुट: [SqlServer2008] INSTALLSHAREDDIR = "C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SQL Server" वर्तमान कोड में, हमें कुंजी-मूल्य जोड़ी के बीच जगह मिलती है लेकिन मुझे नहीं चाहिए। आवश्यक आउटपुट: INSTALLSHAREDDIR = "C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SQL Server" जावा कोड: यूसेन org.ini4j api ...... ........ स्ट्रिंग installDoc = "F: \\ SQLExpressConfigurationFile_x64.ini"; विनई आईआई; फ़ाइल फ़ाइल = नया फ़ाइल (installDoc); Try {ini = new Wini (फ़ाइल); Ini.put ("SQLSERVER2008", "INSTALLSHAREDDIR", "सी: \ प्रोग्राम फ़ाइलें \\ Microsoft SQL सर्वर"); (); कृपया ini4j api के साथ आवश्यक आउटपुट प्राप्त करने के लिए मुझे बताएं। अग्रिम धन्यवाद // "key = val" या "key = val" के बीच अंतर ini.getConfig ()। SetStrictOperator (सच);

java - how the value changes dynamically -

मैंने निम्नलिखित कोड संकलित किया है, import java.lang। *; सार्वजनिक कक्षा परीक्षण {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {int x = 010; Println ( "एक्स (010): =" + x); }} कोड को संकलित करने के बाद, मुझे 8 मान मिलते हैं लेकिन एक्स का वास्तविक मान 10 है, यह मान 8 को कैसे प्रिंट करता है, क्या आप कृपया मुझे कारण बता सकते हैं? यह 0 से शुरू होता है, इसलिए यह ऑक्टल नोटेशन में है। असल में, x का मान 1 * 8 ^ 1 + 0 * 8 ^ 0 = 8 है। राज्यों के रूप में: एक अष्टक संख्या में एक एएससीआईआई अंक 0 होता है, उसके बाद एक या एक से अधिक एएससीआईआईआई अंकों से 0 से 7 ऑक्टल न्युमर्लः 0 ऑक्टल डिगिट

Why is a bare git repo 1/4 the size of a non-bare? -

I have cloned a local repo in two separate repos: one bare and one non-bare bare 750 MB And non-bare 3 GB as I can "convert" freely between two, the same information should be both in both bare and unrivaled stores. So how can the non-banner be four times bigger once? I think it should be doubled, because every file needs to be in both .git and work directory. But why four times? files stored in .git / objects are often packed. This means that they are compressed and do not combine with block boundaries. Rather, there are many small files in the checkout. I would not be surprised if the ratio is better when using better filing, such as better packing of smaller files such as BTRFF, therefore, both aspects of your .git / objects Meet together in the directory being relatively small. This happens when you have not forgotten for git gc ; -)

C++ standard for defining public variable static const integer -

Where I define a static constant integer in member variable c ++, in the header file where the class is defined or CPP File? It complies with both conditions, if I put the definition inside the header file and if I take the definition in the CPP file, but is the C ++ standard? Here is a complete quote from the C ++ standard about static static members: If the non-volatile constant static data member is an integral or calculated type, its declaration in the definition of a class can specify a brace-or-similar-prefix, in which each initial-segment that has an assignment expression, a There is constant expression (5.1 9). A static data member of the literal type can be declared in the class definition with the constexpr specifier; If so, its declaration will specify a brace-or-sum-initiator in which each initial-segment that is an assignment-expression is a constant expression. [Note: In both of these cases, the member can appear in continuous expression. Note of an end] The ...

rollback - Git checkout old commit as new one -

कहें कि मेरे पास 5 कमिट्स गिट हैं asd324 qwe435 Lkj456 uit677 मेरा HEAD वर्तमान में asd324 पर मुझे वापस जाना है lkj456 बिना रीसेट - हार्ड । मेरी ज़रूरत है, मैं एक नई प्रतिबद्धता बनाना चाहता हूं जिसमें lkj456 के कोड शामिल होंगे, लेकिन इसके अपने स्वयं के लॉग उदाहरण होंगे: tre344 मैंने git चेकआउट lkj456 किया, लेकिन इसने मेरे दूरस्थ रिपॉजिटरी के साथ संघर्ष किया। क्या कोई ऐसा तरीका है जिसे मैं हासिल कर सकता हूं? आप कमांड asd324 और qwe435 वापस कर सकते हैं, जीआईटी एडीफोए 4 जीआईटी को वापस लाया गया qwe435 इससे 2 कॉमट्स बनाए जाएंगे जो आपके मूल 2 कमिट्स के बदलावों को पूर्ववत करेंगे। जब आप इसे अपने दूरस्थ रिपॉजिटरी में धक्का दे देते हैं, तो उसे अनुमति होगी।

php - How to create galleries for wordpress posts without plugin -

I want to create a gallery for my posts to work like this: I choose the pictures WordPress Post-New Page and Upload them Wordpress creates an array of uploaded images And finally I use that array and I put the gallery in my single.fp file Actually woocommerce is using the exact thing as you see in the picture ( Ed was not established English WordPress I) Any suggestions? Enter a gallery in the tour post, div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> You can use default gallery behavior for your needs This will make a shortcode [Gallery IDs = "12,45,67,34"] Make it your post Override the default gallery shortcode function to not display in remove_shortcode ('gallery', 'gallery_short Check '); Add_shortcode ('Gallery', 'my_gallery'); Function my_gallery () {return ''; } Retrieve an array of images $ post_content = get_the_content (); Preg_match ('/ \ [gallery. * Id ...

.net - "CacheProfile" in MVC 5 -

I am starting at MVC and I have a project to convert from MVC2 to the latest version of MVC. I read reading some books on MVC 4, so I started to understand the main mechanism However, when changing my MVC 2 solution, I have a problem with a feature:. OutputCache . By example [OutputCache (CacheProfile = "ProductImage")] Public ActionResult GetImage (Guid elementId, integer imgtype) In Web.Config I have "caching> outputCacheSettings & gt; outputCacheProfiles>": And the output received the following exception: For Outputs Child OutputCacheAttribute only supports Duration, VaryByCustom, and VaryByParam values. Please do not set CacheProfile, Location, NoStore, SqlDependency, VaryByContentEncoding, or VaryByHeader values ​​for child tasks. As I understood, the problem appears with only child actions. Is there another way to create a cache profile in the latest MVC? Is there any way to recognize that the action is only to change o...

javascript - How is concatenating urls in templates in angular less secure than in other locations? -

I have an angular railway template, which looks like this: & lt; Img ng: src = "/ resources / {{id}} / thumbnail" /> However this is the result in one. Unlike this template: & lt; Img ng: src = "{{fullUrl}}" /> Or even: & lt; Img ng: src = "{{id | createThumbnailURL}}" / & gt; (Where createThumbnailURL is a simple filter that processes the same process as above) works perfectly well. The documentation says: The conjunction expression makes it difficult to argue that some combination of conceptualized valuation is unsafe to use and can easily be XSS Are there. OK, always a constant url included, I see point there though it is not extraordinary for me that they are REST-APIs that have URLs that are created by simple containment And it should be merged somehwere I can do it in the controller or even server side, but how to insert any other place Finds improvements? And What is the suggestion of dealing ...

Android Device back button functionality in Jquery mobile application -

Have a suggestion could give that functionality back button of Android mobile device HTML5 call control how Gap mobile app Go ....? For example: have been together linking an application with multiple HTML files ... like ---- Index ---- & gt; Page 1 ---- & gt; Page 2 --- & gt; Etc ... When a user clicks on the back button of the device, the following page changes should occur. When the back button of the device is clicked in page 2, then it is directed at page 1. is used when the device is used to click the back button to page 1, it should be directed to the index page When the tool, click on the back button Index page, Should exit the page. Thanks ... As recommended Navigation is an essential part of the user experience, for this reason it is necessary to agree with those guidelines in order to ensure user behavior in the expected ways.

angularjs - Accessing child scope -

I'm using ngTagsInput angular. My problem comes from trying to gain access to displayTags from an original root scope . It's not there. I want to get access to this because the user can add new tags to display the toggle which is working perfectly. I want to take those new tags and post them. How can I get access to displayTags in $ $ out of the loop? This type of angular code: var app = angular.module ('recgroups', ['ngTagsInput']); App.directive ('group', function () {return {restrict: 'e', ​​scope: true, templateUrl: '../../Content/templates/RecruitingGroups/Group.html', link: function (scope, El) {// Remove group scope .removeGroup = function (group array, index) {groupArray.splice (index, 1);}}}}); App.directive ('rule' function () {return {restricted: 'e', ​​scope: true, templateUrl: '../../Content/templates/RecruitingGroups/Rule.html', link: function (scope, L) {scope.removeRule = function (ruleArra...

.htaccess - mod rewrite, string instead of numerical value in the url -

I am trying to rewrite the mods so that instead of me now I know that How can the URL for numerical value like I have It can be done by rewriting .htaccess: RewriteRule ^ ([0- 9] +) /? $ Page php? Title = $ 1 [NC, L] How can I get this now? Thanks! You need to zoom your regex to allow alpha-numerics: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^ ([a-z0- 9] +) /? $ Page.php? Title = $ 1 [NC, L, QSA]

c# - How to download .zip files through code? -

I have some zip files on an FTP server that I want to download via code but every time I Downloading and trying to open they are corrupt. FtpClient conn = new FtpClient (); = ftpFtpServerAddress; Conn.Credentials = New network credentials (ftpSrc u name, ftpSrcPwd); Var file = conn.getListing (ftpSrcFolder, FtpListOption.Modify | FtpListOption.Size); (File in fire file) {conn. Bin open read (file full name, new async callback (openerbackblack), new assisaggents () {client = conn, filename = file .name}); } Private Zero BeginOpenReadCallback (IAsyncResult AR) {AsyncArguments args = (AsyncArguments) ar.AsyncState; FtpClient conn = argsClient; Stream easth = conn.EndOpenRead (AR); (Using System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create (@ "C: \ temp \" + argsFileName)) {byte [bytes] = new byte [istream.Length + 10]; Int numBytesToRead = (int) istream.Length; Fs.Write (bytes, 0, pneumbytes, teoride); }} Now with the stream. Although this method is fine for s...

Android, Service and client (activity) are running on different process. two-way communication using aidl -

I am using ADL interfaces for IPC communication. After binding for the service, I am able to call an API call from the client to the server. But how do I send an event to the server using ADL? Service and customers are running on different processes. You intent to the client with service The event happens. Another option may be to ask a few seconds to audal if there is a new event. And I think that you can send via AIDL (this is parcelable) so that you can pass the messenger for the service, and use it to work with this activity. Can be on service.

visual studio 2012 - Time tracking in TFS using VS2013 -

I am using Team Foundation Server to track my projects and tasks (I am using MSF for the CMMI process template I'm using), so in Visual Studio 2013 I can start a work, but I have not found any way to track the time spent on the job; Stay remaining tasks and complete work fields. I found this tool that this function and other tool was for TFS, but I was basically searching for a way to do it in Visual Studio. Does anyone know if VS2013 has been told this behavior basically and how can I use it? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Do not let any of the boxes in TFS allow you to automatically track over time. I worked in a project where I used Pomodoro technology to track the time spent. The whole team used the 20-minute Pomorodo sequences and we added a custom field to capture the number of Pomodoro sequences for each task - both actual and projected. The time from which we wanted to track, the device was out of our development environment, I see...

python - Convert a Pandas DataFrame to bin frequencies -

By using pods, I know how to close a column, but how do I make multiple columns and then I'm struggling to understand the frequency of the compartment (frequency) because my dataframe has 20 columns. I know that I can do 20 times the same way for a single column, but I have to learn a new method Interests. Here are the top 4 columns of dataframe being displayed: Percentile1 Percentile2 Percentile3 Percentile4 395 0.166667 0.266667 0.266667 0.133333 424 0.266667 0.266667 0.133333 0.032258 511 0.032258 0.129032 0.129032 0.387097 540 0.129032 0.129032 0.387097 0.612903 570 0.129032 0.387097 0.612903 0.741935 I have created the following bin array output = ['0-10', '10 -20 ', '20 -30', '30 -40 ',' 40-50 ',' 50-60 ',' 60-70 ',' 70-80 ',' 80-90 ',' 90-100 '] Here is my desired output: Percentage 1 percent 2 percent 3 percent 4 395 10-20 20-30 20-30 10-20 424 20-30 20-30 10-20 0- 10 511 0- 1...

php - How can I set the array key returned by Laravel's query builder? -

मेरे पास दो टेबल हैं, पेज और संपादित करें । पृष्ठ + ---- + ----------- + | आईडी | पेज_नाम | + ---- + ----------- + | 1 | पृष्ठ | + ---- + ----------- + संपादित करें + - - + --------- + ------ + | आईडी | पेज_आईडी | नाम | + ---- + --------- + ------ + | 1 | 1 | घर | | 1 | 1 | साइड | + ---- + --------- + ------ + अभी मेरे पास एक रिश्ते को परिभाषित किया गया है जो दोनों को एक साथ जोड़ता है। यह इस तरह से कुछ देता है: सरणी ('id' = & gt; 1, 'page_name' = & gt; 'पृष्ठ', 'संपादित करें' = & gt; सरणी (0 = & gt; सरणी 'Id' = & gt; 1, 'page_id' = & gt; 1, 'name' = & gt; 'home'), 1 = & gt; सरणी ('id' = & gt; 2, 'page_id' = & gt; 1, नाम '= & gt;' side '))) मैं एक विशिष्ट कॉलम के मान के लिए संपादित करें एरे की कुंजी सेट करने में सक्षम होना चाहूंगा । एरे ('home' = & gt; सरणी (/ / एआरए) (जैसे 'ए' ('आईडी' = &...

PHP integral arguments such as in curl_setopt and filter_var -

I am constantly browsing the document, but I can not seem to know that the function is an argument in which there is an int datatype I for example, in filter_var: filter_var (' ', FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); ... or in curl curl_setopt ($ curl, CURLOPT_URL, ''); What is FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL and CURLOPT_URL? They are called. This is just a variable, but because it is stable, it should be written as the only capital letters to separate it from other types of variables. This is the naming convention. Define ('YOUR_CONSTANT', '894616466'); Echo YOUR_CONSTANT; // 894616466

android - Prevent Fragments from being added multiple times to back stack -

I am currently laying the basics for an application that I am going to develop. There is an action bar with some menu items in it, each menu has its own piece of item, which must be displayed in main activity. However, I need the "above" interest of the action bar, when any piece but the mainfragrame itself is displayed. My current approach is based on the solution presented and something looks like this: @ Override public booleanon option item selected (menu items) {int id = item GetItemId (); Piece piece = null; If (id == RID.action_identities) {fragment = new IdentitiesFragment (); } And if (id == {fragment = new HistoryFragment (); } And if (id == {fragment = new SettingsFragment (); } And if (id == {fragment = new aboutFragment (); } If (piece! = Null) {Fragment Transaction Transaction = getFragmentManager (). BeginTransaction (); Transaction.replace (, fragment); Transaction.addToBackSt...

c# - creating a custom constraint in sql -

I am using sql on a C # application and my table consists of stock quotes which I am concerned with They are called symbols and dates, what I am trying to do, prevents one line from adding to the table if both symbols and dates are already present in a separate line. For example if I already have a line for GOOG and today's date, then if I try to add a line with that mailing information, it will either be rejected Or update the existing line with new information is the easiest way to do this? "itemprop =" text "> After a look on the statement. (VALUES (' 'your id value' ',' gt; ', & lt; high & Gt; ',' lt; low & gt; ',' & lt; source (in the form of ID, symbol, market, open, high '); closed & gt;', '& lt; volume & gt; ',' AdjustedClose & gt; ',' & gt; Date & gt; Low, Closed, Segment, AdjustedClose, date to Target.Symbol = Source.Symbol and Targe...

python - PyQt kled in Unity enviornmet? -

I am trying to use Python Kled module which is displayed in Qt Designer under Ubuntu 13.10 Unity. Is it possible to use with unity or do I have to use the KDE environment? I use KLED in my PyQt4 GUI. Originally it was developed in the Kubantu environment, so this was not a problem, but we moved to Integration (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS). To still use KLED I, I came to know that I was required to install Python libraries from KDE (they do not want to install Cubuntu because it interferes with the operation) OK : Sudo apt-get install python-kde4 So the answer to the summary is: Yes, you can use KLED in unity, as long as you have a library installed.

generics - C++ template function with vector -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 5 जवाब मेरे पास निम्न पंक्तियाँ हैं कोड और संकलन त्रुटियाँ यह टेम्प्लेट फ़ंक्शन, या सी ++ जेनेटिक्स या कुछ और के बारे में मेरी गलत समझ होनी चाहिए I इसे इंगित करने के लिए अग्रिम धन्यवाद। #include & lt; iostream & gt; #include & lt; vector & gt; नेमस्पेस एसटीडी का उपयोग करना; टेम्पलेट & lt; typename T & gt; टी * खोज (वेक्टर & lt; T & gt; ve & vec, T मान) {वेक्टर & lt; T & gt; :: इटरेटर प्रथम = vec.begin (); वेक्टर & lt; T & gt; :: इटेटर अंतिम = vec.end (); के लिए (; पहले! = अंतिम; पहले ++) यदि (* पहले == मान) पहले लौट आए; वापसी 0; } कंसोल में संकलित त्रुटियां डीबग.cpp: फ़ंक्शन में "टी" * ढूंढें (std :: vector & lt; T, std :: आबंटक & lt; _CharT & gt; & gt; & amp ;, टी) एक ????: debug.cpp: 9: त्रुटि: अपेक्षित `; ' पहले से पहले Debug.cpp: 10: त्रुटि: अनुमानित ';' इससे पहले Debug.cpp: 11: त्रुटि: एक पहले ??? इस स्कोप डीबग में घोषित नहीं किया ...

syntax - Do all arguments have to be included in a Javascript function call? -

यदि आपके पास एक func फ़ंक्शन myFunc (a, b, c) {if (सी) चेतावनी ("ग यहाँ मिल गया!"); } क्या आपको कॉल करने के लिए हर कॉल को फ़ंक के जैसा होना चाहिए myFunc (1,2,3) या कुछ कॉल बस के लिए ठीक है myFunc (1,2) ? मैं ' मुझे लगता है कि बाद के काम करता है, लेकिन मैं सोच रहा हूं कि यह सभी ब्राउज़रों पर काम करता है। आपकी मदद के लिए धन्यवाद। आपको हर पैरामीटर को शामिल करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है, लेकिन आप चाहिए पहले दो यदि का उपयोग करें तो आपको तीसरे का उपयोग करना होगा। / P> यदि फ़ंक्शन के हस्ताक्षर में 3 पैरामेट हैं, और आप केवल दो ही प्रदान करते हैं, तो तीसरा तर्क फ़ंक्शन के अंदर अपरिभाषित के लिए मूल्यांकन करेगा। यदि आप चाहें तो फ़ंक्शन के अंदर चूक भी प्रदान कर सकते हैं: फ़ंक्शन doStuff (a, b, c) {// यदि c परिभाषित नहीं है, तो डिफ़ॉल्ट मान का उपयोग करें c = (typeof c == = 'अपरिभाषित')? 3.14: सी; // ...}

python - Will accessing a Reference'd Entity cause a 'get()' for an already fetched Entity? -

वर्ग अभिभावक: name = db.StringProperty () वर्ग बाल मूल = db.ReferenceProperty (reference_class = parent) p = Parent.get () q = Child.all () q.filter ("parent =", p.key ()) बच्चों = q.fetch (100) बच्चे [0]। # माता पिता पर () पाने के लिए? उपर्युक्त उदाहरण में, बच्चों में से एक पर माता-पिता.नाम का उपयोग करने से माता-पिता को पुन: प्राप्त किया जा सकता है - या सभी बच्चों के माता-पिता 'पी' को इंगित करते हैं? आशा है कि यह स्पष्ट है और किसी भी मदद की सराहना .. धन्यवाद। हां, यह माता-पिता को रीफ़्रैड करने के लिए कारण होगा। डीबी का उपयोग करते समय कोई असंतुलित कैशिंग नहीं है। एनडीबी जो कैशिंग करता है, संभावित रूप से माता-पिता को लाएगा जैसे आप डॉन एक संदर्भ संपत्ति नहीं है और आपको किसी कुंजीप्रार्थी पर एक स्पष्ट प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता है।

mvvm - Setting up ReactiveUI.Mobile -

In the following document, This indicates that the reactivi set By mobile, you will be able to see the right handling for the back button for free, I have tried to look around the document but have not been able to find any. Can anyone tell me a suitable link / sample I can mention? It explains that by establishing a reactive UI Mobile, you will be able to get the right operation of the back button for free. I have tried to look around the document, but no one can go searching. Installing RXU. Mobile is a super platform-dependent, and you can get a free back button only on WP8. Silverlight app I can now do routing (or to avoid routing completely For). RxUI.Mobile will probably change slightly in 6.0 (this is my favorite part of the structure at the moment).

filenet - ibm content navigator System Administrator has no access to Data Management desktop -

Hey guys got me a big headache The user accidentally made the mistake of administering only one account with administrative privileges in Content Navigator (Philnet) and took the following actions: Desktop Data Management & gt; Section authentication & gt; Limit access to specific users and groups & gt; Select Enable and click Save and Close A message "Your system administrator does not have access to Data Management Desktop" appears while trying to log on to Content Navigator again Ask the administrator to add you to the list of users We provide ISM Websphere Application Server V8.5, IBM Filenet Content Engine V5.2 and IBM Content Navigator 2.02 SUS Rpraijh are using are running at 11 Does anyone can add a file to which privileged administrator user to recover access to content? Please help us. Log in to the Admin Console directly using your administrator account: Http: s / HOSTNAME: PORT / Navigator /? Desktop = admin This will bypass the defaul...

unicode - Malayalam input to english script conversion -

I have gone to several sites that facilitate converting English input into Malayalam script (Mangalis). But I have a set of words written in Malayalam fonts and I have to translate those words in English (not translation). Example: à'à'¾à '· - - & gt; Baasha Any reference or link will be appreciated. Thank you The words of what you are asking is I am not sure about a site, but if If you can work with Java or C *, then you can find useful. * In fact, bindings are available for other languages, but C and Java are officially supported.

python - IPython notebook shows output in terminal -

मैं एक आइपीथन नोटबुक ( ipython notebook & amp; ) का उपयोग कर रहा हूं, लेकिन जब मैं नोटबुक में उत्पादन प्राप्त करने के बजाय, Shift + Enter दबाए चर नाम ans को देने से किसी भी आउटपुट को प्रिंट करें, मुझे टर्मिनल में मिलता है जहां से मैं नोटबुक लॉन्च करता हूं संबंधित नोटबुक के बगल में, मैं नोटबुक में आउटपुट को देखना चाहता हूं। मैं हाल ही में इस समस्या का सामना कर रहा हूं, पहले यह ठीक काम कर रहा था। यह कोड इसी मुद्दे पर पैदा करता है मेरी मशीन: import sys reload (sys) sys.setdefaultencoding ('utf8') उस कक्ष को चलाने के बाद, या एक मॉड्यूल आयात करने के बाद उस कोड का टुकड़ा चलाता है, सभी आउटपुट को नोटबुक के स्थान पर टर्मिनल में समाप्त होता है।

c# - API file upload (Server Side) check if there is an actual file before trying to read it -

I have created a web-API 2 post method to upload a physical file on the server. I saw that I still can pass that API without any real file. So when the server side runs the code on these 2 lines var sp = new MultipartFormDataStreamProvider (fileName); Wait for the request. Content Redsmith Impact Assin (SP); When the client (not a browser, no fidler) calls the API, but does not upload a file, I get an exception (which gets stuck). Question : Is there a way to see that the request is made in the file, before calling request Request.Content.ReasAsMultipartAsync ?? My problem is not to trap the exception, but to find a clear path to know before the exception came in, there was no file so that I could inform the calling client about it. Another approach that you can take (only if you host your service at IIS)> HTTPRPSPassword Message Results = Zero; Var httpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request; // Check that if files are available (httpRequest.Files.Count...

c++ - Having problems with detecting leap year -

Again AHI, thanks everyone for help in my previous problem. However, now I have to face another problem int main () {int inputSeconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, years; Int remaining balance; Int current_year = 1970; Int current_month = 1; Int current_day = 1; Const int standard_year = 365; Const int leap_year = 366; Boole leap year; Int Lepscunter; // The closest leap year since 1972, the counter is set for 2 seats & lt; & Lt; "Welcome to Epoch Time / Data Converter" & lt; & Lt; Endl; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Enter the number of seconds from midnight January 1, 1970:"; Cin & gt; & Gt; InputSeconds; // To change the number of years in a few days to convert the number of days already = inputSeconds / (60 * 60 * 24); Balance balance = input SEK% (60 * 60 * 24); Cout & lt; & Lt; Day & lt; & Lt; Endl; // Set the current year (while (! (Day & lt; 365)) {if (leapcounter == 3) {current_year ++; day - = leap_yure; Le...