Youtube Earning Reports and Youtube CMS Account -

I am trying to get earnings reports for my channel. I registered myself as a YouTube partner I have linked my AdSense account to my channel. Now, when I try to bring the report for income, it shows me insufficient permissions, I read somewhere, that I should use the content owner's report, That's why I The content owner was trying to remove ID, I think YouTube is available on CMS account, I think, if I am wrong then correct me.

So when I tried to open the page, I got an error

Your Google Account is not linked to YouTube Content Manager. Please try a different account or your technical account for assistance Contact the manager.

How to contact the Technical Account Manager?

I only need that API for my channel.

To receive revenue reports, you must be a content owner, type of network content management If you have a system then in reality you can not get any such report.


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