c# - API file upload (Server Side) check if there is an actual file before trying to read it -

I have created a web-API 2 post method to upload a physical file on the server. I saw that I still can pass that API without any real file.

So when the server side runs the code on these 2 lines

  var sp = new MultipartFormDataStreamProvider (fileName); Wait for the request. Content Redsmith Impact Assin (SP);   

When the client (not a browser, no fidler) calls the API, but does not upload a file, I get an exception (which gets stuck).

Question : Is there a way to see that the request is made in the file, before calling request Request.Content.ReasAsMultipartAsync ??

My problem is not to trap the exception, but to find a clear path to know before the exception came in, there was no file so that I could inform the calling client about it.

Another approach that you can take (only if you host your service at IIS)>

  HTTPRPSPassword Message Results = Zero; Var httpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request; // Check that if files are available (httpRequest.Files.Count> 0) {  

Note that you system. You are taking dependency on the web, but if you are on IIS and it is not okay to host yourself.


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