
Showing posts from January, 2015

javascript - How to use Backbone.js for single page websites in a certain way -

Basically, I want to create a personal website that works like this: from which it is contained in an HTML page and clicking on an NAV item will only fill the required information. Seeing the JavaScript code, I believe the developer is using backbone.js and handlar.js. I think they use PHP for backend is an important functionality after which I am within this site. Essentially, when you are in the above directory, and then you change into, then there will be an AJAX request only for the required HTML and then it will be added to the current page. Application followed by a tutorial written in a simple spine, it seems that this is done differently by hosting the application using the node, it will load all the content when you use any other directory , It still loads all the ingredients and then will add the right piece on the basis of the spinal cord. I can see that this is useful for some particular types of apps, but I do not want that functionality. I saw it more and I thou...

android - popup window instead of popup menu -

I want to show the popup window in my application on the click of the image The problem is that I do not want to show it according to my height and width , which comes, this is my code, ivmainmenu.setOnClickListener (new OnClickListener () {@Override public void onClick (View v) {// TODO auto-generated method stub LayoutInflater layoutInflater = (LayoutInflater) getBaseContext () .getSystemService (LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); View popupView = layoutInflater .inflate (R.layout.popupwindow, null), last PopupWindow popupWindow = new PopupWindow (); popupWindow.showAsDropDown (ivmainmenu, 50, -30);}}); Here is my XML file, this XML I want to show in my application, Please help me, thank you. insted of popupWindow .showAsDropDown (ivmainmenu, 50, -30); popupWindow.setHeight (200); Popup Window.setWidth (400);

javascript - Dojo: dojo/text & CORS -

I am using Dojo version 1.9.1 and try to access all the widgets from which they live Where they live from. I'm getting "No 'access-control-permission-origin' header is present on requested resource" Whatever is trying Dojo can be loaded via text!, So basically on all my templates I think it should be right to put them in by using the construction, but other resources will also fail. The discovery of Google's use tells me to dooz bug tracking and interestingly, it was fixed in 1.8 but for the dojo / text request has changed the object from xhr, it is again a The issue has become. One parameter for DojoConfig - & gt; Textplugin header to solve it But whenever I make my custom / text! Object using the previous version of dojo / text, I fail miserably to recover cross-domain resources. Any help would be greatly appreciated. According to its bug tracker, this problem was fixed as Dojo 1.9.4. Have you tried to upgrade the structure?

python - Comparing lists which have the same elements, are in the same order? -

def सॉर्टिंग (a, b, c): array = [a, b, c] newarray = array Sort () newarray2 = array.reverse () अगर newarray == सरणी: प्रिंट ('मछली बढ़ती है') elif newarray2 == सरणी: प्रिंट ('मछली को decesnding' है) अन्य: प्रिंट ('कोई मछली') def मुख्य (): सॉर्टिंग ((इंट (इनपुट ('1')), (इंट (इनपुट ('2')), (इंट (इनपुट ('3')))) मुख्य () असल में, यह संख्या जो कि इनपुट की जाती है बढ़ रही है तो मछली बढ़ रही है और अगर संख्या कम हो रही है तो मछली कम हो रही है। आखिरकार यदि इनपुट की गई संख्या लगातार बढ़ रही है या 1, 3, 2 को कम नहीं कर रही है, तो इसे उत्पादन कोई मछली नहीं होना चाहिए। यहां तक ​​कि अगर ऐसा करने का एक और कारगर तरीका भी है, तो क्या कोई कृपया इसकी व्याख्या कर सकता है कि दो समान सूचियों की तुलना कैसे करें कि क्या वे एक ही क्रम में हैं? जब आप .sort और .reverse फ़ंक्शन, वे इन-प्लेस डेटा को सॉर्ट / रिवर्स करते हैं और वापस None इसलिए, आप कोई भी दोनों को newarray और newarray2 असाइन कर रहे हैं। फिर परिस्थितियों में, आप जांच रहे हैं कि ...

map - Hadoop InputFormat for Excel -

I need to create a map-less program that reads Excel files from HDFS and does some analysis on it . From there, store the output in the format of Excel file. I know that TextInputFormat is used to read a .txt file from HDFS, but what method or input format should I use? Externally parses the file and converts it into a Hesop compatible format Read the full file as a single record Using two chained jobs, like 1, reads the file in bulk, and emits each record as the input for the next record Does.

objective c - Scaning static UIImage using ios ZBar SDK -

I want to scan a static UIImage using Zbar sdk, this gives an error that means ZBarSymbol faucet I, because it is a subclass of UIMAPP Controller and I do not want to use the UIMAPPC Controller at all because I just want to scan. UIImage that I have a reference in my application .. I searched for this problem allocated but I could not find any help. I also for ZBarImageScanner Tried, - (zero) scanFromUIIage: (UIImage *) img {// Setup Scanner ZBarImageScanner * Scanner = [[ZBarImageScanner alloc] init]; Settings * Settings = [Settings Global Settings]; // ZBarImageScanner * scanner = reader scanner; BOOL is Longliner = No; (Settings.enabledSymbologies in NSString * str) {NSNumber * value = [settings.enabledSymbologies objectForKey: str]; BOOL enabled = value.boolValue; Zbar_symbol_type_t sym = [integer value]; [Scanner Setsimmology: Sim Config: ZBAR_CFG_ENABLE: Enabled]; If (sym == ZBAR_EAN13) {// show EAN forms like [scanner set simmology: ZBAR_UPCA config: ZBAR_CFG_ENABL...

.htaccess - How to remove .php or .html extension from single page? -

मेरे पास वेबसाइट है: इसमें कई पेज हैं उदा:, मैं बस से .php को निकालना चाहता हूं और अन्य सभी पृष्ठों से नहीं। मैंने इस हिस्से को .htaccess फाइल में करने की कोशिश की है। `रीवरइटइन्गइन ऑन करें पुनर्लेखनकंड% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -d पुनर्लेखन % {REQUEST_FILENAME} .php -f पुनर्लेखन नियम ^ (। *) $ $ 1.php` आप इस नियम को अपने रूट .htaccess में उपयोग कर सकते हैं: रीव्रैइटकॉन्ग पर% RewriteEngine% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -d रिक्राइटकॉन्ड% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f रिक्राइट नियम ^ (एक) / ? $ / $ 1। Php [एल, एनसी]

mysql - How to convert .db file to .sql file -

I have mydatabase.db file and I want to explain it in mydatabase.sql file. How to do this ?. Thank you. Is there any sqlite command? Or to change any software, or any mysql command You can try (license free, phase: Open the .db file in the valentine studio Select a table in the Schema Editor Click the correct / alternate table name Generate SQL Show Show and there will be a new Create tab in the new editor tab that you can use for your Microscope server. Note: you Based on the complexity of the table, you may need to implement the syntax properly for this. Mysql. If you need to copy the rows contained in your selected table, you can use a dump (right table ) And then import it.

c# - Advice for beautiful app development on PC -

I need to develop an app / program for PC, the app needs to have a pretty GUI UI, like moving Buttons, perversive thoughts, etc. This result can be easily accomplished in Flash. But I do not want to use Flash because of its dying .... I have developed Android and iOS applications that you can integrate them with the animation button, see the animation and it can look great and fall When I developed the program for PC (Eclipse - Java + Windows Builder, C # WPF) the result was not very good. It is very complex to create a nice UI on WPF and many XML files come back to the hover to create a nice button. So what I'm looking for is a good solution to work with tools I know (C #, WPF, Java) like flash game to make me look good Can Development Tools Recommend? (Apart from HTML5 or Unity) Blend is a good tool for creating WPF UI. Look and feel is similar to an Adobe suite. It's easy to pick up and use the Learning and Recording Function to create this animation is a breeze. It al...

php - Facebook App Error forbidden by X-Frame-Options -

I am currently creating a Facebook app in sandbox mode. My code: - Index.php & lt ;? Php ob_start (); @session_start (); 'Facebook.php' is required; Include_once ('config.php'); $ Facebook = New Facebook (array ('appId' => APP_ID, 'secret' => SECRET_KEY,)); $ User = $ facebook-> GetUser (); If ($ user) {try {// go ahead, to know that you have logged in user who is certified $ user_profile = $ facebook- & gt; API ('/ m'); } Hold (FacebookApiException $ e) {error_log ($ e); $ User = null; } If (! Empty ($ user_profile)) {# User information is correct? Let's print it out (here we will add login and registration routines) $ username = $ user_profile ['name']; // resonance '- & gt;' $ Username; Exit; $ Uid = $ user_profile ['id']; $ Email = $ user_profile ['email']; @session_start (); // $ _ session ['id'] = $ userdata ['id']; $ _SESSION ['oauth_id'] = $ UID; $ _...

c# - Is it possible multiple filters in one collection view source wpf -

I know a filter in a collection view source, but when I use multiple filters in a collection source. The last filter works properly, please help filter me a lot in a collection view source. Xaml & lt; Grid & gt; & Lt; DockPanel & gt; & Lt; Dockpanel dockpanel.doc = "top" height = "90" & gt; & Lt; Text Block Vertical Element = "Center" Margin = "0,9" Dock Panel Doc = "left" & gt; Threshold & lt; / Textblocks & gt; & Lt; Slider x: Name = "Confidencethreshold" value = "14" margin = "0,5" DockPanel.Dock = "Left" Width = "200" min = "0" max = "50" value changed = "Confidencethreshold_ValueChanged_1" TickPlacement = "Lower right" tick fractancy = "5" ISANAPTTEKINED = "FOLLS" small change = "1" & gt; & Lt; / Slider & gt; & Lt; StackPanel Orientation = "...

java - How to get a dagger instance from a type only known at runtime -

I am processing an annotation which has a type parameter to use this type of parameter to instantiate a new object is done. With Google Guice, I will inject the 'injector' myself and use it to find the right examples. Although I'm a bit new to the dagger and I do not see any solutions described on the net. I know that the object graph can give me an example, can I allow myself to inject the object graph? How do i do this I managed to do it this way. Not sure if this is good ... Bar: public class bar {private commodity object; @ Inject bar (object graph object) {this.objectGraph = objectGraph; } Public ObjectGraph getObjectGraph () {Object object; }}> bar module: @module (injects = bar.class, full = false) public class BarModule {} FooModule: Module (= BarModule.class is included, injects = ObjectGraph.class, absolute = true, library = true) Public class FooModule {Private ObjectGraph objectGraph; Public Zero Set Object Graph (Object Graph Graph...

c++ - Efficient parsing of std::stringstream data into std::vector<std::vector> -

I get std :: vector & gt; I am parsing the data stream of pairs of double values ​​in. I encourage because I think it is more efficient. My code is as follows. std :: stringstream tmp_stream; Typedef Double Data_type; Typedef :: std :: vector & lt; Data_type & gt; V_d; // Type below the type of container of all data typedef :: std :: vector & lt; V_d> V_v_d; // Type the container // Type: std :: list & lt; V_d> V_v_d; V_v_d data; :: data_parse :: data_pacer & lt; V_v_d> Data_parser; Data_parser (tmp_stream, data); My input text file is in {(132.181,0.683431), (136.886,0.988517), (137.316,0.504297), (133.653,0.60229), (150.86,0.236839) Have been formatted in) pairs are not correctly parsed and I got a blank pair What could be the problem? Thanks By using the Boost's soul, you can use one line: if (tmp_stream> gt; std :: noskipws >> gt; qi :: phrase_match ((+ qi :: double _)% qi :: eol, qi :: blank, data) ) { And one more...

rdf - The difference between blank nodes and variables in SPARQL queries -

I have studied this topic and have not found it interesting too. Although the definitions are very complex, I still do not get the answer to my question. I can not find any examples of queries with empty nodes, which gives different results from that query that are in place of variables, examples of empty nodes. For example, when anybody extends different results to the following questions, then any case is: SELECT? A? B WHERE {? A: Define _: Empty node _: Blank node: other project? B } Select ? A? B WHERE {? A: predicate? Variable? ? Variable: other projects? B } Perhaps there are more complex questions that behave differently? Especially I wonder if there are any examples of different results thanks. PS Yes, I know that empty nodes can be used only if it is in contrast to the variable in a basic paragraph but this is not the difference about which I am talking about. The answer you have added is empty, in the query that the data is not being asked a...

android - Convert getXml() to InputStream for SAX Parser -

मुझे संपत्ति से फाइल मिलती है। InputStream asset = packageResources.getAssets ()। Open ( "some.xml"); और मेरे पास InputStream है लेकिन जब मैं packageResources.getXml (appFilterResId) का उपयोग करता हूं; मेरे पास XmlResourceParser है लेकिन मुझे InputStream की आवश्यकता है कोई भी विचार यह कैसे करते हैं? UPDATE प्रयास करें {XMLReader xmlReader = SAXParserFactory.newInstance ()। NewSAXParser () .getXMLReader (); // एक SAXXMLHandler SAXXMLHandler saxHandler = नया SAXXMLHandler (प्रबंधक, पैकनाम) बनाएँ; // XMLReader xmlReader.setContentHandler (सैक्सहैंडलर) में स्टोर हैंडलर; // प्रक्रिया xmlReader.parse (नया इनपुट स्रोत (xmlInputStream)) शुरू होता है; // `कर्मचारी सूची` चिह्न प्राप्त करें = saxHandler.getIcons (); } पकड़ (अपवाद पूर्व) {लॉग डी। ("एक्सएमएल", "SAXXMLParser: पार्स () असफल"); } यहां: xmlReader.parse (नया इनपुट स्रोत (xmlInputStream)); की आवश्यकता InputStream आप इस तरह से कोशिश कर सकते हैं यदि आप आरआईडी द्वारा इ...

javascript - Javarscript issues with dynamic tooltipster -

I think I'm using a nice jquery plugin I still have my tooltips dynamic Need to be, which I do not believe it should be tough Although I wrote a script and maybe it is because I'm tired or I do not have the simplest address of javascript. Maybe the combination of both I can not seem around this particular error TypeError: $ (.. .) The tooltipster function is not. Here is the basic JavaScript code: $ ("img # box_image [data-img- (" data-img-number "); var w =" http: // "+ i; window.console.log ('before tool); window.console.log (' before tool 'w); tool (w);}); Tool tool = function (w) {$ ('tooltip_two'). Tooltipster ({content: $ ('& lt; span & gt; & lt; img style = "height: 191 pix; width: 256 px;" src = "Http: //'+w+ '"> ;)); code An example can be found at I suspect that it is lame in my ...

ios - How to save a movie using GPUImage framework? -

I am trying to process a video by adding a filter between GPUImageMovie and GPUImageMovieWriter. However, I have a problem before adding a custom filter. Here is my test code. NSURL * sampleURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource: @ Extension with "Document / Examination": @ "mov"]; Moviefile = [[[GPUImageMovie alloc] initWithURL: sampleURL]; NSString * PathMovie = [NSHome directory (stringByAppendingPathComponent: @ "Document /"]; Unlink ([Pathotomy UTF 8 string]); NS URL * Movie URL = [NSRR file URL with path: Pathemovia]; Movie writer = [[GPUImageMovieWriter alloc] initWithMovieURL: movieURL Size: CGSizeMake (1280.0, 720.0)]; [Moviefile ed target: movie writer]; [Movie water start-up]; [Movie file startup]; [Set Movie Set Set Perfection: Lock: ^ {[Movie Movie Removal Goal: Movie Writer]; [Movie water farecording]; }]; I got an error message like this uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** ...

android - MixPanel for error monitoring -

I am working on an Android application which is integrated for analytics and error monitoring. Recently we had an accident in the application and when we could not get the root cause of that accident, then we added the code to restart the app, when the bug is resumed, we It also started to start when Bugsnag used to use Bugsnag for my preference, but some team members asked why we could not use MixPayel because we could easily make events with those spiders Can Iltr we've sent to Micspenel. But I think the mixpan should not be used specifically to track user events. And neither the accident nor the restart is due to a user incident, it is just randomly I want to hear suggestions / ideas from the community. You can use Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler (...) To set your custom to your application.onCreate which tracks the mixpall of all unwanted exceptions (crashes) and sets the attribute as: public Class MyExceptionHandler implies UncaughtExceptionHandle...

java - How do I use my own colors in android XML -

I have an XML file created in the Res / value folder and try to reference it by typing it Android: Background = "@color / red" And it does not work. I do not even have the advantage of putting this file in the folder . color view resources for example, res / values In the / whatever.xml @color / name , not @color / name with: & lt; Color name = "your_color_name" & gt; # 12345678 & lt; / Color & gt; Then in a layout xml: android: background = "@ color / your_color_name"

android - Listview data from multiple db rows -

I am currently using a listview populated from a SQLite db. Public set & lt; String & gt; GetData () {Set & lt; String & gt; Set = new hashet & lt; String & gt; (); String selectQuery = "select * from" + tab; SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase (); Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery (selectQuery, zero); If (cursor.moveToFirst ()) {to {set.add (cursor.getString (1)); } While (cursor.movetoonext ()); } Cursor.close (); Db.close (); Return set; } Then list view Private void populateListView () {lv = (ListView) is populated from findViewById (; DatabaseHandler db = new databank (getApplicationContext ()); Set up & lt; String & gt; Set = db.getData (); & Lt; String & gt; List = New Arrestist & lt; String & gt; (Set); ArrayAdapter & LT; String & gt; ArrayAdapter = New Arrayheader & lt; String & gt; (This, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, list); Lv.setAdapter (arrayAdapter); Regi...

database - questionmark on image from MySQL -

मेरे पास एक MySQL डाटाबेस है, जहां मेरे पास निम्न कॉलम हैं: firtname lastname bulb मेरे पास एक सर्वलेट और एक फार्म जो कि एक MySQL डाटाबेस को अपलोड करता है, जो सफलतापूर्वक है जब मैं अपने डेटाबेस से तस्वीर डाउनलोड करता हूं, तो मुझे सही तस्वीर मिलती है अब मैं अपने ब्राउज़र में चित्र प्रदर्शित करना चाहूंगा, इसलिए मैंने एक फॉर्म और सर्वलेट बनाने की कोशिश की है। जब मैं तस्वीर का अनुरोध करता हूं, तो मुझे सिर्फ एक प्रश्न चिह्न मिल जाता है। क्या किसी को पता है कि ऐसा क्यों है? बेस्ट मैडेड्स मैड्स & lt; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; meta http-equiv = "सामग्री-प्रकार" सामग्री = "पाठ / html; वर्णसेट = यूएस-एएससीआईआई" & gt; & Lt; शीर्षक & gt; छवि प्राप्त करें & lt; / title & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; p & gt; यहां आप छवि को देख सकते हैं & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; img src = "ImageServlet" & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; & Lt; / html & gt; आयात java.sql।...

python - Using another name for the class object in the django interface -

मुझे मेरे व्यवस्थापक इंटरफ़ेस की निम्न तस्वीर मिली: मेरा उद्देश्य" सीखने ऑब्जेक्टिव ऑब्जेक्ट "का नाम बदलना है क्योंकि यह बहुत ही खराब दिखता है। मैं अब डीजेंगो मॉडल का क्लास नाम नहीं बदलना चाहता हूं: पी आपको सीखने के ऑब्जेक्ट वर्ग __ यूनिकोड __ विधि। कहीं भी आपके पास कक्षा है और आपको इसे विधि जोड़ने की आवश्यकता है: वर्ग उम्मीद है कि यह मदद करता है! एचटीएमएल>

AngularJS: tree model object using dynamic template of directive -

I want to visit tree model object But each sub-tree has different structures and the child has to attach every 1 second. I wrote: HTML :: & lt; Div ng-app = "MyApp" & gt; & Lt; Div ng-controller = "MainCtrl" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "button" ng-click = "init ()" value = "init" /> {{Obj}} & lt; Hour / & gt; Obj :: & lt; Example obj = "obj" & gt; & Lt; / Example & gt; & Lt; Hour / & gt; Obj1 :: & lt; Example obj = "obj1" & gt; & Lt; / Example & gt; & Lt; Hour / & gt; :: {{ | Json}} & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; javascript :: var app = angular Module ('myApp', []); {OB: '='}, Controller: Function ($ Range, $ element, $ etters) {$ Scope: (for example, 'E'), Trancelet: correct, $ $ Watch ($ attrs.obj, function Value) {var templates = "& lt; ol>"; ...

c++ - For loop and printing some values -

I have this loop with these variables which prints twice. int size = 3; Int number = 4; Int i; For (i = 0; i & lt; num - 1; ++ i) {fprintf (stdout, "% i \ n", i ..?); Fprintf (stdout, "% i \ n", i ... ??); } How can I make expressions for fprintf so that the loop runs and prints 3 times: 0 2 3 6 8 I'm not sure I have interpreted the sequence correctly - but at least this will work for the nubers you give: int size = 3; Int number = 4; Int i; For (i = 0; i & lt; num - 1; ++ i) {fprintf (stdout, "% i \ n", i * 3); Fprintf (stdout, "% i \ n", i * 3 + 2); }

javascript - Userscript (Scriptish) GM_openInTab returning NULL -

I have an issue with the use of the window. Opener. Every time I use the window. Open ("URL") will reference the open window window. The opener is ok, but when I use GM_openInTab which claims to be equal (and I use it for cross browser compatibility because the tab is required to open) this window is. The window is empty. How does the GMOpen window open the window? The opener is empty? How can I do this? The problem is that I was doing this under the Scriptish addon environment while originally stuck with Grasमqiki. A record (and still unobtrusive) bug where GM_openInTab is returning zero. I have tried to alert the ongoing nature and annoyance of these bugs, but nothing has happened so far. To correct this will depend on the Scriptish developers, and it is a shame that it has not been decided because I feel better than Greasemonkey due to privacy concerns to suit my concerns.

c++ - Is there a way to truncate an open filestream? -

I am opening a file in both reading and writing. I am reading the contents of the file and want to clear the contents of the file after reading it, but before trying to close the stream I tried to search on Google but did not get any information. Note: I do not want to shorten the file while opening it. If it is not possible to use standard C ++ it is possible to promote any other library or to use QT? Standard C ++ There is no support for this, but as usual the operating system does this : Under Windows under truncate Pausix, and SetEndOfFile .

zend framework - how to prompt message on link using jquery in zf? -

I am starting for ZF and do not know how to add jff file to zf Zf Please help me on Zend Framework 1 You can add links to either local jQuery resources or CDN versions Layout.phtml file If you want to stop the deleted links for only a few pages / controller tasks, you will add special actions to it in the Visual Script Optionally that you layout that code. You can also refer to the header of the file.

excel - Fetched table data from a webpage not displaying first column of table -

I need to bring the price table from this page: So far I have developed this code Data received sub-tableExample () dim the object object as a dim document object strunk string as strURL = " Canon / ef_100mm_f2_usm / prijzen / bezorgen / 167,557 # prijzen "'replace your choice with IE = CreateObject's URL (" InternetExplorer.Application ") with IE' .Visible = True .navigate strURL unless .readyState = 4: DoEvents: Loops .Busy: DoEvents: Loops T-Doc = IE.document GetAllTables Dock. Quit End End Sub Sub GetAllTables (in the form of doc object) 'get a webpage document, get all the tables from the document, and the worksheet dims as a RNG Range Put the new worksheet into the dim tbl object as RW cl slow slow object long dim nextrow long dim as I set the length of the ws = sheet ("Sheet1") as doc.getElementsByTagName in each tbl (" Table ") for tabno = tabno + 1 In the form of tabno dim as Ne...

python - raise LinAlgError("SVD did not converge") LinAlgError: SVD did not converge in matplotlib pca determination -

कोड: matplotlib.mlab आयात PCA से numpy आयात file_name = "C: / दस्तावेज़ और सेटिंग्स / 862629 / मेरे दस्तावेज़ / 53135 / कार्यक्रम / स्टोर 1_pca_matrix.txt "ori_data = numpy.loadtxt (file_name, dtype = 'float', comments = '#', delimiter = कोई नहीं, कन्वर्टर्स = कोई नहीं, skiprows = 0, usecols = कोई नहीं, अनपैक = गलत, ndmin = 0) परिणाम = पीसीए (ori_data) यह मेरा कोड है हालांकि मेरा इनपुट मैट्रिक्स नैन और आईएनएफ से रहित नहीं है, मुझे नीचे दी गई त्रुटि मिलती है। बढ़ाएँ LinAlgError ("SVD एकजुट नहीं था") LinAlgError: SVD अभिसरण नहीं किया समस्या क्या है? यह तब होता है जब inf या nan values ori_data.dropna (inplace = true)

mixins - Sass loop: start from second instance of this element -

I have a series of divs in a phase type layout. I am currently learning to use SCSS and I thought maybe A mixer can work through 12 devices and can organize them for me so far I have found: @mixin step () {$ stepBlocks: 12; @ $ 1 to $ step blocks for $. Steps - # {$ i} {Status: Completed; Head: (($ i * 296 + px); Display area; }}} This looks my div structure: I also created an HTML mockup: As you can see, Bella works fine, but how can I deny the effect of the previous one? I should first have the element top: 0; Can I use any if statement? If you feel that you have a better way in which I can do this, then I appreciate any help. Do you want that the probability starts with the offset of 0. Instead of 296 px @mixin step () {$ stepBlocks: 12; @ $ 1 to $ step blocks for $. Steps - # {$ i} {Status: Completed; Top: ($ i - 1) * 296 px; Display area; }}} - Custom colors on bar chart using Zedgraph library -

I am using chart library but I think it is not able to paint bar graph on a specific situation so may. I am following with examples found on. In my case, if value is not above 50 - which is the student.pass_mark variable - I want the bar red and if On top of this, I want to give it a green color below which is my code which till now only gives me, yet I have the value of 100, 80, 110 etc. dim subject As String Dim color grade as decimal color () = {} dim Visy_nam As String () = {} protected student.no_of_subjects Redim colors of I = 0 in (i) to protect the Redeem Visy_namon (i) subject = student. subject_name grade = student.grade dim x as Double = Seedibiel (i) + 1 dim y as Double = grade dim Z Double = 0 list. Add (X, Y, Z) grade & lt; Student.pass_mark followed by color (i) = color. Color other color (i) = color. Green Completion Topic_Name (i) = Subject Next Dim MyCurve Like Bar Iitem = myPane.AddBar ("Student Subject", List, 'Colored Colo...

Google Calendar Events Response is Empty -

Getting something from the customer's calendar to Google OAuth2 through our events we are fetching Google Events Token with Google Calendar API V3, but empty response We received an empty response to the same calendar in Google OAuth's Playground. Default Remonder ": [{" Minute ": 30," Method ":" Popup "}]," Item ": []," Updated ":" 2014-02-14T09: 32: 57.943Z "," Summary ":" Test "," ETag ":" \ "TuPKiPtcUnaxp3U8BefUMu26Bg / LWnnxrAP6L1-mgjBDhy0rIebYaE \" "" Time zone ":" Asia / Kolkata "," accessRole ":" owner "} But the same user is authenticated via AuthSub, is bringing this event list Is there a single issue? Any help would be appreciated. TIA, Riyaz A Have you tried actually calling an API with nextPageToken Are you Generally the client library makes a point on this auto page for you, but in this case, ...

backbone.js - Correct way to add multiple backbone views to a parent view -

I have several vertebrates that create a screen, currently I am doing it like this: render: function () {this. $ El.html (this.template ()); This.view2 = new View2 (); This.view2.render (); . This $ el.append (this.view2 $ l.); Is this the right way to handle multiple ideas or is there a better way to engage ideas in the current view? I want to delete and reconstruct a view with relevant HTML extracted / removed from the original view without manually doing it. Honestly, I really recommend checkout facilities with a spinal cord The app on the scale was created, and it can be called a real magic wand in sentences. This helps you avoid working with ideas from memory leaks and helps you codify more compact and obvious decreasing boilerplate code. So in your case you can get layout views, create areas and present ideas in areas. var layout = merianet Layout. Extensions ({Areas: {Head: "#head", Main: "# Main"}}); Var layout = new layout (); Layout.r...

c - rawsocket sendto() some of the packet are dropped and not seen in the network -

socketFd_ = सॉकेट (AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, प्रोटोटाइप); SentBytes = sendto (socketFd_, buf, len, 0, (struct sockaddr *) और साइ, आकार (structsockaddr_in)); प्रोटोटाइप = जीआरई मैं नेटवर्क में 1000 पैकेट भेज रहा हूं। यदि मेरा टीएक्स पैकेट दर 40 है, तो मैं तारों के पैकेट में सभी पैकेट देखने में सक्षम हूं। हालांकि जब मैं 100 के कुछ पैकेट (3-4) की दर से भेजने की कोशिश करता हूं तो नेटवर्क में नहीं पहुंच जाएगा, लेकिन sendto ने कोई त्रुटि नहीं लौटाई मुझे पता है कि sendto सिर्फ कतार में txpacket डाल दिया जाएगा और नेटवर्क में पैकेट की डिलीवरी की गारंटी नहीं होगी, लेकिन जहां से मैं ड्रॉप पैकेट आंकड़े और कर्नेल में पैकेट ड्रॉप के कारण मिल सकता है। मैंने 65000 इंटरफेस के टक्सस्कुएलेन को बढ़ाने की कोशिश की है, लेकिन इसकी मदद नहीं की। मैं इस मुद्दे को डिबग कैसे कर सकता हूं?। आप सही हैं कि sendto सिर्फ कतार में txpacket डाल देंगे और डिलीवरी की गारंटी नहीं। sendto पर iEEE दस्तावेज़ीकरण से: sendto को कॉल के सफल समापन संदेश की डिलीवरी की गारंटी नहीं देता है। 1 का रिटर्न वैल्यू केवल स्थानीय रू...

cordova - Android native date popup in phonegap application -

I am developing a phonegap android application. I am using the input type date fields in forms when I run the app by clicking on the date field showing the device native data widget from the browser. But running the same file using PhoneGap, the date field is not showing any popups on Android version 4.1.1. How can I get the original date popup / widget when the input type date fields are clicked? Do not know why the input [type = "date"] field displays in a phonegap app to the original date picker Not really, it should not be caught, note that the Androids standard browser is used, it can work in Firefox or Chrome, but probably not in the stock browser (an app called "Internet"). But I'll use the datepicker plugin for Android. Two are available for Android:

php - IMAP server response -

I am developing my own webmail, I am using socket (PHP) to get the body of email I am getting a reply from the server: * 1 EXISTS * 0 Recently * OK [UIDVALIDITY 1398151393] * OK [UIDX 15]? OK [Read-write] is complete * 1 FETCH (body [text] {12} message) How can I only remove extra lines? Body of email for? I think you have not read yet, take a look in particular. You are sending many requests (and not want to send them tagging exclusively!) Before reading the answer. First 5 lines: * 1 current * 0 recently * fine [utility 1398151393] * OK [UIDX 15]? OK [Read-write] Complete All are answered in your order. The first 4 lines are Untag responses , describing the different aspects of the mailbox you choose. The 5th line is an tagged response because it is the prefix with the same tag that you have specified in the command ( ? ) and thus the answer ends. Until you get the tag feedback you have to keep the lines in the form of reading and processing them. Yo... - Replace a word in a textbox with another word -

I am trying to create a rude sensor device, where a certain word was input, it was "[[Redacted ] "for example. All I have got so far, any help would be appreciated. The new text box for each lesson in the form of 1 text. Me.TextBox1.Text 'characters will now be stored in chr variable next You can use the string. Instead of trying to replace yourself rather than replace. Here is an MSDN page with reference link: This will show something in your code like this: Dim textbox 1 as a new text box me.textbox1. Text = Me.textbox1.Text.Replace (preferred word, "[redacted]")

php - Runtime Notice: Declaration of in symfony2 -

I develop on different systems using PHP 5.4 on them and on the other I have PHP version 5.5.9. If I open my project with 5.4 version then it's all good and there are no error reports. But if I try to open the same project with PHP 5.5.9, then I found the following error and symphony stop: ContextErrorException: Runtime Notification: Event \ UserBundle \ Manager \ Announcement of EventManager :: getRepository () should be compatible with the event \ UserBundle \ Manager \ AbstractManager :: getRepository ($ entity = NULL) ... I have now read that php Strict warning can produce this error. But in my PHP.ini error setting, this is: E_ALL & amp; ~ E_DEPRECATED & amp; ~ E_STRICT Anyone can help me fix this problem? The problem is that the method you are overridden is getRepository basis method getRepository ($ entity = null) . To stop the error (by making it compatible), simply add $ entity = null to declare the method. As a problem of real errors ...

sql - How to insert a new record in a table by MAX(ID) + 1 of the same table -

I have a table CMT_M_DISPOSITION (DispositionKey, DispositionValue) . On pk DispositionKey I want to insert a new record by using MAX (DispositionKey) + 1 for the first column. I get an error Invalid column DispositionKey When I run the code below. Can anyone explain the reason that I am getting this error and how to solve it? set_inertert_Enter_Enter_Enter_Enter_Enter_Enter_Enter_Enter_Enter_Enter_Enter_Enter_Enter_Entertension_inertEystem_inertEY_CMT_TestV2..CMT_M_DISPOSITION (DispositionKey, DispositionValue) Value (Max DispositionKey + 1, 'Latest') Setting identity_insert EY_CMT_TestV2..CMT_M_DISPOSITION off / pre> SET IDENTITY_INSERT insert the CMT_M_DISPOSITION on EY_CMT_TestV2..CMT_M_DISPOSITION (DispositionKey, DispositionValue) Max (DispositionKey ) + select 1, CMT_M_DISPOSITION SET IDENTITY_INSERT EY_CMT_TestV2..CMT_M_DISPOSITION from oFF insert identification (in this case, clearly value iNSERT defined iNTO ... Select) and therefore ...

Why doesn't Googles Javascript code for AES Encryption work in this code? -

& lt; script src = " .2 / निर्माण / रोलअप्स / aes.js "& gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & LT; स्क्रिप्ट & gt; Var toEncMes = "यह एक गुप्त संदेश है।"; Var सेकपा = "माईपासवर्ड"; Var एन्क्रिप्टेड = क्रिप्टोजेश.एएस.एन्क्रिप्ट (toEncMes, सेकपा); चेतावनी (एन्क्रिप्टेड); Var डिक्रिप्टेड = क्रिप्टोजएस। एईएस। डीक्र्रीप्ट (एन्क्रिप्टेड, सेकपा); चेतावनी (डिक्रिप्टेड); & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; मुझे शायद अवधारणा को समझ नहीं आ रहा है, लेकिन मुझे कोई अंदाज़ा नहीं है। जब मैं डिक्रिप्टेड परिणाम प्रदर्शित करता हूं तो मेरे कोड का अंतिम परिणाम अभी भी एक गड़बड़ गड़बड़ है । मुझे यह यहां मिला: मूल प्रविष्टि इस तरह दिखती है: एडवांस्ड एन्क्रिप्शन स्टैंडर्ड (एईएस) एक अमेरिकी संघीय सूचना प्रोसेसिंग मानक (FIPS) है। )। इसे 5 साल की प्रक्रिया के बाद चुना गया था जहां 15 प्रतियोगी डिजाइनों का मूल्यांकन किया गया था। & lt; script src = "। 2 / निर्मा...

android - Add backwards compatibility after release -

Let's say that by publishing an app on the Google Play store, setting the minimum SDK for Jelly Bean MR2 (API 18) I am here. Later, I realized that I want to back up in Ice Cream Sandwich (15). Is Google Play updates pushed up to change the minimum SDK? Can I easily convert the minimum SDK from 18 to 15 and press an update (to handle everything is working correctly)? EDIT: I have re-written the question to show a more viable use-case I do not recommend it, but (using my example version #s), I believe that you can change the minimum version of your 1.1 apk update in KitKat, this update will work only for them, though jellybean users The warning can be found. When you release 1.2, you can change the minimum version that you use it.

spring - Java servlet url path without appname -

I have a project running on the Surlet 3.x, Spring End; Jersey Normally we specify the URL with a pattern in which the app is included, such as: http: // localhost: / appname / testfunction? Parameter = x . However, we want the option of specifying the URL without the application, such as: http: // localhost: / testfunction parameter = X . I could help with a web piece collecting this goal, but I do not really know how to implement it. The configuration depends on the servlet container, but the context that you are referring to It is known as the reference path. You can set the contextual path of your web app to an empty string or set it as the root web app.

ios - How to read from plist to an NSString -

मेरे पास इस प्रारूप के साथ एक पीएलआई है & lt; सरणी & gt; & LT; dict & gt; & LT; कुंजी & gt; श्रेणी & lt; / कुंजी & gt; & LT; स्ट्रिंग & gt; रेगिस्तान & lt; / स्ट्रिंग & gt; & LT; कुंजी & gt; numberOfPerson & lt; / कुंजी & gt; & LT; 3 & lt; / स्ट्रिंग & gt स्ट्रिंग & gt; & LT; कुंजी & gt; recipeImage & lt; / कुंजी & gt; & LT; स्ट्रिंग & gt; sutlac.jpg & lt; / स्ट्रिंग & gt; & LT; कुंजी & gt; समय & lt; / कुंजी & gt; & Lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; 15 dk & lt; / string & gt; & LT; कुंजी & gt; recipeName & lt; / कुंजी & gt; & LT; स्ट्रिंग & gt; Puding & lt; / स्ट्रिंग & gt; & LT; कुंजी & gt; recipeDetail & lt; / कुंजी & gt; मुझे क्या करने की आवश्यकता है; नुस्खा सामग्री को plist से पढ़ें और इसे NSString को लिखें। मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूँ? बस अपना लोड करें में एक NSArray में से डिक्शनरी प्राप्त...

scala - Where to shutdown actors -

We have a lot of actors that have been created in the form of class BankActor Extends the actor {def receive = {Case CreateCustomer (message) = & gt; Context.actorOf (CustomerActor)! Message}} and customer actors make other actors the same way. The reason for making actors in such a way can potentially be hundreds of (or thousands) CreateCustomer messages, Will get in. I thought that there is a better way of making them on the fly (given actor less memory footprint) I did not think that being a "pool" of CustomerActor was the right thing to do because the Biz REQ is clear that there will be lots of messages and "CreateCustomer" messages too much, can you share your thoughts on this? Now going back to question about the prevention of "subscription": Where should I go to the .stop (self) within the "received" method of "customeractor", whether there is the last thing in every "case" block needed? What is the best p...

formatting - Non-breaking characters in WinForms labels? -

WinForms में, एक System.Windows.Forms.Label में गैर-ब्रेकिंग हाइफ़न जोड़ने का एक तरीका है नियंत्रण? उदाहरण के लिए इस तरह मत तोड़ो: ====================== | वीबी तो अ- | | सहकारी! | ====================== इसके बदले इसे तोड़ दो! == ==================== | वीबी है SO | | अन-सहकारी! | ====================== यदि आप फॉर्म डिज़ाइनर का उपयोग करना चाहते हैं तो आप लेबल की टेक्स्ट प्रॉपर्टी का चयन कर सकते हैं। दूर दाईं ओर स्थित ड्रॉपडाउन तीर पर क्लिक करें और अपना पाठ टाइप करें आप इसे SHIFT + ENTER दबाकर इच्छित स्थिति में विभाजित कर सकते हैं। कोड में यह बस है label1.Text = "VB SO \ nun-cooperative है!" ; या VB.NET label1.Text = "VB SO है" & amp; Environemnt.NewLine & amp; "गैर-सहकारी!" - Linq to Sql: Multiple left outer joins -

I understand how to use LINQ from SQL using external external than multiple left I understand that How to use a left external joiner I am using VB.NET below is my SQL syntax. T-SQL Select o.OrderNumber, v.VendorName, s.StatusName from O Left External Order Join Vendors V v.Id = o.VendorId go outside the outer position s.Id = o.StatusId ou o.OderDumber & gt; = 100000 and o.OderDumber & lt; = 200000 This can be cleaner ( to you in all statement is not needed): var query = dc.vendors in order from the seller in dc.Orders. Where (v = & gt; == order.VendorId). Default ifEmpty () in the state from .status. Where (s => order.StatusId) .DefaultIfEmpty () Select new {command = command, vendor = vendor, status = status} // vendor And the status property will be null if left in the null to join the null Here is another example left to join expenseDataContext.ExpenseDtos From the result of the result = where expense.Id == expenseId // has some expe...

MYSQL php Select if not exists doesnt work -

When my DB already stores the data, then it should echo "unsuccessfully" My The code is: ( funny thing It is that if my username should do this then it should do it, no one is putting it. But my echo is not called "unsuccessful", but Why? Very, very easily: "Insert ignore" does not cause an error - hence your "Unsuccessful" will never happen. Tip: An alternative "duplicate key may be on the update". Here is the man page: Here are more details:

Batch file color changing with menu -

This is what I do when you type in several colors and then you click on the back, the second is on the page and then changes color to that number. Here's the code that I just got. @echo off: menu clicks resonance 0 = Black Echo 1 = Blue Echo 2 = Green echo 3 = Aqua echo 4 = Red Echo 5 = purple echo 6 = pale echo 7 = white echo 8 = Gray echo 9 = light blue echo A = light green echo B = light aqua echo C = light red echo D = light purple echo e = light yellow echo F = sharp white set / P color = What color do you want? Goto color: color% color% Echo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Press any button to return to %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% echo menu. This is not possible and how is it possible? as % color% is not itemprop = "text"> code> set / p color = what color do you want? Just remove the space and it will work: set / p color = what color do you want?

how to fix implicit boolean in xcode? -

I changed the name of my Xcode app product and made me under the built-in Boolean conversion: $ (CLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_IMPLICIT_CONVERSION) / P> What does this mean, I tried to seek details, should I be worried? I'm sure that it does nothing to change your project " PRODUCT_NAME Click ", but instead you can accidentally set it in your project or build settings in your checkbox. CLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_IMPLICIT_CONVERSION being set correctly Warn about various implied conversions that may be lost or otherwise suspected .

Javascript variable = variable -

Is there a way to create variables in Java always a variable? As var1 = var2 , but when var2 updates, such a var1 does. Example var var1 = document.getElementById ("Demo"). Style.color; Var var2 = "blue"; Var1 = var2; Var2 = "red"; / Var1 update for red when the run up statement edit: The actual code I am using code is & lt; Progress & gt; element value attribute, and var2 will not have a number one string. In Javascript, if you want to preserve the context of values, Can be used. var obj1 = {}; Var obj2 = obj1; // obj1 and obj2 both point obj1.b = document on an object.getElementById ("demo"). Style.color; Obj2.b = "blue"; // Both obj1.b and obj2.b are "blue" now

python - creating function guess_index -

Creating a function estimate_ index, which tells where the number on the board is so if I have a 4x4 board, then the numbers [[2, false], [3, false], [4, false], [1, false] [same row as above [above] as the above line ] [/ Code> So, first I need to change it to a list like below [[0,1,2,3], [4] , 5,6,7], [8 9, 10, 11], [12,13,14,15]] So estimate_index (board, 3) [0,3 ] Back Should meaning that No. 3 is located at 0 th row; The third column should also be returned to the estimate_index (board, 14) [3,2] The hard part is working for 2x4 vs a 4x2 matrix etc. My code is DFF estimates (board, estimation) for count = 0 I in board: i in j: board [i] [j] == [count] in the board for count = 1: for b: a: If b == estimate: return [a, b] But when I try the examples written above, even then I can not find any ?? Start with: board = [[[5, False], [5, false], [3, false], [4, false]] [[1, false] [0, false], [6, false], [7, false]], [[2] , [False], [2, false], [3, fals...

graph - Matlab Subplot of symbolic functions (with quite different range and domain), Want to achieve same axis scale for every subplot -

I have 3 subplaces in Metlab, each curve has a very different domain and category. I want to have the same scale (1 unit = 1 cm paper) in X and Y axes of all graphs. I can not use LinkProp for XMIM or Yelam, as the domain and category are quite different, and the entire graph does not appear. Please give some suggestions. I can not say that I am proud of this, but it seems to work! x1 = 0: 1: 1; X2 = 50: 1: 90; X3 = 0.043: 0.001: 0.089; Y1 = sin (x1); . Y2 = x2 ^ 2; Y3 = -x3; R = maximum ([max (y3) -min (y3) max (y2) -min (y2) max (y1) -min (y1)]); D = maximum ([max (x3) -min (x3) max (x2) -min (x2) max (x1) -min (x1)]); K = maximum (R, D); Subplot (1,3,1) plot (x1, y1) axis ([min (x1) - (k maximum (x1) + min (x1)) / 2 max (x1) + (k max (x1) + min ( X1)) / 2 ... min (y1) - (a-max (y1) + min (y1)) / 2 maximum (y1) + (k maximum (y1) + min (y1)) / 2] (3 , 2, 2) Explosives (1,3,2) Plot (x2, y2) axis ([min (x2) - (k maximum (x2) + min (x2)) / 2 max (x2) + (k-max (X2)) + minu...

memory - Getting a file's size in C with lseek? -

I am trying to get the file size in C with the following functions ... I'm new to C This is my structure meme at the top of my file: struct mem {size_t size; }; Is this correct set up with local variable / return statements and so on? struct mem * fileSize (char * filename) {currentPos = lseek file name, (size_t) 0, SEEK_CUR); Size = lseek (filename, (size_t) 0, SEEK_END); Lymph (filename, current page, SEEK_SET); // Back to the beginning of file return size; } What can be seen, maybe you want to know how to collar a File back into the 'mem' structure (in your own design), it is definitely possible; However, the 'fileSize ()' function must provide memory in which the 'mem' structure must be returned back to something like this: struct mem * fileSize (char * filename) {struct mem * m = Malloc (sizeof (* m)); Add the above line to allocate the size of the appropriate size. ... and possibly a small overseas ... lseek () file does no...

ios - How can I send data to an iBeacon ? -

If I use beacons in a store, then the device can put some ads on the customer's phone. How do I put an ad on a beacon device? You can not do send messages to others through beacon devices Do you have a beacon device in the store? If so, your app must be installed in the user device which is also in the foreground when you enter it in the store. So when your beacon device is broadcast, your app can accurately detect where they are. And your app should calculate something based on location (use triangle principle). Send this information to your server, they will send a notification to your customer. For example, if your customer is now in the center of your store, you can popup ads (flat 50% propositions) with product image To learn more about Beacon See.

having trouble using variable variables in PHP -

I am doing this code from the book and I can not seem to work it & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; & Lt; U & gt; PHP Tutorial & lt; / U & gt; & Lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt ;? Php $ texas = "big"; $ Rhode Island = "small"; $ Statement = "Texas"; Echo "$ statement $ ($ statement) is "; $ Statement = "Rhode Island"; Echo "$ statement $ ($ statement) is "; ? & Gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; This is the output I get: Texas Dollar (Texas) Rhode Island is $ (Rhode Island) Texas is big Rhode Island is small syntax is: $ {$ variable_name} , not $ ($ variable_name) . You have to change your code: $ statement = "Texas"; Echo "$ statement $ {$ statement}" "; See for more information.

mysql - Ruby on Rails Query: Joining tables and selecting multiple columns -

दो मॉडल हैं: माइक्रोप्रोस्ट और उपयोगकर्ता "माइक्रोप्रोस्ट्स" में शामिल हैं 4 कॉलम: नाम, प्रकार, यूज़र_आईडी और आईडी "उपयोगकर्ता" में 4 कॉलम हैं: नाम, प्रकार, पता और आईडी माइक्रोफ़ोस्ट उपयोगकर्ता के लिए हैं; उपयोगकर्ताओं में कई माइक्रोप्रोस्ट हैं। मुझे पता है कि प्रत्येक उपयोगकर्ता कितने माइक्रोप्रोस्ट हैं, लेकिन किसी कारण से, मैं क्वेरी को ठीक से काम करने के लिए नहीं मिल सकता है। मैंने जो क्वेरी की कोशिश की वह है: User.joins (: microposts) .group ("")। चयन करें ("उपयोगकर्ता। *, Count (microposts) .id) पोस्टकाउंट के रूप में ") यह केवल उपयोगकर्ताओं की तालिका से गुण खींचता है, लेकिन माइक्रोफ़ोस्ट तालिका से कॉलम को शामिल नहीं करता है और मैंने बनाई गई गिनती कॉलम को भी शामिल नहीं किया है। कुछ कारण से, User.joins (: microposts) .group ("")। गणना काम करता है लेकिन यह केवल रिटर्न करता है गिनती के साथ मैं अन्य कॉलमों को भी खींचना चाहता हूं। मैंने "शामिल" के बजाय "शामिल" ...

csv file comparison using python -

I tried this script to compare two CSV files: import Csv file1 = open ("1.ccv", "r") reader 1 = csv Reader (File 1) Reader 1. Xx () file2 = open ("2.ccv", "r") reader2 = csv Reader (file2) Reader 2.Entax () File3 = open ("file3.txt", "w") file4 = open ("file4.txt", "w") (0, 0) (0, 0) list1 = file1.readlines () List2 = file2.readlines () for I in list1: j to list2: if i == j: file3.write (i) file3.write (j) else : File4.write (i) file4.write (j) Continue and output that I'm getting with the header and repeating the mismatched files as well. For example, if my 1.csv contains name pay 20000 b 15000 c 10000 2. CSV in Name 40000D 10000B15000C9000 should be output file 3: b 15000 b 15000 file 4: 20000 a 40000 c 10000 c 9000 ------ (1.csv no d) d 10000 Would not it be easier to compare dictionaries with keywords as keywords and values? There may be a way...

c# - microsoft Dynamics's discovery.svc -

I want to connect with Microsoft Dynamics CRM through device or code, but every time I get this error: Provided Yuri did not return any service termination point In addition, when I go to its Discovery svc link, I get the following error Is: An error has occured. Try this action again if the problem persists, check the Microsoft Dynamics CRM community for solutions or contact your organization's Microsoft Dynamics CRM administrator. Finally, you can contact Microsoft Support. I check IIS binding and bind it for 5555 and 5556 HTTPS for the HTTPS and at the same time there is also the above error from the server, I mean when I http: // myAddress: 685 / XRMServices / 2011 / Discovery.svc I get an error in both the server and the client. I can not find anything that can solve my problem in the internet and I I am in stock for many days in a simple problem. I think it can be useful to anyone after solving my problem. There were two problems first, my server has a ...

html - CSS Change button image on click -

I have two HTML image buttons (both are gray), and whenever a user clicks on any button, I have to change the color of the color to the color image of the image (I have 2 colorful images) and the second button is grayed out then the user can know the active button. How do I get it into CSS? $ (".button") .click (function () {$ ('.button') .removeClass ('Active'); $ (this) .addClass ('active');}); & Lt; Input type = "button" square = "button" id = "button1" value = "button1" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "button" square = "button" id = "button2" value = "button2" & gt; Then with CSS you set the color you can have as many buttons as you want. See Below below to see how it works.

Method must have a return type c# -

निजी शून्य खेलओवर () {int sw = 0; के लिए (int i = 0; i & lt; 4; i ++) के लिए (int j = 0; j & lt; 4; j ++) {if (m [i, j] == 0) sw = 1; Else textBox1.Text = "गेम ओवर"; }} मैं गेमऑवर () का उपयोग करने की कोशिश क्यों करता हूं? ?? यह एकमात्र त्रुटि है जो अप्रेसर है और मुझे पता नहीं क्यों है! आप इसे दो बार कॉल कर सकते हैं: textBox1.Text = "खेल खत्म"; // पहले से ही फ़ंक्शन में जब आप इसका उपयोग करते हैं तो आप का उपयोग हो सकता है textBox1.Text = GameOver (); // मेरा अनुमान आपको बस का उपयोग करना चाहिए GameOver (); कृपया अपना कोड ठीक करें और हमें परिणाम लाओ।

html - How to give different views for same url for different devices with same resolution? -

While referring to the concept ???? Responsive Web Design ???? And using this any ASP.NET project I found in the Google Developer article: A CSS media query that we recommend using for a smartphone: @ media only screen and (max-width: 640px) {...} Now, resolution of 1024x768 and Lumia 920 in the iPad 1280x768 resolution similar to PC screen resolution Is with. How can I show different views in the browser using a media tag (i.e. for PC and one for iPad and one Lumia 920)? I do not want mobile URL separately, using CSS I just have to do everything in one. How can this be achieved? There are several ways to do this, but if you have CSS, you can use the screen to identify the device- The width needs to be trusted, and it can be quite limited. However, the CSS solution is simple, and you can do it CSS solution According to this The best way I use to detect a mobile device is to use its related media query to learn its width and capture it You recommend doing th...