ios - How to save a movie using GPUImage framework? -
I am trying to process a video by adding a filter between GPUImageMovie and GPUImageMovieWriter. However, I have a problem before adding a custom filter.
Here is my test code.
NSURL * sampleURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource: @ Extension with "Document / Examination": @ "mov"]; Moviefile = [[[GPUImageMovie alloc] initWithURL: sampleURL]; NSString * PathMovie = [NSHome directory (stringByAppendingPathComponent: @ "Document /"]; Unlink ([Pathotomy UTF 8 string]); NS URL * Movie URL = [NSRR file URL with path: Pathemovia]; Movie writer = [[GPUImageMovieWriter alloc] initWithMovieURL: movieURL Size: CGSizeMake (1280.0, 720.0)]; [Moviefile ed target: movie writer]; [Movie water start-up]; [Movie file startup]; [Set Movie Set Set Perfection: Lock: ^ {[Movie Movie Removal Goal: Movie Writer]; [Movie water farecording]; }]; I got an error message like this
uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** - [AVAssetReader initWithAsset: error:] Invalid parameter Not satisfactory: property! = ((Zero *) 0) ' , and output of file name. The mov file is created under the document folder.
What can I do to fix this simple task?
Your problem looks here:
[Pixelate filters add- Letter: Movie Writer]; [Moviefile ed target: movie writer]; You are adding both filter and movie source to the film writer. I think what you mean to:
[moviefile addTarget: pixellateFilter]; [PixelTiltterEditorged: Movie Writer];
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