
Showing posts from September, 2014

android - Reflection on PackageManager fails -

I am trying to reach PackageManager via reflection. I can calculate the methods and find getApplicationInfo. I can also execute getApplicationInfo on the basis of context I gets reflection through GetMethods () but getMethod () with getApplicationInfo a no such exception exception . method of law; Law method 2; Method = Class.forName (Context.class.getName ()). GetDeclaredMethod ("getPackageManager"); Object manager; Manager = method.invoke (ctx); // This works ApplicationInfo testInfo = (PackageManager Manager). GetApplicationInfo ("com.package.class", 0); // throws nosuchmethodexception (PackageManager Manager) .getClass () GetMethod ("getApplicationInfo"); See method definition public method getDeclaredMethod (string name, class ... You must pass the class example of the parameter types. Change (PackageManager Manager) .getClass () GetMethod ("GetApplicationInfo"); (PackageManager manager) .getClass (...

php - Failed to Install YII framework in windows? -

I am new to php and trying to create my first Hello world application using yii, More tutorials have been followed. / P> But when I am writing " cd yiic webapp Helloworld " in CMD, "I can not find the specified path to the system" and I'm stuck here, so how can someone tell me This issue can help me where my vamp path is "C: /wamp/www/yii-1.1.8.r3324/yii-1.1.8.r3324/framework" till its point its time is fine CMD but I am getting the error when trying to execute "cd yiic webapp Helloworld" after this line " System Specifications Path can not be found " Edit: There is no need to add any ./ just run this line yiic webapp c: / wamp / www / Hello World / Have a look on this Update: You need to check this php this Run command c: \ wamp \ bin \ php \ phpX.XX \ php.exe yiic webapp c: / wamp / www / helloworld / php.exe path make sure to correct

php - Adding link to the database-called element in while loop -

I want to add a link to the discovered element which is done through AJX. Search. In Php I have followed the code but apparently it is not working. ($ Row = mysql_fetch_array ($ res_old)) {echo " Why is not anyone doing this work but some light shade? Just the link is not being added, the results are recovering. The real problem here is not a missing tag and = '? Search.php productid = '$ productid' & gt; If you look at syntax highlighting, then it becomes clear what is wrong here; Since attribute values ​​can be marked by quotation marks, you can actually eliminate your property values ​​at first expressions, thus it is giving a wrong tag. If you want to work your code, you must save them from quotes, or do something else: Of course, this is not the only error: echo " On this line, you never close your style attribute with any quotes, thus making any of the following HTML confusing. The correct line is as follows: resona...

radeditor image manager not showing correctly when upload iis -

I have a red editor in my website, and image manager works correctly when browsing with VS. But when this Internet Information Service and the Server Image Manager dialog is not showing up correctly and the toolbox is not showing dose. How to solve this problem? Can you please provide a screenshot of the problem? Have you also enabled the CDN resources of the image editor? Best Relationship, Random

How to Insert Password into SQL Server with Encrypted and Retrieve with Decrypted in mvc 4 -

Register with your username and password, and when the user wants to login with his username and password, the password must be decrypted and the login should be. This process should be there, anyone can help me, there is no way to solve this if someone, thanks in advance. Use the membership provider, it is easy to register and login and also encrypts and Decrypt the password and check the username availability

c# - fastest and optimized way to load async result -

What is the fastest and most optimistic way to load asynchronous results from different sources in web services? Dictionary & lt; String, int & gt; ReadySources = GetReadyHotelSources (member); Eventflag = new autorat avant [ready source.count]; Int maxTimeOut = 0; Int i = 0; Forwarding (KeyWalkueer & lt; string; et & gt; Active Source In Ready Source) {maxTimeOut = (int) activeSource.Value & gt; MaxTimeOut? (Int) activeSource.Value: maxTimeOut; I ++; } Int j = 0; {If (readySources.ContainsKey (deThread.Key)) {ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (deThread.Value, j); foreach (keyvaluePair & lt; string; waiting buckle & gt; list; Event Flagged [J] = New AutoSetset (false); J ++; }} If (Jay! = 0) {If yes (Wait!) Waiting for all (eventflag, new timespace (0, 0, maxtime), true)) {/ TODO: Audit which time has expired}} // Combined Source Results = Connecthotels (); Now I want to transfer this code to the async mode in web services. Use the asynchronous task b...

jQuery's index method doesn't count right? -

उदाहरण & lt; ul & gt; & Lt; li & gt; 0 & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; 1 & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; 2 & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; 3 & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / ul & gt; & LT; ul & gt; & Lt; li वर्ग = "चार" & gt; 0 & lt; / li & gt; # फिर से 0 & lt; li & gt; 1 & lt; / li & gt; # फिर 1 & lt; / ul & gt; $ ("Li")। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {console.log ($ (this) .index ());}); जब मैं "चार" वर्ग के साथ ली पर क्लिक करता हूं, तो मैं "4" कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं? डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से यह 0 से शुरू होता है, यदि नए मूल तत्व में। आपका HTML मार्कअप अमान्य है li को & lt; / li & gt; नहीं का उपयोग करके & lt; li & gt; बंद करने की आवश्यकता है। इसके बाद, आपको 0 अपेक्षित रूप से मिलेगा: यदि आप वर्तमान क्लिक के सूचक को प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं ली तत्व DOM के अंदर, आप उपयोग कर सकते हैं: $ ("li...

database - MySQL Deadlock Issue -

I am working on an online trading project. I insert a line on Table T1 (Inodb engine) and There is a trigger after the occurrence of the occurrence. In the trigger, I get the data using the selection statement in a table like " SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE id = NEW.ID ". It works completely 2-3 months. But now it releases the deadlock What is the reason behind this? Is it possible to have more than one thread access to the same table at one time? Do you want the ID that you put before? You can try something like this include in Table 1 (title, user id) value ('test', 1); SET @ last_id_in_table1 = LAST_INSERT_ID ();

Plot a scatter plot in python with matplotlib with dictionary -

I need help plotting a dictionary, data sample data is set below. I want to make a scatter graph Where x: y (x, y) coordinates and title 'x' will be the legend of graph. I want to create a graph below the data set so that all the data is added to a graph. For example: {x: y, x: y}: In the red (or any other color): Title (or whatever color) is for title 1, P> Title 2: {X: y, x: y} (in a different color) .... and so on. Any help would be greatly appreciated Thank you. data = {'title1': {x: y, x: y}, title 2: {x: y, x: y, x: y}, 'title3': { X: y, x: y} ....} I also followed this advice, but it was for the individual graph. That is what I have tried, I do not have much experience in matplotlib and nothing can be found useful. Any help will be very much appreciated. Import as plt import nppy NP D as matplotlib.pyplot = { '5000cca234c1c445': {382877: 7, 382919: 3}, '5000cca234c94a2e': {382873: 1 , 382886: 1}, '5000cca234c89421...

javascript - click event is not working while onclick is working -

I have implemented click event on an IMG tag in my code and it is not working at all, but when I Applying the same code onclick on the same tag started to work perfectly. The following is the code: - // Click on the IIG to stop the disabling $ ('Img.close_url') (function () {warning ('off'); $ (' $ ('Input # hidden_is_url') Val (); $ ('Input # hidden_url_content'). Val (0);} Hide ($) ($ input 'hidden_rill_title'). Val (); $ ('Input # hidden_url_content'). ); // close the img tag function closeUrl () {$ ('div.urlResult') onclick to close the div. Hide (); . $ ('Input # hidden_url_title') val (); . $ ('Input # hidden_url_content') val (); $ ('Input # hidden_is_url') Val (0). } HTML: // Content to be loaded in the attachment var content = '& lt; Div class = "extracted_url" & gt; '+ Inc_image +' & lt; Div class = "extracted_content" & gt; & ...

android - How to add taken photo to MediaStore -

I want to add the photo that was moved to MediaStore so that the Gallery app can find them (without restarting the device) The minimum SDK is 9. Any help, blog or documentation appreciated. On most devices, you just have to wait a little while and get new pictures automatically Will be imposed. If you want to refresh instant from the gallery, you will have to use the Media Scanner class, this will refresh the gallery - Remove the deleted photos, add new ones and so on ... Public Zero Refresh Gallery () {Intention ScanIntent = New Intent (Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE); String NewphotoPath = "File:" + image.getAbsolutePath (); // image file file file file file = new file (new photo pad); Uri content URI = Uri.framefile (file); ScanIntent.setData (contentUri); SendBroadcast (scanIntent); } Hope it's helpful!

wpf - Open submenu on initialization -

How can I open a menu control submenu on the init of the page? This is my menu: & lt; Menu name = "mnuData" isMainMenu = "true" & gt; & Lt; MenuItem Header = "_Customer" & gt; & Lt; MenuItem Header = "Child 1" & gt; & Lt; / MenuItem & gt; & Lt; MenuItem Header = "Child 2" & gt; & Lt; / MenuItem & gt; & Lt; MenuItem Header = "Child 3" & gt; & Lt; / MenuItem & gt; & Lt; / MenuItem & gt; & Lt; MenuItem Header = "_Dr Drivers" & gt; & Lt; MenuItem Header = "Child 4" & gt; & Lt; / MenuItem & gt; & Lt; MenuItem Header = "Child 5" & gt; & Lt; / MenuItem & gt; & Lt; MenuItem Header = "Child 6" & gt; & Lt; / MenuItem & gt; & Lt; / MenuItem & gt; & Lt; MenuItem header = "_track" & gt; & Lt; MenuItem Header = "Child 7" & ...

php - How to sort the array in a loop? -

I have a loop where my array is stored and the content is also required to be checked and displayed. Should not be repeated. For example: for loop {$ myarray = storecontent ($ i = 0; $ i & lt; count ($ myarray); $ i ++) {if ($ myarray = = Storecontent) {} and {display content; }}} I did something like, where a page is in a loop, and that page has a description of each post, it has some similar content, I Content 1: my_post1; My_post2; Content 2: my_post1; My_post2; Use to sort arrays according to the spectrum

ios - UIWebView content not adjusted to new frame after rotation -

I have an e-mail application that shows content in a UIWebView Code> UISplitViewController . As long as I do not already zoom in / out the device, until everything goes well in UIWebView . When rotating the device, I adjust the frame of UIWebView in - (zero) Will AnimatorationInterface Orientation: (Interface Orientation) from Interface Orientation: (NSTInInvail) Period The problem is, when I zoomed in / out in UIWebView and then rotate the device. The material has not been changed to a new frame, which leads to a gray / black border in the material, or the content can be horizontally scrolled. Addional information: UIWebView is a subview on a UIScrollView which can be scrolled when UIWebView is fully visible scrollEnabled is UIScrollView disabled and can be scrolled by UIWebView . When selecting a code above the picture UIWebView Shows. It is the state before roaming in both cases. [zoomed in before rotation Has been on top of the pictur...

regex - VIM: Replace function call without the arguments -

How do I search for a function call, but how can I do without the arguments of the function? to foobar: arg1, arg2; My goal is to search and replace the foobar (arg1, arg2) to keep I> Arg1, arg2 . How do I solve it? Is there any best practice? Try it out: Insert a row at the top of the file - We will write a macro here (this letter is not O, zero). ggO followed by an open bracket for a string of word-letters Instructions to do, and / \ w * (/ e> & lt; Ctrl-M & gt; Then we leave the cursor at the end of the match, go to the mailing bracket and replace it with a semicolon Other Back to the Front (ctrl-letter o then, : This field will be from Change: P> s: gt; & lt; Ctrl-V & gt; & lt; Esc & gt; then perform this macro again (it is assumed that it is q register @q Our macro is done, exhaust insert mode (should read your line: / \ w * (/ a ^ m% r; ^ OS: ^ [[[@ q] now) & lt; Esc & g...

c# - Calling Server Side Method in Server Control or Calling service directly from javascript through reference made in Project -

I have a server control (which creates a DLL file that is referred to later by the websites to use the control has been done). First, the service for AJAX requests was highlighted directly from Javascript to the actual service path which is a very big problem. Now I have created a service reference in my project through which I should now get the data. Is there any way that the public can call the public function from the control over the JavaScript server or call the service through the context in the project? Take a look at this. Magic is hidden System.Web.UI.ICallbackEventHandler

java - Parse values from a JSON object -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 27 जवाब मेरे पास निम्न json वस्तु है ["परिणाम": {"आज": [], "सप्ताह": [{"ride_id": "23829994", "ट्रिप_अवरेज_स्पीड": "46.15", "ट्रिप_डिस्टंस": " 2.20002797646063 "," ट्रिप_टाइम ":" 2014-02-13 06: 39: 30 + 00 "}, {" सवारी_आईडी ":" 15761690 "," ट्रिप_एवर_स्पीड ":" 32.09 "," ट्रिप_डिस्टेंस ":" 16.3443284767516 "," ट्रिप_टाइम ":" 2014-02-13 11: 40: 30 + 00 "}]," महीने ": []}} मैं कैसे " आज "प्राप्त कर सकता हूं: [ ] , "महीना": [] और सरणी के रूप में सप्ताह मान? एक और देखो और इसके जब तक आप विशेष रूप से कुछ जैकसन नहीं चाहते हैं। आशा है कि यह आपको पाने में मदद करेगा

java - How to select which class to display in class hierarchy in Eclipse? -

I have turned on Class Hierarchy view for Java in Eclipse and it's showing some arbitrary class, There is no connection with some other or obviously. The link with the Editor option is turned on and has no effect. How to fix? UPDATE The link with the editor is hierarchy view : It seems that they have never addressed this counter-intuitive behavior. See the following bugs for details:

java - Overriding a method with generic Map parameter -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: वर्ग कुंजी {- कुछ कार्यान्वयन} वर्ग ए { सार्वजनिक शून्य grpMap (ConcurrentMap & lt; key, list & lt; key & gt; keyList) {- कुछ कार्यान्वयन}} सार्वजनिक वर्ग बी विस्तारित करता है {- संपादित @ ओवरराइड - [कॉकॉ के उत्तर के बाद ["मेड" पूंजी का मामला] सार्वजनिक शून्य grpMap (ConcurrentMap & lt ; कुंजी, सूची & lt; की & gt; कुंजी लिस्ट) {- कुछ कार्यान्वयन}} ऊपर कोड के साथ मुझे कक्षा बी में त्रुटि मिलती है विधि grpMap (ConcurrentMap) टाइप बी को ओवरराइड करना चाहिए या एक सुपरटेप विधि को लागू करना मेरी समस्या यह है कि मैं वर्ग कुंजी, बी और सी के रूप में घोषित नहीं कर सकता ये विरासत वर्ग हैं। इस त्रुटि से छुटकारा पाने के तरीके पर कोई भी सुझाव? संपादित करें --- इस्तेमाल किया जेडीके संस्करण 1.6.43 है I ईक्लिपस का प्रयोग करते हुए जो स्वत: एनोटेशन उत्पन्न करेगा। एनोटेशन @ ओवरराइड शॉ एलडी हो @ ओवरराइड करें ???? इसके अलावा, आप आईडीई में जावा संस्करण की जांच करें - त्रुटि से छुटकारा पाने के लिए यह 1.6 या नए होन... - Set objMapWindow = gobjGeoApp.ActiveWindow -

The above command is written in VB, where objMapWindow is the object, how to write the same command in C #. Try these dynamic objMapWindow = gobjGeoApp.ActiveWindow; Object objMapWindow = gobjGeoApp.ActiveWindow;

windows - How to append a dynamic menu item after call CMenu::LoadMenu? -

In my project, there is a menu that should be dynamically added to an item in the original code, the items in the menu are static The menu is defined in the resource file: IDM_SERVER_OPTIONS menu unacceptable BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN menu "and" Connect ", IDC_LAUNCHITEM_CONNECT MENUITEM" & amp; Delete ", IDC_REMOVE_SERVER END END and is loaded into the code: Seamen menu; Menu.LoadMenu (IDM_SERVER_OPTIONS); Now, after loading the resource menu there is a new requirement to attach a dynamic menu item. I said this horoscope: After this, I wrote this code: seamen menu; Menu.LoadMenu (IDM_SERVER_OPTIONS); CMenu * autoConnectMenu = new CMenu; AutoConnectMenu- & gt; CreatePopupMenu (); AutoConnectMenu- & gt; APPENDENMU (MF_DE | MF_ANNELELD, IDC_MMU_AUTOONCTERAR, UTLL :: LOADSTRING (IDS_MANU_AUTOONERER); Menu.AppendMenu (MF_POPUP, (UINT) Autoconnect menu-> m_hMenu, L "Auto Connect Server"); Unfortunately, the new men...

c# - Error creating control in while creating a menu in master page -

While working on the master page, I tried to create a menu in my page but thrown the error I called Control - Error creating cpl1 The file or assembly could not be loaded 'System.Web.Extensions, version =, culture = neutral, public keynote = 31bf3856ad364e35' or One of its dependencies can not get the specified file to this system. add a reference to the specified assembly >

javascript - Internet Explorer 11 detection -

I know that IE 11 has different user agent strings than all other IEs Mozilla / 5.0 Live !! Navigator.userAgent.match (/ trident \ / 7 \ ./) But I'm getting the error the object is not found and it needs to be re-evaluated . Then I opened the Developer Console in IE 11 and tried to reach some predefined Javascript objects, I still get the same error. I have tried Navigator.UGGent window.navigator console.log ('test'); Anyone have any ideas about this? Edit on November 18, 2016 The code also works ( for those who prefer another solution, without using ActiveX ) varIEE 11 = !! window. MS InputMetchContact & amp; !! Document.documentMode; Incorrect Basic Answer on IE11 / IE and other IE / Browsers, you can use it to check Ie11 Are: (test) (or run) ! (Window.ActiveXObject) & amp; Amp; In the window "ActiveXObject" I have all VMEs in IEEE: Notice: This does not work for IE12...

How can I use a ruby variable in an inline javascript in haml -

मेरे पास मेरे नियंत्रक में निम्न चर है class MyController & lt; मेरा haml दृश्य में applicationController def my_method @status = "status" end end देखें, मैंने निम्नलिखित का प्रयास किया है, लेकिन यह काम नहीं करता है (क्योंकि इसका उपयोग डिफ़ॉल्ट । एआरबी वाक्यविन्यास) # ऐप / दृश्य / mycontroller / me_method.html। शाम: जावास्क्रिप्ट अलर्ट (& lt;% = raw @status% & gt;) मैं अपने इनलाइन जावा स्क्रिप्ट में @status चर का उपयोग कैसे कर सकता हूं, अग्रिम धन्यवाद आपका कोड: : जावास्क्रिप्ट चेतावनी (& lt; & lt; & lt;; & lt; संभव समाधान: : JavaScript चेतावनी ("# {@ status}") संभव समाधान:

html - What are dpuf (extension) files? -

I have seen this extension in some URL and I would like to know what is used for it. It sounds weird, but I did not get any information about them. I think they are specific to some plug-ins. It seems that the 'share it' I have come to know that gives a fairly comprehensive explanation: This tag is mainly developed to share URLs on various social networks, so whenever everyone If a person copies the content of your blog, then it is .dpuf or .dpbs with # location and extension.

java - nullSafeGet in Hibernate 4 -

I'm upgrading to Hibernate 3 HubNet 4.1. java.lang.AbstractMethodError on org.hibernate.type.CustomType.nullSafeGet ( when running the application, an exception under found on org.hibernate.persister.entity.AbstractEntityPersister.hydrate (Abstret Antiteepirsistrkjawa 2701) on org.hibernate.loader.Loader.loadFromResultSet ( on Org.hibernate. loader.Loader.instanceNotYetLoaded to hydrate (Aberttaipkxavaoti 6) org.hibernate.loader.Loader.getRow ( on org.hibernate.loader.Loader.getRowFromResultSet ( on org.hibernate (Loader.java1473) Org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doOld on the phone. Start org on Loader.doQuery ( org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doQuery and InitializeNonLazyCollections ( On Orb.hibernate.loader.entity on hibernate.loader.Loader.loader.loader.loadEntity (Loderkjawa 2042) org.hibernate.loader.entity.AbstractEntityLoader.load ( Org.hibernat...

python - Why is the command 'sudo pip uninstall' not working? -

When I type the following command in Ubuntu, this is showing all the list of Python packages: $ sudo pip list adium-theme-ubuntu (0.3.2) apt-xapian- index (0.44) apturl (0.5.1ubuntu3) argparse (1.2.1) beautiful soup (3.2.0) Brlapi (0.5. 6) bzr (2.5.1) Charket (2.0.1) Command-Non-detected (0.2.44) Diesepak (3.0.0) Distribution (0.7.3) DNSPathon (1.9.4) Doctorate (0.8.1) Duplicate (0.6.18) GDITA (2.0.14) GNPG Interface (0.3.2) Hipplip2 (0.7.2) Jockey (0.9.7) Luis (2.3.0) Mercury (2.0.2) Nvidia- Omn (0.0.0) Onboard (0.97.1) One Conference ( PAM (0.4.2) Paramiko ( PaxPreate (2.3) PIP (1.4.1) Piston-Mini-Client (0.7.2 ) Pimdblu (1.3.2) Skutil (0.4.1) Psycopg2 (2.4.5) PyChart (1.39) Piccrp (2.4.1) Paikps (09/01/61) Paicrol (7.1 9.0) Paidot (1.0.2) Paineotifest (0.9. 2) pie OpenSSL (0.12) Paipring (1.5.2) Pyserial (2.5) pysmbc (1.0.13) python-APT (0k8k3ubuntu7k2) Python-LDAP (3.2.13) python-Opanid (2.2.5) python -Tharkhi (0.60.0) PxDG (0.19) P YYAML (3.10) ReportLab (2....

linux - checking condition then auto answer questions -

I have a question: If this is a way of checking the status, then auto answer questions such as Hedoodock ? I know that we can answer two questions (examples are given by the passwd command, for example): 1 ) Piping & lt; Password & gt; | Passwd & lt; Username & gt; 2) heredocs passwd & lt; Username & gt; & Lt; & Lt; EOF & lt; Password & gt; & Lt; Password & gt; EOF Now, Question : How to keep a condition to answer them /// if ['password' - EC 0]; Then & lt; & Lt; EOF & lt; Password & gt; & Lt; Password & gt; For example, this is not possible, any thoughts? #! / Bin / bash mdadm mdadm --create --verbose / dev / md0 --level = 5 --raid-devices = 3 / dev / sdc1 / dev / sdd1 / dev / sde1 - spare-device = 1 / dev / sdf1 If [$? -E 0 0]; Then & lt; & Lt; EOF OK EOF Elif [$? -a 0]; Then & lt; & Lt; EOF failed EOF fi heredocs and piping or any other solutio...

How can get the data of duplicate tags as comma separated value of xml in sql server using sp_xml_preparedocument? -

घोषणा @IDoc int decalar @ doc varchar (1000) SET @doc = '& lt; प्रश्न & gt; & LT; प्रश्न & gt; & LT; QuestionCode & gt; IFG_PG_P & lt; / QuestionCode & gt; & Lt; प्रश्नक्षेत्र & gt; प्लेट ग्लास कवरेज (वाई / एन) & lt; / QuestionText & gt; & Lt; FormNumber & gt; सीपी 1 9 15 & lt; / FormNumber & gt; & LT; AnswerType & gt; बूलियन & lt; / AnswerType & gt; & LT; ChargeType & gt; संस्करण & lt; / ChargeType & gt; & LT; ChargeAmount & gt; 3.0000 & lt; / ChargeAmount & gt; & LT; RateBasis & gt; भिन्न & lt; / RateBasis & gt; & LT; LOB & gt; संपत्ति & lt; / LOB & gt; & LT; सीमा & gt; & LT; स्ट्रिंग & gt; 25000 & lt; / स्ट्रिंग & gt; & LT; स्ट्रिंग & gt; 50000 & lt; / स्ट्रिंग & gt; & Lt; / सीमाएं & gt; & LT; LimitMin & gt; 1 & lt; / LimitMin & gt; & LT; LimitMax & gt; 2500 और ...

javascript - Jquery dropdown menu -

I'm having problems creating dropdown menus using jquery and css. I here is my html & lt; Nav class = "topNav" & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "# menu" class = "menu-toggle" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "img / main.png" / & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "# Social" class = "menu-toggle" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "img / social.png" / & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Neo & gt; & Lt; Div class = 'cssmenu' id = "menu" & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li class = 'active' & gt; & Lt; A href = 'index.html' & gt; & Lt; Span & gt; Home & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = 'is-sub' & gt; & L...

android - Gradle dagger lint: ignore by package -

I have created an Android project using Gradlle I have added a Dagger library Dependence {compile 'com.squareup.dagger: dagger-compiler: 1.2.1' compile 'com.squareup.dagger: dagger: 1.2.1'} Try to compile the project After I received a build failure due to lint exceptions: Invalid package: package is not included in Android ../../../ .. /../../. Gradle / cache / module-2 / files -2.1 / com.squareup.dagger / knife-compiler / 1.2.1 / c8bf6c2fda9b27f4d44a2aa4280df525a1408771 / dagger-compiler-1.2.1 .Jere: illegal package references in the library; Not included in Android: javax.annotation.processing Referenced from Dagger.internal.codegen.GraphAnalysisErrorHandler ../../../../../../.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/ Com.squareup.dagger / dagger-compiler / 1.2.1 / c8bf6c2fda9b27f4d44a2aa4280df525a1408771 / dagger-compiler -1.2.1.jar: illegal package references in the library; Not included in Android: javax.lang.model.type Referenced from Dagger.internal.code...

c++ - How to know when a new file is added to the file system in Windows? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 5 जवाब मैं अतिरिक्त मॉनिटर करना चाहता हूं सी ++ का उपयोग करते हुए विंडोज़ में फाइलों का नाम बदलना मैंने Google पर खोज की लेकिन कोई भी उपयोगी जानकारी नहीं मिलती। मैं Winapi, boost या Qt का उपयोग करने के लिए खोल रहा हूँ। आप फ़ाइल सिस्टम वॉचर का उपयोग कर सकते हैं यह भी देखें: जो आंतरिक रूप से रीडडायरेक्टरी चैनंगेडब्ल्यू का उपयोग करता है:

python - how to parse remote document? -

Please help parsing the document to the Internet Import xpr.m. Inidom import xml.dom.minidom to xml.dom.minidom import node import requests addr = requests.get ('') print (addr.status_code) doc = xml .dom.minidom.parse (str (addr)) # Load Dock in Object # Normally the front mapping = {} for the node in doc.getElementsByTagName ("book") is parsed: #Node2.childNodes in node3 For: Title = "": node3.nodeType == If node3 is the DOM object for node 2 isbn = node.getAttribute ("isbn" ) # # DOM Object API L = node. Gate Lenabitagnam ("Title") Node.TEXT_NODE: Title + = Node 3 Data Mapping [isbn] = Title # Mapping now has the same value as the SX instance pprint.pprint ( Mapping) This script does not work. The error message is: Traceback (most recent call final): The file "C: \ Winters \ Openers \ Open Servers \ Domain \ Localhost \ python \ parse_html \ 1 \" In the # load d...

Post on facebook wall from user's behalf -

I am new to development with Facebook SDK I have an app for a news agency ( Facebook app or Android app I'm not sure what kind of app I should create), which wants to post or share breaking news from Facebook's wall. Anyone who knows about this guide please thanks in advance check Link which shows that Facebook & amp; Posting messages to Facebook Wall via the original steps. Help it.

Programmatically turn on/off wifi on real iOS device with UI Automation -

I've already read one or two times that the WiFi on / off on a real iOS device (the iPad in my case) Does the UI automation script do not seem possible. I have also read that you can create a script with the target "settings" but it seems that this is for simulators only, am I right? Do you have any ideas or solutions for me? Regards, i was able to do this (just make sure that You are aiming to make the application when it is the first to do so): var target = UIATarget.localTarget (); Target.dragFromToForDuration ({x: 0.1, y: 557.00}, {x: 211.00, y: 206.00}, 0.5); // To expose the actions panel on iOS target.frontMostApp () MainWindow () Element () ["wifi"] Tapwid option ({tapoffset: {x: 0.44, y: 0.47}});

php image uploader which upload and rename file then insert the path in mysql -

Guys, need a PHP script that safely uploads images and changing the names of those with user ID and then update the MySQL database ISL path. Thank you in advance. "Post-text" Aitmprop = "text"> Use the code below Krenkkman U demo code Daito ... according to your requirement make changes. Pre-upload an image upload control in the design file. & lt; Form action = "process.php" method = "post" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "file" name = "file" id = "file" /> & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "submit" /> & Lt; / Form & gt; The code cast went PHP code file below I made process.php, but you can create a php file with any name, but make sure, form php file in action Pass the name of the property above. The process. Php & lt ;? Includes Php ('connection.php'); If ($ _FILES ["file"] ["error"]> gt; 0) {resonant "sorry...

Printing to parallel port connected printer from chrome apps? -

I would like to create a PDP that can be printed on an old POS printer connected to the parallel port of the computer. I have seen that Chrome apps support USB printing and can also control the serial port. Is it possible to control parallel port? Thank you. Today, there is no API to send data through parallel ports. Do you have to go through a USB-parallel port adapter?

android - Change the image in ListView automatically according to the conditions -

It can be a copy of the question just a few days back:. I got an answer, which completely fulfilled my requirement but not completely. I am posting it again because I want you people's attention. Sorry for that. In the activity class. Try {training.setTime (New Simple Format ("MM-dd-yyyy HH: mm") .pars (strDateTime)); Long distance = training .getTimeInMillis () - now. GetTimeInMillis (); If (difference in the adapter category; see public getView (see the status of int, seeview view, view group guardian) {seeholder holder; Int tmp_status = 0; If (convertView == faucet) {convertView = mInflater.inflate (R. layout. Training adapter, blank); Holder = new viewholder (); Holder.txtName = (TextView) Convertview. FindViewById (; Holder.trainingDetails = (TextView) Convertview. FindViewById (; Holder Lock image = (ImageView) Convertview. FandviewIID (RID lock image); ConvertView.setTag (holder); } And {holder = (seeholder) Conve...

vba - excel macro column auto-fill -

I have a spreadsheet that is helping to clean and use macros. I have temperature data in my column 'C'. I, like all data, some are missing. CC 1 37 1 37 2 35 2 35 3 - How would I write a macro which will fill the missing location with previous data? For example: ------ & gt; 3 35 4 37 4 37 5 36 5 36 The location is filled with data of C3C2. Thank you for your help. Give it a try: sub fixes (C) slow As long as N, I have long N = Room (rows.Count, "C"). End (XLEEP). For RAD I = 2 to N if cell (i, "c") = "" then cells (i, "c") = cell (i - 1, "c") end if next I end Sub

django - Python requests, keep getting 401 error when accessing an API -

I am trying to make a connection on this with the requests. In particular, I was trying to reach the "all applications" endpoint, I still have trouble creating an initial connection. & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import request & gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; Url = "" & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Header = {... 'authorization': 'token & lt; MyApiKeyIsHere & gt; ', ...' Content Type ':' application / json '...}> gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; R = requests.get (url, header = header) & gt; & Gt; & Gt; R & lt; Response [401] & gt; I'm a little confused about why I'm not getting an unauthorized connection to the API. If anybody can provide some signals, then it would be very helpful. It appears that the document value is actually a tok... - Dynamically populate AJAX hovermenu when hovering -

Loading When I instead of populating the whole gridview of the Hoverman data, I hover over a hover menu when I hover over it The page should be able to populate In other words, I need to populate them "on the fly". I have inserted the contents of the popup in the web user control with the example text. I then have this user control when popping from hover over a GridView line Here is the .aspx page: & lt; ASP:. Panel id = "popuppanel" runat = "server" cssClass = "modal" style = "display: none;" & Gt; & Lt; G3: order detailspeopleup id = "order pop up" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; / G3: Order DetailsPop & gt; & Lt; / ASP: Cell & gt; & Lt; ajaxToolkit: HoverMenuExtender id = "HoverPopupExtender" runat = "server" TargetControlID = "PopupPanel" PopupControlID = "PopupPanel" PopupPosition = "top" PopDelay = "0" / ...

javascript - Setting a value of a text field from a 2D array depending on the option of a dropdown menu -

I have a dropdown menu that provides options for the United States. The array of states is declared the controller in this form: @us_states = [['Alabama ',' AL '], [' Alaska '] now , I have another array (also as the controller) in which there is a number for each state, in this form: @ Electricity_table = [['Alabama', 0.078345], [ 'Alaska', 0.1211736], ['Arizona', 0.0773004]] with the change event, via jQuery, I warnings to see for states Value Rropdaun menu is the second column (ie AL , AK ). Now I want to set text_field with id = code> electr based on selected state. That is, if 'AL' is chosen, then as a jQuery: $ ('# electr'). Val (0.078345); How can I get this? I am new to Ruby and Ruby on MVC, so please support me Edit: This is a state dropdown code: f.input : Var_state_oth, label: false, wrapper :: andend%> & Lt;% = f.input_field: var_state_oth, archive: @states, ...

java - Login failed for user 'sa' -

I'm just trying to test my connection with SQL Server 2008: public class ForJDBC {public static void (String [] args) {try {connection Conn = DriverManager.getConnection ( "JDBC: sqlserver: //XX.XX.X.XXX: 1433; DatabaseName = mydb; user = Sa; password = my password "); If (conn! = Null) {System.out.println ("The connection is successful"); }} Hold (preclass preference) {ex.printStackTrace (); }}} but I am getting the following exception: User 'sa' ClientConnectionId: 96f7d048-9734-4fd8-8216-21231d89b2e6 ( at (SQLServerException.javamore16) on .sqlserver.jdbc.TDSTokenHandler.onEOF ( ( on

ios - How to Detect corners on image using GPUImageHarrisCornerDetectionFilter -

I am trying to find angles and cropping an image with a square in it. The method below tries to find the corners, but I'm not really sure how to eliminate the process. any idea? The optimal functions detect corners, using those corners will return the image crop and baked image (square in the picture). - (NSArray *) Corner FAImage: (UIImage *) Input Image {NSMutableArray * Results = [NSMutableArray new]; GPUImagePicture * stillImageSource = [[GPUImagePicture alloc] initWithImage: inputImage]; GPUImageHarrisCornerDetectionFilter * cornerFilter1 = [[GPUImageHarrisCornerDetectionFilter alloc] init]; [Konfilter 1 set tracehold: 0.1f]; [Cornerfilter 1 force processing acetise: self; size]; [StillImageSource addTarget: cornerFilter1]; [StillImageSource process image]; [Cornerfilter 1 setcornerated dotted block: ^ (GL Flat *, NSUntiger, CMTEM) {// Corners meet? }]; Return [Surface with NSArray array: Results]; } You are going to revert your corners in the arr...

arrays - Make dotted line following uibezierpath -

I have seen many examples of drawing a dashed line for iOS. I would like to draw a dotted line made of those chakras that follow my path. I want to use a shape layer so that I can animate the stroke which is being pulled on the screen. Any suggestions for drawing small dots that follow my Uibezer Path? On the contrary - is not it possible? If so, then I can arrange a bunch of circles with a path and then I can run again through the array of circles that make them visible? But how to array array with a bezier? I was able to draw a dashed line with circles between two: Uiviews: // dotted line CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor (Ctx, [UIColor redColor] .CGColor); CGContextSetLineWidth (CTX, 10); // relevant code CGFloat dash [] = {0.0, 10 * 2}; // relevant code CGContextSetLineCap (ctx, kCGLineCapRound); // relevant code CGContextSetLineDash (CTX, 0.0, Dash, 2); CGContextMoveToPoint (CTX,,; CGContextAddLineToPoint (ctx,, another...

Mutiple tag change within Javascript in HTML -

यह मेरा जेसन डेटा है [{"menu": {"menuID": "1", "ओमफीड" : "$$", "language": "1", "menu_name": "कोयोट ब्लूज़ लुइसियाना मेनू", "मेनू_विचार": "पूर्ण मेनू पूरे दिन सेवा प्रदान करता है।", "Menu_note": null, "currency_symbol": " "", "अक्षम": "0", "मेनू_यूआईडी": "लेक चार्ल्स \ u0000 \ u0000 \ u0000 \ u0000", "menu_duration_name": "सभी दिवस", "मेनू_विचार_टाइमस्टार्ट": "11:00:00", " यह मेरी जावास्क्रिप्ट है पूर्व> फ़ंक्शन मेन्यू_रेस्टोरिआईआईडी () {var क्वेरी = $ .getJSON ('मेनू / रेस्टोरेंटआईडी.जेसन', फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {console.log ("सफलता");}); Query.error (फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {चेतावनी ("त्रुटि");}); Query.complete (फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {var h = नया स्ट्रिंग (); var टेक्स्ट = $ .अर्जसेजसन (डेटा.प्रस्पतिक टेक्स्ट); // चेतावनी ("डेटा क...

Define Javascript Variable With Contents of URL -

I've got a GeoCoder website that will give me some data in some JavaScript code as a variable. The website only returns content: 38.393314, -122.83666, Sebastopol, CA, 95472. I need to pull this information from the website and put it in the string. abc = "38.393314, -122.83666, Sebastopol, CA, 95472" How can I do this? You can use it: var req = new XMLHttpRequest (); // Create an AJAX object ('GET', 'http: // Zip = 95472', true); // location and method req.send (); // send req.onreadystatechange = function () {// when it is ready (this.readyState === 4) {// ... which is code 4 console.log (this.responseText); // Then you have the response text}} This only works when the request is from the same domain, though (for security purposes). If you want to work it on any domain, you will need to use a proxy.

mysql - SQL Join multi tables -

मुझे ये 3 टेबल मिली: fieldValues ​​| मूल्य | formCustomizeValues ​​| ----------- | ------ | -------------------- | फील्डआईडी | आईडी | फॉर्म कस्टमाइज़फ़िल्डआईडी | ValueID | नाम | फील्डआईडी | | | ValueID | ----------- | ------ | -------------------- | और इन तालिकाओं के डेटा इस तरह दिखते हैं: क्षेत्र का मूल्यएं | मान | formCustomizeValues ​​| ----------- | ------ | ------------------- | 4 | 1 | 1 | 1 | जेम्स | 4 | ----------- | ------ | 3 | 4 | 2 | ------------------- | 2 | बेन | ----------- | ------ | | 3 | | डैनियल | मैं विशिष्ट क्षेत्र के सभी मानों को प्राप्त करने के लिए क्या करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। तो कह सकते हैं कि मैं FieldID के बराबर सभी मानों को पकड़ना चाहता हूं 4 , मुझे मिलना चाहिए: जेम्स बेन डैनियल लेकिन मैंने 5 अलग-अलग प्रश्नों की कोशिश की और केवल एक चीज जो मुझे मिल रही है वह है या जेम्स, बेन या डैनियल । यह क्वेरी है कि मुझे शून्य परिणाम : SELECT v। लौटकर `फ़ील्ड वाल्व` से FV बाएं जुड़ें` मान 'v पर फ़े। वैल्यूआईडी = v.ID बाईं तरफ formCust...

linux - Generate time serie in iso-8601 format using date command, how to deal with server system date origin offset? -

I have the following bash function that generates an age list in the Iso-8601 format on a machine that runs Ubuntu and It works fine. (Where to test input and IITTS bash work input) gen_epoch () {# USAGE: gen_epoch [start_date_iso] [end_date_iso] [increment_in_seconds] # @ # @ task: an era list Generate (era list in isodet format). # @ STDOUT Results: [Europe_list] # @ ErrorGode: 2 0 # # Test Arguments if ["$ #" -3]; Then repeat "$ FUNCNAME: Input Error [NB_Of_Input]"; Return 2 alif [$ (island $ 1 & amp;; / dev / null; resonance $?) -ece 2]; Then resize "$ FUNCNAME: Logic Error [$ 1]"; Return 2 Alief [$ (Island $ 2 & amp;; / dev / null; echo $?) -Ece 2]; Then resize "$ FUNCNAME: Logic Error [$ 2]"; Return 2 Alief [$ (IITT $ 3 & amp;; / dev / null; echo $?) -Ece 2]; Then repeat "$ FUNCNAME: Logic error [$ 3]"; Return 2 and local beg = $ (TZ = UTC date --date = "$ 1" +% s); Local end = $ (tees = utc date --dat...

c# - How I re-open WPF window in the same pragrom/application? -

Everyone, I would like an application that controls the window open and closed multi-time can do. For example, press 1, open a window; Press 2, close the window. And I got my code, which can only do this once. Can someone be good to help me correct? Thanks a lot. Public static zero main (string [] arg) {var appthread = new thread (new threadstart ((=) = & gt; {app = new testWpf.App (); app .ShutdownMode = ShutdownMode.OnExplicitShutdown; app.Run ();})); Appthread.SetApartmentState (ApartmentState.STA); Appthread.Start (); Whereas (true) {var key = Console.ReadKey () Key; // Press 1 to open (key == ConsoleKey.D1) {DispatchToApp ((=) New window (.) Show ()); } // Press 2 to exit (key == ConsoleKey.D2) {DispatchToApp ((=)> app. Shutdown ()); }}} Fixed Zero DispatchToApp (action action) {app.Dispatcher.Invoke (action); } When you close your app by calling the app. Shut down () You will need to open a windows of it to run it again. You should save the context of y...

PayPal Merchant SDK Does Not Work in Live -

Websiteprint with merchant SDK (PayPalMerchantSDK.dll, version 2.7.109 + PayPalcoreier DeDel PayPal example: Checkout of new setexpressDeskDetailType () As a slow retaking I am ready to go live, but the code working in the sandbox does not work in it I can not even generate an Express Checkout Token. Roots are: A "You are not signed up to accept payment for digitally distributed goods." ???? A ???? Subscription Profile Recurring payment is not supported by API. ??? ??? There is a big difference between my sandbox and live accounts which I kept telling people because I moved from person to person Your payment solution: Paypal Pro (The Sandbox seller account type is "Trade-Pro".) On the live business account, P> Your payment solution appears: Express checkout There is no substitute for changing paypal payment pro or anyone else can be the reason for this? Tech Support told me that I need to downgrade from PayPal Payments Pro to Websit...