Programmatically turn on/off wifi on real iOS device with UI Automation -

I've already read one or two times that the WiFi on / off on a real iOS device (the iPad in my case) Does the UI automation script do not seem possible.

I have also read that you can create a script with the target "settings" but it seems that this is for simulators only, am I right?

Do you have any ideas or solutions for me?


i was able to do this (just make sure that You are aiming to make the application when it is the first to do so):

  var target = UIATarget.localTarget (); Target.dragFromToForDuration ({x: 0.1, y: 557.00}, {x: 211.00, y: 206.00}, 0.5); // To expose the actions panel on iOS target.frontMostApp () MainWindow () Element () ["wifi"] Tapwid option ({tapoffset: {x: 0.44, y: 0.47}});    


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