loops - Subset vector based on table of logical values R -
I am trying to reduce a vector based on several inputs. File.list file names will be a vector that I want to subscribe, and species will be the species names that I want to search within the files.
file.list & lt; - c ("blah_cod", "blah_had", "blah_ggu", "blah_cod") species & lt; - c ("cod", "was") a & lt; ([,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1]] file.list [a [, 2]] with code I am currently able to achieve what I want, but I should be able to automate it, the number of columns will depend on the number of inputs of the species by the user. I tried this like this:
(i (1: ncol (a))) {b & lt; -file.list [a [, i]]} I along these lines Have tried too many combinations, but either I only know Or any idea to get a piece of information errors.?
grep in fact, rather than logical values can be used for return mail: # [[]] [# 1] "blah_cod" "blah_cod" # # [[/> lapply (species , Grep, file.list, ignore.case = TRUE, value = TRUE) # [2]] # [1] "Blahahid"
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