Google Apps Engine Backend - Javax.persistence missing - Android Studio -

I am trying to migrate to Android studio and my app engine code uses the unit framework listed below. P>
  Import javax.preistence.Entity; Import javax.preistence.Id; @ Entity Public Class App Version {@Id Private String Application Name; Private IT mini version required; Public string getApplicationName () {return application name; } Public int milnavian necessity () {return minVersionRequired; } Public Zero SetApplicationName (String Application Name) {this.applicationName = applicationName; } Public Zero Setin version required (int minVersionRequired) {this.minVersionRequired = minVersionRequired; Do not work to create a backend in Android Studio (0.5.6), I can not import javax.preistence. *  

From this I came to know that I have a firmness. There is a need to create an Xml file (it was automatically created in Eclipse) I can not understand where the file structure should go in the structure. I think it should be in the Meta-INF folder, but I do not know how to grade it (or if it is to be made in the Grade build build file). Current file structure:

  -src-main -java -com.package.test class files -webapp -css -js-web-inf   

Gradle Creating File: buildscript {{Treasures mavenCentral ()} {dependency classpath ' Gradle-appengine-plugin: 1.9.1'}} {Treasures mavenCentral (); } Apply plugin: applying means Java plugin: apply 'war' plugin 'App Engine' sourceCompatibility = 1.7 targetCompatibility = 1.7 dependence {appengineSdk ' appengine- Java sdk: 1.9.1' compile ' .appengine: appengine- endpoints: 1.9.1 'compilation' appengine- Antimbinduon- deps: 1.9.1 'compilation' Javaxkservlet: Srwlet- api: 2.5 '} {appengine downloadSdk = true appcfg {OAuth2 = true} endpoints {getClientLibsOnBuild = true getDiscoveryDocsOnBuild = true}}

Android App Engine Samples of Studio Jpa Usage C do not.

However, if you want to use J.A.A., you need to add JPA dependency, it tells you what they are

then they (or these

  • asynchronous-ap-jpg-3.1.3.jor 3.jar
  • jdo-api-3.0.1.jar
  • DayanuClius-API- jdo-3.1.3.jar
  • Dayanuclusius-Appeninin-2.1 2.jar
  • Geronimo-jpa_2.0_spec-1.0.jar
  • JTA-1.1.jar

    For those dependencies on maven.orgSee how to include them in build.gradle Files such as compile dependencies:


      compil 'org.ow2.asm: Asm: 4.0 '  

    Datanucleus-AP-JPA 3.1.3:

      compiling' org.datanucleus: datanucleus-api-jpa: 3.1.3 '   

    And so on.

    You want the versions to be consistent to ensure compatibility because they are in the epigain SDK. Also make sure you increase work on your project.

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