c# 4.0 - Linq OrderBy but ignore first word if "the" -
I have the following Linux expression to place an order, but I was wondering how to change it so that it Name, but ignore the first word if it is "the"
case studio. Orderbie (a => a.Name)
simple way (if there is more than one position between always short-case and words): case studio Programmed. Orterby (A => A.Names Started ("The")? A .name.Substring (4): a.Name) You can make the method with good Check descriptive names and this argument as well as tap and compare here:
Private string RemoveDefiniteArticle (string) {if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (s)); If (S. Start ("The", String Compression, Content Ignore Case) Returns. Asbestring (4). TrimStart (); Return s; } and use it
CaseStudies.OrderBy (a => RemoveDefiniteArticle (a.Name))
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