python - Setting up a virtualenv: No module named 'pip' -
I have a fresh installation Python 3.3.4 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 machine. I've successfully installed the latest version of Setuptools, Pip and Virtualenv globally:
dragon easy_install pipp install virtualenv Now when I I get the following stack trace to set up a VirtualEng using the virtualenv ENV : New Python in Python.exe Executable setupOutol, pipes ... complete output from command [redacted path] \ ENV scripts \ python.exe -c "import sys, pip; sys .. d \ "] + sys.argv [1:]" setuptools pip: traceback (make the most recent call): File "& lt; String & gt; ", Line 1, In & lt; Modules & gt; Import Year: There is no module called 'PP' ---------------------- ------------------ ... setuptools, pipe ... has been installed.Traceback (most recent call final): File "C: \ Python 33 \ File "C: \ Python33 \ lib \", line 73, _run_code exec (code, run_globals) file "c: rung_name", line "160" "Python33 \ Scripts \ Virtualenv.exe \ __", in line 9, in the & lt; module & gt; File: "C: \ Python33 \ lib \ site-packages \", line 824, Main SimLink = Options.symlink) Hail "C: \ Python33 \ lib \ site-packages \", line 992, Create_environment install_wheel (to_install, py_executable, search_dirs) "C file: \ Python33 \ lib \ site-packages \", line 960, in install_wheel 'PIP_NO_INDEX': '1' file "C: \ Python33 \ lib \ site -Package \ Virtualenvkpy"; line 902, call_subprocess% (cmd_desc, proc.returncode) in) OSError: command [path redacted] \ ENV \ scripts \ python.exe -c "import sys, pip; sys ... d \ "] + Sys.argv [1:])" "" setup code has been failed with error code 1 I've never had this error Have seen, and trace any stack, I have no doubt. I can successfully import pip from a Python shell. Does anyone help me fix this? Update - System-site-package flag
Useful proceedings Python B else Yug tickets for this issue:
- play
activate Warchualyen venv --no-setuptools - the Warchualanw (venv \ script))
- Download and manually install Do Pip & amp; Setup Tools in this Virtual Way
- Continue in Normal
Alternatively, downgrade to 3.3.3. This must be fixed in 3.3.5
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