javascript - Check Username Using Ajax in Jquery Validation Engine -
I am using a query validation engine:
I agree I want to use Ajax username field if user name already gets in db. It should be valid.
Here is my code & amp; I have tried to do something like this:
js: HTML: This gives an error in the alert:
"check the ajax username": {"url" : "Phpajax / ajaxvalidatefieldUser.php", // You want to give additional data on the Ajax call "Additional Data": "name = eric", // If you provide a "warning text oak", then this field is called "alertcard" If confirmed, it will be shown as a green prompt: "* This username is available", "Warning text": "* This usage "WarningTextload": "* Valid, Please wait"},
& lt; Input class = "valid [custom [ajaxUserNameCheck]" type = "text" name = "user name" id = "userName" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;
jqv: custom type is not allowed in ajaxUserNameCheck
& lt; Input class = "valid [custom [ajaxUserNameCheck]" type = "text" name = "userName" id = "userName" & gt; ; & Lt; Span id = "emailinfo" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ("# userName"). Focus Out (function () {var e = $ (this) .val (); $ .ajax ({type: "POST", url: "Username_validate.php", // AJAX file data: {e: e}, success: function (e) {if (e == 0) {$ ("# emailinfo"). Hide ();} and {$ ( "#emailinfo"). Html (e);}}});});});
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