ios - unsigned char allocation comes nils in offset value objective c -
I'm getting pixel color values with touch points. I've been doing this successfully but sometimes app error (EXC_BAD_ACCESS (CODE) = 1, address = 0x41f6864) The memory allocation problem is the source code for your reference.
- (UIColor *) getPixelColorAtLocation: (CGPoint) point {UIColor * color = nil ; @try {{CGImageRef inImage = drawImage.image.CGImage; // Create the screen bitmap context close to draw the image format ARGB is 4 bytes for each pixel: low, Red, green, blue CGContextRef cgctx = [self-createARGBBitmapContextFromImage: inImage]; if (cgctx == zero) {zero return; / * error * /} size_t w = CGImageGetWidth (inImage); size_t H = CGImageGetHeight (inImage); CGRAct Rect = {{0,0}, {w, h}}; // Attract the image in the bitmap context. Once we draw, then in the memory allocated for reference for the presentation / then the // will be the raw image Data in the specified color space. CGContextDrawImage (cgctx, rect, inImage); // Now we can get an indicator in image data related to bitmap // context. Unsigned four * data = {0}; Data = (unsigned char *) calloc (CGImageGetHeight (inImage) * CGImageGetWidth (inImage), CGBitmapContextGetHeight (cgctx) * CGBitmapContextGetWidth (cgctx)); Data = CGBTMAPCTextetataTata (CGTX); If (data! = Null) {// Offset X, underlines the pixels in data from Y, the data is 4/4 for 4 bytes of 4 pixels, W is the width of one line of data. Int offset = 4 * ((W * round (point.i)) + round (point.x)); // NSLog (@ "% s111111", data); Int alpha = data [offset]; /////// EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code = 1, address = 0x41f6864) int red = data [offset + 1]; Int green = data [offset + 2]; Int blue = data [offset + 3]; // NSLog (@ "Offset:% i Color: RGB one% i% i% i% i", offset, red, green, blue, alpha); Color = [UIColor colorWithRed: (red / 255.0F) green: (green / 255.0f) blue: (blue / 255.0f) alpha: (alpha / 255.0f)]; } // When finished, issue the reference / / CGImageRelease (* data); CGContextRelease (cgctx); // free image data storage for reference (data) {free (data); }} @chich (NSE Exception * Exception) {} Return color; }
Memory management in your code appears to be incorrect:
Announce data and assign it without any value: Unsigned four * data = {0}; Allocate the memory block and store it in the data - without any initial initial overwriting: data = (Unsigned char *) calloc (CGImageGetHeight (inImage) * CGImageGetWidth (inImage), CGBitmapContextGetHeight (cgctx) * CGBitmapContextGetWidth (cgctx)); Now get a reference of the different memory block and store it in data , calloc ' Ad block: data = CGITMAPCentextet (CGTX); Do some other stuff and then clear the block which you have not done calloc : free (data); If you are allocating your own memory buffer then you should send it to CGBitmapContextCreate provided you are using iOS 4+, your There is no need to allocate its own buffer. As a memory access error, you are not doing any check on the value of point and your calculation offset which is incorrect point Add checks to values of and offset and take appropriate action if they are out of range (you have to decide what this should be). hh
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