ruby on rails - ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished in AWS OpsWorks -

I have already tried various solutions given below, but still the only error is getting any Appreciate the lead.

root @ cumulonimbus: / srv / www / myapp / current / log # cat unicorn.stderr.log me, [2014-02-15T13: 59: 29.053668 # 19768] Info -: Refresh Gemstones [Deprecated] I18n.enforce_available_locales will be the default to correct in the future. If you really want to leave the recognition of your locale, you can set I18n.enforce_available_locales = false to avoid this message. I, [2014-02-15T14: 00: 11.666899 # 19768] Information -: ADR = / SRV / www / map / share / socket / unicorn.Sock FD = 14E, [2014-02-15T14: 00 Listening on: 11.667401 # 19768] Error -: ActiveCord :: Connection NoteStart (Activation :: ConnectionNotStablish) / Home / Deputy / Bundler / IMAP / RUB / 19.11 / Games / Activirus -3.2.11 / Lib / Active_Record / Connection / Adapter / Abstract /connection_pool.rb:410:IN 'recovery_connection' / home / deputy / bundler / mipp / rbi / 1.9.1 / games / act Cord -3.2.11 / lib / Skriy_rekord / Knnekshn_ adapter / Abstract / Knvensn_sipskripshn. In RBI 0571: `Recovery_conction '/ Home / Debor / Bundler / IMAP / Ruby / 1.9.1 / Games / Activated Card -3.2.11 / Lib / Active_Record / Connection _ Adapter / Summary / Consensation_specificationsRB: 45:` Connection' / Srr / www / myapp / shared / config / unicorn.conf: 31: 'block in reload' /home/deploy/.bundler/myapp/ruby/1.9.1/gems/unicorn-4.8.2/lib/unicorn /http_server.rb: 515: `call '/home/deploy/.bundler/myapp/ruby/1.9.1/gems/unicorn-4.8.2/lib/unicorn/http_server.rbitter15: in` spawn_miss Ing_workers' / home /deploy/.bundler/myapp/ruby/1.9.1/gems/unicorn-4.8.2/lib/unicorn/http_server.rb:140:in 'Start' /home/deploy/.bundler/myapp/ Ruby / 1.9 1 / Gemstones / Unicorn-4.8.2 / bin / Unicorn_relals: 20 9: `& lt; Top (required) & gt; /home/deploy/.bundler/myapp/ruby/1.9.1/bin/unicorn_rails:23:in 'load' /home/deploy/.bundler/myapp/ruby/1.9.1/bin/unicorn_rails:23:in ` & Lt; Main & gt; 'Root @ cumulonimbus: / srv / www / myapp / current # grep -r activ_record config / config / environment / test.rb: # config.active_record.schema_format =: sql config / initializers / session_store.rb: # MyApp :: application Config.session_store: active_record_store config / initializers / devise.rb: # ORM Load and Configure Supports: active_record (default) and config / application.rb: # requires "active_record / railtie" config / application.rb: # Config.active_record.observers =: cacher,: garbage_collector ,: forum_observer root @ cumulonimbus: / srv / www / merge / current # bundle show. Grep -E 'unicorn | Rail '

one ?? Rail (3.2.11)

one ?? ¢ Unicode (4.8.2)

  root @ cumulonimbus: / srv / www / myapp / current # gem -v 2.1.11 root @ cumulonimbus: / srv / www / myapp / current # ruby -v Ruby 1.9 .3p484 (2013-11-22 revision 43786) [x86_64-linux]    

The problem is sorted. Apparently, the share o'sworkers have references to ActiveCord in the Unicorn Kitchen Book, by commenting / removing the first_foc..and the entire block after ... helped us to deploy an app that uses mongoid.

We need to take advantage of the socket file. The port method in NginX is extremely beneficial for our app.

Two other work is to override the default key-values ​​from Stock Unicorn and the user starts automatically to share / script / unicon scripts as deployed.


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