Progress dialog bar loading error in android -

I tried to add custom progress dialog bar for my app

this one at a time The progress bar displays like

Enter image details here

This style is .xml code

  & lt; Style name = "theme.myDialog" parent = "@ android: style / theme.Dialog" & gt; & Lt; Item name = "android: textcolor" & gt; # Daac56 & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item name = "Android: Background" & gt; # 160203 & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; / Style & gt;   

This is the activity code.

  myPd_bar = new progression (,; MyPd_bar.setMessage ("Loading ..."); MyPd_bar.setTitle ("Please wait .."); (); Super.onPreExecute ();   

I want to change the font family, text color and progress dialog background color. It only changes content text color


I like this time

 Enter image details here

This title and text should have a color change. Can anyone tell me what I have done?

Create a custom style and add enough attributes as per your requirement

  & Lt; Style name = "theme.myDialog" original = "@ Android: style / theme dialog" & gt; & Lt; Item name = "Android: Text collar" & gt; # Daa212 & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item name = "Android: Background" & gt; # 001541 & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item name = "Android: Typeface" & gt; Monospace & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; / Style & gt;    


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