single sign on - How to implement worklight server side serverSessionTimeout? -

I am attempting to implement the server server timeline in the implementation server, I have the server session timeout = 5 and sso.cleanup.taskFrequencyInSeconds = 5 is enabled in but there is no luck. We have user DB entry for every user login, ideally after the session reaches 5 minutes, user DB entry should be removed, but I can not clear user DB entry from server side. I appreciate it that anyone help me on this.

As Iddo mentioned in the comments:

  1. Sso.cleanup.taskFrequencyInSeconds is related to a completely different feature
  2. server sessiontime directs the application server to invalidate the session after the specified server At the time, but the actual cleaning application may be at the discretion of the server (

    Therefore, to control the session, After that, just separating the application handles the memory threads.

    Is there any special reason that after the above version you should access the database and delete its rows Also it should not be "manual" automatically.


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