javascript - console.log is not working in iOS Phonegap App even after adding the console plugin -
I created a phonegap iOS app in Cordoba CLI. I've added the console plugin and yes the device is called successfully but console.log is not working and does not print anything in the XCode log.
Plugin installation: - Cordova-V add sudo cordova plug-in org.apache.cordova.console Sudo Cordova plugins Javascript: - I have resolved this problem by doing these steps < P> Step 1: I'm just copying a copy from a Cordova project where console.log was working Step 2: module Exports add code CURRENT_CORDOVA_PROJECT_PATH / Platform / iOS / www / cordova_plugins.js file under JSON Array Step 3: add the meta data on the same cordova_plugins.js file Modul.aksportkmad Eta JSON Array: - "org.apache.cordova .console ":" 0.2.7 "
Plugin is using the plugin "org.apache.cordova.console" through the registry - "org.apache Is starting to install .cordova.console "for IOS
Preparation of the iOS project - org.apache.cordova.console is installed on IOS.
['org.apache.cordova.console', 'org.apache.cordova.device', 'org' .apache.cordova. Dialogs ',
' org.apache.cordova.geolocation ',
' org.apache.cordova.globalization ',
' org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser ',
' Org.apache. ',
' notification ',
' org.apache.cordova.splashscreen ',
' org.apache.cordova.vibration ']
var app = {start: function () {this.bindEvents (); }, Bind Aventus: function () {document.addEventListener ('deviceready', this.onDeviceReady, false); }, OnDeviceReady: function () {app.receivedEvent ('deviceready'); }, Receive event: function (id) {console.log ('device ready'); // This warning is not working ("Applied Tools"); // it is working}};
sudo cp -r DIFF_CORDOVA_PROJECT_PATH / Platform / iOS /www/plugins/org.apache.cordova.console CURRENT_CORDOVA_PROJECT_PATH / Platform / iOS / www / plugins /
{ "file": "plugins / org.apache.cordova.console / www / Console Via "logger.js", "id": "org.apache.cordova.console.console", "clobbers": ["console"]}, {"file": "plugins / org.apache.cordova. console / www / logger. JS "," id ":" Orgkapachekcordovakconsoleklogger "," Clobers ": [" Cordowaklogr "]}
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