How to delete all text files from given directory in c++ -
I am trying to determine how to delete all the text files from the given directory. I am using Visual C ++ 2010 Express using Vijapi. I know how to delete the file, if you know the exact name of that file, but I would like to delete all the text files in that directory. This is my latest attempt:
Zero deleteFiles (WCHAR file []) {// WCHAR file [] is actually directory path ie C: \ user \ user / desktop \ folder \ // Characters [MAX_PATH] for four characters for future tasks to charge from WCHAR; Int i; (Int i = 0; file [i]! = '\ 0'; i ++) {// cycle through the array through each letter and place it in the new array file [i] = file [i]; } // Keep blank characters in the end file [i] = '\ 0'; // generated WIN32_FIND_DATA straight and FindFirstFile () WIN32_FIND_DATA fileData; FindFirstFile (file, and file data); // Display the filename message box (tap, file data files, L "check", MB_OK); } The message box only shows the folder that was selected, not the filename. Why is this happening?
A subtle problem is that your two variables get the same names and different With scope: A loop is defined outside and which is unpublished; Others declared inside the loop. The aspects I am referring to are the names i . Because there is no undefined defined outside the loop, when you use it as an index to end the path, its value is uncertain and you have undefined behavior.
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