c# - No table in windows phone 8 -
I want to pair the 3 string data in the table in wp8 but I know how to do this.
The problem is: - I get a response from the server so I for this string of strings for example desrlaized for example string a, string b, string ci display them as line on the phone's screen When I get another response, I get the second reaction like the old wire, tie them in the new row (keep the old line) ...... to get the whole table
Please help me I Saturate Has been tried sample but no data appears on the phone screen: -
grid layout = new grid (); Layout. Column definitions Add (New column Definition () {width = GridLength.Auto}); Layout. Column definitions Add (new column define () {width = new grid length (50)}); Layout. Rolledfiniez Add (New Lineology () (Height = New Grid Lingti (50)}) Layout. Add Hair (New Text Block () {}); // Read the foreach of children (UIElement element in Layout.Children) {// Read line and column property int row = (int) element.GetValue (Grid.RowProperty);} // Some arguments for storing row-columns of UIElement, if necessary // Get some text by writing the textbox textblocks lbl = Tie data. Children [0] as text block; Kary bind = new binding (); // logic for compulsive lbl.Setbing (text block, textproperty, bind);
These are two things, why your code does not work:
- You are not setting columns for your textballs - Grid .set column () < / Li>
- You are creating a grid, but you are not adding it to any stackpay or list box which is
- I'm not sure that you have foreac H have tried to achieve within the loop
- It is difficult to tell whether you 'argue for binding'
It's easy to:
In XAML, in your page:
& lt; Grid X: Name = "ContentPanel" Grid Line = "1" margin = "12,0,12,0" & gt; & Lt; List Box Name = "myList" & gt; & Lt; ListBox.ItemContainerStyle & gt; & Lt; Style TargetType = "ListBoxItem" & gt; & Lt; Setter Property = "Horizontal Content Alignment" Value = "Statch" /> & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; /ListBox.ItemContainerStyle> & Lt; ListBox.ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; Grid & gt; & Lt; Grid.ColumnDefinitions & gt; & Lt; Column width = "1 *" /> & Lt; Column width = "1 *" /> & Lt; Column width = "1 *" /> & Lt; /Grid.ColumnDefinitions> & Lt; TextBlock Text = "{Binding Text First}" Grid Column = "0" horizontal alignment = "left" /> & Lt; TextBlock Text = "{Binding Lesson Seconds}" Grid Column = "1" horizontal align = "center" /> & Lt; TextBlock Text = "{Binding Text Tardard}" Grid. Column = "2" horizontal align = "right" /> & Lt; / Grid & gt; & Lt; / DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; /ListBox.ItemTemplate> & Lt; / ListBox & gt; & Lt; / Grid & gt; In the code back - you just declare the observation compilation for the objects and set it as the items of the listbanks as sources. You also need to create a square with your data:
public class data {public string text first
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