reflection - What are the compiler generated implicit values in Scala 2.10? -

The following is written to:

With the manifest, make any request in effect maybe compiler generates a TypeTag only type Taiptag [t] is used to specify the underlying evidence parameter is if the compiler contained fails to find a matching unexpected value during the search, it automatically TypeTag [T ] Will generate.

stack Ovrflo tells answer clearly the concept of "extensive evidence" However, it will still generate entirely unclear whether this means that compiler for me A typewriter [T]

  • Does this mean that this "inherent evidence" is a special case of discovery? To wit. The classic typewriting [t] is handled in a special way when the compiler searches inherent? I tried to look at the underlying parameter values ​​in Scala reflection API, but I have no type was not provided Taittag [T], so I'm coming from inside the underlying parameter compiler that I consider Taiptag [T] (as the documentation says Are). Therefore, classname is difficult to source in the tipe bag [T] compiler. Is this belief correct?

  • Is there an automatic generation of underlying values ​​somewhere in the document? In other words, is there a document somewhere that automatically lists the underlying proofs that arise? I did not get the tipeag [T] in (version 2.9). The closest concept of the tipeag [t] is the manifest that automatically generates the underlying parameters. Can only the built-in value values ​​parameters in Skela 2.9 be revealed?

    Yes, Taiptags and weak tights with a vested exclusively Behavior is done. Now it is actually working, we are planning to remove this hardcode, but its implementation still remains.

    So far, source, code is not a document for automatic generation of the underlying values, which says that only the type tag and generate the manifest present:


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