PHP regex templateparser -

Dear programmer and code devil,

I have found this function

  & lt ;? Php function ListRow ($ name) {preg_match_all ("'{row name ='" $ name. "'} (. *?) {\ / Row}' si", $ this- & gt; Tpl, $ match); Return match [1]; }? & Gt;   

What is it going to do to get information between {row name = 'products'} and {/ row} Used to be. It receives data between tags if they are on the same line but enter them, it does not catch anything, I'm just stuck on it, so I appreciate some help and then some as well.

This works, for me (see the "return" row, this is the only difference in your code ..):

  & lt ;? Php Print Lynxsu ("ABC"); Function linkerave ($ name) {preg_match_all ("/ {line name = '" $ name. "' (. *?) {\ / Row} /", "{row name = 'abc' TEXT_SEARCHED {/ row}" , $ Match); Return match [1] [0]; }? & Gt; And now, test it ...:   
  $ php test.php TEXT_SEARCHED    


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