php - Event notification error in sql -

I have written the code for the event notification that is shown below. I want to store some information on the event date and set as the time specified, I can work at that particular time as any other table named PT. I have not received any error but after that incident the information is not stored in PT. Any ideas ...

  drop event `t1`; Prepare for '2014-02-17 03:43:00' on Disaster = `Route` @ Preferred on 'Localhost' EVENT T1; Select PT (PNA, DNA, TestName) Patient.pname, Doctor. Doknam, Test. Patient, doctor, test, assistant WHERE (Assist.Date = '2014-02-17 03:43:00') and (Assistant .pd = and (Assist.Did = and ( Assistant Ted = Test. TD); END    

You need event scheduler configuration for the event Is to work

The default status of the event scheduler is disabled .
you need to enable any of the following

  SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = ON; SET @@ global.event_scheduler = ON; Set global event_scheduler = 1; SET @@ global.event_scheduler = 1;   

When the event scheduler is ON , the event scheduler thread is listed as the daemon process of SHOW PROCESSLIST , and Its status is shown here:

  mysql> Show processist \ j *************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** ********* ID: 1 User: Route Host: LocalHost DB: Faucet Command: Query Time: 0 State: Cobble Information: Process List of Show ************ ** ************* 2. row *************************** No. 2 user: Event_scheduler host: local host db: zero command: daemon time: 3 state: waiting for next activation information: 2 rows in zero set (0.00 seconds)   

event scheduler , Then you have to see that it is working.

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