javascript - Modal pop up after submitting form on the same page -
I'm a whole newbie and I do not know how to do it.
What do I want: When I click submit on the form of my page, it goes to the servlet and loads the data in the database Again, as a confirmation of the load, it shows a successful model that I want to achieve something in which servlets do not redirect. That's it, it remains on the same page and shows a "Data-Leded Federal" model that pops up. I am using or < P> 2) Download the files and add them to your website (just like above but the files will be on your domain) Recommended You Edit Then you can call response.sendRedirect to redirect to another page in my servlet but I do not want to redirect, I would like to be on the same page in which Appears in a pop-up form page.
& lt; body & gt ; Tags:
& lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function pop_up_modal () {$ ("#modal_popup") .dialog ({height: 140, modal: true, title: "Title of your modal popup", open: function () {$ ("#modal_popup"). "Text that you want in the modal.");}}); }; & Lt; / Script & gt;
pop_up_modal () anywhere on your server.
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