vb6 - Getting the range in when given two date between -
I have a simple program in VB6. I have two text boxes and a list box. I put date ranges in the text box And the result comes in the list box. Example one text box 02/05/2012 and second text box 02/10/2012 Results list comes in the box
02/05/2012 02/06/2012 02/07/2012 02/08/2012 02/09/2012 02/10/2012
If any dtEnd as a date, dt dtStart date as any one guide I
If there is no valid date in MSBX "Lesson 2" then if there is no valid subdivision in text / then IsDate (Text1) then MSbbox "text 1 does not have a valid date" Quit the end if dtStart = CDate (Text1) dtEnd = CDAT (text2) 'Clear list list list 1. Clear as date for D. dt.nd list for d = dtStart 1. AddItem d next
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