javascript - What is this script doing? -

I have an ASP.NET MVC 4 application. This referrals to a JS file like this:

  & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "http: // localhost: 32967 / script / micros / mscript.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt;   

A block time was seen in the browser while downloading this script. Googling for this, I got a reference

When this script is added it has been blocked. In reality there is no blocking for any other script references. There was a big boost in this.

Does anyone please tell me what this script is? If this can be blocked by doing this then why is not it the best practice?

[ Update ] I changed script name from Script.js to MyScript.js because it is

  var urls = {commonUrl: "Http: // localhost:  

32944 /", myappurl: "http: // localhost: 32967 /", productUrl: "http: // localhost: 49880 /" }

This is in that file.


reference. Js is only in the form of a list of files that provide intellisense for this as the script reference in any HTML file by the original template not , as you claim in your question Are there.

If anything, adding the context of the script should slow the load time. I am going to an organ here and your measurement is wrong - adding this script in any way can speed up the loading time of any web page.

Edit : I See that you have updated your question now. If this is not actually _references.js, then you need to provide the contents of the file to answer us.


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