javascript - How to use images instead of text labels with google charts API? -
How am I using the Google Charts API to use images instead of text labels?
An example here comes in jsFiddle:
The main problem here is that if I had a new element, I would have to add a new image manually. Is there a way to swap label text for images?
For example, setting my array with
var array [['name', 'lead', 'proposal', 'opportunity'], [ 'John', 1000, 7000, 10000], ['& lt; Img src = "" /> `', 2000, 3000, 12000], [' N ', 2000, 5000, 12000], [' Steve ', 6000, 2000, 10000], [' Rachel ', 10000, 4000, 9000]]; I am facing the same problem, I suggest that after the chart is ready, you take the place in the dome, IMG is the src, for example replace it with a specific reference up2b60dv and then replace it with the code with the script above.
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