java - override close action in eclipse editor -

I have an eclipse RCP application, in which I created an editor which spreads the EditorPart: text after "itemprop =" text ">

I want its pass () editor to act in some release resource, so I have to take action or a method that just takes action before closing the event Came to want to override.

I had tried settlement () but for this to work on it for a long time.

Or there is any specific listener listening to the event near.

I want to do this:

  @ override public zero-off () {// do some relational releases related work}   < P>  Update :.  Basically I want to stop the event close to an editor   

You can use IPartListener For this purpose:

  spreads yourEditor to the public class EditPart {@Override Public throws init (IEditorSite Site, IEditorInput Input) PartInitException {getSite () GetPage () AddPartListener (New IPartListener) {@Override Public Zero partOpened (IWorkbenchPart part) {// TODO Automatic Created Method Stub} @Override Public Zero partDeactivated (IWorkbenchPart part) {// TODO Automatic Created Method Stub} @Override Public Zero partClosed {IWorkbenchPart part} {// TODO Automatic Created Method Stub} @Override Public Zero partBroughtToTop (IWorkbenchPart part) {// TODO Automatic Created Method Stub} @Override Public Zero Part Active (IWorkbenchPart part) {// TODO Auto generated Method stub}}); }}    


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