ios - How to Modal or Present a viewController in Cocos2d V3? -

How do I present or control a view controller from the Cocos 2DV3 view?

I am trying to add a game in the ViewController in a game I created in Cocos 2D V3.x which is loaded with the traditional HelloWoldsin but from what I have searched and searched so far It has not worked. (OpenGLView, AppController)

I had left and tried to add a view by adding the following two rows -

  Loginviewer controller * myView = [[Log Inview controller alloc ] Init]; [[[CCD Citizen Share Director] View] Window] Adsview: MyViews];   

It presents a view at the top of the scene, but is setting anything. Delegate = self crashes on any application I believe this because I am loading a view instead of a view controller that leads to my main question.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I do not know why it was not working on other efforts for me, but it is still That's my answer for someone who spends 3 days to find it -

  #import "LoginViewController.h" - (zero) loadMyView {loginviewcontrolr * myView = [[log Invoice controller alloc] init]; [[CCCCitator Shared Director] Current Model View Controller: MyView Animated: Yes]; }    


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