PayPal Gateway Integration in ASP.Net C# -

I want to integrate PayPal gateway in my website. I need a return URL with the required parameters like other payment gateways, which Returns some parameters in which payment is successful and transaction ID etc.

in web.config

  & lt; App settings and gt; & Lt; Add Key = "Token" value = "PW1BDVNqVPVanwduF_Tb2Ey91aT1Uhx1kL7HPc-7e8S-6AnUwSSHyasolSe" /> & Lt; Add key = "paypalemail" value = "@" /> & Lt; Add key = "PayPalSubmitUrl" value = "" /> & Lt; Add key = "FailedURL" value = "" /> & Lt; Add Key = "SuccessURL" value = "" /> & Lt; / AppSettings & gt; (String item, string, string, string phone, string email, string currency) {string redirecturl = ""  

; // Redireable at the Pipel site + = "" ++ Configuration Manager Specified URL for redirecting app settings ["PayPalmail"]. Toasting (); // The first name I specify static based on the login. This value is redirel + "& amp; first_name =" + name; // City I change the user expansion steady on the extension; You redirect this value + = "and city = Bhubaneswar"; // State I suspend fixed on the logged user extension; You redirect this value + = "and state = Odisha"; // product name redirecturl + = "& amp; item_name =" + itemInfo; // product name redirecturl + "" and zodiac = "+ zodiac; // no phone redirection +" "and" night_phone_a = "+ phone; // product name redirecturl + =" & amp; Item_name = "+ itemInfo; // address redirecturl + =" & amp; Address 1 = "+ Email; // Business Contact ID / Redirectional =" & Business = Ketapankum @ "; // Shipping Charge if any redirecturl + =" and shipping = 0 "; // if any Redirecturl + = "and handling = 0" handling fee; // Add a redirection + = "end tax = 0"; // quatity; I added only a statically redirecturl + = "and volume = 1"; // currency code redirection + = "And currency =" + currency; // return of return page URL redirecturl + = "and return =" + configuration manager. AppSettings ["SuccessURL"]. ToSt Ring (); // Failed Returns Page URL redirecturl + = "& amp; Cancel_Railter = "+ Configuration Manager. AppSettings [" Failed URL "]. ToString (); Response.Redirect (redirecturl);}


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