excel - How to copy and move data in Spreadsheet using a Formula/Script -
I used this code in Excel when this data came
EG If the word "greg" appears in cell A1, then data from B1 will go to F1
I need to know how to do this in the spreadsheet
Appreciate the aid
VBA version below
private sub worksheet tag (target by way of range) 'to see Check whether any price is being changed in your predetermined range, do not know (target, range ("A1: A5000")) 'nothing' A check whether "Greg" is one of the words entered in a cell if InStr (goal, "Greg") & gt; If so, then enter that call from column B to the column F cells (target row, "F") = cell (target row, "b") cell (target row, "b"). If the clear contents end, then the end of the
A1 has the text GREG , you FIND function: = FIND ("GREG", A 1). This will return the status of A1 within GREG . However, if the text was not found, it returns an error, so when the text is not found, you can use FIND with the ISERROR to control the situation. If you copy the above formula into your F1 cell and copy it (Indre ("Grig", A1) = =). Paste all other cells in the column, TRUE, "", B1) and F >> columns and see the contents of B1 Where GREG in A1 , or is not empty.
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