c# - Why must write O AS INT and can't write (INT)O -

I like to use the as operator in John Skeet's book with such a type Example found, which allows the zero value.

  using the system; Class A {static white printAUscient 32 (object o) {int? O; as nullable = int ;; Can not write // int? Nullable = (int?) O console Wrightite (nullable.HasValue? Nullable.Value.ToString (): "Zero"); } Fixed zero main () {PrintValueAsInt32 (5); PrintValueAsInt32 ("some string"); }}   

I can not understand why I can not write int? Nullable = (int?) O ? When I try to do this, I'm getting an exception.

Because checking first cast Types are not variable for each other, then it only gives zero and avoids invalid cut exception .

When you are passing a string in the second call in the second call, which is not variable for int, then try to use the clear artist Time Receiving an Exception


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