Updating SQL server table with vb.net 2010 datagridview -
I have trouble updating my database table with datababridge, I have read some thread about the problem and some Not even my case. Here the code I use is DataGridView populated. This sub process with code says: I used already MyAdptr .update but I table While getting an error about mapping, I tried to settle and also said that in the sub process, to try to quote a lot out but it still does not work. Anyway, fill the DataGridView properly and update the changes made in the database. I think that here my last resort will be looping through each record, data will be updated in the data grid view according to current data. Please help try this:. public DATE filldatagridserver (as byRef SQL string, byRef DG as DataGridView) MyDataset Dataset = new dataset myAdptr.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand (sql, cnSQL) myAdptr Fill (myDataset) dg.DataSource = myDataset.Tables (0) dg.AutoResizeColumns () myAdptr.Dispose () myDataset.Dispose () cnSQL.Close () End Sub
call filldatagridserver ("select * from tblQuarterCollection", dg quarter)
Private sub-btnAdd_Click (as the object, in the form of e EventArgs) handle btnAdd.Click add new as SqlCommand addcmd ("(insert in tableName value @ col1, @ col2) ", YourConnectionString) addcmd.parameters.addwithvalue (" @ col1 ", txtCol1.text) addcmd. Parameters.addwithvalue ("@ col2", txtCol2.text) addcmd.executiononQuery closing sub
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